26M nude house cleaner

Okay here we go. I work free lance cleaning houses inside an undisclosed country club near the Great Smokey Mtns. Yesterday I arrived at one of my special clients houses. I park in the rear drive and go up the back stairs to the laundry room door. Once inside I take off my shoes, shirt, pants and underwear. I’m buck naked, this client wants me nude the sec i enter her home, and I walk out into the living room. “Hello Mrs [Name]” I say with a grin as I enter. She is having coffee in the attached kitchen with a woman I don’t know “Hello, W I see you’ve trimmed since last time” The Client greets me while holding her mug. Her guest turns, previously had back to me, and exclaims “oh my! Well hello there young man”. Both women are in their mid 40s. I walk over to the counter and pickup my days list of chores. The guest blushes and trys, barely, to not look at me. I talk with the client for a few minutes, chit chat, then excuse myself to get to work. I clean the shower and wipe down the bathroom then clean the windows on the back part of the house. The client and her guest move to the deck just outside. They sit facing the house. Next I mop the kitchen and vacuum the TV room. The client’s guest leaves, after saying goodbye to me also. I gather the laundry from the hampers and do a load then I change the bedding while the client makes calls and watches television. Usually in the room i’m in. The last thing I have to do before I leave is walk her dog, she has a large high fenced backyard, and when I’m done I go talk to the client. She ordered a pizza earlier and gives me some. Then its time to go so i quickly fold the laundry, dress and make my way to the next client where I gotta wear clothes…

Pls forgive grammar, also this isnt the best of my stories its just the one I decided to start with. Lemme know what you think!

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/mrsu9u/26m_nude_house_cleaner


  1. Love little insights into this kind of job. Would it be to much to ask for a ballpark of your average fees?

  2. Strippers are the only home service which they turn up on time to their jobs. She is merely insuring you turn up at the time you specified because you are counted as a stripper who cleans the house.

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