A Fair Trade [mf] [oral]

*Long time reader of erotica, first ever time writing. Had lots of fun doing this so let me know what you think or if you want more!*

Covid and the lockdown has effected us all in some way and for some they got hit harder. I was one of those people. The month was June and I had just gotten laid off of my full time job as a bank teller when the branch decided to downsize staff. They told me I could have my job back once this whole thing let up but who knew when that might happen. I quickly began a job search but it was slow going and July’s bills would be coming soon. In other words, I was fucked.

I figured I had enough savings for utilities and insurance but I was coming short on rent. I lived in a shady apartment complex on the east side of the city and had been there for the last few years. The rent was the cheapest I could find closest to my work and I had never had any issues besides loud neighbors and the occasional pipe leak that was usually fixed promptly, albeit poorly.

I racked my brain for a solution. I didn’t want to ask friends or family for help because we were all struggling and I was single so I had no one else pitching in.

Then I had an idea. I remembered the leasing manager and the way his eyes always lingered on me a little too long when I dropped off my rent checks. I’m an attractive woman so these looks didn’t shock or bother me, he was always pleasant. He was a decent looking man, not exactly my type but a fine man nonetheless. Mid 40s and a little on the heavy side (I imagine sitting in a stale office all day will do that to a person). The assistant manager was definitely more handsome, early 30s and slender but he was always colder and more standoffish. He was also married and I figured he would be a harder nut to crack. I wasn’t looking for a challenge. I was looking for a solution.

I came up with a plan. I called the office and set up a meeting with Rob, the manager, the following day at noon to discuss an issue. I chose noon as the office closed down at 12:30 for their half hour lunch break so I would have plenty of time if everything went according to plan.

The following day I showered, did my hair and makeup and even put on my fancy perfume I usually reserved for special occasions. To be fair, this was kind of a special occasion. I had never done anything like I was about to do, although I had fantasized about similar things many times. I picked out an outfit sexy enough to show off my legs and chest (my best features, I’ve been told) and that was also casual enough for a hot June afternoon that consisted of a white tennis style skirt I got from American Apparel in college and a low cut pink tank top with a white lace bralette. I decided to leave the panties off to seal the deal.

I look at the clock and see it’s 11:50. It’s about a 5 minute walk to the office and I’ve always been one to be early. As I leave and lock the door behind me I notice my heart is rapidly beating and my pussy is already wet from the excitement of what I’m about to do. I skip down the steps and make my way to the office, giggling and fantasizing the whole way.
Once I reach the door, my hand pauses on the knob. What if I come off as a fool? What if I’m denied? Oh my… I’d be mortified. I ponder a few moments on these thoughts but make a split second decision that this is the best option and I open the door subconsciously.

Inside, at the desk to the left sits Rob and to the right is John, the assistants, empty desk. I realize in that moment I didn’t have a plan if John was also in the office so this was an immediate relief. Maybe he took his break early and thank God he did.

“Hi Anne. Come on in and have a seat.” Rob greets me warmly and I do as I’m told.
“Hi Rob, how are you?” I reply with a little wave and a smile.
“Oh, you know. Just living the dream.” He says sarcasticly. This man could use a little excitement. “Let me just finish this email real quick and I’m all yours.” He smiles and his eyes linger on mine like they usually do before he turns back to his computer.

