The House Guest (Part 1) M/F

“Would you stop, baby?” Daniel asked, watching his wife gather up a pile of books from the coffee table.

Jane shook her head, stuffing the books on one of the several bookshelves lining the living room. Pausing a moment, she adjusted the placement of the books so that the spines all lined up, presenting a unified front to the open studio apartment. “I’m nearly done. I just want…” She pushed a lock of brown hair back from her brow. “I want to make a good impression. I’ve never met any of them.”

Daniel crossed the room, kissing her on the cheek. “Believe me, you’ll make a good impression. This place will make a good impression. Jared’s apartment was a bit of a hole last time I saw it.”

“That’s not the point,” she replied. “He’s been through a lot. I want him to feel at home.”

“That’s going to be a problem.” Jane tossed him a frown, and Daniel shrugged. “I mean, I’m just trying to be honest. It’s not his home. It’s going to take a long, long time before any place can be home.”

She paused, and glanced over at her husband. He was leaning against the wall now, a sad expression briefly crossing his face. “Was it that way for you? When you got out?”

He shook his head. “Not so much. It was strange, but I was only on the boat for five years before I finished my tour. Long time, but nothing compared to Jared.” Pushing himself off the wall, he crossed into the kitchen. Their apartment was a large, open-plan loft overlooking the Cumberland river, drifting lazily through downtown Nashville. The kitchen and living room encompassed one wide expanse of room, separated only by an island. A wrought-iron staircase led up to the elevated loft space overlooking the rest of the apartment that served as their bedroom. He pulled the cupboard under the sink open, removed the garbage can, and started bagging the trash.

“Hang on.” Jane jogged up the stairs to their bedroom, emerging a moment later with some empty soda cans in her hands, and added them to the bag. Daniel finished tying off the bag.

“Jared, though…” He shrugged. He walked to the front door, and set the bag in the hallway outside for collection. Returning into the room, he started washing his hands. “He joined the navy when he was eighteen. That was, what? 17 years ago? He’s done two tours on boomers, and was halfway through his third MedPac on the Houston when it happened. He doesn’t really know anything other than bumming around the ocean on a boat.” He dried his hands on a hand towel. He started to toss it onto the counter, but caught the glance from his wife, grinned sheepishly, and hung it back on the rack. Moving over to her, he gathered her into a hug.

“And on that note…” Daniel leaned down and kissed his wife deeply. Her hands tightened around his waist. Straightening back up, he said, “Have I mentioned how amazing you are?”

She smiled. “Not in the last half hour or so, no.”

He kissed her again. “Seriously, honey. You’ve never met the guy, but you didn’t wait five seconds before you grabbed the phone from me and told him he was staying with us. You’d bought him a plane ticket less than an hour after that. I actually think he was afraid to argue with you at a certain point.”

Jane shrugged. “I may not know him, but you do. This would be a bad break for anyone, but I can’t imagine how difficult this must be for him. Plus, he saved your life.” Her fingers came up, and brushed against the shiny patch of scarred skin poking up over her husband’s collar. He shifted uncomfortably, and she took her fingers away. “The least we can do is help him get back on his feet.”

He nodded. “I know, but still. A lot of wives wouldn’t have done that.”

She kissed him once more, then squirmed out of his grasp. “You still haven’t told me what he likes to drink. I’d hoped to stock the fridge before he gets here.”

Daniel shrugged, saying, “Hell if I know. He drank beer when we were on the boat, pretty much any beer he could get his hands on. But he’d been starting to cut back when I left. We can always make a run once he’s here.”

Sighing, Jane scanned the apartment several times, looking for something to tidy up. Daniel grinned at her. “Seriously, baby. Are you nervous?”

“Shut up.” She looked around the apartment, biting her lip. “I’ve always thought we had a big place here, but I’m starting to realize that it’s smaller than I’d like. It’s going to be tough for him to feel like he has his own space.”

Chuckling, Daniel said, “That’s the one thing we don’t have to worry about. My first apartment was a 500 square foot hole, and it felt like the damn Ritz after being stuck on submarines.”

“What if…” She pauses. “What if he doesn’t like me?”

“Not possible.” She rolled her eyes, and Daniel insisted, “I’m pretty sure that’s literally impossible. Every one of my friends thinks you’re the best thing that ever happened to me. My parents like you more than they like me. Hell, my sister told me that if we ever were to split up, it’d been nice knowing me, but she was 100% going to side with you in the divorce.”

