me (24F) hooking up with a friend (M) in the woods before COVID [Pt2]

**Part 2**

***Authors note***: Ok so quick recap for anyone interested who didn’t read part one: so it’s a few days before the lockdowns started last March. I’m tentatively planning on meeting up with a few guys I met online and fooling around with them in the woods, although whether any actually show up is unclear. First guy shows up, is a real treat and lets me suck his dick off the main trail next to a boulder. However, there’s a second guy (DJ) potentially coming, who may have walked up on me and guy #1 (Devon) as we are wrapping up. That’s all ya missed. If you wanna read part one, just check out my profile, its like the only thing there. This is a long one, so sorry, I’ll try and be better about it in the future.

So Devon looks equal parts mad and upset. As we look through the trees it’s obvious there’s another person standing a few feet off the trail, trying to look inconspicuous. I try to tell Devon there’s a good chance it’s this other guy who said he might come and he’s nothing to worry….but Devon cuts me off. Seething he turns to me, and says “shut the fuck up and be quiet” and then starts walking towards the mystery man who I’m assuming is DJ. Upon hearing Devon’s feet rustling the dead leaves as he walks towards the trail, the guy sorta waves and yells “sorry! Didn’t want to startle anyone.” I’m relieved to hear the voice and realize it’s not a random hiker or a park ranger who might have caught us.

Devon stomps back towards me but isn’t looking at me. I try to apologize, but he is fuming mad. He takes a deep breath, acting like he’s somehow in control of his emotions and hisses at me “how many times have you done this?”. That threw me for a loop and I sorta just stood there with my mouth open, dumbfounded. It’s like dude, I met you through DL! How can you be this much of an unironic hypocrite about this. Did you think you were my first? I don’t get a chance to say any of this to him. He grabs his stuff, makes sure he’s got his wallet and keys and starts to walk away. After he’s a few feet away I meekishly say “I’m sorry”. He doesn’t respond right away, walking past me but once he’s a few feet in front of me, under his breath he mutters “skank” and walks off. It was skank or slut, I didn’t exactly hear it that well with the crunching of the leaves and branches as he walked away. Jokes on him though: I tell people im fucking to call me a dirty skank all the time so it’s not really an insult. DJ nods at him as he walks past but Devon just walks faster, probably trying to walk away so DJ can’t see his face. So it goes…

DJ takes his cue and starts walking towards the boulder. About 15 feet away, I start to realize things are about to get tricky for me. My worries are confirmed when he’s right in front of me: DJ has been lying about his age. When we started talking online, he told me he was 31 and he sent me pictures that looked…well not like this. At first I was hoping I might give him the benefit of the doubt, but after talking a few seconds, I realize he must have sent me some older photos.

I guess you could say this is partially my fault: the pictures he sent me were kinda dark and I just assumed he must have done it to conceal his face a little bit. But in retrospect, I think he was just trying to cover up for a photo that looked significantly older. The DJ in front of me was at least 40, maybe even 45. If I had to guess, I’d say he’s either a rough-looking 40 or a good looking 47 but definitely not 31.

He comes over and drops a bag full of snacks and drinks he brought, asks me if I’ve been here long. I tell him nope just got here and he starts talking. Luckily for me DJ is a talker and he goes on for 5 minutes straight about how he got lost coming here that he hasn’t hiked in years, etcetera. This conversational white noise gives me a chance to figure out my options. Do I make an excuse to leave? He’s not ugly really, maybe a little out of shape but nothing that’s a deal breaker. If he had just told me the truth from the beginning I’d probably have still been game. And TBH I guess I can’t blame him for trying. But now what do I do? There’s something off about him, he’s a bit too keen, a bit too relaxed, like he’s faking all this to seem unassuming. Too friendly is the best way to describe it.

So after he’s done talking he offers me some snacks, some soda. But it doesn’t take long for him to start moving closer to me. He’s actually pretty tall up close, definitely at least 6-foot tall but it’s hard to tell with the uneven ground. He’s got a conservative haircut, short curly brown hair, receding a tad on the forehead. The idea he thought he could pull off 31 is kind of funny. He looks like Ben Roethlisberger if he taught math or was a manager at Denny’s. (Not bashing Denny’s btw, I used to work there. Both managers were as unassuming as it comes).

