Family Ties [MFmf][Ff][Mm] [Inc]

I was listening to a song on YouTube the other day, a bluegrass parody used to demonstrate the rather difficult notions of genetics and how they can be used to confuse family ties. The song was essentially about a guy who marries a widow and his father marries her daughter.

The father and his wife have a child and the child is brother to the guy, but also a grandson of his father as the first son is married to the mother of the daughter who’s father… um, forget it, it is funny – if you look it up on YouTube. “I am my own grandpa!” is in the chorus, but what the song is and who it is by I have no idea. What is amazing is though it could be true, well almost – it is pretty similar to how my life is working right now.

OK, I am a typically horny 18-yr old and life sometimes has a way of working things out like we never meant them to be or expected them to become. My story started four years ago when my mother died of cancer. I was devastated. I was 14 and hurt that she would abandon me, angry that she was gone and worse, angry at myself for not being able to help her. I know that does not sound reasonable or rational, but we are talking about a 14 year old kid who
was grieving and had no way of getting that grief out.

My father was just as hurt as I was but we were unable to console each other – or rather, he was unable to console me. I was angry at him too, for failing mom, for not doing better but most of all, not recognizing I was seriously hurting. In short, I did not make it easy for him, or for anyone else for that matter. Our relationship just went downhill and did not get any better.

I lost my position on the school baseball team, my cheerleader girlfriend was no longer interested in a has-been, my grades were spiraling down, I was angry at the world. The school counselors did not help, just sat around shaking their heads and pitying the poor boy who lost his mother. Well, to be fair, I did not help them at all – I refused to see I even had a problem.

After nearly two years, Dad told me he had met this woman, a lovely woman, generous, loving and a widow. This was, for me, such a betrayal of mom, I hated her before meeting her. I was 16 when this happened and I was as obnoxious as only a 16-year-old can be. I was determined to hate her, determined not to abandon mom. He told me he had been going out with her for about 3 months, which explained a lot of recent late nights and other things.

Then he said in a really quiet voice, “I am asking you to come with me and meet her.” I was outraged and let him know that I was not about to go and meet some woman he was having an affair with, “What would mom think?”. It did not seem to faze him at all. He waited a bit, until I had finished, then quietly, almost gently, “She said when I was ready, go and find someone else.”

“Bullshit! Mom would never have said anything of the kind!”

He ignored the language and simply replied, “She did, four days before she died. She told me she loved me and that we, and she included you, should not be grieving for her; to get on with our lives. I am, and now it is your turn. Time to go out and meet the world.” I was absolutely flabbergasted. “We have been invited to dinner at Brenda’s, with her daughter, tomorrow evening.”

“No, not a chance.”

“Yes, you will. Not for me but to honor your mother’s wishes.”

“What do you care about her?” I cried.

The look in my father’s eye then really shocked me. He has never raised a hand to me, not once, and the look he had on his face at that point, I thought he was going to hit me. He didn’t. Even in my anger I could tell I really hurt him with that one. He was very controlled in his reply, “There is not a day that goes by that I do not think of your mother. I miss her so deeply, and will always miss her. She was my wife, my friend, my partner. One day, if you are very, very lucky, I hope you will find someone like I was lucky enough to. Dinner is at eight, neat, casual.”

He turned and went towards the door. I had nothing to say, but it was obvious that I had finally gone too far. He turned back and said, “Oh, Brenda is not your mother, she never will be. She is a lovely person in her own right and her daughter is a very well-mannered young lady. I expect you will be polite, if nothing else. You may find them a little different, or even unconventional, but you will respect their right to be themselves.”

School was a misery, as had become the norm, the day passed and evening came. Dad basically had to order me to prepare, and eventually we left. Driving to the other side of town is not a big exercise, traffic was light and the moment I was now dreading was at hand. We met and I must admit, Dad was right about Brenda being lovely. I was not going to be obnoxious by action, rather by sullen inaction. I was welcomed and she asked why had Dad not told her that he had such a handsome son. I was barely listening though, as at that moment it was Grace that really caught my attention.

