I (F21) took my friend’s (F19) virginity before she knew she liked girls (Long)

Hey, so Holly’s been bugging me to get my butt on this site and post some stories. And she lives in my basement now so the harassment’s pretty much nonstop. I agreed to post one and then see where it goes from there.

Oh, I’m Gwenn by the way. If you’re having trouble telling us apart, Holly’s the really friendly one. She likes *everyone* … I usually don’t give a shit. Also she prefers to play with boys, whereas me – guy, girl, I don’t discriminate.

Which brings us to this story.

So I met this girl in high school. Actually, she kinda met me through my best guy friend, who she had a massive crush on. Except that he was gay AF. Not that she knew that. Yet. I was the one to tell her that. I felt bad, and wished I didn’t have to, but you gotta address the elephant in the room sooner or later. Normally I wouldn’t really care, but this girl was like super sweet, and it was shitty to let her down like that. So I kind of took her under my wing. I gave her some of my raspberry PEZ, and the rest was history.

The three of us stayed friends, and by that I mean she basically trailed the two of us everywhere we went, which I didn’t mind, cause it seemed like she didn’t really have anyone else at school she was close to. She was kind of awkward when it came to making friends, but I didn’t have a problem with her.

Plus I was starting to like this girl. Not seriously, at least not yet, but she was so fucking adorable. Like Muppet or Disney level shit.

Everything was new to her. She must have overheard me talking about someone I was doing once, because she straight up asked me in the middle of a crowded classroom one day who I was ‘blowing.’ I’m honestly not sure if she knew what that meant or not. I know I definitely didn’t have a fucking clue what she was talking about at first, and when she told me I changed the subject. Awkward or not, she had this way of seeing inside you which was unnerving as hell at first, but also kind of … I don’t know. Nice? Cause you could tell she didn’t judge.

Anyway, I’m rambling.

So she was a couple of years younger than me, so was still at school when I graduated. But we stayed in touch after that.

She was writing a fantasy novel and I promised to help her with that. I’m a writer myself, and even showed her something I was working on. I still don’t know for sure why I did that. I never show anyone anything I write. It would just be too much. But I trusted her … for some reason.

So we met up a couple of times at a nearby Starbucks to work on her stuff and I got really into what she was writing. Like, low-key demanding that she make a character based off of me kind of into it. She was all for it, but wasn’t sure who the character would be or how she’d fit into everything.

But I had some ideas …

And the more into it I got, the more excited she seemed to get. Until the next time we met up to work on it (at my place this time) and things started heating up. First in the story … then between us.

My character had the power to hypnotize people and basically put her character in a trance while my character disguised herself as her character and made out with her boyfriend. Pretty tame, but you could tell she was getting really turned on. She tried to hide it, but her face was getting more and more red and her voice was getting more and more unsteady and she couldn’t look me in the eye after a certain point.

I noticed this and started having a little fun, playing with her, brushing her leg with my foot to explain how my character would hypnotize people, taking her journal and writing some of my own stuff in it, not holding back …

How my character put hers in the trance, stalked across the room to her, took her by the scruff of her neck …

We were sitting really close together on the couch by now, and when I took her by the neck for real to show her how the character would do it …

We locked eyes and didn’t look away.

I didn’t let go.

Our faces were inches apart.

I could feel her pulse pounding beneath my fingers.

So I did what both of us wanted but only one was brave enough to do.

I took her face in my other hand …

I leaned in …

And I finished the rest of the scene.

As we started making out for real.

You could tell she’d never kissed anyone before (boy, girl, anything) and didn’t know what to do with her mouth.

I was more than happy to instruct.

Her pulse was drumming faster and faster. Her breathing was fast and hard. She seemed totally blown away by what was happening. Totally bewildered, but totally into it.

I figured out pretty quick she’s the type to get all weak in the knees when she gets hot. Fuck, she was practically swooning right there on the couch.

That was all the invitation I needed.

Without pulling away, I put a hand on her shoulder and pushed her onto her back.

I broke my hold on her mouth just long enough to see her go down … and see the look in her eyes. Wide and reeling and helpless and thrilled.

But I could do better than that.

I crawled toward her.

I climbed on top of her.

Locking eyes with her the whole time, I undid the top of her pants and slid my hand down the front of her underwear.

I found her clit and pressed down – very gently – but she closed her eyes and jerked her head back and inhaled sharply. Other than that didn’t make a sound.

Her breathing resumed its fast and hard pace.

I started stroking in slow, pulsating movements.

Her breaths became long and languished, but she still wasn’t moaning.

I thought I knew what she might need. For some girls, clit alone is not enough.

I pulled away long enough to take hold of her pants. I could smell her on my fingers.

She opened her eyes and looked at me sort of accusingly – why did I stop? – but then she realized what I was doing and let her head loll back, totally overcome again, even though I hadn’t even touched her yet.

I slid her pants and underwear down just far enough to take up my old place and got a finger from my other hand inside her. Just one – I knew for a fact that girl’d never had so much as a tampon in there.

She gritted her teeth and inhaled sharply again, but I couldn’t tell if it was from pain or pleasure. For some girls it’s like that the first time, especially if they’ve never been penetrated with anything before.

But I knew what would be better.

I slid my finger further in – past the unforgiving entrance – and found the spot inside, on the upper inside wall, half a finger-length up. I only had to touch it and she sucked in a breath, and when I pressed it and resumed my rhythm outside too, I had her.

A whimper escaped her. Only a small one, and lost deep inside her breath, but it was enough for me.

I smiled.

I didn’t stop.

I kept pumping and stroking, in sync and separately, faster and faster.

And when she finally came, it was fluttery and disorganized and twitchy and just as fucking adorable as the rest of her. Fuck, I don’t think she’d ever even masturbated before, or if she had she certainly hadn’t come before.

That was when I took my hands away.

She opened her eyes then and looked at me like she didn’t know exactly what had just happened, but she wanted more.

So did I.

Let’s just say the story didn’t get finished that day, but something else got started.

But I’ll save that for another day.

Kay, so that’s pretty much it. Hope you liked it. Actually, fuck that – I really don’t care. I’m a lit major, so I know it’s good. And I’m not sorry it’s so long.

But if you’re still here for some reason … I might have some shorter ones in the bank that I could post later. This was kind of fun.

Feel free to hit me up with a private message … if you don’t mind rejection. Maybe I’ll get back to you. Depends. We’ll see if I like you or not. But no promises. I’ve got better things to do with my life than sit around waiting for my phone to ping, or respond to gross guys drooling over me or just trying to get off.

But … If you’re nice and behave, I might promise not to … ?

Or if there’re any virgins out there. I’ve got a soft spot for sweet inexperienced guys and girls and am always down to give advice. Let me know.

If you’d like to see more, check out my bio.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/mr46nn/i_f21_took_my_friends_f19_virginity_before_she


  1. Sounds like an amazing experience, definitely gets the mind going. Very well written and engaging, absolutely love the detail. Thanks for sharing. Might take you up on the pm offer and see if I pass ?

  2. Wow really well written storry, loved it. Also really liked seeing the informal bits you added like this: “Kay, so that’s pretty much it. Hope you liked it. Actually, fuck that – I really don’t care. I’m a lit major, so I know it’s good. And I’m not sorry it’s so long.”

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