The Night Clerk – Part 1 [MF] [travel] [hotel] [clerk]

With a smile on her face and a warm, friendly voice, Rita greeted me with “Welcome back Mr. Singh. It’s so nice to see you again.” She had a coworker around her so she was a little more formal than calling me by my first name, Rohan, as she had done in the recent past. I said, “Rita, it’s always a pleasure to see you and your smiling face. How’ve you been?”

As a traveling salesman working for a tech company, I had opportunities to meet and get to know some of the staff at places I stayed at multiple times due to repeat visits to my customers. Rita was one of those people and we had a pretty good connection. Wine was something we both had an interest in and it helped bring us closer together. On this trip, I happened to bring along with me two bottles of a wine that we both really liked. I brought one to drink and one to give to Rita.

“I’m doing well, thanks. You look a little tired, Mr. Singh. Looks like you had a long day and are getting in so late.”, she replied. “Yeah, it was a long day. I had a flight cancellation and it spiraled downward from there. I’m just glad I made it here safely and in one piece…even though it’s almost 2:30 am.”, I said. She got me checked in to my room quickly and handed me my keys.

She then says, “Hopefully you’ll get some good rest tonight and be refreshed for work tomorrow.” “I hope so too. My meeting isn’t until the afternoon, so I will get to sleep in a little.”, I replied. We continued with some small talk and eventually I turned around to go to my room. By this time, the coworker had left the front desk to walk the hotel and complete one of his his security rounds.

Before I could step away, she asked what my plans were for tomorrow evening.

She knew my room reservation was for two nights because she checked me in. But now she had me wondering why she asked me that question because she’s never asked something like that before. “Currently, I don’t have any plans. I’ll probably just relax in my room and have some wine I brought with me. As a matter of fact, I brought a bottle for you, too, Rita. It’s a bottle of the 2007 Italian Sangiovese we discussed previously.”, I said to her. She thanked me and expressed her appreciation for the gesture.

She appeared to be in a good mood and I felt a bit emboldened with that perception. I went on and invited her to join me tomorrow night for some wine and snacks if she had the time to do so. She agreed to meet with me and shared with me that her ex-husband had their daughter this week and she had the next two nights off from work. I knew that for her to agree to spend some time alone with me was a huge decision for her based on past conversations we had. With that, I said good night and headed off to my room for the night.

I had been been chatting with Rita for about nine months now during my stays at this hotel. It took many conversations before she felt comfortable enough to share her story with me. Rita was a young woman from the Central African country of Cameroon. She was a beautiful woman with an infectious smile and sexy voice and accent. Rita had been in the US for a little over four years and her life in the US had been tumultuous until she divorced her husband a little over a year ago. He was bad news and it was good riddance for Rita.

Her ex was also from Cameroon. He grew up there and had been in the US for almost 10 years before he went back to Cameroon and married Rita. Their marriage was arranged through a marriage broker and for all intents and purposes, Rita was sold to her ex’s family.

Rita’s family was poor and lived in extreme poverty. It wasn’t unusual for some parents to basically sell their child for money in Cameroon, which is what it sounded like Rita’s parents did to her. Her ex was from a wealthy family and offered to take Rita for their son. Rita’s parents thought her husband would take her to America and they would have a happy and comfortable life together.

But that is not what happened. Her husband was abusive and the type of guy that wanted full control over her. If she didn’t do what he asked or demanded, he would beat her. They had a daughter together two years after they came here and she thought that would maybe change things between them. But, it didn’t. He continued to be an asshole.

With the help of some local social services agencies, Rita was able to get away from him and file for divorce. She’s now an independent woman and they share custody of their daughter. The agencies she worked with helped her get a job at this hotel. She was super smart and worked her way from a housekeeping job to being a front desk clerk quickly. She enjoyed her job and was good at it. Her friendly demeanor is what’s needed at the front desk and her sweet “Frenchy” accent and voice were also a benefit.

