Like a Good Neighbor – Part 8 [M/F][Cheating][Caught][Oral Sex][Cum Play][L-Bomb]

I looked in the mirror as Kurt started to get dressed. His warm cum coated my face and breasts as I looked at myself in the mirror. I should be feeling ashamed, I should be feeling remorse, I should be terrified that my marriage was coming to an end. As I used a hand towel to wipe away Kurt’s cum, and quickly splashed my face with water, I started to smile. In my head, I knew smiling about this was wrong, but I couldn’t help myself. Ronny had taken both of us by surprise and caught us red-handed, or in my case, cock-handed. As I wrapped a towel around myself and took Kurt’s hand into mine, I was overwhelmed with a new emotion.

I felt relieved. No more lies, no more sneaking around, no more being stuck in a loveless marriage. I had no doubt Ronny would maneuver for everything in the divorce. That was fine. Between Kurt and the baby, I had everything I’d ever wanted. My skin flushed with goosebumps as the exhilaration and excitement of this moment had finally arrived.

“Well, let’s get this over with,” I said as I stood on my tiptoes and kissed Kurt on the cheek.

Kurt kissed my forehead and smiled sweetly down at me. He squeezed my hand gently as I put my arm around his waist, supporting him as we walked out of the bathroom together. He was putting a lot of weight on me as we shuffled slowly down the hallway. Our intense lovemaking session in the bathroom had drained him more than he would ever admit. My mind had told me not to go into that bathroom with him and that no good would come out of it. My heart and body had overruled me as I looked into Kurt’s eyes and saw love, desire, fondness, and longing staring back at me through his big brown eyes. I knew what awaited us around the corner, and I knew it wasn’t going to be pretty. I knew if Kurt and I could get through this, we could get through anything together.

When we turned the corner, Ronny was drinking straight from a bottle of Jack Daniels as he leaned against the island countertop. Dark, hazel eyes flicked towards Kurt and I as he saw us holding one another. His face turned to a disgusted scowl, and he paced the space between the back door and the island countertop, waving a menacing finger at the two of us. His face was full of anger, full of rage, full of fury. However, I noticed there was one thing lacking from his face that might have made me even a little bit remorseful.

There were no tears. Not even a hint of moisture in his eyes at all. He wasn’t upset that I was cheating on him, nor he was upset that his marriage was coming to an end. He was upset because he knew his dreams of getting me pregnant and cashing in that $300,000 so he could live easy and free just went up in flames. Not to mention he was angry because his best friend, of all people, was the culprit of all of it.

I walked Kurt up to the counter, letting him lean against it to support himself while I dealt with Ronny. As I went to walk around Kurt, I was suddenly stopped as he held me back, pushing me behind him. Even in his weakened state, knowing good and well he was no match for Ronny right now, his first instinct was to protect me and our baby. My lip started to quiver as I put my hands on Kurt’s back and felt his muscles tense and go rigid. It was at that moment that I knew Kurt would never let anything bad happen to me and the baby. He had neither the strength nor the energy to fight off Ronny, but he would keep himself between and my soon-to-be ex-husband for as long as it took to make sure we were safe. I peeked around Kurt’s shoulder, and I could see Ronny with a white-knuckle grip on the bottle of Jack, finger pointed straight at Kurt. Several times, Ronny opened his mouth to speak, but no words would come out.

Kurt was the first to break the tense silence between them, “Look, Ronny, I-”

“Shut the fuck up, Kurt,” Ronny growled, “I can’t even fucking look at you right now. I dropped everything, rushed to the hospital, and give you my own fucking blood out of my arm to save your traitorous ass. And this is how you repay me for my kindness?”

“I am eternally grateful for that,” Kurt said, the exhaustion thick in his voice. “Truly, I owe you my life.”

“You owe me your life, and yet you repay me by defiling my wife and her body!” Ronny snapped.

I felt Kurt’s chest expand as he took a deep breath in, “No. You don’t understand. I love Riza. I’ve loved her for years. Without her, my life would have meant nothing, and I would have just have been better off dying in the hospital. She is the reason I get up in the morning, she is the reason I want to live every day to the best of my ability, and she is the reason I want to do better and be better, for her. Hell, she is the reason I keep on breathing, breathe after breathe.”

“Shut up. Shut UP. SHUT UP!” Ronny bellowed as he brought his palms to his temples and started to pace again. “How long has this been going on?”

I watched as our party guests started to shuffle through the back door, anxious to see what all the commotion was about. Curious eyes flicked back and forth between Ronny, Kurt, and myself.

