Bratty kitten

Desensitization therapy, I think.
I love this one.

Bratty kitten

It’s been 2 and a half months. To pass the time and distract myself from missing him I’ve been mischievous with an extra dose of brat. Rude texts teasing, deliberately poking the proverbial bear. Knowing I would see him this Saturday was almost too much to take . .

Knowing I would finally have his hands on me was all I could think about all week. And last night I knew just what I had to do. I touched myself without permission. I came multiple times, gloriously so, and recorded every second of my disobedience. I then coyly sent him a text. “ Was feeling terribly naughty with nobody here to make me mind , this is what happens when I’m left all to my lonesome Sir? I forgot who owned this kitty “ .

A few minutes tick by and then my phone pings.
“Noted.” Damn , that was a non reaction, I simultaneously love and hate when he says that. I wanted him to bristle and scold, instead I got indifference. No matter, I know the indifference is feigned, and he’s going to have the devil in his eyes saturday.

The next day I taunt and tease, but don’t touch myself again. as bratty as I am, I’m still obedient under the bravado, and no coming the day before a play date Is ingrained in my psyche now. The morning arrives after a night of restless sleep, too excited and lust filled to properly rest.

I soak in a steaming shower, exfoliating and shaving every inch of skin, lather myself in my favorite lotion so my skin smells faintly of Tuberose and is soft and supple. I carefully lacquer my toes and fingertips, and style my hair till it’s a cascade of shiny curls. I finally put on my makeup, taking special time to get the red lip exactly right, I want to look perfect. A sundress and with nothing underneath it, and red chuck Taylor’s complete my preparation.

I meet my own eyes in the rear view mirror as I park my Jeep and take a moment to gather myself. Pupils dilated, damp between my thighs, a faint tremor in my hand, my heart stuttering a staccato beat beneath the floral print of my dress. “ Finally” my body rejoices.

The house is dark as I ring knock softly. He answers the door in jeans and a t shirt, and I note at once my favorite belt around his waist. He gives away nothing as he steps into me, reaches behind me, and turns the lock on the door , without losing eye contact. Sir is always zen, but I can see fire and brimstone burning behind the calm in those mossy irises. I look down, overwhelmed with my desire to kneel right there and submit. I take a moment to calm myself .

I can hear both of us already breathing unevenly. I then look up at him through my lashes, giving a smirk that has way more confidence than I feel, and say “ so, are you going to tie me to a chair and spank me now ? Or just stand there and scowl? “ .

He steps into me without warning, a hand snaking below my skirt and bunching it up to cup my bare sex. Another hand tangles in my hair, to pull back at my nape, forcing me back against the door with his body and tilting my face to meet his. I think he’s going to kiss me, but he stops short, skating his lips along my jaw before he leans impossibly closer to my ear and growls.

“ such a bad kitten. And then in a deceptively calm voice ,” do your plans for tomorrow involve sitting? I’m afraid you will have to reschedule that particular activity”. He leans down and bites my shoulder hard while simultaneously sliding two long fingers inside my pussy, which is already soaked for him. “ look at how wet you are, soaked, it’s such a shame this pussy isn’t going to get attention. Not until that lipstick is ruined and this ass of yours matches. “

I whimper and writhe, trying to buck into his hand . the brat is gone, replaced the the devoted sub who will whatever he wants and take whatever he will give me. He senses the change, I don’t know how, only that he does, and he says in a soft cajoling voice. “ there she is, there’s my sweet sub” are you going to behave now ?” My response is to drop to my knees, legs slightly apart, palms upturned and resting on my thighs, back straight, chin high, lashes downcast. “ my voice rough with emotion I’m not sure I can safely identify , I respond. “ Yes Sir, I am ready to please you”

A hand reaches down and a finger lifts my chin till my blue eyes meet his. He stares for a moment, cataloging, I think, and then simply says “ noted”. He turns, takes a step, and then over his shoulder says, “ retrieve my rope…. I’ve a sub to tie up and an ass to spank…. and I know of a cat that desperately needs petted. “




  1. I find myself seeking out your posts for these. The desire jumps out after ready this

  2. Mesmerizing words… so well written, it’s like I’m watching this unfold in front of my eyes. Talent overflowing.

  3. This was great, even as a Dom I can appreciate the brat side of the sub, amazing writing and story telling, it’s like I was watching it. All around amazing job!

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