The one good thing that her husband did do was expose Rita to fine wines. Being from a wealthy family, that’s something he enjoyed and shared with her. She acquired a taste for good wine and became quite knowledgeable about them. That’s how we started our long conversations. Some nights, the hotel hosted a happy hour and served wine and beer. I had asked her about the house wine they served and she gave me her honest opinion…that their wines sucked. That started my wine conversation with her and it continued each time I saw her along with divorce stories that we shared since we were both divorced.

Rita was an African woman with dark, clear, smooth skin and short, black, curly hair. She generally wore no makeup with the exception of lipstick on occasion. She put lotion/oil on her skin that made it look radiant. She was a tall woman…a

little shorter than six feet tall. She weighed more now than she did when she first came to America based on pictures she showed me and of course, she had a baby a couple of years ago that contributed to the weight gain. She dressed nicely and presented herself very well.

As a salesman, making conversation with people is what I did all day, every day and it came easy to me. When I first met Rita, she was pretty closed up and her conversation was business only. It took a few visits before I got her to open up and expand her brief chats with me while checking in. Rita worked the late shift and was usually the one who checked me in as I typically flew in the night before for a meeting the next day. Once she became comfortable with me and I was able to break through her shell, she was a lot of fun to talk with. Soon enough, we were teasing each other and giving each other a hard time when we came across each other. I was enjoying it and had a feeling that she was too. She was comfortable enough to exchange phone numbers and we would text each other at times when we could or just felt like chatting.

One thing I didn’t do was tell Rita when I was coming to the hotel. I always wanted it to be somewhat of a surprise. I don’t know if she would see my reservation in the system or not, but, to me, it always seemed like she knew when I would be there. Maybe it was all in my mind, but as we became friendlier, I noticed she was dressing nicer. Maybe it was because she was just improving the way she dressed over time or maybe it was what I wanted to believe, that she was dressing up for me. Whatever the reason was, I was enjoying the subtle, sexy progress in how she looked.

I was able to sleep in and felt well rested when I woke up. I turned my phone off at night so my sleep didn’t get interrupted with noises and vibrations from the phone. Once I was up, I turned on and checked my phone for emails and messages and noticed I had a text from Rita. Her text said, “I can’t meet you in your room tonight as we planned. Text me when you’re up.” Well, that text was really a bummer and sad news to read first thing in the morning. I was looking forward to our little rendezvous and was so disappointed now…and as the news sunk in, I sensed my typically strong “morning wood” start to soften and fade. Usually, my “morning wood” stays nice and firm until the first time I use the restroom in the morning…but this morning’s somber message from Rita changed that.

I replied to her with, “Hey, I’m up. Everything okay? What happened?” After sending that message, I got up and thought I’d start getting ready for the day. I quickly shaved and jumped in the shower. I grabbed the little scissors I carry in my toiletry bag before I actually stepped in the shower so I could do a little “personal” grooming, just in case I do meet with Rita and things go well. I’ve trimmed my pubic hair with scissors since college; never have I shaved. Having lived in the dorms for three years with community showers for all the guys, I saw a lot of different manscapes.

Before college, the thought of grooming between my legs never even crossed my mind. The thought of getting nicks and cuts in that area of my body had me scared enough to keep a razor away from there. The smooth surface areas are probably easily shaved…but the wrinkly parts…no way…I didn’t trust myself enough to go there. Never mind the shaving, even the trimming down there was tricky enough to avoid getting any cuts and now that I was a little older and not as nimble…it was a struggle at times.

After getting ready, I headed downstairs to the hotel lobby for coffee and breakfast. I got what I wanted to eat and drink and brought it back to my room so I could do some work and prepare for my afternoon meeting. I kept anticipating a response from Rita as I worked, but none had come through. I figured she got home after work and went to sleep late this morning after her shift and she’ll text me back when she got up. I really didn’t know her daily schedule, so I was just guessing as to what she might do. It was time for me to leave for my meeting so I packed up my brown leather satchel with my meeting material and headed out the door.