As I wait patiently my toes are wriggling inside my shoes and have to sit on my hands to stop myself from fidgeting from the mix of nerves and excitement. It feels like an eternity when he finally stops typing and says out loud “..and send. Alright, what’s up?”
“Well I wanted to meet with you personally because I’m having a little issue this month.” I say
“Okay. Whats going on? Is it the sink again? I told those assholes to make sure they fix it this time..” he said with genuine concern.
“No, no.” I laugh, “the sinks still okay. I’m actually here about rent. My job laid people off due to the lockdown and I was one of those people.”
“Oh no.” He cringes. I’m sure he’s heard this story a hundred times this month alone.
“I have a job lined up”, I lie “but I won’t get my check for at least another three weeks they told me. Is there anything we can do?”
“I’m sorry Anne. I know things are crazy right now but as of this moment there are no freezes on rent payments. We love having you as a tenant but the owners don’t care about favorites. Do you have anyone that could help you out til you get your next check?” He asks.
“No, I really don’t.” I pout.
“I mean, I will definitely let you know if anything changes with a freeze but we might just have to wait it out for now.”
“There’s nothing I can do? Not even anything for you Rob?” I make sure I’m looking directly at him.
“I…I don’t really…” I can see his mind racing. Hes not sure if he’s understanding me or making it up in his head. I decide to make it clear to him.

I put my hands on his desk in front of me, pushing out my chest, and slowly stand up. I reach behind myself and lock the main office door. When I do so, I hear him let out a quick breath. I walk around to his side of the desk, dragging my finger along the edge as I do so. He spins slightly in his office chair to face me, his forehand glistening with sweat.
Standing less than a foot in front of him I say, “I’m not wearing any panties. Wanna see?”
He quickly nods his head once, mouth slightly agape and his eyes trail down my body and stop at my crotch.
I lift the hem of my skirt with one finger on either side, exposing my smooth mound. I see his cock tighten though his pants and smile, it’s not half bad I think to myself. “Now, are you sure there’s nothing we can do?”
“Maybe we can make an exception..” he stammers. He reaches around me, rubs up my right leg to my bare ass, squeezes and pulls my body closer to him. He gives my pussy a kiss and stands up.
I lower myself onto my knees behind the desk and undo is jeans. His stiff cock pops out with little effort and I grab it at the base gently. I bring my mouth close and look up at him before inserting the tip. I work my way down until he is fully inside my mouth. I learned at young age, the key to a good blow job is to make it sloppy. I bob my head to take in the full length, flicking the tip of my tongue on his head. I hold his cock in the back of my throat until I gag and pull it out, stringing drool with it. He moans and leans over his desk and quickly clears away the clutter of sticky notes and paperwork and pulls me up by my arms.

He lifts me by my ass and sets me on the edge of the desk. For a chubby man, he’s surprisingly strong and this excites me even more.
With his eyes fixated on my dripping pussy exposed under my skirt, he gently circles my clit with his thumb.
“Fuck you’re so wet. Your pussy is perfect.” He says, almost dazed.
I giggle and cover my eyes with my hands, “thank you.”
He breathes deeply and presses his throbbing, spit covered cock against my entrance. I moan as it easily slides in.
He starts slowly and soon picks up the pace. As he pounds my pink pussy, the books and picture frames on the desktop start to topple over. One of the frames falls to the floor and shatters but he doesn’t stop. He reaches for the neckline of my tank top and pulls down to release my bouncing tits. He replaces his hands on my inner thighs and spreads my legs open as far as my muscles can stand.

He inches his right hand closer to my slit and circles my clit again. The pounding in my pussy and stimulation on my clit is too much, I can feel an orgasm building. With every thrust of his cock I let out a moan, each one slightly louder than the last until I exclaim “I’m gonna cum!” Two more pumps is all it took and my eyes roll back and my walls spasm around him. It was one of the best orgasms of my life, I felt so dirty and scandalous getting fucked in the leasing office.
Before I was able to come down from my haze, I notice his pace quicken even faster than before and without warning he groaned, “fuck!” and I felt the hot load of cum burst inside me.
With a bewildered look and sweat dripping down his face, Rob leans over me and pulls out his soaked cock. And for a moment we gasp for air in silence.

He stands up and pulls his pants up from around his ankles. When we both lock eyes we laugh.
“I definitely think we can help you out. If you ever need help with anything again, don’t hesitate to come by.” He said breathlessly.
Still on the desk, I support myself with my elbows and tilt my head back and smile. As I do so I hear the door behind click and with no time to react, John walks in.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/mllf1n/a_fair_trade_mf_oral