Rings of Reshaping Ch 1 A Package has Arrived (FF) (Genital Transformation) (Masturbation)

*Author’s Note: I wrote this because I love gender swap/genital transformation stories but they seem to almost always be told from the guy turning into the girl even when there is a body swap and while I love reading those stories as well I wanted to see something from the other perspective. Writing this was also fun in that it made me really focus on what I was feeling when enjoying myself. I do plan on making this a series Ch 2 is already in the works and planned out just need to get it from my head to a document*

The annoying repetitive klaxon of my alarm slowly dragged from land of dreams just as I was about to reach the best part a particularly amazing sex dream. As I began to muster the will to move my arm to hit the snooze on my alarm in an attempt to be able to finish my dream, I had hope because I could still feel the delightful pressure of flesh against my flesh and the sweet taste of lips on mine. I finally moved my arm to silence the alarm and was disappointed when I felt the lips pull away from mine.

“Finally, sleeping beauty awakes.” A voice whispers into my ear, and I realize that I wasn’t feeling lingering sensations from a dream but that my roommate, Sarah, had climbed under my covers and was attempting to wake me up by making out with me.

“That is definitely the best way to be awakened.” I whispered back with a giggle.

“So what do you say, Ali? A quick romp before class?” She asked while she began to kiss my neck.

“Really?” I could barely ask due to my laughter, “You and I both know that we are never fast. If I actually take you up on your offer we won’t be out of here for a couple of hours. Plus I wanted to swing by the mail room on the way to class because it’s been a few days since I checked.”

“Awww, you’re no fun.” she said with a pout.

“I’m sorry but I really need to make it to class, but why don’t we ‘reschedule’ this for after lunch, neither of us has any afternoon classes today since it’s Thursday?”

“Mmmm, can’t wait.” she beamed at me, but still didn’t move from on top of me.

“Okay,” I groaned with a quick slap on her ass, which earned me the cutest of squeaks. “Why don’t you let me up so I can take a quick shower before I have to head out.”

She finally reluctantly slid off of me with another pout and I quickly hopped out of bed and grabbed a towel and my shower bag, making sure to bend in such a way that I was sure she would get a great view of my ass and even be able to see how horny she had managed to make me already. Satisfied with my teasing and with a mischievous grin on my face I walked to the door to the bathroom that our dorm room shared with another. I gave a quick knock just to be sure that neither of the girls in the other room were using it at the moment. When no answer came from the other side I slipped in and quickly locked the other door to the bathroom, before starting the water to let it heat up. I didn’t mind if Sarah came in but I didn’t know the other two girls very well so they could go use one of the public toilets that each floor of the dorm building had. I began to unpack my shower bag, after a bad experience with my supplies going missing last year I have since kept everything in a bag that doesn’t stay in the bathroom. I tossed on a shower cap as I didn’t want to have to deal with the annoyance of drying out my hair this morning. I obviously left my shampoo and conditioner in the bag but pulled out my soaps as well as my shaving cream and razors.

I tested the water coming from the faucet with my fingertips and after finding it to be perfect I switched on the showerhead and stepped into the shower pulling the curtains closed behind me. I let out a huge sigh as I felt the hot water begin to collide into my shoulders and roll down my body causing each and every one of my muscles to relax as the warmth spread over me. As much as I loved a hot shower, I enjoyed a hot bath even more but I take them so infrequently now, and shorter than I like too, sinceI always feel guilty about taking them since I’m denying the other two girls access to a shower, Sarah is always free to join me. As I began to move around to let the water reach all of me my mind wandered to lucky it was that Sarah and I had been assigned as roommates at the beginning of our freshman year, last year.

