Problems I was walking into. [MF]

Someone else can have this problem.

I’m a keen amateur photographer. I used to take off every now and again for parts unknown and take pictures, lots of them. I take landscapes, wildlife, adventure, sports, whatever the mood takes me. I’ve never bothered with professional stuff, weddings, christenings, funerals, I mean, I’m an amateur, right. I would take with me my three trusty cameras, two for stills and one home video camera. I had lenses for those still cameras that really suited the kinds of shots I would take. Extreme close up shots to telephoto lenses, but I have thought occasionally I would like to do glamour, cheesecake, soft porn, whatever you want to call it.

I just didn’t have a studio, I couldn’t build one in my workshop. if Amy, my wife, came in while I had some young woman, or even a guy, mostly naked, well, the results wouldn’t have been pretty and likely involve hospitalization. I always promised myself, if I had the money, I would build one somewhere else for this purpose. I had been buying Powerball tickets and won a very large rollover, well shared it with someone else in another state. In the end, Amy and I took the annuity payout which gave us a lot of years to get used to being paid a shit load of money each year, far more than my former income as a carpenter. We were comfortable, but I had to work, covering living expenses, utilities and a small mortgage plus some spending money. With the win, all we had to do was not borrow money, pay cash for everything except real estate and not spend up too big. Easy, you would think. No, not really.

We’d never had that much money before, we had no idea of wtf we were doing, and started spending for spending sake. Bought a big fancy house we grew to hate, in a fancy suburb full of people we grew to dislike, fancy cars we didn’t need, fancy school full of the entitled, the arrogant, the kind of assholes our kids came to hate. We did lots of traveling until the ‘rona hit, but really, fuck all else. We were careful, wore masks, followed lock down rules, were treated with scorn by many of our neighbors. Their ignorance and arrogance caught up with them, some not surviving, but my family was okay. Which brings us to the events of the last few months.

With lock downs all around, Amy and I had a chance to look at our lives since the win and we were pretty unhappy. We had quite an equity in the big, fancy house so used that to buy a much smaller place, one that we could make into a home, in a better neighborhood. We sold the big house faster than I expected, and moved. Got rid of the fancy cars, buying something suburban. The kids liked their new school and their new friends. Benefits all round.

I had got a lot of fancy lighting, a brilliant digital video camera with a complete computer system dedicated to the camera, with software and a lot of other, more professional equipment. Unfortunately, there just wasn’t room for it in the new house. Talking to the boss, she just said that there are a number of empty warehouses and shop fronts around, some for sale, why not buy one and turn it into a studio. Perhaps I could even do some professional work and I leapt at it. I hadn’t considered it before, the big house had a large workshop I could dedicate to my gear, so hadn’t worried about it.

I found a location and started remodeling it to what I wanted and I wanted a large, soundproofed room for video but the rest made a decent sized studio. I moved into it in January, on Inauguration Day, or Riot Day if you want to think of it like that. I had some different areas for specific things, an office space, video production area, computer graphics and digital production in one part of the building, a stills set in another, a graphic gallery in another, and a display gallery in another area, all petitioned off from each other, but a rear walk through access, no doors. I then realized, I still have half the building as empty space, what the fuck am I going to do with it? I bought a heap of construction lumber, dry wall, paint, insulation and started building. It really felt good to go back to doing what I had done since I was kicked out of school.

There was no signage, just a nondescript business name we had registered earlier on the front window. Well, a business better do something. I hadn’t done glamor, so why not. I had the thought for an add. I had a look around and there were a number of web sites that were suitable so I put an add online.

“Wanted: MILFs and Hot Mammas! Looking for some additional support in the post Covid world?
Privacy and discretion assured.”

with a location and some contact details. Lock downs were being lifted and although masks were still required, I thought the timing would have been just right.

I bought some kitchen furniture, cabinets, bedroom furniture, lounge furniture, a few accouterments for props and after three days, went and look to if there were any replies. Fuck me! Eighty replies! There were email and phone numbers, Facebook accounts to look at, Kik numbers, all sorts. I started going through them, there was a reply from India. Fuck, can’t these people read? Her Facebook pic was very nice, but no, couldn’t do it. About fifty of them were from other states and I wasn’t going to be paying air fares or accommodation for them, so a thank you for the interest, a polite decline for the moment, but we’ll keep your details on record for a time when lock downs may not be an issue. Sorting the rest, about half were local, that is in this city, the rest were in the state, but not that close. Those from out of the city were given a polite thank you, but transport here was, for the moment, unavailable. As the situation improved, then we may be in touch again.

