The Night I Finally Ditched the Friend Zone [MF] [Long Story]

Every summer, my family goes on a trip for a week or two, depending on the destination. We go somewhere different every year. Camping, vacationing in Hawaii, Alaskan cruise, standing out like sore thumbs in New York because we were *those* tourists. You name it, we’ve probably done it. My dad has always said he would rather spend money on trips because belongings come and go, but memories last forever. Kinda lame but also a motto I’m extremely thankful for. 

I was home for the summer from my freshman year at college. I had no idea where we were adventuring to this year, but I was excited. I was attending college two states over, and I hadn’t been home since spring break. Growing up, we had always done things as a family, and I missed that while I was at school.

I know I know, college is supposed to be a time for soul searching, becoming independent and finding out who you are and figuring out your shit, at least that’s what I was lead to believe. So as lame as it might sound being basically a sophomore in college and wanting to spend summer with my family, I was really looking forward to it. This trip was basically the highlight of my year throughout my childhood, and this year was no different. 

Anyway, dad didn’t tell us where we were going, despite being grilled by mom, my brother and me. He just started driving. We ended up in a small town in the middle of nowhere. Dad had rented a house there for a week. On the drive in I saw miles and miles of winding bike paths, numerous tennis courts, a couple golf courses, and a small shopping village that I assume is the draw for the tourists. After some further exploration of the town’s website, we discovered there was a river that wound its way along the edge of town, an aquatic park that was always hoppin’, and sure enough that village we had passed on the way in was the hot spot for all things entertainment. 

My brother and I decided to hop on a couple bikes provided by the rental, and venture to this village. We popped into a couple shops and checked out the local eateries, but the place to be was the ice cream shop in the middle of the village. They had ice cream, milkshakes, and all things sugar. There was a heavenly smell that filled your nostrils as soon as you opened the door. It was incredible! We each ordered a double scoop ice cream on a chocolate dipped waffle cone and continued our tour of the village. 

When we got back to the house, I was scrolling through Insta when I saw Carly, my best friend from high school, posted a selfie on her story of her holding an oddly familiar-looking chocolate dipped waffle cone, with a blurred out ice cream shop in the background. I looked closer and sure enough, it was the unmistakable shop my brother and I had been to that same day! 

My heart rate quickened and stomach flipped. If we’re being honest, I always had feelings for Carly, but I was stuck in the friend zone from the moment I met her in 7th grade and I was always too chicken to tell her how I really felt. We definitely had our flirty moments in high school, but I just chalked that up to best friends doing what best friends do. She always painted my number on her face at football and basketball games, we always sat by each other at lunch and walked to class together. There was even one time near the end of our senior year we went shopping and she asked me for my opinion on her new swimsuit. 

Now that I think about it, I probably fucked up on that one. 

Anyway, I hadn’t seen her since high school graduation and we texted occasionally, but I just had to see her and catch up. I hesitated for a moment, thinking of the right thing to reply to her story. I had to shoot my shot. It was now or never. 

*That looks delicious! The ice cream looks good too lol* ?

We always traded those types of comments in high school. While we had grown apart since going to different colleges, I was dying to see if there was still a connection. I had just set my phone down and exhaled deeply when it buzzed. I quickly grabbed it but it was just an email notification. I set it down and put my face in my hands. My mind was racing and I couldn’t stop bouncing my knees. 

Phone buzzed again and it was her! 

Lol oh hey stranger! 
How are you?

I had to play it cool. 

Can’t complain haha 
We are on our annual family trip 
Oh fun! Where’d you go off to this year?
Some little town called Sun Valley
Random right lol ??‍♂️
No way?! That’s where we are too!! ?
Really?? Crazy! 
I thought that ice cream shop looked familiar lol 
Dude soooo gooddd ?
I know right?! 
Best ice cream ever ?

My palms were sweating, my stomach was in a knot and I knew this back and forth small talk wasn’t going to get my point across. I typed out my next message and closed my eyes as I hit send. 

Since we’re in the same town, you wanna get together and catch up?? 

The next ten minutes were the most excruciating, gut wrenching, slowest ten minutes of my life. I stared at my inbox the whole time. I was jolted out of my trance by the buzz of her reply. 

Sorry about that I was helping prepare
Yeah that would be awesome! We are
leaving tomorrow though, so it would
have to be tonight? 
Alright yeah, that works! The place we’re
staying has a hot tub if you’re interested? 
Perfect! I just bought a new swim suit
that I’d love to get your opinion on ?