I’m trying to be nice and make small talk at first but he stops me; he needs to tell me something. The tone he’s speaking in makes him seem like this might be the most important thing I may ever hear in my entire life, nay, the entirety of anybody’s life. This ought to be good right? Wrong: he starts talking about how pretty I am and that I don’t realize what a beauty I am and…I’ll spare you. Thanks, but why are you telling me this? Women know what I’m talking about. It’s flattering but in this circumstance, it feels like he is just deflecting: he must realize I know he’s not 31.

Anyway, DJ uses this unsolicited pep talk as an excuse to get closer. He comes in for a kiss and I sorta duck. Seeing his face, I feel guilty, like I just hurt his feelings so I start talking without thinking. Oh, it’s not like that, it’s just…I was just with that other guy. I didn’t know he was coming and I’m sure I’ve got bad breath now. DJ says it’s fine, he doesn’t care. I start getting my bag and jacket, saying I wanna throw this in the car and move to a different spot but he’s like “no, seriously it’s fine. I can’t stay any longer than half an hour anyway so let’s just enjoy ourselves here. Well, shit. I start to weigh the situation. He’s not necessarily bad-looking, he seems kinda nice in a plain way, the kind of guy you pass in the supermarket and don’t give a second look to. Maybe a bank manager or school administrator or an insurance salesman. Besides, I’ve spent the last few months talking dirty to him, sending photos, telling him my fantasies, all the good stuff. Plus, it might be a long time before I get another chance like this with COVID starting to gear up. He did come all the way out here too and with basically no notice on my part. Plus who knows, maybe behind that unassuming face lies the best sex I’ve ever had.

What finally does me in is thinking about Devon and how he stormed off. The idea of getting with two dudes in the same spot, the way Devon looked at me like I was just another thirsty slut. The look Devon gave me, I wanted to be all the slutty things he must have thought about me. I look at DJ and move towards him, putting my hands playfully on his face, telling him I need to warm my hands up if we’re going to do this. His worried face breaks into a smile, as he puts his arms around my waist and draws me towards him for a kiss once again. Except this time I don’t dodge and I start to let him taste my kiss, which undoubtedly tastes like whiskey and Devons cum. DJ’s mouth tastes like old spearmint gum that’s lost most of its taste. No going back now.

We make out for a few minutes, while DJ’s hands rub up and down my back, finding their way to the front, touching my boobs over my shirt and bra. I’m not the most well-endowed woman so it’s not exactly a handful but he doesn’t seem to mind, as he rubs his thumbs up and down in a search for my nipples. One of DJ’s hands slips under my shirt, his cold wedding ring sending shivers through my body as it makes contact with my skin, such a cold contrast to his warm palm over my small breasts. DJ has to bend down to do all this, his height really noticeable at this point. He rubs against me and I can feel his hard dick through his pants against my leg and I let my hand gently graze it, just letting the tips of my hand feel its outline.

I break the kiss and go get some Jameson out of my purse. I offer him some and he takes a quick swig. I check my phone and see one of the other guys says something came out and wants to know if we can meet after 1 AM. Ignore. I look up at DJ “OK, we can mess around till you have to leave, but no sex. It’s not safe to do it this time of the month” I lie. At first DJ looks disappointed but he nods in agreement. “Guess I’ll have to call you next week when it’s safe” he quips, which I promptly ignore. He pulls me close to him after I put my stuff away, his hands surprisingly strong and firm as he pulls me close. Except instead of a kiss, he just wraps his arms around me, in a bear hug, lifting me off the ground. As he puts me down his hands have already found their way under my waistband and panties, his bare palm cupping my small ass. “You don’t need that stuff (the whiskey?) You’re already perfect baby girl”. He starts rubbing my ass, letting his middle finger slide up and down the sweat between my cheeks, awkwardly bending his elbow so as to reach further south to my pussy. He chuckles upon feeling my panties against his hand, which are wet and sticky after an hour of DJ and Devon’s company. “Wow you really are a slut” he says smugly. “I can’t believe making out gets you this wet”. Sure dude, whatever you say.

