Stripped by the Vice Principal [milf] [schoolboy]

“Would Mr. Allerson please report to the Vice Principal’s office immediately”

I knew I done fucked up. You’ve never not fucked up when you got called into the motherfucking Vice Principal’s office.

“huh? Wait I think they just called you bruh” said Joe, confused as to why I would be called when it’s almost time to go home
Joe’s been a good friend of mine for the past 2 years. Actually one of the 1st friends I made after moving here

“they did”, I replied

“But like it’s almost time to go home bruh well you better go there ASAP, you don’t wanna piss of the vice principal & you live nearby anyways”

“Yeah you’re right” I replied

“But like why would they cal-”
I dashed to the vice principal’s room Before he could finish screaming “well I better get going as you said”

As I was walling to the vice principal’s room, I felt a certain pain in my stomach, a sign, an omen to what’s to come.

I had a good idea as to why I woulda been called,

I just didn’t know what to expect

As I was approaching the 37th chamber of hell, I bumped into Mrs. Smith

“Oh Cody”

“Mrs. Smith, I’m so sorry here lemme pick these books up for you”

“Oh no, don’t worry bout it. I’ll pick them up. Now you gotta hurry to the VP’s office”
And then she pulled me closer and whispered

“Oh and uhh Good luck”

“Uhh thanks?”

She waved

Now what could she have meant by “good luck”? What does the vp really have in mind for me? Maybe she….ugh nah cody you gotta get your mind outta the gutter, plus that wouldn’t be a punishment, that’d be a reward

I finally got to the vp’s room where I was pleasantly greeted by Holly, the head of the student council.

Now mane lemme tell ya she’s prolly perfection personified. Oh the things I’d do just to spend a single night with her-

“Uh hello?”

I quickly snapped outta my lil daydream

“Uh ye hi holly, uhh fancy seein you here, how you been? What you doin here? ”

“Yeah so Mrs. Heathers is a lil busy at the moment so you’re gonna have to wait outside for a bit, I hope that’s alright?” she replied ignoring my questions

“Oh I’d be alright if I’m waiting with you” I mumble whispered under my breath


“Uhh I meam yeah yeah that’s cool, totally cool, a 100%, no problemo”

“Glad to hear”
And then she went to the student council’s room to do student council shit I presume, whatever it is that they do in there

I sat down on a bench right outside the vp’s office, cringing hard at our my lil interaction with Holly until about 5 minutes later when I was finally called in

I walked in

“Pls sit down”

I sat down

“I’m sure you know why you’ve been called up here”

I just looked away a bit

She let out a long sigh
“What happened to you Cody? You were an excellent, bright, capable, smart student”
“I would have never expected you, of all people to be involved in something such as this, never would I have thought, even though I only taught you for 1 year, you made a lasting, positive impression on me”

This is the type of shit that really gets to me, I used to be a goody 2 shoes…and I hated it. I dreaded every second of it & now that I’m being myself everybody’s just hatin. Though in all honesty I deserve this but people thinking I’m some kinda great genius, Some kinda future engineer or something… It’s too much mane. These expectations

“So what do you have to say for yourself?”

I had so many thought, so many things I wanted to say but I just couldn’t- I kept silent

“Come on! I asked you a question young man. Answer me!”

“Silent, huh?”

“Well on top of this recent situation on our hands, your grades have also been slipping. Now what do you have to say about that?”

“You know your finals are comin up soon too, you better pick up your slack”

“We can’t just let someone with a potential as bright as yours put that to waste, we’re going to have to intervene”

“You’re staying back today”


“No buts.”
“Every teacher is having an important meeting later today & I’m sure they’d be delighted by your presence”

Even though she was scolding me like this… For some reason I enjoyed it s bit. I guess I am a huge loser, loner & on top of that a perv but there was just something about this… Her commanding voice, her authority, she also had a great body, at 5’11”. She was only a couple of inches taller than me but seemed to tower me & it’s usually just rare for this to happen, she also had decent D-Cup & a pretty nice ass too. A bit on the smaller end but the shape & muscle made up for it. She exercised alot & I’d often find myself fantisizing “working out” with her. Needless to say, I was slowly getting aroused by all this. I know it’s wrong but…I just can’t help it, you know?