I had a 20 minute drive to my client’s office. Rita finally responded while I was on my drive. Her message was, “I don’t feel comfortable meeting you in your room that’s in the same hotel I work at. I don’t want my coworkers to know that we’re meeting. We can meet at another place if you’re okay with that.” I reply to her with, “I’m okay with that as long as you’re comfortable with it. What do you have in mind?”

“My friend works at a hotel in downtown and she has reserved a room for me.”

“That sounds good to me.”

She countered with, “I’ll text you the address and room number later. Have a great day and see you around 7.”

“Okay, thanks, see you then.”, I responded.

That text exchange with her just made my day. My earlier concern was now gone and I again was excited about getting together with Rita later tonight. I wasn’t sure exactly how things were going to work out with her, but the possibilities seemed to be endless. Time alone with a beautiful woman, some nice wine, and a hotel room…the combination is one that could definitely result in some good times which I hoped I would experience.

That afternoon, work couldn’t be over soon enough for me. I wanted to be with Rita and see where that experience took me. As soon as my meetings were over, I left for my hotel to change into something more casual and to get the bottles of wine. When I got to my room, I decided to take a shower and freshen up before heading out to meet Rita. I wore a pair of lightweight light blue shorts with a pink cotton short sleeve button down shirt. Under those I wore a pair of loose knit regular cotton boxers and and a white v-neck t-shirt. I carried a light jacket with me as well in case it was needed. I opted for brown leather flip flops on my feet instead of blue cloth slip on loafers.

While I was getting ready, Rita had texted me the hotel location and room number. She said she was already there and that I could come over whenever I was ready. She said she would have a salad while she waited for me. I grabbed the wine and the deck of playing cards I carry with me in my travel bag. The cards are good for keeping the brain engaged when I’m bored and I have a couple of solitaire games I like to play when the need arises. I thought Rita and I could play something if we got bored or wanted to do something different.

On my way over, I stopped at a grocery store to pick up some snacks. I had a late lunch and wasn’t going to need a full dinner. I bought two meat and cheese trays, a carton of fresh strawberries and a couple of bars of dark chocolate. I got in my rental car and drove the 15 minutes to the other hotel. I noticed the hotel was five stories tall and the room number Rita texted me started with a “5”, so she must have a room on the top floor, I thought to myself. The grounds were well manicured and it looked like a really nice hotel…I was impressed.

I stepped into the elevator with my bag of goodies and pressed the button for the fifth floor. I found the room and softly knocked twice on the door. Rita called out my name and I confirmed it was me before she opened the door. She said hello and welcomed me with a sideways hug and grabbed the bag of goodies from me at the same time. She walked towards the room and I followed her after closing the door.

The room was very nice. It had two queen beds and a sitting area with a sofa and loveseat in it with a glass coffee table. Both the bed area and the sitting area had their own TVs plus there was also a mini-kitchen in the room. The bathroom had a separate standup shower and large jetted tub. The room smelled clean and the furniture looked like it was in good shape.

Rita was wearing nice dressy white shorts with a loose yellow top and she wasn’t wearing any makeup. I complimented her on the way she looked and told her she smelled great…I had noticed that right away. She laughed it off and unloading the stuff in the bag. We made some small talk while we both got the wine and snacks ready to consume. We worked together really well for being the first time doing this.

We carried the wine and snacks to the sitting room and placed them on the coffee table. We both sat on the sofa and picked up our respective glasses of wine. We looked at each other with a little awkwardness at first, but then we clinked our wine glasses and said, “Cheers.” I continued with, “Here’s to an evening of good wine and good friends.” With that, we sipped our wines and started chatting again.

Talking with Rita was easy. She was easy going and could discuss many different topics with confidence. When she didn’t know something, she had no problem asking questions and learning about whatever it was. We went from topic to topic and then as many conversations between a man and woman do, the conversation turned to relationships.

I knew some of what had happened between Rita and her ex, but not too many details.

We were into our third bottle of wine by now and our defenses were mostly down. In addition to the two bottles I brought, Rita had also brought two bottles. We were having a blast and enjoying the evening. There was some flirting going on throughout the night and we were pushing the boundaries of friendship at times.

