Like a Good Neighbor – Part 2 [Cheating/Affair][L-bomb][While He Is Home][Fingering][Kissing][PIV][Creampie/Impregnation]

The brilliantly bright afternoon Texas sunlight feels hot on my skin as I settle into the lawn chair next to the pool. My favorite pair of sunglasses make the brightness bearable as I get myself comfortable. Soothing, classical music is playing through the small speakers Ronny and I installed last summer in the bushes around the pool area. Closing my eyes as I relax, my thoughts drift to that of Kurt. For the past year I’ve tried to get his attention and earn his affection. The way he smiles at me, the way my heart flutters and my body tingles at his slightest touch, the look in his eyes every time he sees me, it’s the way Ronny used to look at me and make me feel. Kurt was different. He wasn’t shy about his emotions, he was kind, supportive, and attentive. He was everything Ronny wasn’t. And his cock… Oh my what a cock he had. He wasn’t much bigger than any guy I’d been with in the past, but the way he made my pussy stretch and feel full, and the huge, thick load of cum he planted in me kept me tingly downstairs for hours after Ronny had gotten home.

Ronny got home in the evening on Friday, just as expected. I had just finished making dinner. He brought me a small bunch of mixed flowers, gave me a kiss, and for the briefest of moments, I thought it was going to be a good weekend. He went upstairs to change, and when he came back down, all my hopes were shattered. In the heat we have been having lately, I was wearing a short skirt and a cut off t-shirt that let my nipples peek through. No sooner do I have the table set, I feel my skirt fly up, my panties yanked down to my ankles, and Ronny roughly entered me. No ‘I missed you’, no hugs and kisses, no sentiment of romance of every kind. All I could do was bend over the table and take it from him. My only source of pleasure was knowing Ronny was fucking Kurt’s cum deeper into me. I expected Ronny to finish inside of me, but I was surprised when he spun me around and pushed me to my knees. Forcefully, he throat fucked me until I felt him finally release himself in my throat. Unbeknownst to him, I could still taste the salty hint of Kurt’s cum on my husband’s cock as he finished.

After that, Ronny made himself a plate and disappeared into the living room to watch a game, leaving me alone on the dining room floor, feeling used and unloved. I dared not cry, as much as I wanted to. Ronny would just tell me to stop being emotional and get over it. I opted to pour myself a glass of wine and eat alone in the bedroom, again. I’d long since given up getting Ronny to spend time with me. The first few years after we were married, he spent so much time with my it bordered on the annoying side. The last two years, after he’d gotten a promotion to Project Manager at work, he just changed as a person. He came home and he was cold, and distant. He never spent time with me, or told me he loved me anymore. I tried participating in things with him and fought for his attention, but I could never get it. Sex had grown disappointing. Ronny would demand sex whenever he wanted it, cum inside me, or on my belly, or in my mouth, and then just go about his business like I was his personal free use cum dump. I hated it.

A knock at the door snapped me back to reality, “Babe! Can you get that? I am tanning!”

Ronny answered with an irritable tone, “Get it your damned self! I am busy watching the Niner’s!”

With a sigh I rose from my lawn chair and wrapped a towel around me. The hot concrete around the pool was rough, but not burning on the balls of my feet as I walked into the house. I glanced at Ronny gorging himself on a bag of chips and salsa while the game played on the big screen. I opened the door and jumped with surprise.

“Kurt! What are… I mean hi!” I said as my heart skipped a beat with excitement.

“Hey y’all. Sorry to bother, but I was hoping I could take a dip in the pool to cool off? My house is sweltering with out power to the air conditioner,” Kurt said as he smiled a knowing smile at me.

“Kurt! What’s up bro!” Ronny yelled from the living room as he laid back in his lazy boy and did a exaggerated wave. “Yeah, we are lucky it was just that one tree that went down and took out power around here. Looked like a tornado ripped through town up by the interstate. If that storm had been any worse, I’m not sure I would have made it back into town.”

“Come in, come in!” I motioned to Kurt as I glanced back at Ronny, already caught up in ball game again.

I let the towel drop a bit and pretended to adjust my bikini top, letting Kurt get a brief glimpse of my breasts. His eyebrows shot up in surprise as he glanced at my breasts, and his eyes quickly darted to Ronny, before darting back to me. Quietly, he mouth ‘stop’, but his face said he was excited and wanting more. I wanted more. I wanted Kurt. Every single fiber of my being wanted to drop the towel, have him rip my bikini off my and hold me, pressing his lips to mine and feel the passion between us again. Knowing my husband was in the next room was pure and excruciating torture.