The local ladies were an interesting lot, one I even recognized from the neighborhood of our big fancy house, so much for appearances. I had to get her in, pretentious twit she was, seriously thick, and I don’t mean thicc, I mean dumber than your stereotypical blond, even if she was a brunette. I sent them all a message asking them to detail any modeling experience and inviting them for initial interviews. Transport could be arranged if required and they didn’t need to bring anything other than a portfolio if they had one and masks were required. I had a rather sleazy little law firm make up a couple of legal documents, one that was a non-disclosure agreement and the other a release form. There are a couple of magazines web sites and so on, that might pay for a set of images, so I might get published. Didn’t matter, either way, I didn’t care, I just wanted the photos anyway.

The first interview came, a young woman, Lily, with a portfolio of images came. She was married, brunette, late 20s, svelte figure, 5’3″ tall, very attractive, and sunny personality. I went through her portfolio and saw quite a number of nudes, so she was certainly no prude then. I offered her a session, then and there. She asked if I was on my own and I said, yes. She then said, “You’ve never done this before, have you?” Smiling.

“No, you’re right.” I answered, sheepishly.

“Basic rule, never, never, be alone with a model. That can be asking for trouble. Some of these girls are as mercenary as they come, and wouldn’t hesitate to fuck you over if they had a chance. You’re wearing a wedding ring, been there a while so is your wife involved in this?”

This was a surprise, that’s for sure. I shook my head. “Well either she is involved or you’re headed for divorce.” I was shocked by that, but yeah, I can see it. “Okay, now my mercenary side is coming out. I can work both sides of the camera. I’m something of a makeup artist, not great like some women are, but I know my way around a makeup kit. I can use a digital camera, can set up lighting, background and all that. I can use a camcorder, make recordings and if you want to fuck me then it has to be in front of a camera. I do straight, girl-girl, solo, facials and anal.”

I stuttered, “I- I- I- I’m not making porn here!”

“Of course you are. You might not think it yet, but inside the next month it would occur to you and you would be in the porn business.”

“I don’t think I want to be in the porn business!”

“Then why this elaborate set up then? Just for nude shots? Look, the moment you ask a girl to take her clothes off, she will expect to see a dick.” I was somewhat stunned by this revelation. “You don’t understand, do you? The world’s moved on since those days of innocent nudity and maybe a quick grope during shooting. The Internet has supercharged porn, you can produce a scene, promote it on RedGifs, TikTok, upload it to Pornhub and charge for it. If you’re lucky, it’ll go viral and you’ll make a mint, if not, then maybe cover your production costs.” She stopped and saw the look on my face. “Oh my,” she said, “You don’t get it do you?” She shook her head and asked, “How many casting appointments have you set up?”

“Two a day, for the next 7 working days.” I got out eventually.

“Oh, you’re going to be busy. You’re likely going to need another cock. I know a couple of guys who’ll help. Believe me, it’ll look a lot better for the girls you’re casting too.” I was still coming to grips with this. “What was your thought? Lesbian? threesome? No, not until shooting was taking place. So you were going to get them in, talk to them, offer cash for nude and more cash for sex, is that right?”

“Well, no, I wasn’t thinking about sex, well, it wasn’t planned anyway. Just a collection of Milf shots kept here.”

“Well, I’m sorry, but you’re being a little naive here,” she said gently, “So make a choice, either you’re going to drop it altogether or you’re going to be making porn, one of the two. Sorry, but that’s it.” She paused for a moment, then said, “You could always become an indie film maker.”

Then it struck me, “Why not do both?”

She shook her head, “What? Both?”

“Yeah, two production companies, different names, completely separate. Education videos. Like how about a computer generated video about how the Rocky Mountains were formed? A trip down the Colorado River, using drones and rafts. Continental drift, how this landmass was formed, all that sort of thing. With the other company, I can make porn whenever one of the education videos is finished.”

It was Lily’s turn to be surprised. “That’s going to take a shit load of money, if you can get someone to finance it.”