We both arrived at college questioning our sexuality and after a few weeks of realizing how well we got along and comfortable we were with each other we decided to experiment together. As it turns out both of us are bi, ever since then we have enjoyed pleasuring each other but also seeking pleasure elsewhere. I’ve lost count of the number of times we have brought each other into a threesome with one of our dates, even a couple foursomes, much to the enjoyment of the guys, and some girls, that got to participate. Honestly thinking about it now we are practically in a polyamorous relationship, though I had never really thought about it like that before. After such an enjoyable freshman year we decided to pay the college’s ridiculous fee to be able to choose who your roommate would be when signing up for accommodations this year. Thinking about it now I wonder if i should talk to Sarah about us, because to be honest i think I could see spending the rest of my life with her.

I felt a sudden wave of pleasure roll through my body, so strong that my legs nearly gave out and I barely managed to keep myself from falling over. As the aftershocks of pleasure finished I realized that at some point after I let my mind wander I had started to masturbate without even noticing. I couldn’t decide which was better, waking up to Sarah fooling around with me or masturbating while zoned out and having a surprise orgasm. I had no idea how long I had stood there, zoned out and masturbating, under the relaxing water stream, and therefore decided I would have to forgo shaving this morning. I quickly lathered up, barely resisting the urge to start masturbating again when I reached my crotch, wow Sarah’s wake up call had really done a number on me. I rinsed my body and turned off the water before snatching up my towel and drying off. I moved to the sink and hurriedly brushed my teeth, after repacking everything into my bag I reached in only to find an empty box instead of what I was looking for. I tossed the box in the trash bin we kept in the bathroom before stepping out of the bathroom.

“Hey Sarah, can I borrow a tampon? I’m apparently out and will need to swing by the campus shop as well this morning.”

“Well duh, honestly you don’t even need to ask.” she replied with a chuckle.

“I know, but I feel weird taking one without asking.” I said while reaching into her shower bag and pulling out a tampon.

I rushed into the bathroom, popped in the tampon, grabbed my bag, unlocked the door, and gave it a quick knock, an agreed upon signal for when one vacated the bathroom after a shower. I glanced at the clock and was glad that I had decided to skip the shaving, it wouldn’t have made me late but I would have had to choose between the mail room and the store before class. I quickly dressed, deciding on a fairly generic black knee length skirt paired with a white blouse, and brushed out my hair, deciding to leave it down today. Once I was finished I looked over to Sarah to see she was just putting the finishing touches on a beautiful french braid, a style that I noticed was one of her go to hairdos. When she turned around I found myself mesmerized and wanting nothing more than to tear the clothes that she had just finished donning off and throw her onto the bed. She was absolutely stunning in her absolutely tiny jean shorts and college t-shirt that was tied off just below her breasts to both emphasize her amazing tits and show off her wonderfully tanned stomach.

“You gonna stand there staring all day or are we gonna take this show on the road?” Sarah teased.

“You’re right let’s go.”

We grabbed both our school bags and our purses and headed out the door and I made sure to lock it behind us. On the way to the mail room talked about possible plans for fall break which was coming up in a couple weeks. Nothing was decided but the three options that we were able to narrow it down to were staying with one of our families or possibly a camping trip which might include some of our wider circle of friends if we could convince them to join. Upon reaching the mail room we split up to find our individual boxes and opened them with our respective keys.

I pulled a few envelopes out of my box and gave them a quick glance. There was a couple spam letters which went straight into my purse so I could shred them when I made it home; a postcard from the Grand Canyon from my parents who were on a road trip celebrating their anniversary, and the fact that with my younger brother off at college as well the house was finally empty after twenty-six years; and finally an envelope from a “Great Aunt Claire” who I have never heard of before. After reading the postcard from my parents which was mostly just an update on where they were and a couple funny stories of things that had happened so far on the trip, I moved over to Sarah.

“Anything worthwhile?” I queried.

“Nah, just a single piece of spam. What about you?”

“Some spam, a postcard from the rents, and a letter from a great aunt that I’ve never heard of before.”

“What does the letter say?”

“Dunno, haven’t opened it yet, figured I could read it while we walked over to the campus shop.”