My cock instantly started to expand. I went full blown boner in about 2.5 seconds. Every hormone in my body was on full alert and I felt like I was gonna explode. I took a moment to collect myself before responding. 

Ohhh nice! I would be happy to help ?
I guess we’ll just plan on meeting up after dinner? 
Sounds great! Just shoot me the address
and I’ll be there around 8? ?
Perfect! It’s 2486 Fir Grove Pl house #7 
See you then! ?

That night when she arrived it was like we had never spent time apart. We were laughing and flirting just like our days in high school. She sat across the table from me while we were playing card games with my family. One time I looked up at her, we locked eyes and she smiled and slightly bit her bottom lip. I quickly looked away because blood instantly starting rushing toward my cock again and I didn’t want to have that situation with my parents right next to me. She knew exactly what she was doing to me. She took it even further when she leaned over the table to grab a card, and she was wearing a v-cut shirt, so I got a clear view of her ample cleavage. 

After what seemed like hours of card games, my parents finally finished their bottle of wine and went to bed. My brother went to his room too, which left Carly and me alone. We moved to the couch to let everyone get settled in their bedrooms and just reminisced about high school and chatted about what we’ve been up to since graduation. Conversation with her was so effortless. I never felt as comfortable around someone as I did with her. After awhile, my brother filled up his water bottle and wished us goodnight. 

“So, about that hot tub you were talking about…” she said with a seductive grin. 

Thankfully, the hot tub was in a pretty secluded spot, on the side of the house opposite from the bedrooms. 

“Ah, yeah, the hot tub!” I exclaimed, “it’s down the stairs on the other side of the house.” 

“Awesome!” she said as she ran over to her bag, “I’ve got my new suit right here.” 

“Sweet,” I looked down the hallway and pointed, “the bathroom is down…” 

My jaw hit the floor. By the time I looked back, Carly had removed her shirt and was headed out the door. With her back to me, she stopped in the doorframe, turned over her shoulder, and smiled at me as she unhooked her bra. 

This time, my cock was standing at full attention in one second flat. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I was stuck on the couch, the only thing moving was my cock, which was throbbing. The tan lines from her swimsuit danced across her beautifully bronzed skin. My eyes moved from her tightly braided sandy blonde hair, down her amazingly toned and fit back, to the two cute little back dimples that sat just above her waistline. 

She playfully tossed her bra to her bag, and made her way out the door. I sat in shock. I shook my head to snap out of it and bolted for the back door, undressing as I went. I didn’t have swim trunks with me, so my boxer shorts would have to do. They were doing me no favors in hiding my raging boner, but I don’t think Carly wanted me to hide it. 

By the time I got out to the hot tub, Carly had already put her swimsuit on. I peaked around the wall, keeping my bottom half concealed, so as not to seem *too* eager. 

“Well, what do you think?” she asked. 

“I…umm…” I struggled to form words. I swallowed hard, “it looks great!” 

I couldn’t tell if she blushed or if the hot water had made her cheeks flush. She just smiled and bit her bottom lip. 

“Why are you standing out there?” she asked, “get in, silly!” 

“Well, I don’t have a suit…” I started, “just my boxers, and I kinda have a situation going on here from your little strip show.” 

She giggled. “Well, come on, don’t be shy!” 

I stepped out from behind the wall and she gasped slightly. 

“Oh my mister Jensen, that *is* quite the situation you’ve got there,” she beamed as I climbed into the tub. 

I was no more than average in length, but what I lacked there I made up for in girth. The one girl I had been with at college could barely wrap her hand around my shaft. 

“So you like my suit, huh?” She asked. 

“Well, I really can’t say since I haven’t seen the whole thing” I smirked. 

She stood up slowly and spun around in front of my face. I slowly moved my eyes up and down her body, watching as beads of water slid down between her luscious breasts, which were cupped beautifully by a white top with blue and green flowers. The water trickled down and accentuated the ridges on her sexy tummy. Her suit bottoms were plain white, which complemented her skin tone brilliantly. As she turned, her bottoms were not thong style, but they were extra cheeky, showing off her amazingly plump, round ass. I wanted to dig in right then and there. 

She sat back down. “Well?” 

“Wow,” I said, “looks like you’ve been working out!” 

“I meant the suit silly,” she smiled, “I had to give you a complete look.” 

“It’s amazing,” I nodded, “really complements you well!” 

She leaned her head back against the head rest, so only her head was above water. She sat with her eyes closed. “I’m glad you think so.”

“Idk though,” I hesitated briefly, “I think it would look better off.” 