“I think I can get some money, just how much I’d need for it the only issue. We’ll see. But in the meantime, how about I take you around and look at the sets.” I took her out into the room I made, and she liked the setting, good for lighting, big enough to get some good camera angles, but would need something to break up echoes. We might not hear them but the microphones would. Had I done any sound checking? No, I hadn’t. The look on her face was ‘save me from fucking amateurs’ so I said, “Well, I am only a fucking amateur.” Laughing. She was easy to be with this girl. She recommended a green screen behind the bed and the lounge, with a mobile green screen for different angles. Smart too.

“So I am going to ask for a production assistant’s job here. I get to work a lot of different jobs, and I get paid for it. You can do that?”

“How much?”

“Twenty dollars an hour plus normal rates for a scene.”

I did a quick calculation and that was certainly doable…wait a moment, “What’s normal rates for a scene?”

For the next two hours she explained porn, different scenes have different charges, solo doesn’t charge as much as threesomes and so on. Other things cropped up like, women get better paid than the guys, for the same scene, unbelievable, I thought, and the girl has to cum or fake it really well for some scenes. Some girls will only cum once per scene, they get washed out by it so find it difficult to continue once they’ve cum; they can take a while to recover. Guys may require a day’s break if they cum at the wrong time, but sometimes a stunt cock and/or some creative editing will get around that issue. She talked about production and distribution and I didn’t even have an account on Pornhub. I was getting enthusiastic, which can, for me, be dangerous, just as likely to shoot myself in the foot.

At one point, I stopped her and asked her why was she helping me? Her answer was simple, “You seem to be a nice guy, naive, but nice. You’d get screwed over soon as you started because you’re pretty innocent. You got lucky, because you got me first.” Okay, I have always had a bit of luck on my side, no idea why I should deserve it, but it has always happened.

“Okay, but that really doesn’t answer the question, why are *you* helping me. You didn’t have to.”

“Yes, in helping you, I’m helping myself. I started in porn when I was eighteen, not big time, but worked consistently. Made a bit of money while learning about the industry, picking up some of the technical skills, and so on. Then met my husband, got married, quit while I was pregnant. Been out of it for a while, and with the virus, having a lot of difficulty in getting back into it. Ted, my husband, he hasn’t worked since the virus shut us down so we’re in trouble financially. This gives me an opportunity to work again, to get a livable wage, but not just in front of the camera, behind it too, which is why I didn’t ask for a shit load more money. What I know I can use and if you’re serious about doing educational videos too, then I can have a real job, with a bit of porn on the side to supplement my income. So for me, this is a great combination, a newbie producer and me.”

I glanced at the clock and saw that there was just an hour before the next appointment. I asked about breaking for a quick bite, bathroom time, and anything before then. I showed her the bathroom and she shook her head, “No, you’re going to need a full shower and bath in here too. You can’t expect girls to be leaving here covered in cum.”

“Okay, another note to self, bathroom.”

“Also toys, you need a full set of toys.”

“You mean sex toys?”

She gave me that you’re being dumb again, look. “Yep,” she said, “We can do that this afternoon if you like. Or we can order online. You have a computer on the desk there, I assume it’s connected to the ‘Net?” I nodded. “Okay we can order online, Amazon, Ali Baba, or direct from an online sex shop, delivery in a day or two.”

We had what is euphemistically called ‘a working lunch’, that is we talked about what was needed to be even a mildly successful production house. We ordered online a lot of sex toys, when I was assured they would be delivered in plain wrapping. Looking at the clock, “Ooo, Fuck! I should’ve been home an hour ago. I better call.” I left her in the office and fiddled around with setting up camera stand to get a good angle with the static shot camera. Lily came in a few minutes later and asked if it was okay for her husband to come in and have a look? Not a problem for me, but it would have to be after the next appointment left. While she was talking, I could hear someone calling from the front. “She’s here, babe, gotta go, love you. See you soon, will call as soon as I leave.” Looking at me she told me I should have a video camera on her during the interview. I went and did that while Lily went to greet the girl. Why was I allowing her to basically order me around? Never refuse advice from someone who is an expert in a field you know nothing about, listen to them but accept responsibility for the decisions you make. Learn much faster that way.

Lily brought the girl, who’s name was Sally, to the lounge/boudoir set and sat her on the lounge. Sally is about 5’2″ tall, nice body, an ash blonde, big tits for her size. She was looking for any work too. She and Lily hadn’t met, but they had seen each other’s work apparently. Lily explained that we were still in the process of setting the studio up so filming wouldn’t start for three to four weeks yet. There was a hold up on getting the facilities up to what we wanted. Sally said she understood, and I aimed a temperature gauge at her forehead. She was a little startled so I said it was just a precaution and took her body temperature reading as normal.

