Live Chat Stream 1 – Kayla & Theo

Pepper: Good evening, everyone! Welcome you all to the first online live chat stream of Pepper Fawn’s Late Night Chaterviews with me, your host, Pepper Fawn. You must be wondering about the meaning behind the name of the show. Every Friday night, we bring on our live chat stream a real-life sexy story and the people involved and interview them. We are kicking off the very first night with two special guests, Theo and Kayla. So Theo, why don’t you introduce yourself?

Theo: I’ve been a tour guide in the Tappi regions in Southeast Asia for almost ten years. I love the job, showing people around and seeing the excitement on their faces when they see the majestic mountains and waterfalls.

Pepper: That sounds amazing. I will definitely book a tour.

Kayla: You must. It was the best vacation I’ve had, even though I ended up in it accidentally.

Pepper: And it’s part of the reason we’re here today, right? Tell us what you meant when you said, “accidentally.”

Kayla: For my college graduation trip, My family initially booked the vacation for Tappeni, which was fifty-something miles from Tappi. You may call me an idiot. I got on the wrong train after I had to use the bathroom. So, I ended up in Tappi all by myself.

Pepper: You must have been scared to be stranded in a foreign country all by yourself.

Kayla: I got on the phone with my dad and told him what happened. Unfortunately, there wouldn’t be another train to Tappeni in a week and trains were the only option for tourists to travel between the two regions.

Pepper: There were no other ways? Cars, buses?

Kayla: Not at all with their ancient road infrastructures.

Pepper: So, what did you do?

Kayla: I met up with a group of Chinese tourists. They learned my idiocy and let me join them. And they had a tour guide, so I figured they knew where they were going. My dad agreed it’d be safer for me to stay with them than being lost in unknown land until he got to me.

Theo: I agreed, as well. Some bad people would take advantage of a stranded female tourist, especially a pretty blonde like her. Who knew what they would do to her?

Kayla: It’s funny you said that. The reason we are in this interview is you took advantage of me.

Pepper: Now, it’s getting interesting. Theo?

Theo: I found her… Well… Attractive. In all the tourists in my group, besides the fact that she was the only caucasian, she was the prettiest. Her long blonde hair, heart-shaped face, and body curves. The sweet way she talked and her charming voice.

Pepper: Are you attracted to caucasian women in general? I’m asking based on what you just said.

Theo: Let’s put it this way… I don’t see caucasian women in the region regularly. The majority of tourists come from the surrounding Asian countries. She was a rare goldfish in a pond of… regular fish. And she was pretty, too. As a man, I like women. Rare women that I only got to meet once in a long while? Even more.

Pepper: So you found Kayla sexually attractive. You said you’re a man, and men are attracted to women. That sounds sexual to me.

Theo: I found her attractive as a woman at first, but when I gave everyone instructions, she bent down to tie her shoe; I couldn’t help but peek a glimpse in her blouse.

Pepper: Was she wearing a bra?

Theo: Yes, and it was blue. And since that moment, I found myself looking at Kayla all the time, hoping she would wear more loose clothes.

Kayla: We have a sneak-peeker! So, what else did you sneak-peek?

Theo: When you sat on a bench, I stood behind you and saw your butt crack. You had blue panties as well. And I noticed you never wore a belt. In all lewdness, I imagined you taking your pants off without a belt in the way. And… I imagined sliding a finger in your pants and touching your butthole… A white girl’s butthole.

Pepper: Did you notice he was inappropriately looking at you, Kayla?

Kayla: Not at all. I thought he was an excellent local tour guide helping out a vulnerable young lost girl.

Theo: I did try to help you.

Kayla: With an extra intention, and I only found out about it when I looked at your phone.

Pepper: What did you find on his phone?

Kayla: Why don’t you ask him? He knows all the details.

Pepper: Theo?

Theo: So, it was the first night of the tour on the mountain, and we all brought tents. I let Kayla borrow an extra one of mine and pitched her tent next to mine. After I checked around to see that everyone was settled and safe in their tent, I returned to mine.

Kayla: But you didn’t go to sleep immediately.

