I want to fuck my coworker

I’ve (f27) suddenly noticed one of my coworkers (m27) I was never even close to interested in. I would always think of him fondly before but all of a sudden I am so hot for him.
He always makes me laugh and he honestly is fairly attractive with a great body (from what I can tell). I’m not sure how it started, but one day we started talking sex and sexual encounters and he was being cheeky, acting like he was interested, very much jokingly flirting. That was when it started, it like… Flipped a switch in my brain and all of a sudden he made me super excited
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It went from sex stories to where I would walk by him, and touch his arm to get by, well my hands started going to different places on his body. It started with the small of his back, shoulder blades, his bare arm skin (fucking scandalous I know). I even touched his pierced nipple on purpose a few times ??
It ENDED with me desperately wishing he would “accidentally” bump into me, fall against me, touch my ass ANYTHING. I ,myself, kept trying to accidentally brush my breasts across him, bend down and arch my back around him, anything. It worked once, I had my knees on a chair and was bending all the way over to check my phone, pushing my ass out. He passed by and I caught him staring. ? he was extra nice after that ?
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I gave him a ride home that night and he gave me two really weird like. .. sideways hugs. Idk it made me really confused and it made me think he was trying to lean in to kiss me, but I’m very mouth shy so I had been turned away from him.
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The next night I went home after some more playful flirting(basically the same things) and I imagined him fucking me as I masturbated. It was so intoxicating and totally thrilling, I came so hard (and very quickly) as I said his name out loud. God just the mental image of him plowing me makes me flush all over my body without even touching myself. AND I keep fucking … Trying not to just stare at him every second we’re working together ?? the thought of his hands under my shirt in the back room, a frantic stray hand down my pants, his tongue in my mouth. FUCK
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There’s a no fraternization policy at my job but I honestly could care less lol
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ARRGH!!! He sends me so many mixed signals and he SO pulls, he seriously pulls some of the hottest babes I’ve ever see (as in hes super out of my league). idk of he’s just being playful or if he really wants to mess around. I dont even know if I even want to mess around with him myself or if I’m just mind numbingly horny. ??
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Sorry I had to edit it so many times, I was so exhausted (and so horny I just reposted it for clarity)

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/mefixc/i_want_to_fuck_my_coworker


  1. Girl I feel you. Sexual tension at work makes going to work so much more exciting. My advice is SHOOT YOUR SHOT. I guarantee you there’s NO reason he wouldn’t want to fuck you, and even if you’re not *gorgeous* like these alleged hotties he dates, you’re YOU and that’s badass all by itself.

    I would also advise that you don’t play around too much, waiting for him to make a move. Obviously you don’t want to get either of you in trouble at work (which btw your boss has prob already noticed and just hasn’t said anything), but also you don’t want all the playing and flirting to feel routine, if you let it become conventional without ever taking action, that is all it will ever be.

    Confidence on a woman is fucking sexy, so if you know what you want, initiate it. Good luck, and def update me!

  2. If a guy side hugs you, in my exp, it’s bc he either:
    1) is super religious and goes to a church that’s weird about hugging
    2) had a boner and was embarrassed that you’d feel it if he hugged you normal

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