I was feeling gutsy and asked her the question of how many guys she had relationships with besides her ex. She told me that she never had a boyfriend in Cameroon as it was frowned upon by the culture in the rural area she was from and that the only relationship she’s ever had was her ex. So whatever she learned and experienced about relationships was with her ex.

The alcohol made her giggle quite a bit. She was so cute when she tried to tell me something in between her giggles. We were bringing up some naughty things and I felt she was getting a bit uncomfortable. At one point, she got somewhat serious and told me straight up, “Rohan, you need to know that I’m not going to have sex with you.”

“Okay, no problem.”, I said.

“You’re not upset?”

“No, I’m not upset. That’s your choice and I respect that.”

“I can’t believe you’re not upset.”, she blurts out. “Whenever I tried to say no to sex with my ex, he would be extremely mad.”

“Well, I’m not your ex and you don’t owe me anything. We’re just enjoying some time together…no strings attached.”

“What does that mean?”

“Because I brought and shared something with you doesn’t mean you owe me anything. There are no strings attached to those items.”, I explained. “That doesn’t necessarily mean I don’t want to have some fun with you, it means that you shouldn’t feel obligated to do something you don’t want to do.”

“Okay, I understand. I like you and wouldn’t mind some fun, but not sex.”

“Listen Rita, we can do as little or as much as you want to…when you say stop, that’s what I’ll do. Okay?”

“Okay. I trust you, Rohan.”

“I won’t do anything to betray your trust, Rita. You can tell me what is and is not acceptable at anytime and I’ll listen to you. I know your experience with your ex was different, but I’m not him and you don’t have to worry.”

She reached for her wine glass on the coffee table and drank all of what was left in it. Then she leaned over towards me and gave me a nice, long hug. I asked her if she was okay and said that we can call it a night if she’d like. Her response was that she was fine and that she’d still like to hangout some more.

She excused herself to use the restroom. My eyes followed her as she got up and walked away from the sofa. She could sense me eyeing her body and looked back and smiled at me before disappearing into the restroom. When she returned, she gestured to me with her finger to “come here” and moved towards one of the beds.

She stood by the side of the bed and waited for me to come close to her. “What do you want to do, Rohan?”, she asked me. “I think we should do something a bit risky and fun.” I replied.

“Well, that sounds good. What do you suggest?”

“I say we play a game of cards. We can play War.”

“Isn’t that a game for kids?”, she said while giggling.

“We’ll play an adult version. Are you willing to give it a try?”

“Yes, of course I am. Where are we going to play?”

“Are you okay to sit on the bed and play?”

“I think so. Let’s give it a try”

We sat on one of the beds and I explained to Rita what the three options were for the winner of each round of War. The first option was to ask the other person to remove an article of clothing. The second option was the winner could touch the loser anywhere on their body (no restrictions) for five seconds. The third option was for the winner to ask the loser to touch them somewhere specific on their body for five seconds. There were a couple of caveats to the rules: 1) the touching could be done with any part of the body…hands, feet, nose, lips, etc. and 2) we would go through the winner options in sequence to keep things interesting.

She listened carefully as I spoke and giggled at times. After I was done, she said that we had to have the same amount of clothes on for it to be fair, which I believed was the case already. I said I had two pieces of under garments, shorts and a shirt to which she responded that it was fair since she also had shorts and a shirt plus a bra and panties. I asked if any of the rules needed to be changed and she thought they were all good and didn’t have an issue with any of them.

We decided we would continue with our wine and snacks as we played War so we brought them close to the bed. I dealt out the cards and we began to play. It was a casual pace as we drank, ate, talked and laid down cards turn by turn. We definitely enjoyed the game but didn’t make it the focus of our time together or become very competitive about it. The first round was almost over and it looked like Rita was going to be the winner.

