Nature’s will.

It’s spring. All around me, the farm I’ve built with my own hands thrums with life.

There is a force, a current to spring. I can feel it coursing through my body as I work. The sunlight, the green grass, my crops. Everything is rushing to grow, to reproduce, to create new life.

That force is compelling, pulsing with the steady heartbeat of life. I feel it waking early in the morning. Tending crops. Delivering new calves. I feel it in me, stronger and stronger each day.

And I know you feel it too. You ache for it, yearn for something you can’t even articulate. Working and rushing through life, a woman in a city – surrounded by grey faces, feeling only emptiness. You need it, like I need it. To feel what I am so attuned to. The pulse of life, pulsing through us.

Your dreams are haunted by me. Aching visions of raw, needy sex in a field of green. Taken by me – a man who creates and nurtures life with his hands, his very soul. The power of Nature, around us – inside us. Pulsing in the birdsong as I lay your body down in my field. Humming through your spine as my hips part your thighs, your legs close around me.

I enter you, fill you. Every sense is heightened, strumming with intensity, building in pleasure. There is a growing awareness of the raw force and power of what we are doing, what we are making. Sex alone cannot explain it. It is more.

My thrusts build, bare and hard and exquisite within you. Clouds race across the sky, seeming to speak to you with some hidden significance. Your mind is riven by passion and pleasure, but new thoughts break through.

Destiny. Purpose. Something has brought you here, under a man in the prime of his strength, filled with him, surrounded by Nature, on the verge of orgasm so intense it frightens you. The sun shines on the fields, on my muscles, on the warm ground beneath you. And you know, at last, what it is.

White hot pleasure erupts within you. Your body’s most primal desire – Nature’s most fundamental requisite – united in an instant, as I flood your insides with what they crave beyond all else. It is your purpose, your most instinctual need. It is a woman’s destiny.

And in that moment, you feel it within you. More complete than you’ve ever been. A gift from the stars.

There is life all around you. And there is new life conceived within you.