Jane rolled her eyes. “I think she was joking, honey.”

“I’m only about 60% sure that she was joking.” Jane began to retort, but there was a knock at the door. She started to say something, but Daniel was already on his feet, moving to the fire engine red door. Jane followed him into the kitchen, and waited by the island as he walked to the door, fidgeting nervously. When the door opened, her breath caught slightly in her throat.

Jared Micheals was a big man. Her husband had mentioned this several times, but seeing it was a different matter. Jared was at least four inches taller than her 6’1” husband. His frame was the kind of solid build that came not from a gym, but from decades of hard work in harder places. The black t-shirt he was wearing fit him like a second skin, stretched over a barrel chest. He had a worn green seabag slung over his left shoulder, and his right hand gripped a metal cane tightly as he leaned upon it for support. His eyes were tired, but his face lit up with a broad smile as Daniel opened the door.

“Holy shit, it’s true.” His voice was deep, with a trace of a midwestern accent. “You grew a fucking beard.”

Daniel laughed, an explosion of sound that, to his wife’s familiar ear, belied his relief at seeing his friend. “Damn right I did. How you doing, man?” He stepped forward, and hugged Jared tightly.

Jared squeezed him close with his free arm, releasing him after a moment and leaning back. “I’m making it. Look at you, though.” Gesturing at the pressed suit and starched white shirt, he said, “You look like you just came back from a board meeting.”

“Uh, I did.” Daniel grinned. “Some of us had to become respectable, after all.” He reached out and grabbed the seabag. “Don’t just stand there. Get your ass in here and say hi to my significantly better half.”

Jane stepped forward, smiling as Jared walked into the kitchen. He offered his hand, which swallowed hers up as they shook. He stared at her for a moment, then said, “You mind if I ask you a question?”

She had been about to say something, but shut her mouth, shook her head, and said, “Of course not.”

“Head injury or blindness?” he inquired.

Confused, Jane glanced at her husband, who was rolling his eyes. “Excuse me?”

Jared shrugged. “Well, the only two explanations that I can think of for someone that looks like you agreeing to marry this schlub are a serious head injury, or an inability to see what he actually looks like. I was just curious which.”

Jane grinned, shaking her head. “Neither, although I will admit that my bachelorette party left me a bit relieved of my senses for a few days. I’m not sure that I was of sound mind when I said ‘I do’.”

“Figures. I know a good lawyer if you want to see about getting out of it.” Jared considered this, then shrugged. “I mean, he says he’s a good lawyer. He might be full of shit.”

Daniel checked his watch. “Fifteen seconds before giving me shit about the law degree. Roberts owes me fifty bucks.”

Laughing, Jared began to say something else, but instead sucked in his breath sharply, his lips pressing together, pain across his face. Jane took his arm. “Are you all right?” He nodded, but they both noted the color draining from his lips.

“Yeah, I’m… It’s just been a long trip, and I’m still not entirely steady on my feet.” He took a few limping steps forward, braced himself against the island, and let out a long breath.

Jane nodded. “To the couch. We spent way too much money on it, so it had better have some kind of healing properties.” Holding her arm, he made his way over, and collapsed gratefully into the corner of the sectional nestled against the corner of the room. Daniel sat near him, worry etched across his face. Jared shook his head.

“Stop looking at me like that. I’m fine.”

Daniel snorted. “Oh, yeah, looks that way.”

“Seriously.” Jared ran his fingers through his tightly cropped black hair. “I got cleared to travel and all that by the hospital. It’s just been a long day.” Jane brought him a glass of water, which he took gratefully. “Thank you.” Smiling at her, he said, “All jokes aside, I’ve wanted to meet you for a long time. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to make the wedding.”

She shook her head. “Don’t apologize. It’s a pretty good excuse, all things considered. Hell, my sister missed it because she had a scrapbooking club meeting scheduled, so you’re definitely up on points.” He laughed.

“All right.” Jane grabbed her purse off of the coffee table. “Are you hungry?”

Nodding, Jared admitted, “I could eat.”

“Daniel tells me you’re a fan of spicy food, is that right.”

“The hotter the better,” he said, then turned to stare at Daniel, who’d laughed. “What’s so funny?”

