Sisters. [FF] [Incest]

My sister is a nymphomaniac.

She doesn’t call it that, she came up with her own term for it. She rejected the label of heterosexual, homosexual and even bisexual as too limiting. She calls herself a globalsexual, she wants to fuck the world. Small minded folk possessed of a judgmental nature have been heard to call her a whore which is absurd. Whores, by definition charge for their services, she gives it away for free.

There was no abuse that triggered this side of her nor is it a ploy to gain attention. She’s bright, warm, affectionate and fun to be around, she’s not a damaged soul seeking a fleeting measure of nebulous approval in the arms of her lovers. The girl just loves to fuck.

It’s not easy being a promiscuous slut with parents like ours. Even after she hit twenty and I passed eighteen they were still very much down on the idea of having a pair of party bitches for daughters. Sex outside marriage was immoral and must be avoided.

My sister was having none of their restrictive ways. She found ways around their rules, sneaking out for an evening through my bedroom window and then when she was done having her fun for the night, she’d sneak back into the house through the same bedroom window. If it was late and I’d fallen asleep she’d close the window and leave me to my slumber, if I was still awake she’d sit on the edge of my bed and share all the lurid details with me.

Those whispered late night chats in my darkened bedroom became my masturbatory fantasies. At first I’d wait till she crept off to her own room and then fuck myself cross eyed with my fingers but gradually I began doing it while she was talking. Snuggled under the blanket and the cover of night, my hand would find its way between my thighs so my fingers could stroke between the folds of my tight little pussy as I listened to my sister recount her adventures.

I thought I was being sneaky and subtle but she knew what I was doing all along. She demonstrated that fact to me the night she told me she’d left her panties in her lovers pocket then hiked up her skirt to prove it. I couldn’t really make out any details through the darkness but that didn’t stop me trying. We’ve seen each other naked so often it barely warrants notice but this time was different, this time she sat there, on the edge of my bed with her skirt around her waist and her legs open and stroked herself right in front of me as she talked. I wanted so badly to reach out and flick the switch on my bedside lamp. Seconds later, when she calmly told me that she knew I was fingering myself and thought she’d join in I was thankful for the darkness that shrouded us, it helped cover the blush of embarrassment that burned my cheeks.

It didn’t take long after that for me to become comfortable masturbating in front of her. She took on the role of teacher and no girl could have asked for one better. She let me learn for myself what worked best for me while offering tips and live demonstrations of the things she found most pleasurable. When I decided virginity was overrated and a burden I wanted to be rid of we discussed her first time. She advised me to bust my own cherry rather than gifting it to the dubious care of a guy who might not know how to best break a virgin. Her advice seemed solid, if I took care of it myself and it hurt I wouldn’t have to suffer the through the pounding of a cock inside me afterwards. She offered me the use of her hairbrush to do the deed, asking only that I washed it before I gave it back to her.

The day after while in the shower I pushed the handle of her hairbrush through my hymen. It hardly hurt at all and there was very little blood or soreness when I was done. I dutifully washed it clean for her then returned it to her bedroom.

Now I was ready, I wanted to be a part of the world my sister walked through so effortlessly, I wanted someone to fuck me.

I wasn’t made to suffer through any of the dating and fumble fingered petting most girls endure, once again my sister came through for me. She set me up with one of her partners. It was man who knew what the fuck he was doing that was my first and when I climbed in her bedroom window that night she had me sit on the edge of her bed and share every graphic detail.

Her sex life took a small hit as mine blossomed, we couldn’t both sneak out on the same night, one or other of us had to be home to head off any parental issues and to be ready with an open window. It didn’t phase her at all, she was overjoyed to see me having so much fun, she got her kicks vicariously through my stories the same way I had through hers.

Both of our sex lives picked up when she found a cheap, one bedroom apartment close to our family home and moved out. I’d miss her being around but I spend so much time there our parents have accused me of moving out too. With her living there and me visiting so often the subtle but unmistakable combination of sweat, pussy and cum makes the place smell of sex all the time.

By this point we were openly and happily swapping partners. We traded men and women back and forth between the two of us, I thought nothing of sucking on a cock still coated with my sisters juices or kissing a girl’s face still wet and shiny with her cream.

One night the inevitable finally happened, we got a little wine buzz going and instead of going on the hunt for a new fuck buddy we fell into bed together and spent the next few hours working off all the years of pent up incestuous lust that had built up between us.

There was no awkwardness between us afterwards, neither of us felt the need to have a weighty conversation about the implications of what we’d done together. Society may condemn us for our actions but to us it felt natural and beautiful. We kissed and cuddled until we were recovered enough to go again. That night I gave her the last of my virginity. In front of the full length mirror on her bedroom wall she fucked me in the ass with her strap on while I frenziedly rubbed my clit.

In the days that followed it was a struggle to keep my hands to myself, I was filled with an endless desire to touch and kiss her, it didn’t matter to me where we were or who was watching. We became specialists in the art of the threesome. In the past we hunted separately, each searching for a new playmate to fuck. Now we worked as a team to pick out one we could share. We didn’t flaunt the taboo nature of our relationship. We didn’t refer to each other as ‘sis’ or any of the other cringeworthy clichés of the type found in pseudo incest porn. The majority of people who enjoyed a night of pleasure in our bed never had an inkling that we were related.

In the past when a man emptied his balls into my mouth I’d swallow it down happily but now it’d be passed back and forth first in a series of salty kisses. If he flooded her ass or pussy I’d dive in to lap up the sticky mess he left behind. There’s no flavor on earth that can compare to a fresh load of cum mixed with the juices of your own sisters well fucked cunt.

Some of the best nights of my life have been spent in her apartment, especially when it’s just the two of us. That’s what she promised me tonight. I’m half way down a bottle of wine wearing nothing but a smile. Waiting impatiently for her to walk through the door.



  1. Now this is a fucking story!!!!! Love it!!! Would love to hear more!!!

  2. Love to be a party to something like this.
    I wonder if their pussies smell/taste/look alike?

  3. I thought this was particularly awesome:

    “That night I gave her the last of my virginity. In front of the full length mirror on her bedroom wall she fucked me in the ass with her strap on while I frenziedly rubbed my clit. ”

    What a great line! Well done!

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