The EHSIP Program, Chapter 1 (Mind Swap+Scientific Narrator)

{So I’ve had this idea rattling around in my head for a while now, so I decided to write it out and share it with you all. Not sure how popular the detached/scientific narrator thing will be, but even if only a few people enjoy it, that’s a few people I’ve made a bit happier. Hope you all enjoy, and if you do, I’d love to hear feedback!}

Day 1 of the Experiments on Human Sexual Interactions with Partners (EHSIP). 6:00 AM Sunday, March 28th, 2021 local time:

As you know, I have been selected by The Intelligence to directly take part in the EHSIP program to gather knowledge on the inhabitants of Sol 3. The species’ members, which call themselves humans, are extremely primitive compared to us, but have shown remarkable tenacity in the face of great evolutionary odds. The Intelligence considers them to be worthy of His attention and quest for knowledge.

Scans of the planet and deciphering of their primitive networking has revealed much about their culture, a large part of which seems to revolve around their mating rituals. It has been millennia since our own species has needed to perform such indulgent things, but The Intelligence has expressed interest in the human customs. 

He wishes to know why humans seem to be so obsessed with sexual activities, and devote so much time, energy, and effort into performing them, even when there is no intent to reproduce. I must admit, I am… curious, as well, to see why these creatures value sex above almost all else. 

To learn more than can be inferred from reading the humans’ “internet,” I and many others will go down to the planet’s surface for a more… hands on experience. We will have our consciousness inserted into the bodies of predetermined humans, and ascertain the importance of the mating rituals. 

Of course, we are not monsters. The minds we are replacing will be put back when we are finished, their memory of their time with us wiped appropriately so as to not alarm them and prematurely reveal our presence. No human instruments can come close to detecting our ship in orbit, but their minds could still feel ours slipping in if we aren’t careful. 

Today, we begin the experiment. I have been chosen to inhabit the body of a human female known as Mckenna Smith. She is a resident of the North American continent, in the United States, to use the human place names. Her hometown of New York City is a bustling metropolis, which will make it easy for me to blend in and learn the part of a human woman. 

Mckenna Smith is by all accounts in a committed relationship with one Brian Johnson. The information the two of them have put onto quote “social media” is indicative of a monogamous pairing, as is (usually) customary of the species. It is unclear whether the two have ever engaged in the act of coitus, but I shall find out soon. 

The time is upon us. The target is asleep and ready for the mind transfer. I am on the brink of becoming the first of my kind to inhabit the body of a human, and I must admit that despite The Intelligence telling us to remain calm and logical, I cannot help but be excited. 

6:10 AM, Day 1: For the first time in centuries, I have actual eyes again. I am so used to having images transmitted directly into my mind that I almost forgot what seeing things for yourself is like. Human eyesight is apparently quite crisp in the galactic scheme of things… Enough of this. I cannot allow myself to be distracted. I must remain on mission. 

The transfer is completely successful, as The Intelligence predicted. All traces of the subject’s mind are gone, replaced with my own consciousness. I’m sure that Mckenna would be quite alarmed to wake up in my body back in orbit, but my body is being kept sedated to ensure that the target doesn’t interfere with anything. Afterwards, her mind will be wiped of the duration of the experiment as a precaution, then she will be put back in her own body to continue her life once I am done with it. 

Being in a human body is… strange. The eyesight is sharp, touch even sharper (at least in the fingertips), but smell is lacking, and I feel so… fragile. So many things could easily end this body’s existence, from human vehicles, to illnesses, to simply age, and a thousand other factors that will inevitably claim this body. 

And the body itself… I think I like it. Human males are more muscular on average, and taller, but the females look much more… mysterious. They may not be as strong or fast (on average at least), but the skin I’m looking down upon now reminds me of the surface of our ship in orbit: smooth, flawless, and hiding something awe-inspiring beneath. 

This Mckenna is apparently a prime example of human sexual appeal, and I think I can see why. The mammary glands are full and round, but not *too* large so as to not interfere with physical activities, and the hips are wide to bear children. 

These humans apparently give birth by having to force their young between their pelvic bones, so the males have evolved to see wider hips as a sign of increased fertility, since they would have an easier time delivering children. Strange how something as simple as a wider pelvic region excites sexual arousal in half a species, but biology is strange. 

Mckenna has also been confirmed by various male suitors of hers to be, “hot,” further solidifying her as a prime example of human sexual desirability. Her hair is a rich dark brown, reaching halfway down her back as it falls loosely down my… her shoulders. It is smooth and straight, and frames her face to further draw attention to her striking green eyes and warm smile. 

A smile… I haven’t experienced this in a long time. The last time I was selected to inhabit a creature that had a mouth, let alone one that could smile was millennia ago. I can see why humans find them so positive; my new body’s smile is a beautiful thing. 

However, I don’t have time for sentiment. As much as I wish I could ogle and enjoy this new form, I have work to do. The Intelligence wants to gather knowledge for Him, and that is what I’ll do. 