“I just know where she’s going for food.” He grinned. “You’re in Nashville, dipshit. You can’t throw down a challenge like that.” Looking over at his wife, he said, “Bolton’s or Prince’s?”

She smiled. “Bolton’s. Line’ll be shorter this time of night. I’ll be back in fifteen minutes or so.” Stepping over to her husband, she kissed him briefly on the lips and headed out the door. As soon as the door closed, Jared laughed.

“Wrapped around her little finger, aren’t you?”

Daniel nodded, a smile on his face. “100%. You ought to try it sometime, you know.”


“Marriage, love, that whole thing?”

Jared snorted. “When, precisely, in the last fifteen years have I had any time for that?”

“I guess. Seems like the kind of thing worth making time for, though.” Daniel considered his friend, and clapped him on the shoulder. “It really is good to see you, man.”

His smile fading, Jared nodded. “Yeah, you too.” He leaned back against the sofa and let out a long breath. “I don’t… uh, I don’t really know how to say thank you for this. I don’t think it’ll be long, I just have to find a job and a place.”

“Shut up, Jared,” Daniel said, rolling his eyes. “It’s nothing.”

“It’s not nothing.” Jared sighed. “I have no idea what to do now, and knowing that I don’t have to have all the answers right away helps.”

Daniel didn’t know what to say to that, and said nothing for a few moments. Finally, he quietly asked, “When’s your official discharge date?”

Jared took a big swallow of water. “I’ve got another twelve weeks of terminal leave. After that, I’m a civilian like anyone else.”

Hopping up, Daniel headed to the fridge. He grabbed the handle, then paused, looking back at his friend. “Can you have a beer?”

“One is fine. Any more than that, the drugs make me loopy.” Daniel popped the cap off a bottle of an IPA, and handed it to him, sitting back down on the other end of the couch. Jared took a long pull, then held the bottle against his forehead. “Summer always this nasty down here?”

“One, it’s only May. Come July, you’ll think you died and went to hell. Two, are we seriously going to discuss the weather?”

Jared didn’t speak for a moment. Finally, he said, “What do you want me to say? It fucking sucks.”

“That’s a start.” Daniel started peeling the label off of his bottle idly. “Are you talking to someone about it?”

Shrugging, Jared took another sip. “I had counseling three times a week with this super mellow dude named Rahim. Talked about new opportunities, learning to embrace new challenges, all of that motivational poster horseshit.” He shook his head. “I’m supposed to find someone new down here.”

“I mean, it’s probably not the worst idea.”

Jared snorted. “Oh, yeah. Between physical therapy and actual therapy, I’m sure it’ll be incredibly easy to find a job that will work with my fucked up schedule, doesn’t mind the fact that I can’t stand upright for more than fifteen minutes, and that I don’t have any education past a GED from some shitburg in Idaho.”

Daniel shrugged. “Don’t sweat the job. I can help you with that.”

“I don’t need…”

“Man, if you say anything about not needing help, I’m going to kick your ass.” Daniel raised an eyebrow. “Bonus, it’s probably the first time I’ve ever had the upper hand on that.” He leaned forward, and pulled his collar down as far as it would go, exposing the scar. “Far as I’m concerned, this earned you all the help you can stomach, and then some.”

Jared rolled his eyes. “That was a long time ago.”

“So?” Daniel gestured around his apartment. “My life, my career, my wife, all of this shit? None of it happens unless you drag my unconscious ass out of that fire. Doesn’t matter if it was twelve minutes or twelve years ago, all of the good shit I have in life disappears if you didn’t do that. As it turns out, I’m in a decent position to actually do something for you, now.”

“What’s that?”

“A job.”

Jared shook his head. “I’m pretty sure your law firm doesn’t need a barely educated squid on its payroll.”

“You say this with all of your deep, insightful knowledge of what my company does?” Jared glared at his friend, but Daniel ignored it. “You know more about engineering than any ten dipshits with shiny new degrees. Half of our business is patent law. We’ve been contracting out to a nearby engineering firm for consulting on new designs, and our partners are sick of paying so damn much. They want someone on payroll who can answer questions from lawyers who can’t install their own light bulbs in language they can understand.”

Looking doubtful, Jared asked, “That’s a job?”