Theo: I had porn on my phone, and I often jerked off before sleep. I couldn’t stop thinking about you while stroking my cock. You were alone in the tent next to mine. Why was I masturbating to a girl on my phone? I asked myself.

Pepper: Rape was on your mind? You must have thought about raping Kayla.

Theo: Hey! I’m not that horrible. It was more of a desire. Rape was never on my mind.

Pepper: How did you satisfy your desire, then?

Kayla: Yup, tell everyone, Theo.

Theo: I got out of my tent and checked if everyone was asleep. My cock was already throbbing as I thought about entering your tent. No lights, so I thought you were sleeping. I unzipped your tent and crawled inside. Indeed, you were asleep under a black blanket. You wore a white tank top. No bra. You looked pretty in your sleep, and when your lips slightly moved, I wanted to land a kiss on them. But at the same time, I was scared you’d wake up and catch me, and my pounding heart was bumping sweats out of every pore on my skin. I lay down next to you. We were so close, only a few inches between us. So close, I could see the baby hairs on your arm were blonde as well. So close, I felt the air you exhaled. My cock had never gotten so hard before. The desire for a touch of your skin overwhelmed the fear of getting caught. Cautiously, I gently touched your chest skin. My finger followed the crease between your soft breasts. Too bad, your right arm lay across your chest. I could not pull your shirt down a little bit more to see your nipple. All I got was a glimpse of your pink areola.

Kayla: And you took a photo of you pulling the front of my shirt down when I was sleeping.

Pepper: Kayla, do you snoop on a stranger’s phone all the time?

Kayla: I didn’t mean to. He and I used the same phone model. He left his phone on a rock. I thought it was mine. I picked it up, turned it on, and there I found a photo of me being assaulted at night by a voyeurist.

Pepper: How… or… what was your reaction?

Kayla: I felt my cheeks turning red, but at the same time…

Pepper: At the same time what?

Kayla: It turned me on. My family never knew I was an exhibitionist. Sometimes, I wore a wide-cut shirt without a bra underneath and pretended to bend down in front of a man to offer him a quick peek in my shirt. I’m not wearing panties right now.

Pepper: Slut.

Kayla: Hold your judgment there, Pepper. I don’t think publicly sexualizing myself in front of strangers makes me a slut. It’s just a way to express myself and satisfy my sensuality.

Pepper: Based on what you said, You let Theo have his way with you?

Kayla: Not precisely. I invented a game.

Pepper: I like games… Tell me about it.

Kayla: The fun part was Theo had no idea he was in my game. I continued to provoke him the following day. I wore a shorter shirt and pulled my jeans down a little, and noticed his quick peeks at me. That night… I went to sleep bottomless. Well, I didn’t go to sleep right away. I lied awake and waited for him to sneak into my tent. He came and lay down next to me. I could feel the warmth of his body radiating toward my skin.

Theo: I noticed your heart beat louder and faster when I touched your chest. You knew I was there, and you allowed me to feel you?

Kayla: (nods)

Pepper: What did you do next, Theo?

Theo: Kayla’s elbow wasn’t on her blanket. A perfect opportunity to pull the blanket down, and I did. I cautiously kissed her breast. Not directly on her breast, but the fabric of her shirt. I was pulling and squeezing my crotch at the same time. I pulled her blanket down even further. A sharp pain pricked at my chest when I saw her bare hips. Kayla was bottomless. I couldn’t hold it anymore. I pulled her blanket off her, exposing her bottom nakedness.

Kayla: And you stopped groping your dick.

Theo: I cummed. What a bummer, right? So, I just took a few photos of you and left.

Pepper: You weren’t satisfied, were you, Kayla?

Kayla: Of course, not. I hoped he’d go further. However, I managed to snoop his phone the next day and found half-naked photos of me. Seeing them turned me on even more. But, he killed the turn-on. I planned to stimulate Theo’s desire throughout the day casually. He kept running away from me like he knew I knew what he did to me.

Pepper: Huh… Were you ashamed of your voyeur, Theo? A voice in your head told you what you did was morally disgraceful?

Theo: Somewhat…

Pepper: Somewhat? The audience and I want to know it all, not somewhat of it. Come on, tell us.

