
“I do”


The culmination of thousands of moments, coursing and rushing through time as they make their way towards this very moment. The very last stop for both streams of life as they are no longer solitary travelers on their own tracks through adulthood.


“I do”


Sweet acceptance, devotion. From now on, the two become one. The worries of cold feet and bashful escape no longer existent. To both, this one point in time is so short, yet the longest they have ever felt. Time stands still yet passes in the blink of the eye.


“You may now kiss the bride.”


The invitation to cherish the tender lips of hers and his. No longer on their own, this union both physical and spiritual. Uplifting, fulfilling. The moment so surreal. The cheers from friends and family, are but a dull wash compared to the radiance of her eyes. The normally strong jawed, rugged manliness he always displays, is now nowhere to be seen. Him, always so concerned of how others see him, now far too engrossed in her entirety this fateful night to maintain his composure. His tearful puppy dog eyes, his quivering lips. He stands there in shock, having just realized this gorgeous angel, this divine inspiration has chosen HIM. The feeling of hopelessness before her beauty, yet he feels more strength than ever before. He takes this to mean no amount of strength can ever match up to her beauty, but she assures him that he is perfect right here in this moment.


Time passes in a whirlwind of events. The cake, the dance, the gifts, all but a flicker in time as she stares deep into his eyes. Those eyes that comforted her, time and again. She feels silly to have stressed for months over a perfect wedding, only to miss it entirely, as she was lost in the soft rise and fall of his firm chest. Every time he smiles, she feels the fluttering of butterflies deep in her bosom. She looks at his supple lips, traces them with her eyes. She follows his lips up towards his perky nose, and those perfectly rosy cheeks. Her eyes wander upwards and meet his, prompting a timid smile from him, brimming with affection. Such a deep shade of brown, yet so warm.


Branching off from his eyes, she traces his laugh lines with her gaze. Deep folds brought about by the many laughs he’d shared with her before. She follows the creases of his laughs and meets his ears that are now growing red, as he notices this devotion she shows him. He pulls her close and embraces her deeply, as he surrenders himself to her.


He’s nervous. He’s anxious. He’s shy. She stands in front of him, her wedding dress a clump on the floor around her feet. The dim light barely giving off the nervous expression she returns. “Well, this is me,” she manages to squeak out, while she stares towards the floor. He looks at her face, shy, yet so soothing. He’s frozen in awe by the sheer grace of the beauty stood before him. His eyes drift down her lips and her slender neck. They land upon her soft breasts, nipples hardened by the exposed air. He sees the many bumps and ridges surrounding her supple teat. He traces her bosom and with a final lingering gaze, continues lower down her being. Her waist thins and he briefly rests his eyes upon her navel, such simple beauty. Her waist quickly expands again as he continues his journey down her body. He sees a trail of hair leading downwards, and mesmerized, he follows it until it guides him to her being. He notices her petite clitoris tucked behind its hood, as if also shy. He traces her pink and soft labia and feels a carnal desire well up from deep within him. Her femininity glistens in the light as her excitement begins to show.


She stands there, watching him watch her. She wonders why he’s only staring at her. What is taking him so long? Shouldn’t he take off his clothes too? Does he not like what he sees? Am I not good enou- her thoughts are interrupted by his abrupt kiss. She comes back to reality, and there he is pressed firmly against her, lip to lip, chest to chest. As his arms caress her back, she feels the butterflies in her chest grow more excited. She feels a tingle start to creep up her spine. His arms’ slow crawl towards her bare buttocks is certainly noticed by her. She starts to feel a pulsing in her loins. Her cheeks start growing warm. He finally made it to her firm behind and he pulls her further in towards him. He wants her. She can feel his dress pants softly rubbing against her now sensitive womanhood. She cannot restrain herself any longer, she wants him. She pushes him back and his confused face quickly turns into a grin as she starts to pull of his shirt. There is a glistening mark on his pants left there by her wetness down below, but neither notice as they both focus on undoing his belt. She’s keenly aware to the solid bump that seems to stretch his trousers as far as they can yield. In one slow motion, she peels off his pants, leaving just his boxers between her and her prize. The solid bump seems to stand up taller and stiffer, in the face of the much more yielding boxers. She could swear she can see the outline of the tip of his penis through his sheer undergarments. She is also now well aware of the wet spot in his boxers, growing ever larger as his excitement grows with hers. Even slower, she starts to slide down his boxers, her greedy eyes feasting on his emerging shaft. She traces a vein on his shaft with a finger. His member reacts to her delicate touch, pulsing and bobbing in response. She continues removing his boxers until the tip of his penis is caught in the elastic band, almost as if his penis is teasing her itself. She tugs down harder, and as she does, his entire manhood springs back up into her chin, splashing some pre-cum onto her flushed cheek. They both look at each other in a hushed surprise before bursting into giggles. She reaches up to her cheek and wipes away his surprise gift. She looks at the shine on her finger. Temptation and curiosity compel her to lick her finger. The slightly salty taste causes her womanhood to throb even more. Driven over the edge with lust, she wants more, and she knows exactly where to get it.
She reaches over and gingerly grabs his shaft. This is her first time holding a penis before. She watches, as it pulses in her fingertips. The swollen tip, and in the center, the hole that is leaking more of the delicacy that she so craves. She can smell the liquid so much stronger now. It’s intoxicating. She softly licks the source of the liquid. The taste in her mouth drawing her closer towards bliss. She playfully dances her tongue along the tip of his member before she pushes him deeper into her mouth. In the heat of the moment, a soft moan escapes his lips. Moving her head to the rhythm of his hips, she reaches around, and grabs his toned ass with both hands. He responds by clasping his rugged hands on her shoulders. She increases the pressure of her tongue and starts sucking. She can taste his excitement on the back of her tongue as it begins to drip down her throat.


He can’t restrain himself any longer. He wants her. He needs her now! He pulls back out of her mouth suddenly. A mixture of saliva and pre-cum dripping onto the floor. Now it’s her turn for her look of surprise to be quickly replaced by shocked giggles as he picks her up and gently places her on the bed. She knows what comes next. She spreads her legs as if to invite it. The gate to all of her gives way to his carnal desires. He crawls up to her and stops just shy of her expectant vagina. His lips mere millimeters away from her. His soft, warm breath caresses her labia and lips, which sends goosebumps coursing through her. He slowly drags his tongue over her, taking in everything as she drips in excitement for him. The slightly salty taste sending him into a frenzy. Slowly, meticulously, he licks her. She responds with a moan. He starts to speed up. Her moans grow louder as she grasps his head with both hands. Finally, he crawls up to her, face to face. He kisses her long and deep. They both taste each other’s lingering excitement on their lips, which stay locked as she blindly reaches down and grabs hold of his shaft, now dripping harder than ever before. She guides him towards her supple vagina. With a gentle push and a gasp, they both learn what it means to become man and wife.