“Hello? Are you even there”

Fuck I caught myself daydreaming again

“Uhh yeah I’m here”

“How are you not even slightly embarrassed? In fact you seem to be enjoying yourself almost. You know what if something like this doesn’t make you feel shame then I know what will”

“You’re staying back naked”

“I’m sorry ma’am but uhh could you repeat that?”

“Yeah you heard that right. You’re staying back naked, I’m making you attend the meeting too. We’re having visitors from another school too & I’m sure they’ll be more than happy to meet you & your little friend. Even that holly girl you’re always checking out will be there too”

“Uhh ma’am you’re kidding, right? Please I’ll do anything to not”

“no. I’m dead serious. I need to mould you back into the Cody you were 2 years ago. And only something harsh would be able to do that”

“But ma’am wouldn’t this be s-s-sexual harrasment? L-like surely this is illegal. You could end up i-in j-j-jail for thi-”

“Ugh sexual harrasment my ass. I’m done arguing, now take your clothes off”


“I said NOW”

I very shamefully comply, though I’ve pretty much lost all dignity I had as a man. I still felt kinda…aroused

I take off my shirt first & then my innershirt

And then get to my belt & was a lil hesitant

“Now now, there isn’t anything we haven’t seen before. If you’re a man you shouldn’t have any problem”

I unbuckle & let my pants slide down & then get to my underwear

“Oh what’s this?” She says while lightly tapping my penis through the underwear with a pen

“Uhmm that’s my penis ma’am. All men have it”

“I know but would you care to explain to me why it’s so swelled up?

“Uhmm you see ma’am”

“Uh enough just pull it down. Don’t be shy, I’ve seen my fair share of penises in my lifetime”

I pull down my undies & immediately plop out my 5.7in cock. I try covering up but I was quickly told to move my hands

“Oh..oh wow. I expected it to be a hell of a lot bigger”

I quickly got shy and covered up but she slapped my hand this time

“Now why are you hiding such a beautiful specimen?”

“You just called it small”

“No I said I expected it to be bigger”

“Same thing

“Length isn’t everythings Cody”


“You see your penis may not be the longest but it’s grith is certainly respectable. Especially for someone at such a young age as yours”

“Wait really?

“Mhm. I envy whatever woman ends up with you”

I get kinda flustered again but in a good way this time. My cock also got harder as she was complimenting it

She looks at it & goes, “oh? It’s getting harder”

And then kinda snaps outta a kinda like a trance she was in before

“Truly pathetic, you’re naked in front of a woman, more than a decade older than you, & mind you, your vice principal at that & you’re standing here aroused”

She lets out a sigh

“You must be hungry, let’s go to the cafeteria”

Walking round my school with my penis hanging out was definitely an…interesting experience to say the least, we get to the cafeteria & surprisingly not too many peoe were there, and thankfully not holly either, only the staff seemed to be there

I grab a plate and as I’m going through, the lunch lady comments

“umm son, I think you might wanna cover up down there”, pointing to my crotch

Then the vp quickly chimes, “oh no It’s his punishment”

“Ah well uhh carry on”, she said, moving her eyes as if she were checking me out

I flustered, quickly grab my food & find a table to eat at, the vp sits besides me & we start eating

“Enjoy the food”, she asked trying to break the awkwardness

“Uhh yeah”

“The view’s nice too, it’s great seeing the school so peaceful”

“Oh the view’s great alright. I’m not too sure about peaceful doe”, she replies, failing at any attempt to make this not awkward

We proceed to finish our food & head to the restrooms to wash, on the way I bump into Mrs. Janet, my French teacher

“Cody!”, She exclaims
“Ms. Janet”, I reply, almost mocking her cheeriness. Mrs. Janet is one of the most cheerful people ever, her personality’s just wonderful & her passion for teaching is great & something I wish I could see well, in more teachers. She was a bit the Shorter side, standing at 5’6. Beautiful blonde hair, flowing to her elbows. A body one dreams for in all their wildest dreams, D-Cup tits, a nice ass & juicy thighs

“What are you staying back for?”, She asked ignoring the fact I’m naked

“Uhh you see, the vice principal’s asked me to stay back as a punishment, I’ll hsve to sit through the meeting too”

“Damnnn, Sheena really is cruel. The meetings are soooo boring. I just wanted to teach children not listen to MORE boring lectures after graduating”

“She really is”

“Oh yeah, you’re naked too. I’m guessin it’s part of the punishment?”


