When it [FF]inally happened. My first time with another girl.

Hi there, reddit! Before everything, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Julia, I am 25 years old from Brazil. After lurking for a couple of months, I’ve decided to create this account to share my own stories (from a happier and more active time before covid…).

For the first one, I decided to share a “losing virginity” story, but as my first time with a guy was when I was under 17 years old, I don’t feel comfortable sharing it, so I decided to share my first experience with a girl (which happened when I was 21 years old). I hope you enjoy my first one, because I want to keep writing many more!

By the way, while my name is truly Julia, everyone in my stories will have made up names.


To start things off, you might be wondering how I look. I am brunette with a (normally) considerably long black hair (right now it goes until my nipples when I have it in front), and my skin is very white when I am not tanned. I have one small ring piercing on my right nostril, and 2 tattoos: a big one on my back that goes around a bit and finishes just under my left boob, and a flower on my left arm. I am more or less fit, and I am around 1.65m tall. I hope this is enough detail to help you picture me and enjoy my stories.

I was 21 years old, in second year of college. My sex life had always been very active since I lost my virginity, but when it came to girls, all I had done to this point was giving quick kisses and cuddling with girl friends while sleeping in each other’s places.

Until that day, I had never really considered girls that way. Something that when I look behind nowadays I see how blind I was, as for sure I have much more fun with girls than guys. As I said, I shared some kisses, mainly after drinking, but nothing more than that. But Sarah completely changed that.

I went out to enjoy the night with a very close group of mine. We were 2 girls (me and Alexa), and a boy (Tom), who is gay. It wasn’t anything special, we just went to a bar we enjoyed, with no expectations. It was a normal day in Rio de Janeiro, so quite warm. I was wearing a black top and an yellow skirt that got to my knees.

On the bar, Tom had his eyes on this guy from another table close to us. It was a group of 5 people on this table: 2 couples, the guy Tom had his eyes on and Sarah. They were really noisy as they were celebrating, because Sarah was about to move to France to study, it was her good bye party.

After some time and some drinks, Tom decided to go to this other table to talk with the guy he had his eyes on. Until they both had the idea of moving our tables together. Everyone agreed, as we would just enjoy it more having more different people together. So I ended up sitting with Alexa on one side and Sarah to my right.

Sarah was beautiful. She was 25 at the time, blonde with short hair (to the neck), very “petite” figurine, as tall as me. She was wearing a black dress.

Time passes, drinks come, and the groups were really hitting up. Sarah was giving a lot of attention to me, and we were really hitting off talking about different stuff, like college, hobbies, her moving to France etc. She was really touchy with me, and it didn’t bother me, I was really enjoying getting to know her, we had moments of completely disconnection from the rest of the group. She would touch my leg, but I wouldn’t mind and neither find it weird. More drinks and more time passed, and as I start forgetting all the details, I remember as suddenly she was just all over me, with her left arm hugging my shoulders, while having her right hand sometimes on my legs, some other times stroking my hair or face. Some times she would rest her head on my shoulder while someone else in the group was talking, and I would stroke her hair and face while listening to it. Nothing had really happened, we were still there talking with the group, but we were getting really close, basically just like a couple enjoying its company. She was just this girl I had met, but for some reason I was still comfortable.

For sure the others notice, and after some time one of her girl friends asked with a smirk on her face while looking at us “so, Sarah, do you think are you going to miss the Brazilian girls over there in France?”. This is when I realized what was happening, she was lesbian. So, finally, sex talks started on the table. She was very open about it, she answered the question while still holding and stroking me: “yes, for sure I will. But I confess I can’t wait to experiment with the European ones”. From that moment I knew what she wanted, and I was caught by surprise, but deep inside me I knew I wanted her to succeed.

Sex and sexuality dominated the subject on the table until the end of the night. We talked about first times, about different experiences. She knew I “was straight”, but she didn’t care, we were still so close all night. It starts getting late, people start getting tired and going home. Finally it’s just me, Sarah and one couple. When the couple decides to go, they ask Sarah if she wants to go with them to share an uber as they lived nearby each other. She said she still wanted to get one more drink. And I was there to have her company.