Grace is Brenda’s 17 year old daughter. She is blonde and has a wide, generous mouth coupled with an incredibly nice rack. To suggest she is beautiful does not really do her justice. Far from being a tortuous evening, it was actually nice to be sitting down with company and just talking trivia. Brenda seemed to be engrossed in what I was saying and although Grace did not say much, she was watching me, I could feel her eyes on me and there was something a little unsettling about being looked at by a beautiful girl. Dad was sitting back and not saying much either, and in talking to Brenda, even though it was just noise, it seemed like I was important.

Both Brenda and Grace would leave the table and return with warm dishes of this excellent food. Not one dish was very large, some were little more than nibbles, and we seemed to be getting later and later. At one point in the evening, a look passed between Brenda and Dad, and Brenda glanced at Grace.

I just caught Grace at the corner of my eye and then only because she gave a tiny nod; Dad seemed to relax a bit more. Dad allowed me a little white wine, then some red, as Grace had some, but I was not sure if I liked it or not. The white was slightly tarty and the red was funny tasting, but Grace assured me that they were really nice wines. The white was from Australia, and the red from California, she said. I didn’t mind the crisp, clean flavored white, but the overwhelming acrid/grape flavor of the red was not really to my taste, so perhaps wines are an acquired addiction.

Finally a small dish of something that was declared to be a dessert of some type. I was told, but I wasn’t really paying attention, it too was really nice. The wines and the food and being listened to is a powerful combination and it was great that it was actually nice just being allowed to talk. I could feel I was being played a bit, but I think both Grace and Brenda were just trying to be nice, and make this a pleasant experience for me and Dad. Then Brenda said, “Time to clean the table, gentlemen. If you would care to go to the lounge, Grace and I won’t be long.”

Grace immediately responded with, “Oh no, Mom, that was such a wonderful meal, you and Frank go and relax, Brad and I can put dishes into the dishwasher.”

“Very kind of you Grace,” Dad said, “Brad won’t mind a bit.” He looked at me, meaningfully.

“No, I don’t mind at all.” And I really didn’t. Dad and Brenda disappeared through the door into the lounge and Grace and I started clearing away dishes. I followed her into this small but well appointed kitchen, and added used dishes to the pile that was there.

It looked like saucepans and other pots and pans had already been done, I could not see them. “I’ll empty the dishwasher and we can stack these to get it started,” Grace said. She pulled out a drawer and it was filled with glistening cooking implements.

“I’ll bring in the rest of the dishes and clear the table,” I said. I was back in a few moments and Grace had already started stacking dishes. I rinsed a few and handed them to her.

“Well, that was a lovely meal,” I said.

“Yep, sure was,” Grace replied, “Mom’s a chef actually, I did the consumé day before yesterday and the dessert yesterday, she did the rest this evening.”

“You did?”

“Yes, I did, Mom is teaching me how to cook. She thinks if you can cook you can always get a job anywhere. The world always need good cooks, she says.”

Makes sense, I thought. “She is a chef?”

“Yes, worked at Claridge’s in London, Waldorf in New York, when she was younger. But I don’t want to talk about her, I want to talk about you.” That surprised me. “Anyway, I have been wanting to meet you since I first heard about you.”

“Oh? when was that?”

“About four or five months ago.”

“What! Dad had not even met Bre- your mom -,” I hesitated, “Well that is what he told me.”

“He was telling you the truth, he hadn’t. I started doing some volunteer work with Frank’s office, and he was this sad man. Really handsome guy, but so sad. One of the girls in the office told me about his wife dying and I thought it was only recently. I was really surprised to learn it was over eighteen months before. Then I learned about his son who was an athlete and very sharp in school, but had just gone off the rails. That was really making him sad.”

“Hey, wait a minute! You know nothing about it!”

“My dad was killed by a drunk driver, so I do know something about it.” That stopped me, I had not thought about it before – and it was obvious I suppose, that others would experience tragedy. “At least you got to say goodbye, I had a dad one afternoon then an hour later, I didn’t. It was very hard for Mom and me. Although, it must have been hard to be sitting round watching your mother die and knowing you could not do anything about it.”

“Jesus, come right out and say what you are thinking!” That shy public demeanor hid a heart of solid steel.