A lot of these thoughts are things I’m saying to myself in retrospect and are not necessarily my stream of thought at the time. At the time, I just thought he was a corny boomer who learned all his dirty talk from porn and “Fifty Shades of Vanilla”. But it was around this time I started thinking we really shouldn’t stay here too long. I’ve already been here an hour and while it had been fun I really didn’t want to get caught. I mean, getting caught would have been super hot, letting total strangers see me suck this guy off. Even now it gets me wet. But I know stuff like that is only fun in your head. My plan is to finish him off quick and get out of here.

I take off my coat and lay it down so I can kneel on it, as he’s too tall for me to just rest on my haunches. So I unbuckle his belt, slowly sliding his jeans down, leaving his boxer briefs up while DJ pulls his dick through the hole. It’s not a bad looking cock: bigger than Devons while half hard, probably a little above average but with a really nice upward curve and a bigger head, the prototypical mushroom head cock. I palm it for a second, spit on my hand and then start jerking him off a little bit, as he lightly touches the back of my neck, ever so gently pushing me towards his throbbing cock. I settle on my knees and get ready to put it in my mouth.

Immediately the smell of his cock overwhelms me as I move in. It’s a really dirty dick, and not in the “wow, this tastes like you just got back from work/lulz I’m such a dirty slut for putting this in my mouth” kind of dirty. It’s the “….dude did you shower yesterday?” kind of dirty. I lick his head, dribble up some of his precum with my tongue, but the closer I get to his briefs the more I can smell DJ’s excessively dirty groin. I start to lick up and down the shaft of his veiny dick with my tongue out, teasing him but I can’t avoid the fact his underwear smells like piss and dirty jizz. The base of his cock tastes like…you know the taste when you accidentally get sweat in your mouth and it tastes like B.O. smells? It’s like that! I immediately gag and start to wonder if I can go through with this.

I look up at him and he grabs himself a handful of my hair. I start to open my mouth but we’re on different wavelengths because the second I open my mouth, he takes this as me wanting his cock in my face. So he buries my face into his nasty cock and I have to push back with both hands against his legs to make him stop. He’s damn strong and clearly isn’t paying too much attention to my comfort. I slow down and start to put his head in my mouth, starting real slow, licking around the tip, wrapping my tongue around it multiple times, pulling it out all the way to the very tip and sucking just the tip, twirling my tongue on his peehole.

Despite the smell, it’s actually a pretty tasty cock once I get used to it. It’s a decent size: not too big to make me gag every time I get deeper than a few inches on the shaft but big enough to know it’s a big dick sliding into my mouth. The head makes me happy though, as it makes an incredibly satisfying pop sound every time I smack it with my lips. He rests his hands on my head, playfully twirling my hair between his fingers, gently pumping his sweaty cock into my mouth, deeper and deeper. I feel like such a slut out here, sucking a 40-something year old’s dirty cock, his balls ever so slightly grazing my chin as he moans. I look up at him and he’s starting to pump his hips a little harder, licking his lips and breathing heavier as more and more of my spit makes it feel like he’s fucking a mouth pussy. My little dirty mouth pussy, taking dirty dicks since 2014.

We lock eyes and he smiles. “You’re such a dirty whore, you know that? You’re lucky I don’t bend you over and fuck you right now. I had planned on giving your dirty pussy a creampie and then sending pics to all my friends. You want me to give them your number, you wanna get all three holes plugged with their cocks?”. I’m just moaning along, getting into it myself as I slide my left hand down my pants and start circling my swollen clit. I start trying to deep throat him with no hands but it’s tough with the angle his cock takes in my mouth. I try to get the whole thing in my throat to give him a hummer but I end up just short. This really sets him off, as his twirling of my hair begins to become grabbing handfuls on both sides. I try again except this time he pumps his hips deeper as I pull back. I’m starting to gag and I’m really having trouble breathing, I need a break.