Theo: She was too innocent, you know? Fresh out of college and everything. And she wasn’t like the other women I’ve met. Of course, aside from the part, she was Caucasian and pretty. My mom and dad brought me up well, too. But man! The two parts of my stupid brain produced different thoughts. Every time I saw her, I remembered her nakedness and wanted to take her clothes off.

Kayla: He forced me to make a risky move to make sure his desire beat his righteousness.

Pepper: Uh-huh? Tell us about the risky move.

Kayla: I spotted him washing clothes by the river.

Pepper: So you took your clothes off and bathed in the river in front of him?

Kayla: That’d be like yelling, “I want you to fuck me.” Plus, we weren’t alone. There were other Chinese tourists around. Well, not in the immediate area, but they could walk in on us.

Pepper: What did you do then? We are all excited to find out.

Kayla: Have I told you what I went to college for yet?

Pepper: Nope.

Kayla: Chemistry, and I always carried a bottle of a self-defense substance with me. It wasn’t like pepper spray. But, when it got on your skin, it’d itch you to death. I walked up to him and said hi. When his eyes weren’t on me, I poured the bottle into the water.

Theo: It burned worse than a jellyfish’s poison. I thought something in the water bit me. My entire feet turned bright red like the sun.

Kayla: I helped him lie down on the ground and pretended to assess his feet. I told him a trilobite bit him, and the only way to metabolize the poison was washing his feet with ammoniac.

Pepper: You naughty little thing. I see where you’re going.

Kayla: Ammoniac is abundant in the urine. I pulled my shorts down, no panties underneath. He had a full view of my private part. Plus, if any Chinese tourists found us, I could have lied that I saved him from a foot amputation.

Pepper: I bet you got excited, didn’t you? Theo? You had to sneak in her tent at night to undress her. Now, she was standing in front of you. The female sex organ between her legs was bare for your eyes.

Theo: I forgot the itch on my feet. My dick hurt because it couldn’t stand straight up in my tight jeans.

Pepper: Had the thought of fucking her right by the river ever crossed your mind?

Theo: Of course. But, we were there in daylight, and other tourists could catch me. I had no clue what she’d do if I attempted to have sex with her. As I said, rape was never on my mind. At the time, all I knew was she was just trying to help me. I watched western movies. In one of them, a woman tore her shirt up and tied the fabric around a man’s leg to stop his bleeding. It was quite hot, and what Kayla was doing reminded me of it.

Kayla: I squatted down and pulled his jeans up. My pussy lips ‘accidentally’ brushed on his big toe. And he wiggled it. The nail scratched my clitoris a little. I couldn’t help it. So I let his big toe, well, ‘accidentally’ slide in my vagina. It felt so good. Besides my fingers, not a foreign thing had been in my vagina in days. But, I had to sit up and pretended I was shy, or he’d think I was masturbating on his big toe.

Theo: You acted well. You covered your red face like you were very embarrassed. I had to fight back the desire to push my big toe back inside your dripping wet soft vagina.

Pepper: Did you pee on his feet, after all, Kayla?

Kayla: I did… And I took time. His hungry eyes glued to my sex organ the entire time. Both my pee and pussy juice dripped on his feet.

Pepper: Damn, girl! My pussy is tingling right now. I never had a big toe inside me before. Just the thought of it is turning me on.

Kayla: Tell your husband to fuck your pussy with his big toe tonight?

Pepper: I don’t have a husband.

Kayla: Boyfriend? Girlfriend?

Pepper: We broke up.

Kayla: You can meet up with Theo and have him put his toe in your vagina after this interview.

Theo: Yeah, hilarious, Kayla.

Pepper: Alrighty! We’ll be back after the commercials. It’s hot in here!


Pepper: Alright, everyone! Welcome back to the show! Before the commercials, Theo and Kayla told us about their toe-in-vagina “incident.”

Kayla: The “incident” didn’t end right there. I made a big mistake. I didn’t think the chemical I poured in the water was also on his toes. And when I inserted his big toe in my vagina, I had it inside me as well.

Pepper: What a twist!