“I do, which is why you need to kiss me, right now!”

“What!” The change in direction was too much,”Are you crazy? You blow me off then expect me to kiss you?”

“I may be crazy, and yes, I might blow you, if you want me to, but right now, I want to see if you can kiss a girl!” Blow me? She stepped closer and opened her arms, so I stepped inside, wrapped my arms around her and gave it my best shot. “Mmmm,” she said when we broke for air, “Potential, but needs practice. Let’s try that again, only this time, be a little more gentle.” So I did as she asked, and the results were more satisfactory for her. Then, instead of pulling away, her hand slid over my cock.

“What the fuck?” I cried as she felt me up.

“I said maybe, but not tonight” she replied, “If you are a good boy. You can feel my tits if you like.”

“What? Your mom’s in the lounge. What would happen if she were to walk in right now?”

“Nothing, maybe, but then she won’t come in. Right now she and Frank are likely going at it.”


“They are having sex right now! Want to come and watch?”

“No, that is their business!”

“OK, in that case,” Grace said, “Just relax.”

I felt her fumbling at my zipper and her hand searched inside my boxers where she grabbed my dick. “Oooh! Nice and hard already.” She began stroking it inside my pants, but it wasn’t long before she was able to manipulate it into the open. Grace continued stroking it, “Ooohh a nice hard and good sized dick. Just what I was hoping for.” In moments she was on her knees and had her mouth wrapped around it.

Nothing like that had ever happened to me before. I had never had a blow job before. I was jacked off once by my girlfriend but that was while I was still part of the team in junior high. The slurping sounds of sucking dick were clearly audible and I pulled away from her, knowing what was going to happen if she kept it up. “I am going to cum all over the place you keep doing that.”

She didn’t move and we were still connected by the strings of pre-cum between my dick and her lips. She looked up at me like she was a little exasperated and said, “Look, I don’t fuck on first dates. Never. If I really, really like a guy, I might let him touch my tits, but never anything more. So please, let me finish this. We can argue about it after.”

I was surprised at her candor, and she pulled me back to her, again using her mouth. It was really soon after that I felt the serious first waves of tension that indicated I was rapidly approaching the point where I was not going to be able to hold back. “Oooohhh,” I moaned, “I am going to cum, cum CUM, NOW!” As I shot my load into her mouth. She did not even flinch, she just greedily swallowed it. Again another shot, and again she swallowed, she was still sucking it out of me as I shot again. “mmmmmmm,” Grace mumbled, “Tha… wa… ni… Yu-u-u-mmmm,” without taking my dick out of her mouth. She went back to sucking, even though I was detumescing, intent on slurping every bit of semen from me she could. There was a lot of it and some had dribbled out of the corner of her mouth, Grace wiped it back in with a finger when she let go of my cock.

Quietly, gently, but firmly, I pulled her to her feet and then kissed her. I had no idea what made me think of it, or rather, not think about it, but just did it. She melted into my arms, kissing me back. I plunged my tongue between her lips, feeling the slightly salty taste of my semen lining her teeth, tongue and mouth. Grace shuddered and moaned and just about collapsed. I have never had anyone do that on me before, so I did not think it was anything I did.

“Whhhoooooaaaaa!” Grace said as she regained her composure, “That was… that was… fucking unbelievable! Have you ever done anything like that before?” I shook my head, saying nothing. “Do you know just how emotionally powerful that was?” I shook my head again. “For that, I just might break my own rules and fuck you as soon as we get to my bed. That was just wonderful, what you did.” I had no idea what it was she was talking about, but whatever it was, I thought that I best not make myself look stupid so I just kept my trap shut and let her lead me on to where-ever she wanted to go. “Come on…” she said.

Grace took my hand and lead me out of the other door of the kitchen, and through the lounge. “Shhh,” she whispered, “Listen.” So I did. I could hear the sound of sex going on. Dad and Brenda were really making a racket. Their moans and bangings and grunts and groans were echoing through the half-shut door.

