The Bitch of the Pentagram [Chapter 3]

Madelina slept in. She woke up in the late afternoon hours, this was unusual of her, but she felt so refreshed, so full of energy, as if the previous sleepless nights had not happened at all. Her troubling breakup, her impulsive decision to move places all seemed normal and like everyday life now. As she entered the shower there were bits of dried up semen dropping from her groin, but she barely noticed any of it as the cold water hit her body. Right after breakfast which was also her lunch now, she cleaned a few remaining spots in the room she was sleeping in and the kitchen. Her bed was somewhat sticky and messy, but she simply washed the sheets with soap and water and hanged them on a line which she fastened from the window to a nearby tree. The half open basement door which had a large bucket by the bottom part of the stairs was simply ignored by her. It was a feeling of routine for her “oh just carefully go around this place here”. Even the strong odor of animal semen seemed to go unnoticed.

After making sure that the kitchen and her bedroom were as clean as the situation allowed, she decided to go visit the nice farm lady again. From all the ogling yesterday she was at a complete loss at first when she saw her, but like a reflex she shouted from afar: “Hello Sarah! Just stopping by for a quick chitchat!” Sarah welcomed her and told her about the incident which happened last night by the stables. “No way, so much semen? I couldn’t have imagined!” Madelina said in a surprised tone, but her vagina suddenly itched. She herself did not know what this meant, “I even took a shower right after waking up…” she thought to herself. Her body seemed to be the only part of her which remembered. Sarah realized that she felt a bit uneasy, but did not ask anything. “Well, dear, do you still have enough food? Actually, I’ll go fetch some more eggs for you…” Madeline followed her, but soon went to a shed nearby the stable instead. She saw a device, looking much like a syringe but with a long plastic needle bundled with it. It was much longer than what she saw on TV being used for women. The demon took over her mind and she was made to put the device under her tee. She situated it between her breasts, leading down into her jeans, giving it a perfect, snug fit. Just as she was done with this a voice could be heard “There you are, I was looking for you!” “Same here” Madeline responded with a small giggle. “See those syringe things? Wonder what I’m gonna do with so many this year if my stallions happen to fuck some random mare at night again.” They both laughed. At night Madelina felt a sudden, vibrating sensation in her lower abdomen. It only lasted for a brief moment, so she thought it was the bead which was now finally shaking in order to come out.

As she fell asleep the small bead started moving inside of her. It rolled around her cervix and its wall, before it entered her. Now as it rolled in, she started to behave as if she was being dragged, and it started to guide her. The bead was now visible on the skin of her belly and pulling her through the still dusty carpets, basement stairs all the way to a large door. The entrance to the room in the basement was opened at a slight spin of the bead. The demon seemed to have more and more power, but its plan was far from completion. Within the large room there was a pentagram and various runes drawn with chalk and demonic fluids, which had the characteristics of both semen and grool, on each surface. The bead now pulled her unconscious body to the middle of the otherworldly circle and started growing in size. Her belly convulsed and stretched as the bead grew and changed shape within seconds. Her vagina started dripping grool, but there was also some blood dripping out of it. A force started stretching her legs apart, as if helping to give birth to the dark creature which was now making its way out. She was in agony now, she screamed and had several outbursts of unintelligible voices which resembled words. Her vaginal walls shivered and pushed as nature intended to, but a black, spherical object popped its head out of her entrance now. It resembled images of black holes, eerie in appearance. But just as the sphere came out of her, fully stretching the limits of her meathole and leaving it agape, her facial expression turned from contorted to peaceful and took a long look at what came out. She was mesmerized, it seemed the most beautiful thing to her. The transformed bead was now approaching towards her face, as if she understood its intent she opened her mouth obediently and let the large ball of energy enter her mouth. Her teeth didn’t feel a thing as it changed shape to fit her insides, it slowly stretched her throat and filled her whole stomach, then lower abdomen, then even her genitals. She felt an energy surround and fill her. But just as it entered her groin area, a shining red light emitted from it, a symbol of some sorts was shaping itself on the lower half of her belly. It looked like a symbolic representation of her uterus and vaginal canal. A heart seemed to form inside a small circle, representing her eggs in her ovaries. The sudden changes to her body dried her out and she was now craving water more than anything, but she was not able to stand up, the demon did not let her. Not until she was made to recite several lines of incantations and various grunts. She knew, despite not understanding a single word, that she was being made to welcome that thing, that devil like dark energy, into her body and let it, through her body, sin as much as it pleased. Just as her mouth stopped producing sounds, her genitals felt like they were in a lot of pain from craving to be filled. It felt like she was ovulating, but at least one hundred times.