“Makes sense I guess”

On that note we left the mail room holding the doors open for a group of five that wanted to enter. Once they were through we let go of the doors and I immediately pulled out the letter and began to open it. The material of the envelope was surprisingly thick and I had to really fight to rip it open but when it finally yielded to me something popped out and skittered across the concrete of the parking lot. Sarah quickly chased after it before bending over to pick it up and practically mooning me with how little her shorts covered when she bent over. I obviously wasn’t the only one to see it since we heard a few whistles and some positively lewd comments from a group of guys loitering around by a couple cars in the parking lot. I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about what it was about having a dick that made guys like that think that it was appropriate for them to say those things to someone they had never met before, not that meeting someone made those comments okay unless it was something they encouraged or wanted. That was when Sarah handed the object to me and I noticed it was a ring.

As I searched for which finger to place the ring on my thoughts moved from those guys and their entitlement to just what it would be like to have a dick in general and that is when the ring slid home onto my ring finger on my right hand. I began to examine the ring and it was actually fairly interesting, it had a braided pattern and there was some sort of paint or something on the metal that changes color depending on what angle you looked at it, ranging from a dark blue through all the shades of purple to a sort of dark pink. I don’t think I would ever buy a ring like this for myself but it definitely wasn’t a bad gift and I think I could grow to really like it. I reached into my purse, where I had stowed the envelope and letter while dealing with the ring, and pulled the letter out of the envelope without removing the envelope from my purse and began to read the letter.

*Hello Alison,*

*I’m pretty sure that you will not have heard of me as I had a pretty big falling out with your grandmother while she was pregnant with your mother, but I am your great aunt Claire. I’m not going to try and explain everything that happened as it is not my place but I did want to send you a gift. Recently my best friend passed away and when she did she returned to me a ring that was part of a pair. We always wore these rings as a sign of our friendship ever since we acquired them in our late teens. With her passing I wanted to share them with a future generation and as I never had any children I turned to my sister’s family. I also wanted to share with someone close to the age we were when we found them, and out of that group I think you will enjoy it more than the boys, both your brothers and cousins. I hope you and whoever you give the other ring to enjoy them as much as me and my best friend did.*

*Best wishes to you,*


After finishing the letter I pulled out the envelope and glanced inside and sure enough there was an identical ring which I handed over to Sarah without even thinking about it.

“What’s this?” she asked while looking at the ring.

“Apparently it’s a ‘Friendship’ ring, according to my great aunt. Turns out she had a falling out with my grandmother which is why I never heard of her before. The rings are apparently a pair that my great aunt and her best friend wore as a symbol of their friendship, and since the best friend recently passed away she wanted to ‘share them with a future generation’ whatever that means.”

“Sounds weird if you ask me, but the rings look nice enough” she commented as she slid the ring onto her finger.

We continued to the shop in silence, just examining our new rings as we walked. After a quick rush through the shop after realizing what the time was we split up on our way to our first class of the morning. I managed to make it to the classroom a mere three minutes before class started. I hurriedly found a seat somewhere near the middle, which is where I usually try to sit anyway, and quickly unpacked the notebooks and pens I would need for this class. I was beginning to feel kinda warm as the professor began her lecture but I just assumed it was from my rush to make it to class in time. Unfortunately I didn’t begin to cool down like I expected, in fact just the opposite I began to heat up. It got to the point where I had to undo a few buttons on my blouse, luckily I didn’t need to make myself indecent before I started to cool off. Just my luck, that was when I began to feel extremely bloated to the point where it almost felt like my panties didn’t fit anymore. I could already tell that the next week was not going to be enjoyable. I tried to ignore my discomfort and pay attention to the professor’s lecture, but my mind kept wandering anytime the professor turned around to write something on the board. Despite my best efforts I kept wondering what she would be like in bed, which to be honest wasn’t that surprising since she was probably only about ten years older than me and was extremely hot. My mind then wandered to what Sarah and I had planned this afternoon, and I noticed something strange. My fantasies for this afternoon were centered entirely around using a strap-on to fuck Sarah in every conceivable position and how unfortunate it was that I had to settle for a facsimile instead of the genuine article.