Lily asked her some questions about what she had done, and like Lily, Sally had done boy-girl, girl-girl, anal, threesomes and added a gang bang. Lily asked her to undress, which she did without any question. It was that easy? I thought. Nice tits that were sagging a little, stretch marks around the waist, and Lily asked “When did you give birth?” Surprised, “Four months ago.” Conversation drifted a bit to children, sleeping, late night, early morning feeds, all the stuff I had forgotten about. “Who’s looking after the baby now?” “Her father.” Lily nodded and brought it back to work though, “A soft focus, a bit of makeup and indirect lighting should fix that. Okay, standard rates. There’s a bit of paperwork, but we should be good to go in three to four weeks.” There was a look of disappointment on her face, “Look, I need the work, I don’t know if I can wait that long.”

Lily looked at me and raised an eyebrow. For a moment, I was a little confused, then I got it. “Well, we could..” I hesitated and Lily nodded.

“Yes, Good idea,” she said. “Give you a chance to have a good look at the lighting and balances with the new camera.”

“I was thinking more about checking the sound. This place is a bit of a cavern, so echoes might be an issue,” I said, “Okay Sally, how would you feel about doing a scene right now.”

Sally was surprised a little, “But..”

“This is more to sort some of the technical issues so we are all good to go on the first day of shooting. Full payment, in cash before you leave.”

“Makeup? Wardrobe?” She asked.

“Not here yet. Whatever is shot now is not for general release, but a full payment is still on offer, unless -,” Lily said.

“Oh no, I’d love to.” Sally replied, “So what’s the set up?”

“Keep it simple-” I started.

“You’re in bed, waking up, really horny,” Lily said, “You throw the blankets off and start playing with yourself. You just get into it and your boyfriend walks in and sees you. Calls you an impatient slut, so you respond with something like Yes, and now you need to fuck me, hard.” She nodded. WHAT? I looked at Lily and shook my head, took a deep breath and, looking at me she said, “Look, I know it’s a bit to ask, but, Sally, Wayne’s a newbie, so you’ll have to be patient with him.”

She smiled and told Lily, “Well, he’s pretty good looking for an old guy, so I wouldn’t mind taking him for his first scene.”

OLD GUY? “I’m not that old, I’m only just forty, thank you very much.”

Lily and Sally both laughed, “Yes, that’s what I said. So come on, Let’s do this.”

Lily took the camera, looked it over and turned it on like a pro. This was the first time she had even picked it up yet she seemed to know what she was doing. The computer screen lit up with an image of wherever the camera was pointed while the video was being saved to the SDXC cards. Sally got on the bed, Lily shoooed me out the door , telling me to wait for 90 seconds after hearing the call for “action” before coming in. While I stood out there, I was wondering wtf was happening in there. I heard some giggling and some muffled conversation, but then I clearly heard a clap, then “Action”. I looked at my watch, an analog Rolex and waited for 93 seconds. In that time, I thought about what just happened. Here I was, in my own studio and I was being ordered around by an almost complete stranger. At her request, no order, I was about to fuck another woman, albeit a rather gorgeous woman, with really nice tits. What the fuck was the matter with me?

The time ticked over and I really asked myself if I wanted to go through that door. I have never cheated on my wife of nearly twenty years, not even considered it, if you exclude Michelle Rodriguez, Zoe Saldana, Lucy Lui, Gal Godot and a whole lot of others. Like that would ever happen, right? But here I am, trying to control my dick so I won’t embarrass myself when it is out in the open for the first time. I opened the door and there was Lily, framing the door and me from the other side of the bed so she could get Sally fingering herself and my look of surprise. I was surprised, I surprised myself opening and then walking through that door. “What the fuck are you doing?” I asked.

Sally jumped up, startled, well it looked like it anyway, “I was horny and you are late. Got started without you.”

“I got stuck in traffic, you’re horny and impatient!” I growled, “And I’m hungry!”

Sally looked up at me with a sexy look, spread her legs wide and said, “Well, here, have something to eat!”

I went over to the bed, still dressed, climbed on it and just buried my face in her pussy.