“It’s called consulting, and people spend a shitload of money on it. They can have you work from home, pay you a quarter of what they’ve been spending, and still make sure you’re paid nearly double what the navy’s been slinging your way.” Daniel grinned. “It’s not a guarantee. You’d still need to interview with the partners. But you’re a perfect fit. And hell, if you don’t want to do that, we’ll find you something else.”

Jared didn’t say anything for a bit. Finally, he lifted his bottle in a mock toast. “Well, then, I guess you bailing on the navy and selling out as a corporate shill wasn’t the worst thing in the world.”

Daniel lifted his bottle in response. “Damn straight.”

Chuckling, Jared looked around the large apartment, and out the large industrial windows looking over the Cumberland. “This place is seriously impressive.”

“Thanks.” Daniel tossed his shredded label onto the end table, then thought better of it, grabbing it and walking to the kitchen’s garbage. “We bought it right after I joined the firm, about ten years ago. It was a warehouse that got rezoned for residential, and thankfully this was before the big housing boom here. The company that bought it just sold these hollowed out spaces as loft apartments. Took us a few years to remodel it. For a while, we slept on a mattress on a bare floor. All this,” he waved his bottle vaguely around, “is Jane. She did the whole layout.”

“Where does she work?”

“Nonprofit here in the city. She organizes fundraisers, consults on office operations, that kind of thing.” He grinned. “Now that you’re here, she’s definitely going to shanghai you into helping with some of the events. Fair warning.”

Grinning, Jared said, “I think I can manage.” He watched a barge slowly make its way under a pedestrian bridge spanning the river, and said nothing for a few moments. Finally, he asked, “Do you miss it?”

“The boat?” Daniel leaned back. “It’s different for me, man. It’s been over a decade. You put me on a boomer today, I’d be as clueless as the greenest nub on board.”

“Not really an answer.”

“No, it isn’t.” Daniel shrugged. “I have a good life. I love my job, my wife is amazing, I’m close to family. This city’s fantastic, and I’m happy. Compared to being stuffed on a boat with 150 men, smelling of BO and amine, always exhausted and stressed…” He sighed. “Yeah, sometimes I miss it. Doesn’t make any sense, but there it is.”

Jared smiled sadly. “Yeah, that’s what I figured.”

They sat in silence for a few moments. Finally, Jared cleared his throat. “Enough of that depressing bullshit. Jane really is something, man.”

A grin split Daniel’s face. “She is. Just wait until you two get to know each other more. You’ll fall in love with her the way everyone does.”

Jared raised an eyebrow, grinning. “That’s for damn sure.”

Daniel threw a pillow, which his friend caught. “Not what I meant, but… yeah.” They both laughed. “She’s got this quality about her. Everyone is drawn to her. Hell, I’m still not sure what she sees in me, but I know I’m still really damn excited to be her husband.”

Before Jared could reply, Daniel started, reaching into his pocket. He pulled his cell phone out, and glanced at the screen, sighing. “Sorry, you mind?” At Jared’s nod of assent, he answered the phone. “Garner here. Hey, Lauren. No, I’m home for the day.” Standing up, he wandered to the far end of the room, sitting at a desk with a laptop.

While his friend talked, Jared glanced around the room. He stood up, ignoring the sharp spike of pain lancing up his leg, and made his way to the bookshelf against the wall. There was a small photo album with a laser-cut wooden cover, bound with metal rings. Picking it up, he opened it, and laughed. Daniel and Jane stood in front of an old wooden building, smiling broadly in his tuxedo and her wedding dress. They were flanked by their bridesmaids and groomsmen, all of whom were making obscene gestures at the couple. Flipping through, he saw more pictures of the day, lingering on one of Jane sitting and talking with a young boy handing her a plate with cake. She was smiling at him, taking the cake with one hand while brushing a curl back with the other.

“Good picture, right?” He heard from over his shoulder. Daniel was peering around his arm.

“She’s stunning, man.” Flipping back to the beginning, Jared indicated the odd group picture. “Why is this the first photo, though?”

“Ugh.” Daniel rolled his eyes. “We took pictures after the ceremony, about five thousand of them. Neither Jane nor I had eaten all day, so finally we told the photographer we were done, and went to eat. Turns out, that’s the only photo in which no one is blinking, sneezing, or staring at Jane’s chest.” Considering the picture, he shrugged. “Can’t really blame them for the last one.”