Kayla: Yeah, stupid me.

Theo: She fingered herself with two fingers, trying to cleanse her vagina.

Kayla: It didn’t work, and I even made it worse as my fingers smeared the chemical all over my vaginal wall. I had peed all my urine over him. So, there was only one choice left… It was his turn to pee on me… Well, more accurately, inside me. I asked him.

Pepper: Did you agree right away, Theo?

Theo: Yes, and no.

Pepper: Explain.

Theo: Like I said. My dick was rock hard. If she saw it, my horniness would have been exposed!

Kayla: You agreed, however. Your hard cock sprang out of your pants faster than a gun striker pin. I told you it was understandable. I was a woman, and you were a man. Biology made men horny when they saw an attractive naked woman. Otherwise, fewer babies would be made.

Pepper: You have a talent for acting, Kayla.

Theo: Her face turned even redder. Kayla lay down, propping her body on her elbows, and spread her legs. I came closer to her. As the tip of my cock touched the entrance of her vagina, a soft moan escaped her lips. At the moment, I understood. I bet any girl’s sex organ was susceptible to touch. I started to pee on her sex organ.

Kayla: But his urine couldn’t make its way inside me. I have a tight pussy. So, I told him it was okay to enter me to fill the inside of me up. He didn’t hesitate.

Theo: My dick slowly slid in her pussy to be covered by the warmth of her flesh, and we both made another mistake there. The chemical in her vagina now got on my cock, and it started to make me itch.

Kayla: I told him to slide his cock in and out of me just like he was breeding me, but think of it as scientific instead of sexual, so his pee would cleanse both of us.

Pepper: There was no way you thought of it as science, right?

Theo: I enjoyed fucking her right there by the river bank. Just when I was about to cum inside her, I pulled my cock out of her honey hole and released sperm all over her shaved pussy. I acted like I didn’t want it to happen to hide my embarrassment because, as I said, at the moment, I honestly thought she was helping me. And me having fun inside her made me feel bad.

Kayla: I told him not to worry about it, and it would stay a secret between us.

Pepper: I wonder how long your secret lasted…

Theo: Not very long.

Kayla: I couldn’t get the image of him on top of me, ramming my pussy, out of my head that night. I decided not to wear anything to sleep in the tent. I hope he would continue his snooping game on me because I had turned him on pretty hard. I wanted him to pull the blanket off me again and explore my naked body while I slept. Probably take more photos for his collection. But, I waited and waited and waited. He never came. Horny thoughts made me twist and turn, and my pussy wet. So… I made the ultimate move… The game-changer move.

Pepper: Go on!

Kayla: I didn’t bother to put any clothes on. I got out of my tent. Naked. I stood there in the night slow wind between Chinese tourists’ tents around me. I didn’t care at all because I was so turned on; I was rubbing my clit the entire time. I entered his tent and zipped the flap covers up. Theo was asleep. He was snoring. I sat on my heels at his feet. Hands on my laps like a slave for her master. I bent down and licked his toe, the very toe that entered my vagina. Carefully, I pushed his black blanket up and unveiled his blue shorts. I slid a hand up to his right leg. My fingers found the tip of his cock. I played with it. I rubbed it with my thumb and index finger. It enlarged on its own. His pre-cum dripped down my palm. I was half scared, half excited he would wake up. Turned on so hard, my nipples ached…

… They desperately needed attention. I crawled up to Theo, still dreaming in his sleep. Was I in his dream? I wondered. I hovered over him and slowly lowered my left nipple until it touched his lips. The warm air from his breath heated my pink bud. I hoped my drumming heart would not wake him up because trying not to get caught was the goal of my game. I was giving myself to him without him knowing…

… Theo’s phone was laid beside his pillow. I unlocked it and took a photo of him and me. My pink nipple between his lips. When he woke up in the morning, he’d wish he was awake tasting my nipple. I took his full cock in my hand. I guessed he wasn’t Christian because he wasn’t circumcised. I pulled down the foreskin and softly sucked on the mushroom tip. Snap! Another sexy photo to surprise him in the morning… And I left him there, not knowing I just fucked him in his sleep.