“Almost two months now. I came over to help her in the attic one day, and years of love and attraction just exploded out of me. I am sorry Ronny, I couldn’t hold back my feelings for her any longer,” Kurt lied, knowing full and well it was I who initiated everything.

“FUCK!” Ronny raged as he sent the bottle of Jack sailing across the kitchen, causing it to shatter against the wall in the living room.

He stared at us, face more red than I’d ever seen it before. His shoulders rose and fell as he breathed deep, nostrils flared, jaw set, and lips pursed together. There was the slightest hint of a twitch in the corner of his eye.

“Riza, how could you do this to me?” Ronny whined when he realized our little exchange had an audience.

Oh hell no. No way in hell was I going to let Ronny sit back and play the part of the victim, and make me into the villain of this story. I felt a burning rage grow inside of me anger from years of neglect, passive-aggressive words, lack of any kind of romance, and having my body used for the pleasure of a man who didn’t even love me anymore. It all finally came out and boiled to the surface. For years I endured the treatment. For years I thought I was being selfish. For years I accepted the feeling that this was just how my life was now. Then, a wonderful man with a wonderful heart, warm eyes, friendly smile, and an amazing cock, finally found the courage to express his feelings for me and show me that there was more to life than sitting at home and being a walking fleshlight to a husband who didn’t love me anymore. No more.

“Do this to you? Do this to you!?” I said, and slapped away Kurt’s hand as he tried to hold me back.

I stomped up to Ronny and smacked him across the face as hard as I could. The slap was so loud that some of our neighborhood audience gasped. My body felt hot and stiff as I glared at Ronny. His eyes were wide with surprise as he finally saw a side of me he’d never seen before. It felt great, liberating even. I almost laughed as the fear set into his eyes.

“Do what to you, exactly, Ronny?” I shouted, my body trembling with anger, “Sit at home, alone, dreaming that when you got home you would pretend you loved me still? Lay under you while you use my body for your pleasure, but not even touch me in any way that made me feel like you still cared even the slightest bit for me? Clean our house, make you dinner, pay our bills, and not even get so much as a thank you? Let me ask you this Ronny, when is the last time you wrapped your arms around me and kissed me?”

“I… I… I don’t-” Ronny started to mumble.

“YOU DON’T KNOW BECAUSE IT’S BEEN YEARS!” I screamed, “You put me through all that, and you have the sheer audacity to sit here and play the victim. I don’t fucking think so! Oh, and I know all you care about is the trust fund. That’s why for the past three years, I’ve been getting birth control shots behind your back. Do you want to know what the funny and ironic thing is? I finally meet a man who makes me feel loved, makes me feel special, makes me feel like I am more than just a walking cum dumpster, and the first time we have sex, he gets me pregnant.”

I almost laughed as I watched our onlookers out of the corner of my eye and saw many of them with shocked yet intrigued looks on their faces. When the fuck did my life turn into a daytime drama? I continued while I still had the upper hand in the argument.

“Before you ask, yes, you did hear me correctly,” I said as I let a smile stretch across my face, “I am in love with Kurt, and pregnant with his baby.”

I watched as the realization set in and his face went from shock to pure unadulterated anger.

“YOU FUCKING UNGRATEFUL HARLOT!” Ronny bellowed, “I worked my ass off to put a roof over your head, pay for the food we put on our table, and I pay for the car you begged me to get you. Now you’re telling me that you’re going to throw away all that away to be with a fucking backstabbing traitor like Kurt?”

“You don’t get it Ronny,” I said as I laughed and shook my head. “It was never about the car, it was never about your paycheck, or the roof over our heads. When we first met I would have been happy living out of a cardboard box with you. It was never about the material things. I just wanted to feel loved, to be held, to feel like I mattered to you. Kurt makes me feel all of those things and more. I will gladly give up everything, right here, right now, if that means I get to spend the rest of my life with Kurt.”

Ronny’s eyes narrowed and his nostrils flared, “You stupid fucking slu-”

“Shut the fuck up, Ronny,” said a mysterious female voice from the crowd of onlookers at the back door. “Excuse me please.”

Ronny’s eyes went wide as a small, 5’1” blonde elbowed her way through the throng of the onlookers. As she passed through the last line of people in her way, she walked over to Ronny and stopped inches from him. As she looked up at him, hands on her hips, she glared at Ronny intently.

“Wha-… What are you doing here?” Ronny mumbled as quietly as he could manage.

“Oh, nothing. Thought I would come to pay you a visit and meet this wonderful wife of yours that you said you were going to leave me for six months ago,” the mystery woman said, annoyance in her voice.