“Come on back,” I told him as my hand discreetly touched and slid down his abdomen, softly brushing against his stiffening cock. “Hey babe, I’m gonna take a dip in the pool out back with Kurt.”

Ronny didn’t even acknowledge me. Didn’t even turn his head slightly in my direction.


Nothing. Again.

“BABE!” Still nothing and I was starting to get irritated, “RONNY!”

“Huh? What do you want dammit? I’ve been waiting for this game all fucking week!” he said, voice thick with irritation.

“I am going to jump in the pool with Kurt and cool off. Do you need anything before I go?” I asked as nicely as I could.

“No… whatever, have fun. Remember to run the scrubber when you’re done,” Ronny said as he half ass waived us off.

I opened the back door and stepped down the few steps leading to the back yard as the Texas sunlight heated my skin once again. I placed my hands over my face and felt a lump form in my throat. The back door closed behind me and I felt myself on the verge of a panic attack. A strong hand gently grabbed my arm and turned me around, catching me by surprise as a soft hand caressed my cheek. Kurt’s hand on my arm fell to my lower back and pressed me against him as his lips pressed into mine. The lump in my throat disappeared, and my panic attack subsided as I melted into his strong arms. Softly, sensually, he kissed me. He didn’t invade my mouth with his tongue, but I felt every push and slip of his lips on my mine as the passion blossomed between us again like a blazing inferno. After several moments we both separated, breathlessly staring at each other, both wanting more. It was dangerous, it was risky, and it was one of the hottest experiences of my life.

I watched as beads of sweat rolled down his face and chest and felt for him as he looked overheated.

“Let’s get in the water. You look about ready to fall over from heat stroke,” I told him as my fingers brushed against his hand.

Breathlessly Kurt nodded and immediately dove into the deep end of the pool. I stepped down the steps of the shallow end, and sat on the last step, the water coming up to my chin. I watched Kurt swim around in the deep end, relishing the cooling water. Like a tsunami, the lump in my throat returned, and this time I couldn’t hold back the tears. Shamelessly, I surrendered to my emotions and let the tears fall freely from my cheeks, adding their volume to the pool. Kurt must have heard my sobs and came swimming over to me.

“Riza, are you ok?” he asked me softly, concern and confusion in his tone, “Was it the kiss just now? Was it too much too soon?”

I waived my hands, trying to regain my composure, “No, no. The kiss is exactly what I needed.”

I wiped my tears away and grabbed his hand under the water, lancing my fingers into his.

“Kurt, I love you too! I’ve wanted nothing more that for you to notice me and touch me for the past year and a half. I wear skimpy, sexy bikini’s to the pool parties I think you might like, hoping that you will notice me. I see the way you look at me, and I would lay in bed at night and touch myself thinking of your hands on me, your body against mine, you cock deep inside me as we make love. I would image sitting in you lap as you held me close and listen to me as I ramble on about my day to you. I imaged you and I showered together as you tell me about something from your past as you massage shampoo in my hair. I would imagine laying my head on your shoulder and feeling loved, and safe while we watch a movie and you play with my hair,” I said, my voice quivering with emotion, “I can’t do it anymore. I can’t stay in a loveless marriage anymore, not when I have the man I have been secretly been in love with lives across the street.”

“I want all of those things with you, and more, Riza,” Kurt said softly as he squeezed my hands in his, “Give me the word and I will pick you up and carry you to across the street to live with me happily ever after.”

I laughed a little and smiled sweetly at him. He really did love me. I could see it in his dark brown eyes. I almost took him up on his offer too. I leaned forward in the water and pushed myself off the step, enjoying the cool water as I glided through it. I ducked under the diving board, spreading my arms, crooking a finger at him to follow me. From the back door, the diving board was the only blind spot in the pool. Ronny wouldn’t see us unless he came outside, and the squeaky screen door would give us plenty of warning before he turned the corner to see us.

Kurt swam up to me, and held himself above water on the edge of the pool. His body pressed into mine as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He kissed me gently and I felt like a teenager with my first boyfriend in the pool again, hiding from my parent’s watching glares. It was exhilarating. His hand pushed my chin up and he rested his forehead against mine, and stared into my eyes. I stared back, losing myself in his intoxicatingly gorgeous, dark soft brown eyes. At 6’2″, Kurt towered above me. He wasn’t super ripped and toned like guys that spend hours in the gym, but his chest, stomach, and arms were big and firm enough to make my kitty tingle with excitement. For several moments, we stared into each others eyes, and you could almost feel the energy and passion between us.