I began to feel a strange sort of pain and constriction from my crotch that I had never felt before with just a subtle hint of pleasure from the pressure. I couldn’t comprehend the sensations that I was feeling, they were so completely different from anything that I had ever experienced before. I glanced down at my crotch and saw something that was impossible, there was a large and clearly visible bulge. I didn’t know what was going on but I knew that I couldn’t let anyone see me like this. I reached down to my side and grabbed my purse and placed it on my lap to hide the ridiculous bulge in my crotch. In order to disguise my actions from anyone that might have seen them I reached into my purse, using the pretense of searching for something specific to try and maneuver that which shouldn’t be there into a more comfortable position. I didn’t find anything that was comfortable, but I was able to make it less painful, though still pretty painful. I pulled my compact mirror out of my purse and checked my make-up pretending like that was the sole reason that I put my purse in my lap. After a quick examination I tossed the mirror back into the purse, leaving it in my lap, and checked the clock. Only five minutes before class was over and I could rush to the bathroom to try and figure out what was going on.

The five minutes seemed to take days to go by and I spent the time completely paranoid that everyone knew exactly what was happening underneath my skirt. It didn’t help that a couple of times I found myself shifting my purse around in my lap in such a way that I was practically humping it. After three minutes I had the ludicrous idea that maybe the ring had given me this new piece of anatomy and proceeded to tear it off and toss it into the purse on my lap. Much to my horror when the professor finally dismissed us my situation had not changed. I packed my things away as slowly as I possibly could without being obvious what I was doing. Finally nearly everyone had left the classroom and I stood up keeping my crotch pressed against my purse on my desk while I put on my backpack. When I finally began to move I made sure to strategically hold my arms together such that my purse seemed to nonchalantly fall in front of my crotch. Despite my best efforts I was unable to walk like I normally did, it felt like I was bowlegged, and honestly I found myself hoping that people would just assume that I had received a wonderful railing this morning since that was much less embarrassing than the truth.

Luckily for me the door to the women’s restroom was directly across the hall from my classroom so not many people would have a chance to get a good look at my strange gait. As soon as I was through the door I ran to a stall and slammed it shut, barely took the time to hang my pack and purse on the door hook so that they wouldn’t be on the floor before I was tearing off my skirt and panties. I felt such a massive wave of relief at the release of pressure and lack of pain that I’m pretty sure it was almost a minute before any visual information was processed in my brain. When I was finally able to process images again I saw exactly what I was expecting to see. A rock hard cock. Surprisingly it was circumcised, I would have thought that if it had just spontaneously grown it wouldn’t be, but that was a problem for another time. If I had to guess I would put it at about seven inches and of decent girth, not the thickest I’d seen but no pencil either. Upon further inspection I also had a pair of balls hanging underneath the cock and my beautiful pussy was completely gone. Every other part of my body seemed to be exactly the same as when I woke up, the only differences being the missing pussy and new cock and balls. I started to panic wondering about what happened and if I could ever return to normal. After a few moments I forced myself to calm down by taking a few deep measured breaths. I needed to go to my next class because I couldn’t afford to miss it, it was one of my hardest classes and was required for the degree I was pursuing.

I grabbed onto my cock, it feels so weird even just thinking that, the warmth and pressure of my hand on my cock were surprisingly pleasurable and I felt it pulse and twitch in my grip, but as I tried to stuff it back into my panties I knew there was no way that this was going to work. I tried just pulling my panties up over my balls and leaving the cock out, but that created an extremely noticeable tent in my skirt. I tried pulling my cock up to my stomach and pulling up my panties and skirt up all the way, but the warmth of my skin against my cock felt pleasurable and it twitched again pulling down my panties and skirt to point straight out again.