**(making out starts here)**

Finally we were alone, we started getting closer and closer with our touches, and talking more and more. Until it finally happened, she kissed me on the lips. Just a quick tongue-free kiss, then looked on my eyes and asked me: “so, this is the first time a girl kisses you?”. And I told her that I’ve given these kind of kisses to girl friends. So she kissed me again, this time properly. And it was amazing. It was intense, as intense as someone gets in a public place. I was sure what I wanted for the rest of the night at that moment. After she finished, she asked again: “what about this kind of kiss?”. And I told her she was the first. We kept there on the bar for like 20 minutes more, drinking our last drinks, making out, talking, making out, and also making out a bit. Until she finally invited me to go to her place. I accepted without even thinking, I was completely in, and horny.

She called an uber, we were holding hands just like a couple while standing waiting for it and then while going inside it and during all the trip. We were really into each other. Arriving at her place I was a bit shy.

**(sex will start here)**

First we did was going to the kitchen, where she got water for both of us. I was feeling frozen, completely out of my comfort zone, she had to do all the work. As I finish drinking my cup of water, she takes it out of my hands while staring at my “frozen” self. She then starts kissing me again. I kiss back while the rest of my body felt frozen. Then her hands go everywhere, she strokes my back, holds my butt… Then she holds my hand and brings me to her room.

As I was still nervous as a virgin, she tells me it’s going to be ok, that she would take care of me. And she tells me to lay down in her bed. I took my shoes off and did as she told me. She also removed her shoes and came on top of me. She kissed me more, then started going down. She kissed my neck, then kept going down. She gets my top down, to have all the view of my boobs inside my bra. And she starts kissing them, then she unbuttons my bra and free my boobs. And go and go on them, sucking and kissing my already hard nipples with such soft lips. I started getting more and more comfortable with her, and horny as well (side note: writing this is really getting me horny now too).

She comes back to my mouth, gives me a kiss and asks if everything is alright. I answer her with a soft yes, and she kisses me again, until she finally starts going down. She starts removing my skirt, revealing my already wet pink panties. She goes back to my boobs with her mouth, while she starts feeling my wet pussy through my panties. I am in heaven. I start moaning softly, getting lost in that feeling (side note: it’s getting really hard to keep writing…). She puts her hand inside my panties, and keep really feeling my pussy (for your imagination: I shave it completely). She gets me feeling so horny and good. And she goes, and goes with her fingers. Until she goes down there, and take out my soaked panties. All I know now is that I am receiving the best oral sex I had until that day. She gives so much attention to everywhere, so precise with her movements. I am completely lost (side note: and my panties are officially soaked while writing this).

I don’t think I had ever had an orgasm with a guy while he was going down on me, penetration is really important for me to get there with guys. It wasn’t a problem for her, she got me. My moans weren’t soft anymore, she wasn’t just teasing me anymore, she was all in, and she was perfect. I didn’t came only once with her there between my legs (side note: I am taking a long time than I expected writing this as I didn’t expect to get as horny as I am right now, so my fingers are getting busy ahahaha).

I was finally ready, my shyness had gone away. I pulled her and told her to lay down. She takes her dress off and lays on her back, while wearing a black set of bra and undies. I move on top of her, finally remove completely my top. And I do everything she just taught me: I kiss her, I kiss her nipples, I lick her belly, I feel her wet pussy with my hands, I eat her pussy. I hear her moan, and I love it. It was as good as being in the other side. I go harder and harder, until we are both so exhausted and satisfied.

I get back up, and we just lay there breathing heavily while staring at each other naked in bed. We talked more, she asks me if I enjoyed it. I told her it was amazing and that I had no idea I could enjoy this much having another girl in a bed with me. She tells me I was amazing for my first time. We just hang in there together, and eventually we sleep…

Ok, this was a ride for me, I really didn’t expect to be this hard to tell this kind of story in details like this. I am horny, and it gets hard writing it horny ahahahha

I hope you people enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing! Let me know if you want to hear more about my sex life (there are more with Sarah, by the way! Hahahah), I really enjoyed writing about it (and I will be dealing with it right now), and I am pretty sure I will enjoy even more reading your comments!

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/m9laoo/when_it_ffinally_happened_my_first_time_with


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