[FT] My girlfriend cums in me

In the depths of lockdown Melanie and I went for a walk in the woods. It was an old forest, dense with beech and oak, broken by darker stands of pine. We wore the usual outdoors sorts of things – boots, jeans, rain jackets. Mel had her long blonde hair in a loose plait that hung over her shoulder. I had my short purple hair under a beanie.

We walked without speaking to one another. I liked that. We were comfortable in each other’s company; no need to fill the space, no need to exchange words to seek confirmation that we were wanted. I knew I was wanted. We crunched through leaves, over mulch. Early spring birds sang a few tentative bars of song, stifled into silence, embarrassed when no other birds joined them.

Mel kissed me against a trunk, her hands going under my jacket to take my waist, my shoulders. I kissed her back, startled by her passion. It came on like a cloudburst, Mel’s lust. Drought to drench. But I was grateful for it and kissed her back, my hands on her belt already. This was a story I knew and I wanted to hear it again.

She pushed against me, undid my button and zip. Her hand pushed palm first into my panties, through my bush, spreading my pussy. There was something deliciously teenage about it all, illicit, fast. She made me wet. It was the feel of her cool hands, but more it was the feeling she wanted me. My body said yes please. She slipped a finger into me and I closed my eyes and moaned into her soft mouth.

I got her belt off somehow, pushed her jeans to her hips. She had on those white panties, the lace ones. Her cock was already hard, the uncut tip poking out of the top. I shuddered when I touched it, felt the slip of precum. Mel had a great cock, always bigger than I was expecting. She was thin, and her chest was petite but that cock was anything but. I wrapped my hand round it and felt her wetness Mark the inside of my wrist. She pushed her panties down and began to rub my clit with her cock. My breath juddered in staccato gasps.

As she kissed my neck I got my jeans to my ankles. And helped hers down as well. This was going to be tricky. She turned me round and pushed me against the trunk. I felt her crouch a little and then the soft head of her cock was parting my pussy, sliding inside me and I was crying out softly. She felt huge, hot, hard. She took me slowly. She knew I was small, she knew she had to be gently. We didn’t need to talk about it.

She gave me the first inch and pulled back. It wasn’t a tease. She was just taking her time. By the grip of her hands I knew she was enjoying me. I reached back, my fingers met hers and the twined. She fucked me shallow, slow, a little more each time until she was all the way in me. I felt her belly against my ass, felt it swell as she breathed in. Her cock throbbed. We hadn’t done this for a while so she took it slow. All to easy to get over excited. She knew that too. So I pushed against her a little, looked over my shoulder with big eyes. She smiled back and her hand was under my top cupping my breast. As she found my nipple through my bra she pulled back abs pushed. I was so wet. She started to thrust, longer, deeper.

My moan came in alto, deep lust. It wasn’t a time for tantra. She sped up and my legs trembled. The ground was dry and we fell to our knees, to our side. She fucked me like that on the forest floor, the silence only filled by my quiet cries and the rustle of our clothes, the leaves. Mel took my waist and I heard her breath hiss. I clenched on her, couldn’t help it. I wanted to feel her more tightly. She swore fluently. I smiled. She was close.

She took my breast more firmly, moved deeper, faster. I begged her. Asked for it.

‘Inside,’ I whispered.

She wanted it. She wanted to mark me. To bring us together. She swore again and I felt her orgasm: hot, thick, deep. I moaned again, pushed back, wanting it all. All for me. She slowed and fucked through it, shallower, softer. We were still. Her fingers curled the hair on the nape of my neck. I reached between my legs and felt my pussy, felt her cock, felt her cum.

A breeze turned our skin to goosebumps. We pulled our clothes on, tangled and sticky, tripping and stumbling. We held hands and walked back to the car, knowing all we both wanted was more.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/mhe457/ft_my_girlfriend_cums_in_me

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