With a sigh I realized I knew what I was going to have to do, I was going to have to masturbate in order to get this thing to go down. Hopefully it wouldn’t take too long and I could still make it to my next class on time, luckily this wasn’t like high school where you only had like five minutes to get to class, I still had about twenty-one minutes before I needed to be in class. I’m no noob to the internet so I’ve seen all the jokes about boys and lotion so I had an idea that lotion probably works better than saliva even though I knew that would work in a pinch considering I used that the few times I’d given a handjob. I reached into my purse and found my hand lotion. I squirted a fairly large amount into my hand, wincing at the need because of how expensive it was, but not willing to skimp on the lubrication and make this take longer as a result. After tossing the lotion back in my purse I sat down on the toilet and leaned back as far as I could.

I rubbed my hands together just enough to get lotion on both hands and covered most of them. I looked down at my cock and a strange sense of nervousness and excitement washed over me. I was about to experience an orgasm from the other sex’s perspective. I held my hand over my cock thinking about how I should start. I thought back to a previous fling where we had tried masturbating in front of each other and started to copy his form. I placed my palm over the head and wrapped my fingers around with my thumb towards my body. I squeezed fairly tight and was excited by the sensations that I felt. There was something about the cold but slowly warming lotion with the heat of my hand behind it combined with the pressure from my grip that just felt right. I didn’t move for several seconds just existing there and truly experiencing the sensations my body was feeling, but I was soon interrupted by the thought that I still needed to make it to my next class. I slowly began to follow the motions I remember from that night, tightening the pressure as I moved my hand away, slackening as I slid my hand back down. I groaned involuntarily before biting my lip to keep quiet when I realized I was technically in public and I didn’t want anybody to get nosy and see me in my current state. It took several strokes before I realized how close this technique was to milking a cow, which I had actually done many years ago when my girl scout troop took a trip to a nearby dairy farm. However after that thought had flitted through my mind I was unable to focus on anything but what I was doing with my body. I slowly started increasing the speed and amount of pressure I was using. I closed my eyes to focus more on what I was feeling. My mind strayed back to how I woke up this morning, and I imagined that Sarah was in here with me, bouncing on top of my lap. She was completely naked, her tight little pussy swallowing my cock with each bounce, squeezing it, milking it and her tits bouncing tantalizingly in front of my face. I open my eyes to look down at the work my hands are doing, my left hand stroking my cock with ever increasing need and my right hand at the base pulling the skin tight while simultaneously fondling my balls.

I felt a need welling up within me, I had something that was needed and I had to do everything in my power to make sure that it was given. At that moment despite knowing and seeing that it was my hands pleasuring me Sarah was there on top of me and whispering in my ear asking me, no she was begging me, to give it to her. I felt my balls tightening and knew I was getting close so I tried to shift how I was sitting so I could aim into the toilet but then before I could make it my hips were thrusting without me willing it. My hands continued their motions and each time my hips moved I felt my dick pulse, but more than that it was like it was tugging on something inside of me as well. Cum sprayed out of my dick six times before I finally regained control of my limbs, the first two struck my purse hanging on the stall door, the third struck the stall door itself, the fourth landed on the floor, and the fifth and sixth both landing back in my crotch covering my hands, my cock, and my balls.

I quickly rushed to wipe my crotch and hands with toilet paper and then quickly tucked my finally soft cock between my legs and pulled up my panties and skirt. I then took longer to wipe off my purse, the stall door and the floor being careful to leave no hint of what happened here behind. Finally once I was done cleaning up I threw on my backpack, grabbed my purse and walked over to the sinks where I thoroughly cleaned my hands before heading to my next class, with twelve minutes to spare, just long enough that I wouldn’t have to run.