I try to pull out his cock to catch my breath but his hands suddenly won’t let me. He’s stopped playing with my hair and now has two clenched fists around my hair, jerking my head steady. I start to look up at him but we don’t even make eye contact before he starts jamming my face down on his cock, attempting to jam it deeper as I start to push back with my hands on his legs. Except he doesn’t stop, he just grabs my hair harder and begins to buck into my face, slower at first but then wilder and wilder with every pump. He is at this point effectively facefucking me and I can start to feel my face getting redder, spit starts dripping out of my mouth, tears and snot running down my face. I’m so much smaller than him so it’s impossible to know if he was just ignoring my protests or was too absorbed in what he was doing. After a few seconds I stop trying to push back with my hands, confident that if I focus on just relaxing my jaw, it’ll go quicker. I brace myself on his legs, trying not to fall over. After a few seconds, my vision becomes a blur as he wildly jams it harder and faster, my head whipping back and forth from this man’s violent assault on my throat, my gagging and retching the only sound of protest from me.

He stops suddenly, pulling my face off his cock, allowing me to breathe. “Fuck I was about to cum just now” he says, “Im glad I was able to stop in time”. I’m not even talking back, just trying to clear my throat and catch my breath. My eyes widen as I feel his hands violently grab my hair once again “Ok, let’s get back to it honey” he says and I push back as hard as I can. “Can I have a sec, please?” is all I can get out between gulps of air. “Oh?” he says “what happened to little miss cum slut? I thought you liked it when guys treat you like this?” he responds sarcastically. I pull away, resting my hands on the boulder as I try and compose myself. What the fuck was that I think, that was way way too rough. I told him I liked it when guys take control, maybe a little facey-fuckey, but nothing like this.

He bends down and puts his hand out. I stand up but he uses the opportunity to swing me against the boulder, his hand sliding underneath the waistband of my track pants, sliding them all the way down. Before I can even look up, he grabs a handful of my pink panties and twists them around in his hand to make a fist. He puts his face right next to mine “I know what you need, let me…” but I’m already crying out “STOP”. He completely freezes, loosening his grip on me. He relaxes the hand that he has wrapped around my panties, the faded pink lace looking so small and stupid in his big hands. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize this was too much for you” he says kindly, in a complete 180 of his recent tone, saying it like a friend who didn’t realize you were upset. I take a deep breath, leaning back on the boulder to relax. “Its ok, it’s my fault too” I say absentmindedly, just trying to say something to break the tense mood. “Look” he says, “I’ve got an idea, let me do you then, I wanna taste your sweet pussy”.

I nod sheepishly, just agreeing to give myself more time to catch my breath. He laughs and says I should have just told him that from the beginning, as he slides his other hand in between my legs above the knees. I’m really wet at this point, my underwear soaked through from sweat and puss juices. He cups his thumbs between the lacey waistband and slides down both sides of my undies till they’re on the ground, grabbing my ankles to help lift my feet out of my fallen clothes. DJ crumples them up together and throws them near the boulder with his bag and tells me to face the rock and arch my ass. It’s hard at first because he’s so much taller than me, but we find a good position where he’s bending really low to the ground while I stand on my tip toes, my arms leaning against the boulder in front of me.

It doesn’t take long for him to get to work, as he slowly slides his pointer finger into my wet pussy, going two knuckles deep on the first plunge. I tense up as I feel his finger probe my pussy but relax. He puts his face closer to my backside, slowly pulling out more and more of my juices with his finger as he scrapes along the inside of me, his warm breath ticking the little hairs on my asshole. I cover my face when I hear the sound of his fingers making the classic squish-squish sound of getting your pussy fingered; he laughs and moves even faster, apparently ecstatic that I’m embarrassed. This only lasts a few seconds before I feel his hot breath on the inside of my thighs, his tongue moving upwards until he is flicking the bottom of my pussy from behind. I lean my still puffy face against the boulder and use my right hand to play with my nipples.

DJ pulls my ass cheeks apart with his hands and starts doing long, lapping licks, upwards from my pussy all the way to the edge of my asshole, just grazing it with the tip of his tongue. At this point my legs are a sloppy mess of saliva and love juices, while my nipples have become little tan balls of pleasure. Every lick shoots electricity through my abdomen, at this point I’m even grinding on DJ’s face as he licks away, pushing back against the boulder, searching for his hot, wet mouth to rub my clit against. After a while, DJ stands up and goes back to tease my clit with his fingers, straddling my hips as his cock, now dripping in pre-cum is occasionally bumping against my asscheeks, leaving a sticky spot each time.