I started eating her puss, lapping her clit, mouthing her labia and prodding it with my tongue when I heard, “Cut! Cut!” from Lily. I stopped and asked, “What?”

“Wayne,” she said patiently, “In porn when eating a pussy, you gotta remember the camera. What you’re doing is great for Sally,” who nodded, “But not good for the camera. Need to see some tongue action.” She then directed me on how to do that. “Okay, let’s take it from when you get on the bed.”

I got off the bed while she moved the camera to get a better angle of me climbing onto it, then said, “Sally, give us a clap please,” which she did, then, “Action.” So I climbed back onto the bed, crawling back up to Sally’s exposed pussy and then started licking her again. I did a better job of it for the camera, but not a real good job for her. Sally was making all the right noises though, later telling me I had done a really good job for my first time and it was nice.

“Cut!” Lily called, “Okay, take a break. In this next shot, Sally, I want you to pull him up your body, Wayne, kiss her tits and suckle her nipples. Sally, roll him over, open his pants, get his dick out and suck him.”

“Okay, works for me,” Sally said.

“Wayne, you think you can not get an erection until she starts sucking?”

I thought for a moment and replied, “Don’t know, but I can try.”

“Relax,” said Sally, “You’re doing fine, nice tongue by the way.”

“Yeah, you taste pretty good yourself,” I smiled, she did actually, taste nice.

“Okay, let’s pick it up again, take your place Wayne.” Lily picked the camera up again, turned in on aimed it, I got my head back down between Sally’s thighs and heard, “Sally, if you would please,” Sally clapped, “Action!” I bent my head down and felt Sally’s hand on the side of my face, pulling me up, so I gave her pussy one last kiss, with my tongue diving into her vaginal canal then slid it along and up, over her clit. Sally shook with that, letting out a low moan, but that didn’t stop her from moving me upwards.

I licked her stomach and then her breasts, suckling on each nipple. I kissed Sally, deeply, sexily, which got a real reaction from her, she hugged me closely. She rolled me over and said, “I’m gunna suck your dick, I want it in my mouth!” Reaching down, she began fumbling with the belt and kissed me back at the same time. Trying not to get an erection while being kissed by Sally was not an easy task, one I failed at, I could feel. I felt my pants open and her hand slid down to grab my dick. I’m not big, a little over six inches, but she still gasped as she slid down my body.

I lifted my ass so she could get my clothes off and expose me to her ministrations. I felt her lips over my dick and then her mouth sliding down along the shaft. I felt her nose crush my pubes. as she raised and lowered her mouth on my dick. I’ve had a few head jobs, and like getting sucked, but nothing like Sally. This was just so fucking sexy, a real turn on. She sucked like nothing I’d ever experienced before. Her lips and tongue slid over me like I was silicon, it was so smooth. She got to the top of a stroke and Lily called “Freeze!” Sally stopped, I did nothing, Lily moved to a different position, changing the camera angle then, “Go!” Sally went back to sucking me. Every now and again, Lily would freeze us, then change position then we’d go again. I must admit, this did take the edge off it, while is was sexually stimulating it wasn’t erotic, or sexy. I must admit though, I was liking it, and was lasting longer than I had before and didn’t expect to do so with such a brilliant head job. Lily called a cut, taking a break.

“We don’t have a proper bathroom set up yet,” Lily said, “So Sally, I would like you to blow him on the bed, not make too much mess.”

Sally nodded, “No money shot?”

“No, this isn’t for release, this is for checking systems.” Sally nodded. “After a break. Wayne, you take some time to recover a bit, you can then take as long as you like to be fucking Sally.”

“Shooting out of sequence?”

“Oh yes, gives us a chance to catch up on the editing software.”

I nodded, “Okay, good thinking.”

“You want to finish getting undressed, and lie back please?” I did and Lily asked me, “Now you feel like you can cum?”

“Sure” I said, “If you don’t interrupt.” Sally and I both laughed.

“Okay, okay, get him hard Sally, please.” Sally did in no time flat. “Wayne, give me a clap,” Lily said. I did and “Action!” Sally went back to sucking me with a will. Shit, she’s fucking brilliant. I fought against cumming, but she got me in the end. I moaned my shooting as I felt my balls jumping, emptying their vital fluids into Sally’s mouth. Sally sucked my dick dry, gathering all the pearl jam she could, swallowing it, greedily. Any loose germ plasm, she wiped into her mouth while Lily was still shooting her actions.

