The Fighter: Part Four [Brother; Sister; Forbidden Romance]

“I don’t know what you’ve been eating, kid. But I’m impressed. If you keep moving like that, McKenna is going down.”

Ashley was spot-on about the dancing. And even though every lesson with her turns into a heated interaction he can’t stop jerking off to afterward, it has improved his movement in the ring.

“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” He asks Joe with more motivation than ever.

“Keep this up for a few more weeks, and I’m making a few calls.” Joe’s expression is enough to plant more confidence in the young boxer.

And with the hope of potential greatness hanging in the air, Brandon goes home early to share the good news with Ashley. There’s something about their relationship that makes him want to tell her everything these days.

She’s become somewhat of a soul-mate, and he’s unable to figure out where to draw the line. All he knows is that she lit a fire inside him. And the fire is quickly transforming into a chaotic blaze.

As he steps into the living room, he finds Ashley, stretching in her underwear with her back turned. And her blaring headphones prevent her from noticing him closing the door.

He shouldn’t be staring.

Much less in this manner.

But Ashley presents what one might call the pinnacle of sexual appeal.

Every tweaking muscle fits perfectly, and every inch from her toes to the strands of her hair drives him crazy.

He’s fucking losing it.

“Oh, hey. You surprised me.” Ashley finally picks up that she is not alone. And Brandon seeing her in her underwear clearly doesn’t bother his little sister. Because she casually collects her tight shorts and t-shirt, and she’s even more casual about putting the garments on.

“Sorry.” Is all Brandon can utter as he diverts his eyes.

“That’s okay. It’s not like you haven’t seen me naked.” Ashley refers to a much earlier time, when she didn’t have breasts. “And I’m glad you’re back. I’ve got some great news.”

With clear excitement she grabs Brandon’s arm and pulls him toward the couch.

“I finally got it! I’m employed as the new cashier for Trent’s Pizza!” Ashley shows genuine enthusiasm for overcoming the odds. “I only work a few nights a week, and there’s some free pizza involved I understand.”

“That’s great!” He congratulates her with a tight hug. “Welcome to the working class.”

“We’re celebrating tonight, right?” She insists as she pulls out the bottle of cheap whiskey from behind the couch.

“Why not?” Brandon can tell this is not going to end well. But his lust gets the upper hand tonight.

With the hours passing and the music getting louder, Ashley makes a suggestion Brandon feared and looked forward to at the same time. Both of them took several shots already, and the liquor was clearly kicking in.

“Come on. We’re going to dance in celebration.”

“Ash, I can barely stand at this point.” He lies.

“Then I’ll keep you up.” She calls his bluff.

“If we’re dancing, then I guess I should tell you about my good news.”

“Really? Wait, don’t tell me, you’re getting the fight?”

“Well, it’s not official. But if I can keep Joe happy for another couple of weeks, it’s on, baby!”

“That’s so amazing! I’m so happy for you.”

Ashley doesn’t hold back as she throws her arms across his broad shoulders for an intense embrace.

“It’s because of you, Ash.” Brandon whispers into her ear.

There’s an awkward silence, which makes Brandon question if it was the right thing to say. But then Ashley breaks the silence with a whisper of her own.

“How drunk are you right now?”

He doesn’t understand the question, so he pulls away slightly with the hope of reading her expression.

“I need you drunk enough to forget what I’m about to do.” She says right before kissing him.

Even if Brandon wasn’t topped up with whiskey, he wouldn’t have been able to stop Ashley’s tongue from passing between his lips. Instead, he welcomes it. And he desserts every moral value as she presses up against him, slowly pushing him towards the couch.

Eventually he gets pushed so far, he falls back and into the sitting position where Ashley wants him.

Then she begins to strip down.

She takes her time to unhook her bra, showcasing a chest that gets Brandon’s blood boiling in his veins. But she really gets his attention when she seductively removes her underwear.

Her pink lips tightly protect her wet slit, and the small landing strip of pubic hair leads directly to heaven.

After giving Brandon a moment to let him wrap his mind around what he is seeing, Ashley straddles his lap. And she’s barely settled before she starts working her hips in a circular motion.

She’s naked and humping her brother, leaving residue from her cunt all over the front of his jeans. And she’s doing it so well, Brandon is completely lost in the hormonal nirvana.

With her sparkling eyes dangling in front of him, lightly panting across his lips, she oversteps the last boundary into her fantasy.

“This isn’t a strip show, big brother. Touch me.” She encourages him to entertain his lust.

To throb harder and with more urgency underneath her grating pussy.

To put his hands where a brother should never touch his sister.

The kissing starts up again. Only this time, it is more heated and exciting. And Brandon allows his eagerness to get the better of him as he slides his palms across Ashley’s thighs.

Her smooth skin speaks to him like it’s his first time having sex. Like he’s never touched a woman before today. But in truth, he’s been with more than his fair share. Since he can remember, he naturally attracted female attention. And to complicate matters, none of them felt as good as Ashley does right now.

Brandon’s fingers sink into the soft flesh of Ashley’s ass cheeks, which clench and relax through her rocking motions. And his tongue is still lost inside her mouth.

Gradually, Ashley lets her hands fall lower.

Instead of cradling his face, she’s toying with the idea of unleashing his manhood.

It doesn’t look like he’ll object.

Before she starts tugging at the buttons of Brandon’s jeans, she grabs and squeezes the throbbing bulge she’s been humping for several minutes now.

The paradox of constraint and satisfaction makes the young fighter groan into his sister’s gaping mouth. And she pays meticulous attention at his reactions. Especially the way he thrusts into her touch.

She pops the first button and slowly escalates the tension.

Another button goes, followed by a third.

One button remains.

*Knock, knock…*

“Ashley? It’s Robert,” A strange man calls from outside the apartment door before giving another persistent knock.

The mood, the moment, the atmosphere, everything suddenly changes back to a reality where their actions are as sinful as they are alluring.

For a few silent seconds, Ashley and Brandon just stare at each other. They still pant with excitement, and his erection is still stampeding inside his underwear. Both of them are reluctant to make the first move, because do they admit to what they just did with each other?

Ultimately, it’s Ashley who climbs off and quickly scurries for her clothes.

“Coming, Robert!” She finally answers the man with her eyes squarely focused on a confused Brandon.