“You’re so LUCKY. I wish I could be naked at work but I gotta wear this shirt, skirt, lingerie, these heels & on top of that perfume, make up. It’s just SO much work”

I was not expecting that response from Ms. Janet

“Anyways I’ll cya later” she says & then proceeds to shake my penis round a lil bit & smiles, which was DEFINITELY not something I expected her to do but I definitely did not mind

I finally reach the restroom & head to the toilet stall where I contemplate whether or not I should jack off. That run in with Ms. Janet has my cock throbbin now & I should really try & calm it down so I start stroking it & about 5 minutes in, I can feel myself about to cum & then I hear Mrs. Heathers’ voice call out “Cody, what’s taking you so long?”

“Uhh I’ll be done in a minute ma’am, pls just hold on”

“Nobody takes this long to wash up & take a piss, I’m coming in”

And just to my luck this was the stall with the broken lock, I nut on her glasses and face & I was scared for life

She licks some of the cum that falls on her face & takes off her glasses, mad she holds in her fury & tells me to clean up & be on my way & proceeds to wash her face

On the way she tells me how she was impressed by how far I shot my cum

“By the way Cody, I was impressed with how far you managed to shoot your…err semen”

“Uhh I was surprised too”, I reply slightly embarrassed

“You should save that trick for the meeting, I’m sure the teachers would welcome it”

And this got me thinking bout what kinda meeting this actually was

We get to the meeting room & she tells me to wait outside a bit. The room seemed to be packed. There were alot of faces I didn’t recognize, I’m assuming newer teachers or teachers of grades above mine

I hear a familiar voice scream “Codyyyy!”
It was Ms. Janet, she reaches for a hug like friends that haven’t met in years & slightly rubs my penis on her belly

“Ms. Janet!”

“I’m so glad you’re here, this would.make the meeting a heck of a lot more fun” she said winking

“Elizabeth, you’re keeping us waiting”

“Sorry! I got a lil a caught up”. She enters the room & the vp signals me to enter too

Inside, I went to an empty seat in the back

Mrs. Heathers starts, “I’m glad all of you could make it for this meeting as it will be a special one”

“Today we’ll be going over methods of punishments of students”

She then went on some rant about detention, paragraph writings to why hitting a child is bad, yada yada

I passed out for about 40 mins when I’m woken up, my whole body strapped onto the meeting table

She goes, “for more troublesome students, we must resort to more unconventional approaches”

“Now, this young lad right here, will be a demonstration as to what’s supposed to happen to more troublesome boys”

I was scared but I knew panicking would not help so I just decided to wait it out. I mean whatever she’s got in mind, it can’t be thatttt bad, right?

She pulls out latex gloves & puts em on

She keeps her fingers on my balls & starts playing with em.

“Now observe, you start by playing with their testicles a lil bit, get em comfortable”

She continues playing with em for a couole more minutes & then knocks my penis a bit too

“And then you pull out one of these”

She pulls out what seems to be a…popsicles stick

She licks it & slowly starts feeling it through my balls & up my penis before hitting my balls with em

I try bearing the pain & let out a lil groan

“Oh now that hurt?”

She then starts holding my balls & squeezing them and I try holding it in but fail & let out a loud “AAAAAAAAAAA”

“We have cameras fitted around too to add to their embarrassment, take down their fragile masculinity, that would definitely humble these lil fuckers down, that’s the premise of it. Get as creative a syou want with these”

She finally lets go of my balls & starts stroking my cock

“Edging is a good endurance test too. Once they’re done too the marathon isn’t over since we’re strapped for time I’ll make this snappy”
She edges my cock for the next 15-20(so much for snappy) & each time I come close to cumming she stops all stimulation for 30 seconds & plays with my balls a bit, hitting it with the stick a couple times too & even taking out a cold metal ruler to keep on em & this goes on till I eventually nut a fucking volcano landing on a couple teachers there & I let out a loud moan too

“Now take it back to what I said earlier, once they’re done, the marathon isn’t over” “well you’ll see what I meant by that, won’t you cody?”