I could not help but peek in as we passed it. Grace stood watching, gripping my hand, getting ready to pull me away from the door, but we could both see what was happening. There was Brenda, in profile, sitting up on top of Dad, her large breasts bouncing up and down as she moved. Dad, underneath, pushing up, the slapping of skin clearly audible, even from where I was standing. Brenda threw her head around, first to the other side, then to the front, then to the other side then all the way to where she would see us peeping on them. Brenda did not miss a beat, there was no way she could have missed us, so when her head was turned away, Grace pulled me away from the door.

I would have expected that I was going to be outraged that Dad was screwing another woman, but it really did not sink in. All I could see was the top of Grace’s head as she was sucking my cock, Brenda’s not inconsiderable tits shimmying as she bounced on Dad’s dick, and the promises of things to cum. Callow, yes, but Dad’s comment about moving on is now starting to resonate. When we got to Grace’s room, I asked her why her Mom didn’t see us.

“Basic psychology,” she replied, “Her attention is elsewhere, and we weren’t moving. People are attracted to movement, so we don’t move, we don’t get noticed.” She was thoughtful for a second, “But I do agree, Mom usually sees everything – so it is a little strange.” She then kissed me and started groping me. I squeezed her ass and she flowed into my body, bringing herself closer to me than I had ever had any woman before.

“I told you I don’t fuck on first dates, so you are just going to have to eat me or masturbate me.”

“I-I…” I stammered.

“You never eaten a girl before?” she asked, a little incredulously, “Brad, have you ever had sex before?” I hesitated, “No, don’t lie, I will know.” I believed her.

“No, the closest I ever got was a hand job from a girlfriend before Mom died.” I admitted.

“Oh dear me.” Grace said, “I am so sorry – I thought – such a good-look-” she hugged me and asked, “Wanna talk about it?”

I didn’t really, but once it started, I could not stop. I told her everything, held nothing back. I cried like a baby, and she cried with me. We held each other and she talked about her dad and what happened when he was killed. She was just 13 and her life was shattered, just like mine. Unlike me and my Dad though, Grace and Brenda got on with their lives, moved forward.

“It wasn’t easy at first,” she said, “It was easy to be a real bitch though, and I was. I was so hurt that I took it out on everyone. Mom tried to help, but she was hurting too. Then one of my teachers started talking to Mom, and then me, and then it just started getting better. She was brilliant, she knew and she help me get over that really bad bit. She helped Mom too, and made me realize it was all about love, who we love and how we love. She taught Mom and I how to love. I learned to love her and Mom, and it got better. I will never stop loving my Dad, but he can’t be here, so other people are going to have to take my love.”

“I had lots of teachers, lots of counselors, but I was not interested in listening to any of them. I didn’t want to. I didn’t know what to do, I was hurt but had no way of allowing anyone in – until now.”

A gentle tapping came at the door and Grace said, “You can come in, Mom – we are just talking.” A fully dressed Brenda opened the door and I must admit I was a little disappointed.

“You guys OK?” she asked when she looked at us.

“Yes, Mom,” Grace replied, “We have been talking.”

“Oh, OK then. So Brad, how have you enjoyed your evening?”

“This has been probably the best night I have had in a very long time, Brenda. The food was great and the company – sensational. Do you think we might do this again?”

“Yes, Brad, certainly, if that is what you would like.” I saw Dad right behind her, and he seemed a lot more relaxed than he had been. Well, if I was fucking Brenda, I too would be relaxed. “Tomorrow is Saturday, so how about then?”

I nodded, and looked at Dad who replied, “That would be lovely, Brenda.”

“Would it be OK if we were to visit your place, Frank?” She asked.

Dad saw the look of panic on my face, and said, “It’s a real mess at the moment, but I am sure we can clean it up a bit for you.” I was uncertain at the prospect of having a woman in the house. We have a cleaner come in on Fridays, so the place was vacuumed and relatively tidy. The look Dad gave me was trust me, it is going to be OK. I had gotten out of the habit of looking at him so was not sure if it was that or a warning. In either case, I kept my mouth shut, for the second time that evening. “In the meantime, you get a good night’s sleep and we will entertain you tomorrow evening.”

Little did I know the extent to which we were going to go to entertain Brenda and Grace, but I was both afraid and looking forward to it.