We each counted our cards and Rita had easily won the round. Without missing a beat, she tells me she wants me to remove my shorts. I got up off the bed facing away from her and did a little dance and shook my ass while removing my shorts. She enjoyed the little show and couldn’t stop giggling. After I finished removing the shorts and adjusting my boxers, I turned around to sit back down on the bed. Rita teased me by staring at my crotch, smiling and giving me double eyebrow raise. She was becoming more assertive and comfortable than I thought she would be…which I took as a good sign.

We proceeded with the second round of War and Rita won again, but just by a slight margin. This game was perfect for us because it was based on pure luck and required no skill at all…and that was a good thing based on our level of inebriation at this point. The next winner “prize” was for the winner to touch the loser for five seconds. Rita thought for a minute and asked me to lie down on the bed face down. I expected a quick back rub from her, but I was wrong. Once I was in position, she slapped both her hands on my butt and gave my glutes a massage for a few seconds. After she stopped, I jokingly said that her hands felt good and she should continue. To my surprise, she said, “It would be my pleasure.”, and put her hands right back on my ass and continued the gentle massage for a few more seconds.

Rita’s hands felt incredible on my behind. I could feel their warmth and softness through the thin material of my boxers. The first time she placed them on me, she caught me by surprise…the second time was blissful. Playful thoughts went through my mind and it was slightly stimulating…even though it was for just a few seconds. When Rita stopped the massage, I rolled over onto my back and just looked at her while she sat kneeling on my left side, facing me and looking at me directly in my eyes.

She softly and playfully slid her left hand up my left leg starting at my knee and up along my thigh, continuing up under my boxers until her fingertips reached the crease of my hip joint. Then she gave my thigh a little squeeze and bit her lower lip. Her hand next slid down towards the inside of my thigh and slightly grazed my genitals before she pulled her hand away. That last hand motion of hers caused an unmistakable reaction within my boxers that she noticed right away.

“You liked that?”, she asked.

“Isn’t it obvious?”, I countered with a sly smile.

“Just a little. But I’m sure there’s more than what I can see.”

“If you would have kept going, you possibly could have uncovered it all.”

“Shall I continue?”

“You’re in control, Rita. Do whatever you want to do.”, I responded.

“I’ve never been in charge of a situation like this before.”, she stated.

“Well, I guess this is your lucky day, Rita. There’s always a first time for everything.”

“And you, Rohan, just might be a lucky guy tonight. Only time will tell”, she said with a slight chuckle.

She then scooted back and helped me sit up again. We were both kneeling and face to face with one another. We gazed into each other’s eyes and eyed each other’s lips and moved forward towards one another. I wondered if this was when our lips would meet and I would finally feel and taste her full and luscious lips. I put my hands on her waist. She then reached up and locked her hands behind my neck. Was the moment I looked forward to with her for the past few months really just a few seconds away?

She pulled me closer and we began rubbing noses. It felt good. Just slowly…round and round…with an occasional push into each other’s noses. That was a very enjoyable and sensual thing for me and I adored girls who did would do that with me. Our breathing seemed to align. We had our eyes closed…just savoring the moment. She calmly moved her right hand onto my chest and was pleasantly feeling, rubbing and exploring with it. While still on our knees, we gradually both lifted our bottoms off our feet and shifted to be more up right and our upper bodies closer together. “This feels nice.”, she whispered. I just nodded yes with my head. She could feel the nod as our noses were still touching.

I moved my hands down her back and rested them on her ass and gave a gentle squeeze. She responded with a long, deep breath. Her next move was to wrap her arms around my back and as she did that, she moved her face to the right and rested it in my shoulder. She then gave me a hug and I responded in kind. We held each other for a while after which she said, “Thanks for being so kind and gentle. I’m not used to that.”

I responded with “I’m enjoying myself and have no intention of doing something that will make you feel uncomfortable. I’ll do my best to follow your lead.”

“I’m conflicted. My body is saying one thing and my mind is saying another.”

“Hey, Rita. We’re here to enjoy each other’s company with no expectations. Right now, follow your mind so you don’t regret anything because of a lapse in judgment.”