Her eyes shot open. She stared at me for what felt like an eternity. The corners of her mouth curled. “You think so, huh?” 

“I mean, I can’t know for sure…” I said with a smile. 

“Only one way to find out I guess,” she said as she sat up and tilted her head down and reached behind her neck to untie the top strings. 

She slowly peeled her top down, exposing her voluptuous breasts. I could feel my heart in my ears as I watched drops of water slide down her perfect tits and drip off her puffy, pink nipples. 

My sample size was small, but these were without a doubt the nicest set of breasts I had ever seen. My mouth was agape. They were so much better than I had ever imagined they to be. Instinctively, I started reaching out to fondle them before I realized what I was doing and stopped myself. 

“I’m sorry,” I stammered, “they’re just so…perfect.” 

This time she definitely blushed. She grabbed my hands and pulled them to her breasts; they were so soft and supple. I gently massaged them a few times and playfully pinched her nipples, which were now hard and stiff. I stooped my head and softly sucked on her nipple, which was met by a soft moan. I went back and forth between her nipples and I wanted to stay there forever. She stopped me though, and pulled my face up until our noses were an inch apart. I was lost in the gaze of her beautiful hazel eyes when she snapped me out of it. 

“Well,” she paused, “are you gonna kiss me or wh-“

Before she could even finish her question I had planted my lips on hers. I had only been dreaming of kissing her since 7th grade. That one kiss was more passionate than every other kiss I’d had combined. There was years of tension being unleashed in this kiss. Her lips were soft and tasted like vanilla. I pulled back and we were both flushed. We just smiled. 

I leaned in again and started kissing her neck. I slowly moved down to her collarbone. I continued down until my mouth was at her breasts again, but this time her nipples were under water so I moved back up the other side of her neck. She quietly moaned every time my lips made contact with her skin. I wanted to please her in every way possible. I wanted this moment to last forever. 

She pushed me off of her. “Ok, you saw my suit, it’s only fair if you show me yours.” 

I cocked my head to the side as I slowly stood. “I told you, I don’t have a suit, just my boxers.” 

She smiled and raised one eyebrow. “I know.” 

My boxers were obviously soaked, and the dark blue cotton fabric was clinging to me, outlining every detail of my enlarged member. 

“See,” I started, “nothing spe-ooohhhh!” 

In one swift motion, Carly had unleashed my cock through the opening in the front of my boxers and taken me in her mouth. I didn’t know it was possible, but I swelled a bit more as it seemed like all the blood in my body was now flowing to my dick. 

Her lips were soft as she struggled to wrap them completely around my shaft. She bobbed on it a couple times before she retreated, opened her mouth as wide as it would go, then grabbed my hips and pulled them towards her and choked on my cock. When it was as far back in her throat as it would go, she quickly moved her head side to side and bobbed on it a few more times. She retreated once more and gasped for air. It was so fucking sexy watching my cock slide out of her mouth. 

She smiled and wiped the saliva off her chin. “You don’t know how long I’ve been wanting to do that.” 

“Oh, I think I do,” I laughed and sat down next to her. 

“People in high school weren’t joking!” 

I furrowed my brow. “What are you talking about?” 

“Y’know, your nickname.” 

“What nickname?” 

“Soda can man! Everyone called you that. I mean I had only ever heard the rumors, obviously, but they were right.” 

“What?! That was just a joke the football guys called me! The *entire* school knew?” 

“Oh shit yeah,” she laughed. 

I put my hands over my face and groaned. 

“It’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” she said as she grabbed my cock. 

As she said that she swung her leg over me and climbed on my lap. She grabbed my hands and put them on her hips and started grinding on my cock. I helped her motions by pushing her hips back and forth and thrusted my hips forward to give her a better angle to grind on. We were both moaning and she grabbed my hand and moved it to her breast. My other hand slowly moved up her body until I reached the side of her face. She turned and started sucking on my thumb. 

She popped it out of her mouth and stood up. “Time to see what the soda can can do.” 

I reached under water and slid my boxers down to my knees. She pulled the crotch of her swimsuit bottoms to the side, exposing her beautiful, pink, bald pussy. She lowered herself slowly down to the head of my cock. She grabbed my shaft and guided it into her pussy. She was only able to get the tip in at first, bouncing up and down on that a few times. 

On the last bounce I thrusted my hips upwards, and she gasped sharply as her pussy swallowed the entirety of my cock. She felt amazing. Thank goodness we were under water and most of the natural lubrication from her juices had been washed away, because I would have cum instantly if there wasn’t so much friction. 