Pepper: Theo? Did you suffer a morning heart attack? And I bet you surely looked at Kayla very differently. Not an innocent girl as you had thought.

Theo: I wished she had woken me up. I’d breed her right in my tent. She had my head spinning as I masturbated to the two photos she left on my phone. I wanted her, and she knew exactly how to make me anxious the entire day. She avoided eye contact with me and stayed with the Chinese tourists. When she talked, I could not take my eyes off her lips. The very lips that sandwiched my cock. I had never had an erection that lasted a full day. I needed to be relieved of her sexual inducement. And time seemed to go slower as I waited for the night to come.

Pepper: During the day, had she flashed or teased you at all?

Theo: Not once.

Kayla: I wanted to build up his hunger and his sperm bags. My plan paid off well. When I was in my tent alone that night, reading a romance novel, I spotted his shadow moving on my tent walls. The man was waiting and preying on me, like a predator—a wolf circling a rabbit, waiting for the right opportunity to eat her.

Pepper: But you did want him to ravage you, though? You were anxious as well, correct?

Kayla: I want you to think about it this way, Pepper. Christmas is the best time of the year, don’t you agree?

Pepper: Of course, it is. I love presents.

Kayla: The best time of Christmas is not the Christmas night itself, but the days before Christmas. All the preparation and anticipation that builds up to the climax point when you open your presents. I was building his preparation and anticipation. Mine as well.

Pepper: I bet the lurking was killing you, Theo. Your mind was melted, and your cock was hard the entire day. Could you wait until the right time, or you lost in her game and rushed in her tent?

Theo: The last Chinese tourist turned off the light in his tent just when I was about to explode. And I saw Kayla turned off her light as well. I had never hated jeans so much. After I was inside Kayla’s tent, I quickly removed them like they were a plague. She was sleeping safe and sound under a pink blanket. Only her blonde hair was visible, covering her pretty face. A few strands on her lips. As Kayla said, she was a Christmas present to me, waiting to be opened. And I unwrapped her blanket; she was totally naked… Fresh female flesh…

… I lay down next to Kayla.

Pepper: Where did you touch first?

Theo: Her inner thigh. I ran three fingers up her delicate skin and touched the softness of her outer thin pussy lips. I parted them to unveil the entrance to her inside. They were shaped evenly and beautifully like butterfly wings. A little moan escaped her lips. Perhaps, they wanted attention? I gently planted a kiss on them and slightly parted them with a lick of my tongue. My drooling-for-her-sex tongue followed the curve of her chin and traveled down the length of her neck, tasting every inch in the process, taking in her sweet scent…

… I stopped at a little pink bud called a nipple. I watered it with a drop of saliva. It blossomed like a flower. An edible flower. I sucked it in my mouth, secured it between my lips, and gently bit it a little. My tongue went to work, twirling, brushing, swirling on Kayla’s nipple. Non-stop…

… It only stopped when Kayla woke up and found me munching on her nipple. She pushed my head away.

Kayla: A bridge connecting my nipple and his mouth made of saliva broke and landed on my breast after I pushed him away.

Pepper: Baby. Were you actually sleeping, or were you faking?

Kayla: I was sleeping. I wanted to feel the surprise violation. I had it all captured on my phone if you guys want to watch it for faps later.

Pepper: Of course, everyone here wants to watch it. So now that Theo knew what you did to him or for him, I should say, the night before, he obviously thought you wanted him as well. How did you react? Did you let him have his way with you right away? Or… You allowed him to have his way, but at the same time, you pretended you didn’t want him violating you in your tent.

Kayla: The latter. I pushed him away and pretended I was going to shout. He cupped my mouth in his palm. “Be quiet,” he told me. His other hand pressed down hard on my lower tummy. I felt his two fingers where I had shaved earlier. I nodded, and he let his hand slide off my mouth. The two fingers on my lower tummy slowly inched their way down to my private part. He kissed the side of my neck. His chest pressed on my breasts. I was caged under his frame.