She continued to stroke my cock even after I came. I was obviously in pain but enjoying this too & my cock was still hard despite what just happened. I continue to cum a couple more times till I’m soft where I’m still cumming even though I’m done

At this point, I’m struggling to keep my eyes open

“Plsss stop aaaagh” I manage to blurt out along with a fuck ton more of nonsensical moans

“Amazing, you still manage to ejaculate this much despite practically flooding the place earlier, even after turning flaccid” “well that’s a youthful cock for ya, ladies!”, I hear a couple laughs

“And now after that, to add extra salt to the open ocean wound”

She takes out a measuring tape & taps my cocks & plays with my balls a lil too till I’m hard again

“Amazing, Cody you manage to get erect again after all that. We must get you to see a doctor to see if your penis is alright”

“Now then, we take a measurement of the student’s penis to add to what I like to call ‘the wall of shame’ ”

I wanted to stop but I couldn’t do anything so I just went with the flow

“Now, 5.7, no 5.8 inches, just shy of a 6. 3.79 inches in girth too wow, this is a mammoth” she says playfully

I close my eyes for a bir & try catching my breath when I hear a click

“We’ll have a picture of the student’s penis & it’s measurements pinned onto the wall of shame!” “At the moment we’ll have it in the staff rooms so the teachers would know who are the true troublemakers & as a punishment to the students too”

I hear printing noises and see my cock with it’s length a grith being hung to a wall
“Now how does it feel to be the 1st ever to be on the hall of shame”

“It’s aa err gauhhhh” I blurt out

Laughter fills the room

“Well then that’s all, now any enquiries?”

“Could you send the picture of the dick over”

“Oh It’ll be sent to all teachers”

I would normally be mad but I just did not give a fuck at this point

“Now let’s take a break and I’ll answer more questions afterwards”

I was relieved that it was finally over. My balls & penis were paining at this point, Ms. Janet unstrapped me & helped me up.

“You alright? You came a life ton in that session. You could probably impregnate every woman on earth with that cum!”

“I’m fine besides the fact that my genitals are in pain right now”

“Oh that sucks! I’ll help you get to the nurse’s office right away”

We walk up to the nurse’s office

“Don’t die!”

“I’ll try not to”

The nurse asks me to lie down so she can examine my cock

The nurse was an immigrant from burma & had a short, stout body at 5’4, her breasts & ass weren’t the biggest but she made up for it in her looks

“What’s wrong? This seems to be a pretty healthy penis”, she asks playfully

“They just hurt, soooo the vp was showing a new punishment & she edged it & made uhmm ejaculate multiple times in succession”, I replied

“Ohhh I see” she says then reaches for some cream

“Now don’t worry one bit, nurse jenny’s here to help you through this & get rid of the pain” she says as she starts applying the paste

She applies the paste pretty thoroughly round my cock, on my balls, on my cock & massages em for a bit

I start getting hard again

“Oh fufufu your vice principal lady just gave you a good draining but you already want some more” she says, starting to stroke my cock a lil faster

“But you’ll have to calm it” she says as she lets go of my penis

“No masturbating or sexual stuff for a week, alright? You need to give yoyr penis time to heal after what the vice principal lady has done to the poor thing”

She starts massaging it again for about 5 minutes & then lets go & grabs a warm wet towel & starts tap drying my cock

After that, it’s almost time for me to get home so I’m on my way out when at the reception, the receptionist mentions how I’m naked so I quickly rush to the vice principal’s office to get my clothes & speedily head on home



  1. This was my 1st writing smth like this so like go easy on it please

  2. The writing style was a big turn off; the awkward dialogue, the slang/abbreviations like “pls” instead of “please”. I honestly couldn’t keep reading. I recommend working on your writing and being less informal

  3. Nice first smth writing. I’m following you and hope you continue the story.

    >!you mentioned Holly early on in the story but nothing was mentioned of her actually being in the meeting, would loved to have seen something happen with Holly at the meeting, or hopefully that is an upcoming story.!<

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