“Tell me what you meant by a loveless marriage,” Kurt asked, finally breaking the silence, “Ronny seems like he’s good to you. Irritable at times, but otherwise a great husband.”

I laughed so hard I snorted, “As if! He puts on a front when we have company. He acts all lovey dovey towards me when we have guests, but it’s just an act. As soon as everyone leaves, he’s back to his normal self. I’ve never felt so neglected and unwanted before. He used to be up my ass so much it annoyed me, but ever since he got that promotion, he just been cold and distant towards me.”

“Is there another woman maybe?” Kurt asked as he looked at me with genuine interest.

It was so nice to have someone to talk to and actually have someone to listen to me and my problems.

“That is what I thought at first, but there is nothing on his phone that I can find anywhere that points to any signs on cheating,” I tell him. “All I know is I feel more like an inconvenience than a wife when he is home. Hell, sex with you the other day is the first orgasm I’ve had in six months. Any time he and I have sex, there’s no foreplay, no kissing, no kind of romance or anything. For the past two years, our sex life has been nothing but him getting off in me, or on me, and then leaving when he is done,” I tell him, letting my frustrations spill out without remorse. “Then you come along, and your sweet, and kind, and attractive. You actually listen to me and are genuinely interested in what I have to say, and the way you look at me makes me feel…”

“Wanted? Appreciated? Beautiful? Loved? Desired?” Kurt asked, “Take your pick and any of those will describe my feelings for you.”

My heart fluttered and I couldn’t help but smile at him as a mix of emotions welled in my chest. I love this man. I want this man. He is everything Ronny isn’t and everything I’ve been craving.

“Kurt, I…” I started to say.

His lips pressed into mine, shushing me before I could finish, “I love you too, Riza.”

His lips kissed me vigorously, and I instinctively squeezed my thighs around his hips. Tingling electricity rippled through me as his soft lips found my neck and kissed slowly and sensually down to my collar bone. My pussy ached and tingled from his erogenous touch, and I could feel him starting to stiffen in his shorts. I reached behind me and tugged at my top, pulling it off and freeing my breasts for his pleasure. He wasted no time kissing down my collar bone, the top of my breasts, until his mouth found my sensitive nipples. I moaned softly as my nipple disappeared into his mouth and I felt his tongue swirling around my nipple, making my pussy tingle and gush with excitement. I took my top, reaching into his shorts and freeing his hard cock. The heat of his cock pressed against the cold fabric covering my vulva almost made me cum then and there. I wrapped my top around his shaft and slowly stroked him, utterly consumed by how rock hard he was as my fingers and the fabric danced up and down his length.

“Kurt, touch me, please,” I whispered softly into his hear, my voice quivering slightly with desperation.

I felt a tug on my bottoms and the fabric was replaced with the cool rush of the water. A warm, strong hand slid across my abdomen, fingers tracing up and down my inner thigh and driving my pussy wild for attention. Kurt put me out of my misery as I felt his thumb split my labias and feel around for my clit. Unintentionally I screamed out with pleasure as his thumb found my clit. My legs were already trembling from his touch, and I was already on the verge of orgasm. Much to my surprise, two of his fingers slipped inside of me while his thumb never stopped rubbing my clit. As soon as his fingers touched my G-spot, my body erupted in an orgasm as an intense fire consumed every inch of me. I covered my mouth to muffle my screams of pleasure as him fingers played with my pussy throughout my whole orgasm. I could feel my walls gripping his fingers, as every touch of his fingers to my G-spot shot jolts of electricity up my spine. My legs continued to tremble wildly as Kurt’s fingers attacked my pussy with renewed fervor. As my second orgasm neared, I took my hand from my mouth and grabbed onto the edge of the pool, my screams of pleasure were freed for the whole neighborhood to hear. Kurt’s lips pressed against mine, muffling my screams, as his tongue slipped into my mouth and I pushed my lips against his and lost myself in ecstacy and slipped into another orgasm.

Kurt softly rubbed my clit as I came down from another orgasm. I took a moment to catch my breath, and felt the heat of the tip of his cock split my labias and press against my opening before stopping. I look up at Kurt and wondered why he stopped. He was patiently waiting outside my opening, his face and body language asking for reassurance to proceed. I bit my lip and nodded my head up and down vigorously, pushing my feet into his back and shoving him into me. The feeling of his cock slipping inside of me drove me wild. I could feel my walls getting stretch and hugging his cock, and the heat and firmness of his shaft fill my insides. My body melted away and relaxed as he finally filled me completely. I wrapped my arms around his neck and clung to him as tightly as I could, my pussy feeling completely blissful as I felt his cock pushing into my cervix. At around seven inches and almost two inches in girl, Kurt stretched and filled my pussy like no man ever had, and I wanted more and more.