She was now begging to be impregnated, her whole body shook violently, she begged and screamed. The bucket was now pulled into the room, together with the syringe she stole that day. “Oh please, let me inject myself with all of it, please please please.” as she pleaded, the demon possessed the horse semen and filled the syringe to the brim. It was now held to her vagina. Madelina could not stand waiting anymore, as if breaking invisible shackles, she grabbed the syringe, pushed it right into her vagina, right up to her uterus and injected all the cum into it. As the hot load entered her, she orgasmed harder than on any of the previous nights before. The tattoo-like symbol fulfilling its role of fertility enhancer now changed its shaped, as if it were locked, but the key seemed to be drawn outside the entrance too. The earlier small ovary symbol was now encircling all of it. It throbbed and glowed until it finished changing its appearance and stayed as a permanent dark red “tattoo”. Madelina passed out and washed away most of the circle on the ground with her urine gushing out of her.

The next morning as she woke up, she noticed that her belly was twice the size as yesterday. She was now fully aware of the things the demon made her do, but not as her old self, she felt more like she had changed, grown as a person even. Her belly did not bother her much, at least not until the fourth day. By that time it had grown into a very big ball shape, which was pointing out of her shirt quite visibly and making her look as if she was ready to pop, but with twins. That day however she was running out of food and decided to go to the store, because she was not ready to present herself in front of Sarah yet. The store was a few miles away from her farm, but she managed to walk all the way there without any issues. She felt great, full of energy even. But as she was about to exit the store with her wares, she felt a hot sensation coming from the inside of her body. It was gradually getting hotter and drawing a larger circle inside of her, reaching outwards. As she had a surprised and slightly pained look, some people started asking if she was okay, whether she needed an ambulance. She said she was fine, she just needed to go to the restroom.

As she burst into the stall, she closed the lid down, but as she was about to sit down, her whole body grew even hotter and stood still. Her belly was now not the only part of her which was growing. Her protruding belly burst open her jeans, the button on it hit the door and left a mark on it. Just after that her large ass started escaping through the fabric. Both her asscheeks grew in firm thickness and were poking out under the back pockets of the torn jeans. Her breasts which sought freedom from their oppressor tore the brassiere right off her chest and her dark, fully erect nipples poked out from the open shirt. But she still felt incredibly hot, her clitoris seemed to be especially hot and throbbing. Suddenly she felt her panties being pushed out into the front, as if she had a large toy inside of her which was now escaping. But just as she looked down she saw a huge, thick penis greet her which was now standing erect and “watching” her with its urethra. It quivered around as it rubbed against the soft fabric of her shirt and panties, she felt an ecstasy like never before. It was over in a flash after her penis felt the sensation of her soft breasts, just as she was trying to enjoy it longer, her newly grown meatrod ejaculated right into her face. Just as the shower of fresh cum hit her face she instantly opened her mouth to taste her new fluids. Her penis only stopped ejaculating after her whole upper body was sprayed full of semen and she filled her belly, which now grew at least a centimeter from drinking plenty of it. She gave the last few drops a proper gargling in her mouth, twisting it around with her tongue and savoring its slightly bitter taste, which she seemed to enjoy very much.

She wanted to masturbate right there and then with her newly grown toy for which she was very grateful to the demon. Not only did it let her enjoy all those pleasures before, but now she was presented with the gift of the opposite gender. However the demon subdued her, this was not the time nor the place to begin. It could not afford letting her get caught here. Her raging erection suddenly weakened, her large penis which reached all the way between her breasts, was now the size of a cucumber and rested nicely under her vagina. She calmed down and obediently started washing whatever was left on her upper body in the small sink. She looked somewhat decent now, after fastening her loose ponytail. She managed to tear off some of the jeans parts, so it looked like very short shorts now. Her shirt had lost some buttons, but she managed to hide her breasts under the fabric, while it was still slightly see-through. As she left the stall with her large breasts dangling freely above her belly, her ass squeezing out of the short denim shorts, people, both male and female couldn’t resist looking and staring at her with lust filled eyes. While everyone was completely put under the spell of pure sexual attraction, she was able to leave the store without any trouble.
