The Fighter: Part Two [Brother; Sister; Forbidden Romance]

Why Brandon placed a time-limit on how long his sister could stay didn’t even make sense to him. But he needed to feel in control when he gave it away. And her presence, within the first five minutes, has livened up one of the most depressing place he knows – his apartment.

“You’re off already? I just got here.” Ashley says while getting used to her new home. And she does so by inspecting every drawer and cupboard she can find.

“Welcome to reality, where you never seem to stop working.”

“You really work two jobs?” She asks like she can’t believe it. From her neck of the woods, people spend more time going on vacation than at the office.

“How much did you happen to ease-drop on back there?”

“Enough to help me remember you always were a bad dancer. Feet as dumb as bricks, was it? I still don’t know how you got all the girls to like you after strutting your stuff on the dance floor.”

“Very funny. I work security at night and tutor during the day. So, yeah, I guess it qualifies as two jobs.”

“And when do you sleep?”

“Sleep comes around when it comes around.” Brandon doesn’t sound too concerned about resting. He’s always been a go-getter, which is why he considers sleep his enemy most of the time.

“Actually, I’m curious about something else Joe said.” Ashley tempts with a more intrigued tone.

“We’re not discussing my love life.” Brandon anticipates her curiosity.

“Come on, you don’t have at least three girls sitting around waiting for you to call?”

“Things are more complicated now. I prefer to prioritize goals instead of getting laid.”

“You mean you don’t have time to play the field.” She probes.

“A lot has changed, Ash. And I really have to go to work, so try not to mess up the little space you have.”

Brandon finishes up the last button of his shirt and grabs his jacket from the table.

“Can’t someone else take your shift? Just for tonight?” Ashley tries one last time.

“Sorry, sis. It doesn’t work that way.”

“What, security guys don’t get sick? Please, Brandon. It’s my first night in a strange city. We should be out celebrating a fresh start.”

“First of all, this is an extra shift I had to pick up, so I can’t call in sick at the last minute. And secondly, we don’t exactly have money to party the night away.”

These are the last words he ever thought he’d say. But growing up does things to you.

“What if I get other guys to pay for us? It hasn’t failed me yet.”

Ashley is well aware of her striking physical appearance. For her, it’s a challenge to repel the opposite sex, because they always seem to float after her like moths to a flame.

“This is not like back home. The clubs are sleazy and the guys that hang around them even worse.” Her older brother warns with distinct seriousness.

“Then I guess I’ll do my best to behave indoors.”

“Why am I not reassured?”

“Are you calling me some kind of party animal?”

“If I wanted to insult party animals, I would compare them to you. You, my dear sister, you are a fucking maniac the moment you hear a beat in the far-off distance.” Brandon can’t help smiling at her “shocked” reaction.

If there is one thing you can count on, it’s Ashley being the life of the party.

“Maybe I’ve changed too. Maybe I’ve become more responsible, like you.”

“Then I can’t wait to meet the new responsible you. And while I wait, can you do the dishes?”

With a content smirk, Brandon is out the door, leaving Ashley to take in her new environment. And for some reason, she is more thrilled about the rundown apartment with every second that passes.

Maybe it’s because the place resembles Brandon’s personality. Everything is clean and sort-of in place. And his closet is in good condition, a trait he’s had since childhood.

Ashley used to mess it up just for the hell of it. She even tried to pin it on Brandon a few times, but their parents always knew the truth.

Casually, she studies the clothes that are neatly folded and stacked. She even scans through the slim collection of fancier shirts he’s got hanging on one side. She investigates until she comes across an old t-shirt she gave him for his birthday.

He still has it, even though nothing else in the apartment reflects anything from the life they shared as kids.

A smile crawls onto her lips as the memories rush back. She reminisces about all those good times when things weren’t so complicated. At least, it wasn’t complicated for her.

And without thinking, Ashley buries her face in the cotton material while falling onto her brother’s bed. The excitement is getting to her. It’s making her feel funny, especially between her thighs.

She can’t explain her sudden arousal.

But she likes it.

The sensations are so alluring and different, they allow her to open a forbidden gate. A gate that opens up to a vision of Brandon, taking the shirt off and revealing his toned upper-body.

Ashley’s hand automatically finds its way onto her stomach as the vision gains more depth. More detail. Until a clear picture of her completely nude brother is all she can see in her mind’s eye.

She lets the attraction spear through the barrier she’s tried so hard to keep up.

Nobody’s around.

Nobody can see into the darkest corner where she plays around with an alternative reality. A reality where Brandon climbs on top of her, then guides his manhood straight to her core.

Her natural instincts force her to dip her fingers into her underwear, and to gently flick her swelling bud to the taboo image. In spite of her reputation for showing up at every party, only a select few has had the opportunity of being inside her.

But her fantasy hampers the real experience.

Her unspoken desire keeps telling her something more intoxicating is waiting on the other side. Yet, she knows it can’t happen. So, she’s left to simulate how Brandon would likely thrust inside her using two eager fingers, slipping in and out of her moist pussy.

Then she moves her palm to just the right angle, where it can scathe across her clit. Like her brother’s pelvis should be doing if he was burrowing inside her right now.

The smell of his cologne is all over the sheets, enhancing the idea that he’s there, in the flesh.

She wants to utter his name as her climax draws closer.

It’s so intense.

He’s so close…again.

Ashley’s muscles begin to spasm with delightful shocks of sexual electricity.

She’s curling with pleasure as her clit implodes.

The fantasy is taking over when she swore she wouldn’t let it.