6:20 AM, Day 1: I am having mild difficulty learning all the muscle movements of this form. Of course I have been given practice in simulations created by The Intelligence, but even his vast knowledge couldn’t create a simulation that compares to the real thing. I am learning quickly however, and will soon master this body to command it as well as it’s previous owner.

6:25 AM, Day 1: It appears I have awoken subject Brian Johnson. It also appears that he is a light sleeper, something I’ll have to remember for the future. He has asked me what I’m doing, still half asleep, and I informed that I was, “Just stretching.” 

6:30 AM, Day 1: Subject Brian has gone back to sleep, not questioning my explanation in his current mental state of half-sleep. Given that we were sleeping in the same bed, and neither of us appears to have clothes on, it is a logical assumption that Mckenna and Brian have indeed had sexual relations at least the previous night, if the human Internet is to be believed. This is good for the experiment, since my wanting to initiate the mating rituals will not be seen as out of the ordinary. 

I am now taking the time to observe my surroundings. We are in a small apartment, with a window overlooking the section of the local metropolis the humans call, “Manhattan.” Skyscrapers frame the rising star as it peeks out from behind the horizon. The sky is bathed in beautiful colors. 

Human eyes perceive color far differently from the mental images I’m accustomed to, so seeing these new colors is quite moving. Never in my existence did I think that color could elicit an emotional response, but then again, I am in a human body. Perhaps some human brain responses are still here after all, left behind when the consciousness of Mckenna was pulled away.

To my surprise, none of the humans outside on the streets seem to be stopping to appreciate it. Strange. I would think that everyone would want to stop and look at the display of fiery colors in the sky, but none of the humans seem to care. A callously disinterested society indeed. 

6:40 AM, Day 1: With the woman’s body fully under my control, I feel confident enough to begin collecting information for The Intelligence. We already know enough about the biology and chemistry of human sexual interaction, but He wants his biological extensions to go and experience it ourselves, to report what it is like. I am unsure of whether this Brian will be awake enough to engage in sex, but, human online interactions make it seem as if males will do almost anything to quote, “get some.” 

6:45 AM, Day 1: I have successfully awoken Brian again, despite his protests. It is only now that I realize I need to actually go over what to do, so I will improvise. I remember The Intelligence saying that humans seem to either like soft, gentle touching, or rough, sometimes painful touching. Given subject Brian’s tiredness and his gender naturally being more physical, I think I’ll go with the gentle option. Plus, I’m not sure exactly how rough is rough for humans. I will have to explore that side of things later. 

6:47 AM, Day 1: Brian is warming up to my touches, especially after I began pawing at his chest under the covers of the bed. He made a remark about the time being a little early but he’s, “…definitely not complaining.” It was at that point that I leaned down to kiss him, unsure of what to say in reply. Brian was very receptive to this, reaching his hands up to wrap around my neck and hold my lips against his. 

Now, his tongue is pressing against my lips, seemingly trying to push between them. I think I’ll go with it, and see what Brian does next now that I’ve piqued his interest and planted the seed in his head. I must say, Brian isn’t horrible on the eyes himself. 

His hair is the same color as my vessel’s, as well as his eyes. The stubble on his chin only further accentuates his defined jawline, something I know is a point of interest in humans when considering physical attractiveness in males. I can feel the rippling muscle beneath my soft hands as I run my fingers across him suggestively, not letting my hands wander too far down his body for now. Best not to rush it and miss something. 

6:47:30 AM, Day 1: Brian was indeed trying to push his tongue into my mouth, because when I parted my lips, he snaked his tongue in immediately. Following suit, I pressed my own tongue against his, unsure of why this is part of the mating rituals but wanting to play along. The taste was something I’ve never experienced in all the millennia of my existence, although I can’t tell if it’s a good or bad taste. I know that I want more, though. 

Brian’s hands are now doing some wandering of their own, traveling down my back as I lean over him. His fingers are running along my spine, feeling the curve of it as we continue to kiss. I don’t know how long this part of the rituals usually lasts, but I know that I want to go on, so surely Brian must want to as well. I shall see. 

6:48:15, Day 1: I am experiencing something else I have never experienced before: arousal. Long ago, before The Intelligence recruited my species for His cause, we engaged in mating rituals like humans do, but that was eons ago, long past. I have only ever known the current system, where The Intelligence selects suitable individuals to donate their DNA to be mated and grown outside either parent. I have never witnessed, let alone experienced, sex or even arousal in any physcal sense of the word. 

However, that time has ended. I cannot deny to myself any longer that I have not been affected by the human biology my mind is contained within. All this touching… kissing… feeling, it makes me want more. So much more. I cannot reason with this desire, or will it away like any other errant thought or want. 

Of course, my physical body is aroused as well, with heightened breathing, dilated eyes, and secretion of lubricant in preparation for what is to come. As I hook one leg over Brian’s waist to straddle him, I can’t help but wonder if I’ll be able to control myself under this new form of duress. It is already growing difficult to transmit my thoughts back to The Intelligence, and we’ve only just begun. I would be lying if I said I am not eager to see what pleasures await me…