Ronny was a stuttering mess. His eyes darted back and forth between myself and this mystery woman standing near him. His mouth kept moving like he was trying to speak, but nothing would come out. It took all of the willpower I possessed to stifle my laughter at watching my husband completely powerless against another woman.

I had to ask. “I don’t mean to be rude, but who are you?”

The blonde turned to me and smiled gently at me, “I’m sorry, we haven’t met before. I’m Amy, the woman who has been sleeping with your husband for the past three years while he is at work.”

“Pleasure to meet you, Amy,” I politely and tilted my head as I glared at Ronny, “It’s a shame he’s told me nothing about you because you seem like a wonderfully delightful woman.”

I covered my mouth to contain my laughter and Amy slapped Ronny across the face in the same spot I did. As he held his hand to his cheek, he didn’t grow red from anger but rather recoiled in fear. Sheer, unfettered fear. It was refreshing to see Ronny finally getting what he deserved for all of the shit he put me through.

“So, if she is a harlot and a slut, does that make me a harlot and a slut too? How am I any different than her? I am married and sleeping with a man that’s not my husband. I kept my promise to you and left my husband. The divorce will be finalized next week. Now it’s time for you to keep up your end of our deal and do the same, Ronny,” Amy scolded him.

The panic on his face and in his voice when Ronny tried to speak was almost comical. Together, Amy and I had him by the balls, and he knew it. I actually felt sorry for him.

“Ronny, I am going to make you a one-time offer. You keep the house, keep the money in the bank account, and everything else. All I want is my clothes, car, and jewelry,” I challenged him as I crossed my arms and glared him up and down. “You can take it, or you can try your luck in court.”

Ronny opened his mouth but was cut short before he could say anything. Amy pinched his cheeks together, snapping his head sideways to look her in the face.

“Ah, ah, not a damn word out of you,” Amy growled, “I gave up everything for you. Everything. I had to buy new clothes because I gave up everything in my divorce, to be with you. I spent three days on a bus to get here, to be with you. Let me tell you how this is going to work. You are going to nod your head and say yes ma’am, and thank your wife for being so generous. You are going to do it for me, and for our baby.”

Amy forcefully grabbed Ronny’s wrist and pressed it to her belly. I watched as the tables turned, and the anger and frustration ebbed from his face. Then I saw something from Ronny I never expected to ever see. Tears. One by one, tears streaked down his cheeks as he dropped to his knees and held Amy’s belly, and kissed it lightly. Judging by his reaction, this was news to him.

After several moments, Amy helped Ronny to his feet, and they hugged deeply. I couldn’t help but turn to Kurt and hold him as well. His arms wrapped around me and I breathed in his scent deeply. Glancing back at Ronny and Amy, I smiled.

“So we agreed then?” I asked.

Ronny wiped tears from his eyes and nodded, “Yes ma’am. We are agreed.”

I released a breath I didn’t know I had been holding as I looked up into Kurt’s eyes.

“I love you,” he whispered softly to me as he leaned down to kiss me.

Ronny and Amy kissed, and Kurt and I kissed deeply. At that moment, I realized we still had a crowd at the back door. As I looked back at our closest neighbors behind us, there were several awkward heads turns, and several women were covering their mouths as they silently wept.

“Sorry everyone, but I think the party is over. Time for everyone to leave,” I told them as I waved them towards the front door.

“I think we should leave too,” Kurt said as he tugged at my arm.

I looked back at Amy and Ronny, just as Amy threw up her arm in a friendly wave goodbye. I returned the wave and then tucked myself in under Kurt’s arm. I helped Kurt into his car and drove across the street. Helping him out of the car, I couldn’t stop smiling. I was overwhelmed with relief, joy, excitement, and glee, with a dash of nausea, but that was probably from the baby. Kurt walked through the doorway from the garage into his kitchen and held himself up with the counters as he stumbled to the other side of the room. I closed the door behind me and closed my eyes as I leaned against it. Slowly, I exhaled deeply, relieved that it was all over. No more sneaking around with Kurt. No more worrying about getting caught. No more worrying about the neighbors and their gossip. No more having to conceal my feelings for Kurt.

As I leaned against the door, trying to process the events of the day, the instrumental opening of Aerosmith’s ‘I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing’ started to play. My eyes fluttered open, and I turned to see Kurt, braced on the countertops, lip-syncing to the lyrics. He was really getting into it, completely overexaggerating his arm movements like he was in a boy band. A ew days ago he was on death’s doorstep, but today he was a hopeless romantic as he had always been. I giggled as he shuffled towards me, holding his hand out. I loved him so much. Tugging at the towel, I let it drop to the floor and met Kurt halfway. Taking my hand, he pulled me to him and spun me around as I fell into his arms. His fingers laced between mine as he crossed his arms around my naked body. He tucked his head into my neck and kissed me there as we swayed together to the music.