“It’s not easy, Rohan. The feelings are strong.”

I didn’t want her to do anything she may have not really wanted to so I thought I’d take the lead at this point. I then gave her a tight hug and released my arms. She did the same and our bodies separated slowly. She took a deep breath, laughed and said, “It’s a little hot in here.” and fanned her face with her hands. I got up and walked over to adjust the thermostat to cool our room down. She got up to use the restroom again and while she was gone, I cleaned up a little so it wasn’t quite as messy in the room. When she came out, she said it was nice of me to clean up a bit and that her ex would never have done that. Then I went to use the restroom also.

When I returned, Rita had dealt the playing cards and looked like she was ready for another round of War. She had also refilled our wine glasses with the last of what we had, which only filled our glasses about half way. Once I sat down across from her, she suggested we both chug the last bit of wine. I agreed and we lifted our glasses, clinked them together and chugged the wine down. She said the next round of War would be the last for the night and we started playing.

We played this round at a faster pace than the previous two. At the end, I was the winner, finally. So the third winner prize was for me to ask her to touch me where I wanted her to. I knew exactly what I wanted and I told her. Then I laid down on my back and spread my legs enough for Rita to kneel between them.

She rubbed her hands together to warm them up a little and then she began to touch my inner thighs very softly…feather like…and ran them up and down from my knee to my crotch. I felt a bit vulnerable in this position, but decided I was going to enjoy myself. As she ran her fingers along my soft skin, my arousal level skyrocketed…involuntarily. It was supposed to only be a five second touch…Rita kept going and didn’t seem to mind what she was experiencing.

The light fabric of my boxers was now obviously being stretched. I was a bit embarrassed about what was happening…but Rita was enjoying it as displayed by her big smile and intent stare. I think she really felt in control in this position and was relishing what she was causing to happen. I quietly muttered, “Five seconds are up, Rita.”

“You’re now in bonus time, Rohan…and it’s on the house.”

“How long does bonus time run?”

“As long as I want it to.”, she says with a wink. “You’ve been a good boy. You get some bonus pleasure too.” On her next move up my legs, her hands went further up than before. Each successive trip up my legs was higher and higher, eventually caressing and fondling my genitals.

She had me hypnotized. I was enjoying watching her have fun and enjoy herself. I thought about her statement earlier that she said she wouldn’t have sex with me. Sex can have many meanings and can be different things to different people. Was what we were doing considered sex? Was it just foreplay? Was it just having some sensual fun? Was it just teasing? I guess it could be whatever you want it to be.

All I knew was that a beautiful woman was teasing me and was in full control of me. I enjoyed submitting to her and letting her have the upper hand. Her body movements and facial expressions indicated she was feeling pretty good as well. She was relaxed and in the moment. Her eyes were opening and closing and it appeared she was getting sleepy.

I was starting to feel guilty and started to get up. “What are you doing? Had enough?”, she asked me.

“I could never have enough of what you were doing, but I feel guilty you’re doing all the work.”

“It’s not work. It’s pure joy and pleasure. Seeing you enjoy and observing your ‘big’ reaction to my touches was exciting. It looks like your reaction overflowed and left a little wet spot on your underwear.”

“Is my wet spot the only wet spot on underwear in this room, Rita?”, I asked.


“I have a feeling it’s not, Rita.”

“Well, it looks like you’re not going to find out tonight, Rohan.”

“Why not?”

“I think the wine has all caught up to me and I’m feeling very tired now. If okay with you, I want to go to bed now.”

“Of course it’s okay. We had a lot of fun and should do it again sometime.”, I suggested.


We got up and each used the restroom to get ready for bed. I took my shirt off and she removed her shirt and shorts. She invited me to join her in her bed by saying, “Let’s fall asleep cuddling, Rohan.” I was more than happy to comply with her request. We got in bed and I snuggled up to her from behind and soon fell asleep.


1 comment

  1. Oh wow! What a steamy hot story, kept me hooked. The tension building up nicely. Absolutely amazing!

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