Theo: Her hips buckled as I slid a finger inside her wet honey hole. Curving and unfurling inside her, my middle finger made her moan to the heavenly pleasure. “Are you liking it?” I asked Kayla. She didn’t reply. Her lips shut, but her body was not resisting as if she was wanting it and not wanting it at the same time, which made me want her even more. We, men, desire things we can’t have…

… Another finger of mine joined the search for love in her vagina. I pulled them out and joined the third one. Her lips parted again. This time, loud moans. I covered her mouth. Three sharp fingers of mine pulled out and stabbed in, pulled out, and stabbed in. Faster and quicker with time. My thumb un-hooded her well-protected clitoris and started rubbing it. I felt her trapped body trying to escape under me. Her fingernails dug in my back, probably drawing blood. Her body convulsed as I brought her to an explosive orgasm. Kayla squirted all over my hand. I smeared her squirt all over her tummy and breast. So hot, so dirty. I wasn’t done yet. She had her orgasm. I didn’t have mine.

Kayla: Theo sat up. My pussy still ached from his three-finger assault. My skin oiled in my own squirt. “Turn around and show me your ass,” he commanded. I pushed my butt up, giving him a full view of my behind.

Theo: You have the prettiest butthole I have ever seen. Pink and delicate and small. Like a baby volcano. Do you remember what I said to you?

Kayla: You said a typical volcano erupts and spills lava. But mine was supposed to take things in. He rubbed the outer ring of my anus gently. It involuntarily contracted when he spat on it. I felt the warmth of his saliva in my anal flowing deeper inside me, wetting my anal tract. Theo didn’t know no one had ever touched my anus before. It hurt a little at first when he stretched it open with a finger. The sudden penetration tightened my hamstrings as I flexed hard to adjust. Before I could relax my butthole, he forced two fingers inside my vagina. Both pain and pleasure registered in my head. His three fingers worked in perfect rhythm to fuck me. In and out repeatedly like hard-working pistons inside an engine. I didn’t care that I was moaning loudly, and I didn’t think he did anymore at this point. Another squirty orgasm exploded. My weakened knees gave up. I collapsed on my stomach.

Theo: I turned her over and spread her legs. I squashed her hands away as she pushed me back to give her some time to recover. That wasn’t her decision. My cock was still desperately hungry for her inner flesh. I rammed it inside her without mercy, pushing the tip of my wood as far as I could despite her protest, rubbing her clit like I was sanding a stain on a table. Pound after pound with all my strength. Her moaning became screaming. I cupped her loud mouth in my palm again to shut her up and continued ravaging her honey hole until I could not hold it anymore. I felt a strong gush of cum rushing up inside my cock, and my cock felt like a balloon about to explode. I pulled out and let it shoot. A stream of cum decorated her fair pale skin from her chin down to her belly button. Kayla said no word to me. She lay there, motionless. I didn’t bother to zip her tent back up after I left. The next morning was the last time we saw each other before her family came to pick her up.

Pepper: Did you deliver her to her family in person?

Theo: Haha. They wanted to see me to thank me for keeping her safe.

Pepper: You definitely kept Kayla safe. You watched her with all your attention the entire time. Now, my last question for you tonight is… Is your desire for her still the same?

Theo: To be honest, I still wanted her again after that night. But, the desire wasn’t as strong as when I was stalking her. I’m picking up on Kayla’s Christmas reference. The present had been opened.

Pepper: Will you fuck her again?

Theo: Why not?

Pepper: Kayla. Would you ever do something like this again?

Kayla: I would… In fact… I have…

Pepper: No shit! With whom?

Kayla: I enrolled in a nursing program and had a fun time with an old male patient.

Pepper: Girl! I’m pretty sure the audience would like to hear it. I’m bringing you to the show next Friday night if you would like, too, and definitely, your lovely patient.

Kayla: I would love to be here again, Pepper.

Pepper: Alright! Thank you, everyone, for coming to the show and everyone watching at home. We will be here again next Friday at eleven PM. My name is Pepper Fawn, and remember! This is Pepper Fawn’s Hot Interviews. Have a good and perhaps wet night, Pepper’s Peeps!


1 comment

  1. Wow this was really hot and fun to read. I like this concept you’re doing of a live chat stream as well!

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