I (f18) Lost my virginity in the woods at bible camp (m19) (long story)

This is the story of the time I did something *naughty* at bible camp. (Changed some names cause duh)

I grew up in a pretty religious family so I didn’t really get up to much when I was a teenager. My parents had sort of scared me into the whole no sex before marriage thing so although I had two boyfriends in high school I never really did anything with them because I was scared…

Anyway! Every summer I spent the first three weeks at a bible camp run by a few of the local churches in my town. My family’s church as well as a few others owned some land out of town where they’d send all the kids. It was your typical summer camp just along with archery and swimming we’d have to sit in the cafeteria and have group worship for hours. The chapel wasn’t big enough to host groups which is why we usually did it there.

By the time I turned eighteen I was starting to question the whole god thing so this year it was a really boring time for me. Except that was when I met Josh. (Not his real name).

Because it was a shared summer camp I’d meet people from around town that didn’t go to my church. Some I knew from school, some I didn’t. I’d been going to this camp since I was really little so I had some friends from the other churches.

On the first day they marched us to group worship as soon as everyone had moved into their cabins. There was the usual new faces but ALSO Josh!!! Apparently the new youth minister, he’d moved to one of the neighboring churches, moving to town for school. Omg he was so hot!

My friends and I talked about him a lot. I think pretty much everyone had a crush on him. Some people did some embarrassing stuff trying to get his attention. Some people wrote him love letters- it was pretty yikes.

I liked him too, I mean he was gorgeous. Tall, dark hair- really pretty blue eyes and sometimes he’d lead sermons with a guitar and I thought he had a really pretty voice. Josh seemed kind of shy from all the attention…

I started spending extra time in the chapel trying to reflect on my faith (cause I’d been questioning some stuff for a while now and trying to figure out what I still believed in, but being back at camp was really making me doubt it all). It was a smaller building, a little bit out of the way in the woods, while most of the cabins were by a bigger field. It was kinda spooky to walk back at night and was usually empty because of that. Early on during the first week I went in there and there was Josh.

At first he looked kind of annoyed, maybe he thought I had followed him there to hit on him. Things were a little awkward but I figured he’s a youth pastor… Maybe I can tell him about my actual problems.

I opened up to him about all of it. How I’d started to question the point of religion, of god- how I didn’t really believe the bible anymore. He ended opening up to me a little too. His family moved around a lot so as a kid religion was like all he had, but after he came here, on his own for college that year (he was 19) he started to kinda doubt stuff too. He was pretty comforting, even opened up to me that he was struggling too. (But anyway, this isn’t a story about that!) We ended talking for a few hours until we realized it had gotten late and we’d completely missed the dinner bell.

We started meeting up in the chapel a lot after that. Hiding in there for hours, just talking and getting to know each other which actually made my crush on him worse. I didn’t just find him attractive anymore- I thought he was a really cool person. Weeks went by and we started staying later and later. Sometimes we’d walk back late at night and he’d hold my hand but Josh didn’t really do anything romantic until the second last night of camp.

After dinner we snuck off but when we got to the chapel he told me he had a surprise for me. He led me behind the building, where he’d set up a picnic blanket and some pillows, some glow sticks and snacks. He told me he really liked me and since we’d have a hard time sneaking away from the closing bonfire the next day he wanted to make tonight special. We laid there, talking for a long time, listening to the sounds of the camp settle down. The sky was dark and the stars were coming out when he rolled over and kissed me. We made out for a while before I realized what he was doing.

This guy was a lot smoother than my highschool boyfriends had been. Before I knew it he was unhooking my bra. Keep in mind that until now I was still a virgin- planning to save myself. But talking to Josh we’d both realized we weren’t too sure about religion. I had masturbated pretty regularly but never really been touched before. My cousin Gwenn had given me a vibrator for my eighteenth birthday but I was still sort of figuring out how to use it. I had done some hand stuff to my boyfriends before so I knew if I was going to impress Josh that would be my best shot. I rolled him back onto his back and got on top of him. Sliding a hand into his pants I was nervous but so excited! This guy wasn’t just hot. I really liked him.

He was rock hard when I got his cock out. His whole expression changed when I started stroking him. I could tell he didn’t want to just be friends anymore. He got kind of nervous and asked me if I ‘wanted to’. I figured since I was struggling anyway if I was gonna hook up with someone it should be with someone I trusted- I trusted Josh a ton.

While I gave him a hand job he helped me out of my pants, then pushed me onto my back telling me it was ‘my turn’.

I can still remember how hard my heart was beating as I watched his head go down between my legs and tug my panties off. I’d never let a boy finger me before. He seemed like he really knew what he was doing, starting off with one finger and going slow. It was uncomfortable but it didn’t hurt like I was expecting it would. He then ate me out for what must have been half an hour! Adding two more fingers in later on and telling me I was ‘a good girl’ and that I had a ‘hot cunt’. I’d hardly ever heard him swear before so I was so turned on! The picnic blanket under me was soaked already. After a while I had my first orgasm from oral! I was moaning so loud he had to cover my mouth but I didn’t care. I was having so much fun. I was about to fuck somebody! I was about to let Josh fuck me!

He fished a condom out of his pocket and I realized he’d probably planned this. That he’d probably gotten some experience in college (I remember during one of our talks he’d admitted he didn’t wait until marriage but didn’t regret it) which was probably why it felt like he knew what he was doing but maybe that was lucky for me.

I straddled him again but his dick suddenly seemed so much bigger as he pushed it inside of me. I remember squirming from the pain but he kept kissing my neck and telling me I felt so good on his dick so I wanted to push through the pain for him. I rode him until he came. It was a real turn on hearing him moan and seeing him fall apart like that. I didn’t come though, which he noticed so he told me to get off and ate me out again!

After that we got dressed and just cuddled…he was really gentle and seemed kind of worried after I told him I had fun but that I was sort of sore. We fell asleep for a few hours, waking up as the sun was rising. We hurried back because although the 18+ campers didn’t have a curfew or bedtime it would still be suss if we were caught out so early.

With camp almost over Josh and I traded numbers and decided to start seeing each other, even if it meant having to sneak around town to hook up which we did! Let me know if you want to hear some of those stories. He definitely introduced me to a lot of kinks!

Thanks for reading…I know it was kinda long but I wanted to give you the back story!


Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/mn8ta2/i_f18_lost_my_virginity_in_the_woods_at_bible


  1. Oh you better publish many more of these stories…

    I’ll be disappointed if there isn’t

  2. If???? I want to hear!! As a person with a praise kink, reading the phrase «good girl» made me want to know more?

  3. I need to hear more stories about you and him.

    It’s for science.

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