I could feel something firm pushing into my butt cheeks as the music transitioned from Aerosmith to Savage Garden’s ‘Truly, Madly, Deeply’.

“Kurt?” I asked softly.

“Yes, my love?” he said as he tightened his grip around me.

“Did you make us a love track while you were cooped up in the hospital?”

“Maybe,” he said coyly, “Depends if you like it or not.”

“I love it.”

He gently pushed me off of him, twirled me around, and then pulled me back into him. His hand pressed into my lower back, pushing me into his hips. At first, I thought it was his phone pressing into my stomach, but then I realized he was rock hard. The heat of his erection through his pants started to make my groin tingly.

“Oh my. Is that a phone in your pocket, or are you happy to see me?” I asked, feigning surprise.

“I am always happy to see you, but I think you should probably see for yourself,” he teased.

I kissed him sweetly and slid my body down his as I dropped to my knees. As I unbuttoned his pants, the soft sound of Bryan Adam’s ‘Everything I do’ started to play through the speakers. Kurt pulled his shirt off as I pulled his pants down to his ankles. I wrapped my hands around his shaft, the heat of his cock warming my cold fingers. Slowly, I looked up at him as I ran my tongue across the tip of his cock, tasting his slightly salty precum. I watched as Kurt moaned and threw his head back. I desperately wanted him inside of me. I wanted to moan without remorse as he stretched me apart. I wanted to scream shamelessly as he filled every inch of me. I wanted to cum all over his cock as he ravaged my pussy, just how I liked it. But I knew he didn’t have the strength or energy right now. If I asked him, he would happily try, but I knew he didn’t have it in him. No, this was for him. He worked so hard to make sure that I was satisfied, putting my pleasure ahead of his own. Not this time. This time, it was my turn to satisfy him.

I kissed the tip of his cock, and split my lips as I slipped him into my mouth. The soft heat of his shaft glided across my tongue as his firmness pressed deeper into me. Already the taste of him was making me salivate. I wrapped my lips tightly around his shaft as I looked up at him. When I sucked the air from my mouth, my lips, tongue, and cheeks conformed around his cock.

“Fuck that feels so good,” Kurt moaned with a shaky voice.

No deep throating this time. I wanted him to enjoy a slow, sensual blowjob. Goodness knows after everything, he’d earned it. Slowly I moved my lips up and down his length. He moaned out in pleasure every time I slipped him back into my mouth. I could feel his cock twitching with excitement and pleasure as he looked down at me fondly. I knew I was doing a good job as he started to continuously moan aloud, and his leg started to tremble. I slowed it down a bit, wanting to draw out the moment. Kurt placed both of his hands on the counter top, and threw his head back against one of the cupboards. I could hear his breathing change, it was now quick, rapid, and shallow. I knew he was getting close. I opened my mouth and grasped his cock with both hands, pressing him to my tongue. My fingers glided easily up and down the length of his saliva soaked shaft. It only took three strokes before Kurt moaned out, and I felt his cock swell in my hands. With a grunt, his cock pulsed and I tasted his salty, bittersweet cum on my tongue. He grunted again as I felt a hot, gooey mess hit the roof of my mouth and settle in the back of my throat. With every pulse of his cock, my mouth was filled with more and more of his salty goodness. I felt and tasted the thickness of his seed shooting across my tongue, completely covering it. When he finally relaxed and his climax subsided, I wrapped my lips around his shaft, sucking hard and licking the last few drops from his tip.

I stood up and tucked his cock between my thighs, trapping him between the folds of my now soaked vulva. I looked up at him, mouth gaped open, proudly displaying my mouthful of his cum as I pushed it around and played with it using my tongue. He watched in amazement as I closed my mouth, and swallowed, feeling the heat of his liquid climax as it slid down my throat.

“Damn I love you,” he said, breathlessly.

“I love you too,” I said after kissing him deeply, “Now go sit down before you fall over.”

“But I have to make dinner,” Kurt protested.

I grabbed Kurt’s cock from between my thighs and pulled him along until we reached the couch, and shoved him down onto it. I straddled him, grinding my soaking, silky vulva up and down his length.

“Do you want more of this?”

He nodded vigorously.

“I thought so,” I persisted, “So, you’re going to sit here and rest. I am going to make us something yummy to get your strength and energy back up. I am a free woman now, and you bet your ass you’re going to need your strength when I get ahold of you at bed time tonight.”