She put her hands on my face and kissed me as she sat at the base of my cock and thrusted her hips back and forth. She was moaning but I could tell she was reluctant to bounce up and down on it. 

“We should probably continue above water, yeah?” I asked. 

“Yes,” she moaned, “fuck me properly.” 

We stood up and she sat on the edge of the hot tub and leaned her back against the wall. I reached my fingers inside of her bikini bottoms, and slid them off. She spread her legs and put one over each of my shoulders. I softly kissed her inner thighs, moving my way up one leg and down the other, and she gasped as I gently brushed her clit with my lips as I went by. I ran both hands up her thighs. She squealed and instantly got goosebumps. I massaged her thighs as I slowly made my way back towards her labia. 

I planted my tongue on her clit and made quick circular motions. Her moans urged me to continue. She grabbed one hand and stuck my first two fingers in her mouth. She switched off between biting them and sucking them depending on what I was doing to her pussy. I was playfully pinching her stiff nipple with my other hand. I pulled my fingers out of her mouth and inserted them in her pussy. She moaned deeply and moved her hips, grinding on my face. 

I increased the speed of my tongue and I curved my fingers inside of her to reach her g spot. She arched her back and tightened her thighs around my head. I could tell she was getting close so I shook my head rapidly side to side and sucked her clit while I fingered her. 

She was gasping for air in between her moans. 

I had reached max speed with my tongue and hand when I felt her legs tense up and she put her hands on the back of my head. She went silent for a moment before letting out a long, almost rhythmic moan. Her body writhed with waves of pleasure as she climaxed on my face and fingers. 

I kissed her thighs more as she sat almost lifeless trying to catch her breath. 

“Oh…my…god…” she squeaked between breaths, “that…was incredible.” 

“Happy to be of service,” I chuckled as I sat next to her on the edge of the tub. 

“You’ve been holding out on me Jensen!” 

I laughed. “My bad! Worth the wait though?” 

She just smiled and patted my leg. “Now that I’m properly lubricated again, shall we pick up where we left off?” 

“I mean…that’s the only reason I did what I did,” I joked. 

“Well then,” she patted me on the chest, “you’re on your own.” 

She turned to leave and I let out a nervous chortle. “No wait, I was just-“ 

Her laugh cut me off. “You should see the look on your face right now.” 

“Evil,” I said, “pure evil.” 

“That’s me!” she said with a huge grin, “now come here.” 

She straddled my lap and placed the tip of my dick between her pussy lips and smoothly slid the rest of the way down my shaft. She wrapped her arms around my neck and started bouncing her hips. I reached around and grabbed her ass, helping her bounce up and down. Her perfect tits rolled like waves in the ocean with each bounce. I shoved my face between them motorboated them at which Carly half moaned, half giggled. 

I could feel my climax beginning to bubble, when she stopped and stood up. 

“Everything ok?” I asked. 

“Yep,” she turned so her back was to me, “just want to give you a different view.” 

“Oh, fuck yes!” 

She backed up between my legs and inserted my cock back inside her. I had a perfect view of her round, tight ass as she bounced. Her pussy was divine. Her juices were flowing and making a ring of white fluid at the base of my cock. I watched as her pussy devoured my dick. 

I could feel my soldiers beginning to make their ascent. “Where do you want me to cum?” 

“On my tits,” she moaned, “tell me when.” 

My load was charging full speed ahead. “I’m gonna cum, turn around!” 

She slid off me and knelt down in the tub so only her tits and head were above water. I stood up and she wrapped both hands around my shaft and stroked. 

I was on the verge of climax for what felt like a minute, my sperm piling up at the tip of my penis. She spit on my dick and increased the speed of her hands, putting me over the edge. 

I let out a long, deep moan as my hot, sticky load exploded over her chest. I shot 4 or 5 ropes in the first two seconds, it was the most intense orgasm I ever had. I looked down and there was a pool of my sperm covering her tits. 

“Damn dude,” she laughed, “do you ever cum?” 

I chuckled, too exhausted to reply. She cleaned herself up and rejoined me in the tub. 

“Wow!” I exclaimed. 

“No joke!” she agreed. 

“Are you sure you have to leave tomorrow?” 

She laughed. “Oh I was lying.” 

I jerked my head towards her and furrowed my brow. 

“Yeah, we just got here yesterday,” she smiled, “I just wanted to make sure this happened before you chickened out again.” 

I laughed and put my arm around her. “Not this time.” 



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