Dad was quiet on the way home that night. I said, “I am very sorry, Dad. I am sorry to have caused so much grief over the last few years.” Dad just nodded. “I have been a real asshole…” I started.

“No, son, we have been hurt little boys with no way of being able to heal ourselves,” he said, “Just a single evening with a loving couple and already we are moving on.”

“You were already, but I had to wait until it was right in my face to see it.” I responded, “Grace just opened me up like a shaken soda can. I cannot believe she did that and that I told her everything. Shit, it felt good.” I did not want to tell Dad what else she did for me.

“Grace is lovely,” he said. “And she just does that you know. She introduced her mother and I, told me that Brenda was in need of some love and did I have any to spare?” He smiled at the memory, “Boy, did I. I think I was saving it up and they both just took it, and gave it back. That is why I wanted you to meet them, so you could – maybe – share in that too.” He paused, “So, how did you like Brenda?”

I did not tell him the image I had of her, bouncing around on top of him, “Yeah, she is very nice, and I think she was very patient with me.” I felt a flare of jealousy that Dad was poking her, though.

“As you get to know them better, you will learn as I did, they see that love is the answer to our emotional problems.”

“Is that what it is? I am not sure I agree, but I think I am happy to go along with it.” I said, more than a little cynically I suspect. I was interested only in fucking Grace now – the rest of it could wait.

“And you have no problem with Brenda and me then?”

“I thought I might have, but somehow -” I hesitated and Dad waited, “-It just doesn’t seem to be important anymore. No, not in the way I expected it to have been though.” I left it at that, and tried to understand what had happened to me tonight.

I barely slept that night, even though I felt a sexual release that I had never gotten from just playing with myself. I ran through the things I wanted to say to Grace, and Brenda, ooh, get Grace in here, how I was going to undress her, and fuck myself senseless.

Dad and I spent the day cleaning the house, and getting ready. I was thinking I am going to be too tired to do anything if we didn’t finish soon. Guys in a house, alone, usually means cleaning does not get done, but the cleaner Dad employed takes care of the major things, so at least the place was relatively tidy. The clutter that we had accumulated on shelves and benches and such had to be cleaned up and eventually it was done. A short rest, a shower, clean clothes, don’t forget to order food from this really nice Chinese Dad gets on his way home sometimes – a couple of bottles of wine, just a
little, Brenda has to drive home, I thought.

The time came and went, with a little anxiety, perhaps Brenda had changed her mind, or they could not find the place. Soon though, a strange little imported car appeared out the front, it was them. I watched them get out. “They’re here!” I called, and went to the front door to welcome them. Grace was radiant, and beautiful and I wanted to be with her.

The night came, dinner was excellent, company was good a couple of glasses of wine, and the conversations started to get more serious – deeper issues. Then Brenda said, “OK, Frank, time for a discussion about what happened last night.” Oh-oh, I thought, this was a little off track.

“Oh, I thought we had a good night actually.”

“We did, but there was a couple of things that happened we need to get out in the open.”

Dad smiled a little, “Brad and I talked about it a little, and he is Ok with it.”

“No, something else. Did Brad tell you that Grace performed fellatio on him?”

Oh no, I could feel my heart sinking. My mood disappeared. Grace just sat there, not saying anything, not embarrassed, not looking fearful, just relaxed and calm, looking at me without any disturbance to her personal presence at all.

“Did he also not mention that he was standing in the doorway of my bedroom, watching us making love?”

Dad shook his head and looked at me. “No, no, he didn’t.” Dad was unnaturally calm, and my thought was that this was the calm before the storm hit.

“Did he than also forget to mention that he did not return the favor to Grace?”


“He was quite happy to get a blow job, but then did not return the favor. What is worse, Brad is a virgin.”

What the fuck? Did Grace tell her everything? Oh jeezzuz.

“Oh dear. Since his mother passed he has been in a bad way. You know what I was like when we met, just multiply that several times, and that is Brad. Oh Grace, I am sorry, I should have realized that he was going to be more than a little selfish.”

What the fuck? What was Dad on about? What was going on here?