Statistics was going alright, well besides the fact that the professor’s lecture was about as boring as I thought it was possible to be but for today that was perfectly alright to me. Unfortunately that didn’t seem to help because about halfway through I started to feel things in my crotch that I was pretty sure meant that my cock was beginning to harden. I couldn’t figure out why, I wasn’t thinking about anything even remotely sexual, I didn’t feel horny, I just felt bored. Once I noticed that it was hardening it seemed to speed up, luckily since I tucked it in between my legs my panties were doing a good job of holding it in place without a visible bulge. As it hardened I began to feel a pain near the base of it, I’m assuming from the way it was bent, but the pain was also slightly pleasurable in a weird way. It looks like I was going to be making another trip to the restroom after this class although this one was going to be a longer walk as it was at the complete other end of the hallway, but I think I was in a better position to hide it. To be honest while I was dreading my first trip I was actually kinda excited about this one seeing as how pleasurable the first one was. Not sure why but the thought of how frequently I was having to run to the restrooms this morning reminded me of the fact that I had put in a tampon this morning and that with the change in my anatomy I hadn’t stop to think about where it had gone, it wasn’t sitting in my panties when I had rushed to the restroom earlier. Did that mean that it was currently somewhere inside my body? Or had it just been removed from existence? That shouldn’t be possible, but then again neither should spontaneously growing a cock.

It was difficult to maintain focus on my professor for the remainder of the class, I wanted nothing more than to run from the classroom and sprint to the restroom so I could once again lay my hands on my cock. I swear every time I thought about ‘my cock’ it felt more natural than the previous time. Finally the bell rang and I couldn’t care less about what anyone thought or noticed, I scrambled to pack my bag as quickly as possible and hurried out of the classroom as quickly as I could without actually running. On my way to the restroom I noticed the feeling of my bladder being slightly full, not enough that I had to pee right this minute but now I had a second reason to be excited to make it to the restroom. I had always wondered what it was like to be able to pee while standing up, I also wanted to prove to myself that it wasn’t as hard to aim as the frequency of puddles that I had found from ex-boyfriends and brothers would seem to suggest.

I made it into the stall and quickly hung up my backpack and purse again, then I turned around and began contemplating the best way to do this. I finally decided that the best way would be to just drop my skirt and panties so that I didn’t have to worry about fabric falling into the way. I pulled them down and my cock sprung free so forcefully it almost smacked against my pelvis. I was so hard that it was almost painful. I reached down to grab my cock so that I could aim it and once again reveled in the pleasure that simply the warmth of my hand brought. I tried to aim the head at the toilet but I was so stiff I couldn’t get it to aim downwards. I really didn’t want to give up on this so I tried several times to get it to work but to no avail. I finally thought to try leaning forward, I reached out a hand and caught the wall behind the toilet and that actually seemed to get me pointed in basically the right direction. This experience actually made me realize why urinals are shaped the way they are, I always thought they were shaped weird when I saw them in tv shows and movies, but if you could get so hard you couldn’t aim downwards the shape suddenly made sense. I grabbed hold again and made sure that I was aimed towards the toilet and waited. Finally after what felt like forever I could feel things getting started. I’m pretty sure that I let out a surprised squeak when pee actually started to come out of my dick as it was spraying in two completely different directions, how was this even possible. The first was actually making it into the toilet but pretty far to the right of where I was aiming, but the second was spraying directly under the divider and into the stall on my left, luckily I was alone so nobody noticed anything. I still clamped my hands down on my dick in an effort to stop the urination. It took a couple seconds but I found that pressing my fingers into the underside blocked it up completely, however the pressure buildup behind my fingers was not pleasant. Hmmm.. maybe aiming was harder than I gave it credit, but still it was disgusting that they didn’t clean up after themselves when they missed. While keeping one hand clamped on my dick to keep anything else from coming out I wiped down the toilet seat which had gotten some splatter when I tried to stop. As soon as the seat was clear I sat down, I would clean up the rest of my mess after I finished peeing since holding it shut this long was already getting extremely painful.