Jared laughed as the door opened, and Jane came in, holding several styrofoam containers. Daniel quickly moved to help her, taking the food from her. Grabbing a plate, she asked, “Jared, I got medium, hot, and extra hot. Which do you want?”

Putting the album back on the shelf, he headed to the kitchen. “Extra hot, please. I’m from Texas. Spicy is nothing new to me.”

Daniel and Jane looked at each other, and grinned.

. . . . .

Jane looked up from her book as her husband came up the stairs. “How’s he doing?”

Laughing, Daniel said, “He’ll be okay. I think he drank half the bottle of Pepto Bismol in one shot. He stopped sweating, though. He’s going to take a shower and crash.”

“It’s not funny! I don’t want him to be sick.” Her voice stayed low.

“He’s fine. Besides, we did warn him.” Her husband kept his voice low as well, and walked into the bathroom on the upper level. His voice drifted out to her. “I’m so glad you talked me into this master bathroom. It would have been a bit challenging to only have the one with him crashing here.” She heard the faucet run, and the sound of Daniel’s electric toothbrush. After a few minutes, he came out, and headed to the dresser. After emptying his pockets, he stripped off his clothes, tossing them into the hamper at the side of the room. He considered for a moment, then sighed. “I guess I should wear pajamas.”

She laughed. “Such sacrifice.” She lifted the covers to reveal the tshirt and boxer shorts she wore underneath. “There are going to be a few changes.”

He grimaced as he pulled on a pair of fleece pants. “I mean, I know that having him stay here is the right thing to do, blah blah blah… “ His eyes twinkled as he tried not to grin. “But is it really worth not having my wife sleep naked next to me?”

Jane nodded, a mock serious expression on her face. “Truly, no one has ever sacrificed as much as you. You’re a modern-day Gandhi.”

He climbed into bed next to her. “Seriously, we should probably talk about… stuff.” He nuzzled her neck, his hand moving to her hip. “I love the guy, but I’m not really willing to become celibate for however long he stays. And this whole open loft layout doesn’t really offer that much privacy.”

She giggled softly under her breath. “I thought about that too. We might just have to get creative.”

His teeth nipped her neck, and her breath caught in her throat. “I like when you get creative.”

“Not…” She swallowed, and continued. “Not exactly what I meant.”

“So then what did you mean?” He rolled over, bracing himself on his arms above her as he kissed her softly. His body settled against hers, and she felt the familiar heat rush through her.

“We’ll just have to find moments when he’s not here… or otherwise occupied.” She kissed him again, and ran her hands up his chest. “Maybe take advantage of that big shower you picked out.”

There was a series of clunks in the walls as water moved through the old pipes in the building, and they could hear the shower downstairs come to sputtering life. Daniel grinned down at his wife. “Does that count as otherwise occupied?”

She laughed. “What has gotten into you?”

He shrugged. “My wife is hot, and I won’t be able to fuck her as much as I’m accustomed to for the next few months.” His hand found her flank, and slid up under her shirt. “I’m not going to bitch too much about it, but that doesn’t mean I intend to let opportunities pass us by.”

She felt his hand close over her breast, and sighed as her nipple stiffened. Her back arched slightly as she felt his body press down against hers, his erect cock against her hip. “What if… ummmhmm… What if he hears us?”

Daniel didn’t say anything to that, but slid down as he pushed her shirt up. His lips closed over her nipple as he slipped his hand into her shorts. Her legs came apart, and he felt the warm smooth skin of her pussy beneath her fingertips.

“You didn’t.. Oh…” She gasped as he began sucking at her nipple and rubbing her clit beneath his fingers. “You didn’t answer my question.”

He began kissing down her body, and hooked his fingers in the waistband of her shorts. “If he hears us, he hears us. You’re my wife. What’s he going to say?” She lifted her hips so he could pull her shorts off, tossing them to the side.

“You don’t think it’ll make him uncomfortable?” she asked, running her fingers through his hair.