“Oh Frank, no need to apologize at all. Brad will make up for it,” Grace said not taking her eyes off me, “Well, he better. As much as I would love to be his first, I think that it is really Mom who should do that.”

“You think so” Dad asked. Grace nodded. “That is very generous of you, Grace.”

Somewhere here, I was left behind. This conversation no longer made any sense at all. What was it that was said? What was it supposed to be?

“Darling,” Brenda said, “No, I couldn’t possibly. You really want him, so have him.”

“Mother, please, you are much better able to deal with a virgin than me.”

“Grace, you know how I like to watch you…” Brenda began.

“Ladies,” Dad interrupted, “Excuse me, but why do you not do it together? You are both wonderful, so generous, so share him.”

“What a wonderful idea,” Brenda replied, Grace nodded and smiled.

“Brad,” Dad said, “I am going to clear the table, can you take the ladies into the lounge and make love to them both?”

“W-wha…” I began, not really understanding much here at all.

“It is simple Brad,” Dad said, “Take the ladies into the lounge, when there, entertain them in the best possible way. Undress them, touch them, and let them do the same to you. Is that OK? Trust me, you are going to love it.”

I was somewhere between “simple” and “OK” when I finally got what was going on. I was somewhat surprised. Surprised at Dad for even suggesting it, at both Brenda and Grace for discussing it, surprised at myself, for being so shocked about it.

Grace moved first, she stood and took my hand, pulling me to my feet. Brenda rose and as we passed her, took my other hand. Grace led us into the lounge. The small coffee table was moved by Brenda, making some space. The carpets had the Kirby over them earlier, so were clean. Grace turned me around and kissed me – with all the promise of last night. Brenda then came to embrace both of us and kissed me, with even more promise than Grace. “Ooooh, we are going to make a really nice dessert of you,” she said when we broke.

Grace took my hand and put it onto Brenda’s breast. “Feel them,” she commanded. “Bigger than mine, and so lovely. You’ll love sucking on them, I do.”


The next hour passed like a dream of moments. One moment I was standing, being hugged by two beautiful women, the next I was naked, kissing one and the other sucking my cock. One moment I had a hand full of soft, spongy, naked beast, the next a mouthful of eager pussy and pubic hair. I was sucking one of Brenda’s nipples, and I saw Grace on the other. I had Grace pull me around to better get my cock in her mouth and looked down and
Brenda was between Grace’s legs, licking her labia.

I saw a man’s hand reach down and masturbate Brenda while Brenda was sucking me. While I was eating Grace, I had a rougher hand, gently stroking my dick. I mounted Brenda, sliding my rigid tool into her so easily, looking in Grace’s eyes while she was sitting on Brenda’s face.

“I want to cum in you,” I said to Grace.

She smiled and kissed me, and I noted a pair of man’s hands on Grace’s breasts, following her movements. After a time, dismounted Brenda, to eat her pussy. I run my tongue into her, around her hot flesh, lapping her labia and suckling her clit. In the mean time, I had another mouth wrapped around my dick, but it wasn’t Grace’s. I didn’t care then, it was a mouth, Dad’s mouth, sucking my dick. He was replaced with Grace, who inserted my cock into herself. I could feel her moving up and down on me, just as I saw Brenda last night bouncing on Dad, Grace was doing it to me.

The feeling of her warm flesh surrounding my cock was just so right. The slapping of skin as she moved, the musky aroma of Brenda’s cunt on my face, her juices in and around my mouth was so right. I looked up and saw the underside of Dad’s ball sack and his rigidly long tool sliding in and out of Brenda’s mouth – and I didn’t mind a bit, his presence, naked and active was also just a part of the rightness.

We kept this up for what seemed like ages, and I knew what was going to happen next. The tension in my balls grew until it could no longer be held back. I erupted into Grace, spasming at every shot. The intensity of my cum was so strong I nearly threw Brenda off my face. It seemed a while, before my dick slacked off, before Grace moved.

“Mom,” she said, “Want to clean me up?”