Once seated I released my strangle hold on my dick and relaxed as the pressure and pain were finally released. My relaxation didn’t last long as I realized that due to my erection I was peeing directly between the toilet seat and the toilet bowl. I hurriedly leaned forward and pressed my dick down so it was actually pointed into the toilet bowl before examining how much more I was going to have to clean up. Luckily my skirt and panties were spared but there was a fairly sizable puddle in front of me as well as the previous puddle in the neighboring stall. Finally I was finished urinating so I grabbed a bit of toilet paper and wiped off the end of my dick and had an internal debate with myself about whether I should clean up immediately or wait and do it after I jacked off because I was really excited to do that again. I finally decided that I should clean up first because there was currently nobody else in the bathroom and I couldn’t guarantee that nobody would come in while I was enjoying myself.

I didn’t want to take the time to try and fight my erect cock back into my clothing so that I could clean up before pulling it back out immediately afterwards for some fun, so I just took off my skirt and panties and stuffed them into my purse. I quickly unrolled a large amount of toilet paper and got to wiping up the mess in my stall, that way I wouldn’t have to worry about accidentally sticking my foot in it while cleaning up the other stall. While I was crouched there cleaning up my mess I could help but think about somebody coming into the bathroom and discovering me in my current state and truth be told the idea of that happening, while still frightening, actually made me hornier than I already was. I swiftly finished my cleaning and using a few flushes made all the evidence disappear. No sooner had the final flush finished than I was already sitting on the toilet with a dollop of lotion in my hand and the lotion bottle on top of the toilet paper.

I sighed as I once again laid my hands on my cock and began to pleasure myself. I started off stroking slowly allowing myself to fully enjoy myself since I didn’t have another class today I just had to grab some lunch before heading home for my date with Sarah. After a few moments of me stroking myself I heard the bathroom door open and immediately froze where I sat, but I realized that my hands hadn’t been making any noise so I resumed what I was doing. Whoever had entered chose the stall immediately next to mine, luckily I had cleaned up first, and the thought that she didn’t realize that someone within a few feet of her was not only masturbating but stroking a cock which shouldn’t even be in this room in the place drove me wild. It took everything within me to keep myself from moaning or letting out some other noise that would give me away. I actually stopped long enough to lean forward and pull my panties out of my purse and stuff them in my mouth as a makeshift gag.

I leaned back again and squirted a bit more lotion into my hand, as I resumed my ministrations I began to fantasize. In my fantasy instead of whoever had entered the bathroom it was Sarah and instead of entering the neighboring stall she entered the one I was in. As she closed the stall door a smile would appear on her face and she would slowly lower herself to her knees while I still continued to jack off right in front of her face. After watching me for a minute she would reach forward and pull my hands off of my cock before replacing them with her own. Finally after stroking me a few times she would lean forward and take me in her mouth. As the image of Sarah kneeling in front of me with my cock in her mouth as she stared up at me and into my eyes I couldn’t stop myself from releasing a small grunt.

“Are you ok?” asked the girl in the next stall

I hurried to pull my panties out of my mouth so I could reply while still holding on to my cock with the other unwilling to lose the pressure on it. “Yeah, just some bad cramps.”

“I know that pain all too well.” She replied as I heard her toilet paper roll begin to spin. Yes she bought that it was a grunt of pain not pleasure. “Alright, hope you feel better soon.” she said before flushing her toilet and leaving the stall.

“Thanks” I said as soon as the toilet quieted a bit before stuffing my panties back into my mouth. I wasn’t going to need them now that she was leaving but I had really enjoyed the feeling of them in my mouth.

I once again resumed stroking, slowly inching my way towards a climax and in no time at all it arrived. I was better able to predict when I was going to blow and as such was able to successfully shift so that everything went directly into the toilet as such clean up was much faster and after only a minute I was on my way.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/mac4dh/rings_of_reshaping_ch_1_a_package_has_arrived_ff