It was around this time I began to notice DJ slowing down his pace and fidgeting behind me, still telling me how wet and warm my pussy was. I’m still leaning against the boulder, grinding on his greedy, sloping wet fingers but it’s easy to tell he’s doing something else with his second hand. I start to look back but he pushes into me harder and I face forward again, as I feel like he could take me over the edge with just a few more minutes of this. Just when I start to lose control of my voice, I feel something fall on my back. It feels…crinkly? A leaf maybe? DJ brushes it off; it must have fallen off a tree or maybe DJ inadvertently kicked it up somehow, I think. DJ is now two fingers deep and I’m whining like a slut against the rock, telling him to keep going, keep going, he’s got me so close. I bend lower, putting my head lower, looking underneath me to disturbed leaves and dirt, little beads of wetness slithering down my leg. But there’s something else, something orange. Its…

A condom wrapper? I stop grinding against DJ’s hand, I stop making noises, and look back slowly: DJ has put a condom around his dick one-handed and appears to be almost done sliding it down, the edge of the wrapper still between his teeth. He stops when he sees me looking back and we stare at each other for a few seconds, his face becoming increasingly red as his eyes dart to the left and right, anywhere but looking at me. It wasn’t a leaf that fell on my back: he must have dropped it accidentally when he was taking it out of the wrapper with his other hand, hoping I wouldn’t feel it when he dropped it. His cock is rock hard, surrounded by a bright, cherry colored condom. “What the fuck is that?” I say.

I stay where I am but DJ pulls his fingers out of me, slowly taking a step back, looking around, apparently thinking the answer would be somewhere away from the boulder “Well, well, I mean, I know you said we couldn’t, but, but, with a condom, I mean…you said….”. He continues to stammer. As he continues to say nothing, I start to shuffle against the rock, moving perpendicularly away from him. He must have thought that since I was so horny I’d be fine with him fucking me, even though I said he couldn’t. I laugh nervously, my heart is racing, this is such a dramatic change of events in just a few seconds. I keep thinking “fuck DJ, fuck, why, fuck, was a blow job not enough”. I see my crumpled up pair of panties by our bags a good 8 feet away and start to move towards them. “Wow, I can’t believe it” I start to say, “look at the time didn’t you say…” but I’m cut off by DJ. Like a bolt of lightning he grabs my right arm, my tiny forearm caught up by his much larger hands. I give it a light pull to see how firm it is but it doesn’t even budge.

I look up at DJ but he has the thousand yard stare going, he’s clearly processing what to do. I look down to see DJ is still rock hard, his condom-covered cock is bobbing up and down, his grip digging in even deeper. He breaks the silence “wait, I can explain, just wait”. I start running scenarios in my head, realizing how badly this could go. In an instant I decide to not make a big deal out of this. Maybe he really did think this is what I wanted. I’m not going to argue with a guy a foot taller than me, especially not one who has me half naked in the woods, someone who I invited.

I laugh, touch his hand with my free hand and tell him to relax “Oh its OK DJ. But you didn’t have to put a condom on. I told you I don’t mind if you cum in my mouth”. It takes a second or two for him to realize I’m giving him an out and then he loosens his grip a little. I start leaning towards him, bending down to finish what we had started earlier. “C’mon, let me finish you off”.

DJ takes the condom off and I get back to work sucking his dick. It tastes like latex and lube now but right at the moment, I didn’t care. I had narrowly avoided a real problem and I had myself to blame. I start bobbing on his shaft, sucking his cock like my life depended on it, begging, pleading in my head “please cum quick, please cum quick”. His little tummy is sticky from sweat and it keeps making a wet slapping sound on my forehead.