“Oh, yes please,” Brenda replied, and she got off my face altogether, and kissing Grace, Brenda dived into her daughter’s crotch. Grace moaned and groaned as Brenda ate her cum filled snatch. Grace moved, swiveled around, maneuvering herself under Brenda, and they were locked into a 69er. My mind was being totally blown away with this. Two women I met last night, I fucked both of them tonight, and now watching them eat each other. Mother and daughter. Un-fucking-believable. The show went on for several minutes and both orgasmed within seconds of each other.

“I said they were a little unconventional, didn’t I,” Dad said.

“Yes, Dad, you did.”

“Mmmm enjoy the show boys?” said Brenda, “But I still see that Brad is not yet clean, would you care to ask someone to do that Brad?”

“Brenda, would you care to?”

“Mmmm! Thank you, but I have just cleaned up your spill from Grace.”

“Grace…” I started.

“I had a decent tasting last night, remember?” She replied, “I think it should be someone who has yet to savor your cum.”

It was all very quiet, Dad said nothing, it took me a moment catch up on what she was saying. Then it hit me, “Dad, as these lovely ladies have put on a show for us, do you think it might be our turn to do the same for them?”

Dad took a breath and quietly said, “Yes son, I think it might. But only if you’re willing.”

“I think I am, after what I have just been through and seen, I think I understand now. Our love is for all of us to share. We can love whom we like, anytime, anywhere.” I realized that he had already been fucking both Grace, and Brenda, probably seen them and their love making many times. Then it hit me, the teacher. I was going to have to get Grace to tell me the whole story.

Brenda and Grace both smiled and hugged each other. Dad leaned over and touched my cheek, “I have always been proud of you son, and no time more so than right now. You are becoming a man.” He leaned closer and kissed me. Fuck, my own Dad was kissing me, on the lips. In a few short moments, he was kissing my cock, then swallowing it, cleaning the drying semen and cum from it. I wasn’t sure I could suck him, but I could pull his dick, so I
did, gently, rhythmically. I could feel myself getting hard, so I kissed Dad on the dick. I marveled at the silken smoothness of it. I wiped my tongue along it and over the knob and down the other side. I was right, Dad has a fairly large dick, bigger than mine – but not by much. I could feel his lips caressing the knob of my dick, his tongue lapping the underside of the glans.

I was almost fully erect now as his tongue worked its way around the rim of the glans. I tried to do a similar thing, but from the outside, which was not easy in timing with my hand movement. Dad’s action was not as good as Grace’s or Brenda’s, but then how many dicks had Dad sucked in his life? Probably only mine, but that was for another time I think.

My gentle ministrations seemed to be working after a time. Dad was holding his breath, pumping his hips and started moaning between clenched teeth. “Going to cum” he ground out, and I took his dick and put it between my lips, continuing to stroke it, playing with it with my tongue. I took more of the knob into my mouth and was rewarded when I felt this rush of hot, viscous, salty fluid explode from his cock.

Again and again it spurted and I caught it in the back of my throat. I must admit I thought I was going to throw up but I held it, then swallowed it. Grace came to me and hugged me, kissing me, as Brenda did to Dad, then they swapped. Being kissed deeply by two beautiful, naked women is an experience that I would recommend to anyone especially after blowing a man, any man.

Since then, it became obvious that Brenda and Grace were going to be a part of our lives. We invited them, well I insisted and Dad invited them, to come and live with us. We had a house in need of laughter and sleeping arrangements are, well flexible. While Dad and I don’t mind putting a show on for the ladies, we don’t sleep together. Most often Grace sleeps with me and we have great sex. Occasionally, Grace and Brenda will swap rooms for a night or two, or three sometimes, and Brenda and I have great sex. They work it out. We don’t fight, we discuss, calmly and rationally, which can last for days and days, but no-one ever goes to bed angry.

Anyway, the song that started this. If Dad and Grace have a child, then the child will be my half-brother/sister. If I marry Brenda, Grace becomes my step daughter, and her child becomes my grandchild. If Dad married Grace, then my father is my son-in-law.

So my half-brother/sister is my grandchild, or is that cousin, then my step-daughter becomes my step-mother – my father, my son-in-law, my wife’s daughter becomes her mother-in-law – agghhh fuck it!