“A-a-n-n-d-d-d, Cut!” Lily called.

“Fuck, that was unbelievable!” I said, still tingling.

“Yeah, you want to see it from this angle,” Lily said, putting the camera down and reaching for a box of tissues for Sally. “I could feel my pussy swelling with that.”

“That was nice,” Sally said, wiping her face, “Don’t mind sucking your dick at all, Wayne.” Sally looked up at Lily, “Felt good.”

“Looked good too,” Lily replied. “Do you need to go and get some more cash?” Lily asked me.

“Yes, I will actually, there’s a hole in the wall, not too far away, gotta take a break after that though.”

“You might want to get some water too,” Lily observed, “Should always have lots of water on set.”

Sally and I laid back, still naked, sipping the water she had brought us. Lily pulled the computer around to where we could see the screen and started playing the video already shot. It wasn’t great, the sound was not good, I was not relaxed enough, looked wooden. Sally looked good and when she was sucking me, fuck that was great, my cumming, that made me relive it. I could see my balls jump as I shot into Sally’s mouth, I was actually surprised by the size of my dick. It looked huge on screen. That must be great camera work from Lily, I thought. I was a lot more relaxed when she was sucking me than I was earlier, so okay. I was relaxed enough, breathing again, cleaned up a bit, then dressed. I left Lily and Sally on the bed and quickly went and got some extra cash, water and picked up extra hand sanitizer and baby wipes. I came back maybe twenty minutes later and Sally was on her back with Lily’s fingers buried deep inside her and Lily’s tongue lapping her clit.

I stood and watched for a few moments and Lily sat up, “Just warming her up for you, like any good fluffer would.” I had to laugh at that. “Now better get undressed and we’ll get down to some serious fucking.”

“How do you want us?” Sally asked.

“Okay, you’re starting from sucking his dick, then you climb on top. I’ll say roll over, missionary for a bit, count to ten then move to that position, then next we go to doggy. Take a break, then second takes, okay?”

“Yep,” Sally replied, “Wayne, better get over here, get you hard again.”

Won’t take long, I thought, after watching them. I got on the bed and laid back, Sally swooped on my cock and sucked me hard again. “Clap please!” I clapped, “Action!” Sally kissed her way up my torso and her pussy hovered over my hard dick. She grabbed it and slowly slid down on it. We fucked like this for a few minutes, then Lily called for the next one. We counted to ten, and rolled over, without me falling out of her. She lifted her legs and I grabbed behind her knees with the inside of my elbows.

I hadn’t considered it before, but this exposes Sally’s pussy and allows Lily to get the camera in to get a close up of my cock and balls, pushing my prod into Sally’s pussy. Either Sally was a really good actor or she was really loving it with the sounds she made and reactions she was giving. Lily let this run for a while, taking a lot of different angles, then called for doggy. We broke apart and Sally quickly got into position and I entered her from behind. I wasn’t anywhere near close to cumming and I drove my cock into her over and over. Lily called another cut, got me to move my knees around so she could get a better shot. Talk about loosing the momentum, then I understood why they use fluffers in porn. It was hard work actually, but Lily did give me a hand, several times.

After moving into another position, I began to understand that porn is, well, it’s a lot of hard work, fucking. My cock was wrapped by this wet pussy, but I felt like I could fuck on for a long time. Thank Lily for urging me to buy lots of water, I had got a few bottles but they weren’t going to last long. Memo to self: Costco tomorrow and buy a couple of 24 packs and a big ice box, maybe freezerless, have to think about that.

Fucking in several more positions was wearing and I knew I was going to have to get fitter, this was killing me. After an indeterminate period of time, seemed like hours, but was likely only about ten, fifteen minutes or so, Lily called another cut. She put the camera down and immediately went to Sally, kissed her and thanked her for what she had done. I must admit, my cock died a little at the cut, but started up again watching Lily kissing a naked Sally.

“We’re going to have to do a scene, you and me,” Sally said.

“Yep, for sure,” Lily replied.

I looked at the clock and saw it was nearly 3:00pm. Two hours? No, hour and a half I was fucking Sally less the time our for breaks, cuts and other stuff, well say an hour? Nah, not a chance, there was no way I could keep it up for that length of time even if Lily was helping. Sally washed as best she could in the bathroom, dressed and was on her way with a pocket full of cash and a smile on her face.

Guess I was in the porn business.