Softly, slowly, Kurt slid in and out of me. I could feel my labias stretch and tug as he slipped in and out of me. Every time he entered me, his tip would press into my G-spot and paralyze me with pleasure as pulses of electricity shot through my spine. Water splashed around us as he started to fuck me faster and deeper. As he sped up, I kissed him and moaned fearlessly into his mouth as his cock sent me into another orgasm. I clung to him tightly, my nails digging into the back of his neck as my body burned with passion and lust. Every muscle in my body tensed up, and I couldn’t breathe for several second as the orgasm gripped me.

“Fuck, so tight!” Kurt moaned softly as my pussy pulsed around him during my orgasm.

I listened as Kurt’s breathing picked up, and his grip on my waist tightened. My tight little pussy was squeezing his cock into submission, hungry for his cum.

“Riza,” he whispered deeply into my ear.

“Do it Kurt, you know where I want it. My womb is yours,” I told him as I tightened my legs around him, wanting his release as deep inside me as he could get, “Fuck, yes baby! Fill me with that big thick load!”

Dirty talk always did the trick. In moments after whispering in his ear, I felt his cock swell, his hips pressed against mine as he sank all the way inside me and let go. There was a grunt, and then the first pulse of his seed shot into me with such intensity and speed that I jumped with surprise. It felt as if someone had flicked my cervix, only to have the feeling replaced with a growing rush of hot, sticky wetness inside of me. I trembled in his grip as his cock twitched and pulsed rapidly inside of me, filling me deeply with his seed. I wanted all of it. I didn’t want to lose a single drop. I wanted my womb full of Kurt’s cum, craved it in fact. I wasn’t ovulating, but I craved Kurt’s cum on a daily basis. Something about being full of his cum made me feel, comforted and fulfilled. Baby or no baby, I wanted to be filled by him every day if I could.

Kurt’s climax subsided, and he blew water away from his mouth as he kept himself buried deep inside of me.

“I love you, Riza,” he whispered to me softly before he kissed me slowly and sensually.

“I love you too, Kurt.”

He rested his head on my shoulder and held me for several minutes, and I felt him grow soft inside of me again, but he was already getting stiff again and starting to fill and stretch me again. I felt his cock twitch inside of me and I moaned out.

“Twice in one day?” I said with excitement, “To what do I owe the honor?”

Kurt laughed, “The honor is all mine, m’lady. If you want a second round, I am all too happy to oblige you. I live to serve m’lady in any manner of things that will make her feel good.”

I giggled like I haven’t giggled in years, “That was so cheesy it’s adorable. Yes, you lady would happily accept a second round.”

He pressed himself deep into me again and started to pick up speed. I could feel our juices gushing around inside of me, and my pussy tingled with excitement at the feeling of his hard cock and cum inside of me.

Our moment of passion and bliss was interrupted by the squeak of the screen door. I looked up and froze. Kurt’s eyes lock to mine and we both experienced a moment of dread and paralyzing panic. Both of us were completely naked in the pool, my clothes floating nearby and his trunks at the bottom.

“Fuck it’s hot out here,” I heard Ronny say, and my heart stopped.

Ronny was going to walk around the corner and see his best friend seven inches deep in his wife who is full of his best friend’s cum, and he was going to snap. I was terrified.

“When’s dinner? I’m starving!” I heard him yell from around the corner.

“Let me dry off and I’ll come start it now, Dear,” I yelled out.

Kurt and I stared at each other, and shared several breathless moments as we listened to Ronny’s flip-flops scrape across the concrete. Then, the screen door whined and slammed shut. Together we released a breath we didn’t realize we’d been holding as the panic and fear dissipated.

Kurt look at me with sad puppy dog eyes, like his best friend had to go home after a long day of great fun, “I guess you have to go now?”

I kissed him one last time that day, “Yes, I do. But I love you, and we will figure this out. Stay strong.”

I pushed off the wall and gathered my bikini pieces, quickly dressing myself under the water. As I stepped out of the pool, I smiled and was comforted by the irony that as Kurt returned home, I would be around my husband for the rest of the night, and in his ignorance and neglectful ways, he would never know that another mans cum filled a womb that no longer belonged to him, and that my heart was no longer his.


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