He shook his head, and leaned down. Knowing what was coming, she felt the familiar thrill race up her skin. The moment right before contact, right before his tongue brushed over her clit was one of her absolute favorites. The thrill of anticipation before…

“Oh, god….” she gasped as his mouth closed over her bare lips. His tongue rolled over her swollen clit, and she grabbed a pillow and bit it as he slipped two fingers inside her dripping slit. Jane began to moan softly into the pillow as his fingers curved inside her, and he began lapping at her pussy as he fingered her. Her hips began rolling involuntarily, and her breathing quickened. She pulled her top off, tossing it to the side, and reached up to grab the rails of their heavy iron bed frame. Her legs wrapped around her husband’s back, and her fingers twisted in his hair as he tasted the juices flowing faster from her pussy. After a few moments, she felt the familiar heat building inside her, and tightened her legs, as if afraid he was going to stop. She needn’t have worried. His hands slid under her ass and lifted her up, pulling her warm slit tight against his mouth, savoring every bit of her as she arched her back and moaned loudly into the pillow.

He couldn’t wait anymore. Every once in a while, Jane would ask him what he loved most about her. He would often teasingly remark that she was one hell of a good fuck. The secret that he never quite knew if she’d figured out was that it wasn’t a joke. He admired her, respected her, loved her, and genuinely considered her his best friend, but from the first moment he’d seen her, his mind was flooded with thoughts of her writhing naked beneath him. He loved the taste of her, the feel of her pussy clenching around his fingers, the sounds she made when they fooled around on the couch or in the car. He loved her full tits, and the way they heaved when she came. But most of all, he loved this moment, when she was cumming on his lips. In one smooth, practiced action, he shoved off the fleece pants, slid up her body, and kissed her deeply as his cock slid deep inside her in one smooth, eager motion.

They moaned together, their voices muffled during the kiss. They began fucking in practiced harmony, her hips rolling as his swollen shaft plunged deep inside her. Tossing the pillow aside, she bit his shoulder softly, then whispered, “He’s going to hear…”

“It wouldn’t be…” Drunk with lust, he almost let it slip out before he corrected. “It wouldn’t be a big deal. He’s a grownup.” She moaned, and kicked the covers off, curling her long naked legs around him. She nudged against his shoulder. Nodding, he grasped her ass, and rolled over, cock still buried to the hilt in her creamy pussy. She settled atop him, then sat up and began rolling her hips, riding him. He reached around and grasped at her thick and perfect ass, relishing the tight squeeze of her channel on his shaft. She was still cumming from earlier, and he rode that orgasm with every thrust and roll of his hips. Soft gasps were escaping her mouth, and he could tell she was trying not to cry out. Grinning wickedly, he whispered, “I can keep going until you moan…”

A flash of defiance crossed her face, and her eyes narrowed. “Oh, really?” In one smooth motion, she lifted off of his cock. He was about to cry out an objection, until he realized she was turning around. Taking him in hand, she lowered back onto his cock, her back to him, and her bare tits facing the huge windows. She began riding him like this, her perfect ass swirling over his cock as she fucked him.

Daniel gasped as he felt the head of his cock rub against the slick walls of her pussy. She knew this position never failed to bring him to a quick finish. He bit his lip and tried to hold off, but when she looked back over her shoulder and bit her lip with a swirl of her hips, it was too much. He exploded inside his wife’s pussy, flooding her with cum as he bit down hard on his forearm to keep from crying out. She kept riding him, milking every last bit as she came again. When his cock spasmed against her, a loud moan slipped out, and she clapped her hands over her mouth. Laughing softly, he reached around, cupped her tits, and pulled her back down to the bed. They fell onto their sides, his cock slipping out of her slick cunt, and he pulled her into a spooning position.

“Do you think he heard?” she asked, breasts heaving as he cupped them and nuzzled her neck.

Daniel listened for a moment, then shook his head. He kissed her throat. “Shower’s still running. He’s still getting used to not having to shower in less than sixty seconds. He’s going to enjoy it.”

Arching her head back, she kissed him, saying, “Good. I enjoyed it too.” After a few moments, they heard the water downstairs shut off, and the door open. She paused, and said regretfully, “I guess I should put my clothes back on.”

He shrugged. “You can if you want. But I’m not going to. He can’t see us up here, and there’s no real reason. Leave them by the bed if you have to get up. I’ll do the same.”

She bit her lip as she considered, but her husband’s naked body pulled her tight against him, and she sighed. “Okay. I don’t think I liked having anything between us anyway.” She wriggled her ass against his crotch playfully. “But it might make it harder to resist me in the dark hours of the night.”

Nuzzling into her neck, he whispered, “Kitten, it’s always been hard to resist you. That’s never changed.” She smiled.


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