After about a minute, DJ must have gotten his confidence back because he begins to thrust into my mouth with every bob, grabbing my hair again as he breathes through his teeth, saying yeah, oh yeah, just like that. “Girls like you live for this shit huh? Fucking act all proper and insulted when a guy says they want you, but you out here giving blowjobs to anybody huh? Well fuck you, I hope you like your meal. You like it?” he says, gently slapping my face, the same face that is sucking his cock. I just moan along, focusing my hand on jerking his shaft harder and harder while my mouth solely focuses on sucking his head, the old “handjob in the mouth” technique. Usually I only do this with a guy who can’t finish but with DJ, the sooner this is over the better. Without warning, I feel my mouth flood with a warm rush, it fills my mouth up and I begin to swallow, as he groans, letting out a final “fuuuuuck” as his balls and shaft twitch in front of me, his warm, creamy load splashing into my mouth and down my throat, quicker than I can swallow. He grabs my head and gives it one final pump, squirting whatever was left deep down my throat while I gag. Afterwards he doesn’t say or do anything. I wait 30 seconds, his cock softening in my mouth, slimy, covered in my saliva and his cum. I probe him with my tongue, tapping him like “you ok?”.

He walks back slowly, turning away from me. I began to wipe my face and clear what jizz had parked itself in the back of my throat. As I start to stand up DJ rushes back to me, offering his hand. It’s wet and I look up to see DJ is crying. We lock eyes and he starts profusely apologizing, saying over and over “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry”. He tells me he doesn’t know why he did that, what he was thinking, asking me if I’m ok, to check to make sure I hadn’t hurt myself. I tell him I’m fine, I just want to get dressed, that I’m not mad.

Of course I’m mad. I’m just relieved he seems to have come to his senses. As a smaller woman in the world, you really have to try and balance living a normal life without fear and being smart, not unnecessarily making risky decisions. Perhaps meeting with strangers I had talked to online a few times in an isolated part of the woods wasn’t my finest hour of decision-making. He helps me get dressed, handing me my stuff, talking real quiet, trying to make small talk, asking if I had plans for the weekend, what I did for work, etc.. When we walked back to our cars, he asked me if I needed anything one last time. I said I was fine, really, you don’t have to worry about me. I said he wasn’t the first to lose control during sex and he probably wouldn’t be the last. Maybe I’m a bad woman for letting him off the hook but I felt like he was more shaken up than I was. I felt a little sorry for him, sneaking away from his family (I’m assuming he had a family), losing control at his age, with someone so much smaller than himself. But as he was walking away, I started to sympathize with women who swear off men, who become full-fledged lesbians despite being bi-sexual. I started to wonder if that was something I should do. I wasn’t violated really, not like some of my friends had been in college. All of it was welcomed, albeit not at that intensity. But at the same time, I wondered if this was something I would want to do in my 30’s, 40’s, and beyond. Wouldn’t a cute girl scissoring you after a hard day of work be infinitely more enjoyable than a man, who could lose it any moment? It had been a long day. A long, HARD day, if you catch my drift?

We said our goodbyes, saying we’d keep in touch. I didn’t hear from him again and I didn’t reach out. Sitting in my car in the parking lot, I watched the late-winter clouds roll by, listened to the wind blow past the trees, the haunted sounds of cars flying by on the highway not far from here. I knew COVID was going to be here soon and I probably wouldn’t get a chance to do one of these excursions again. I reached into my glove box for a mint, to get the taste of whiskey and dirty cum out of my mouth. Realizing I hadn’t actually cummed yet, I put the mints away. I drove home, only stopping once to admire the line outside the grocery store. I should go buy some whiskey before this gets out of hand. I went to my room and immediately fingered myself, thinking of DJ’s hard dick, the taste of his cum still on my lips.

Prologue: I’m sorry this was so long, But i wanted to get all this out. No one will likely get this far anyway. Too much exposition for people to make it here. Might as well relax. I hope anyone who did make it enjoyed it. Will hopefully submit a long story like this once or twice a week. It was a pleasure to write. I hope it was a pleasure to read. I apologize for any grammar errors, this is my first erotica, and it was hard to know whether to go with a stream-of-thought pattern or something more formal. Please forgive any errors or inconsistencies in the text. Thanks again.


1 comment

  1. This just makes me sad, I know you didn’t write it for pity, but hope you are fine.

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