A New Sensation with the Bella Twins [WWE] [Feminization]

It was late in Omaha and the hotel lobby was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. There was no sign of any other humans, but that was typical of most Monday nights. There had been a little bit of ruckus earlier in the night. There was a WWE show at the Civic Center close to the hotel and that always brings a certain element of drunken idiots through the hotel. The hotel bar was packed with people trying to keep their buzz going after the show, but thankfully they were all gone a few hours after I started my shift. It was the time of night that I longed for every shift, a time where I could just space out and think.

After a few hours behind the counter you start to have all sorts of different thoughts. Things had not been going well for me at home for quite some time now. My wife was pregnant and I was just happy to be out of the house for a while. She just constantly bugged me, but thankfully I have the excuse of needing to go out to work every night to keep me from having to sit there as she yelled in my face. I understand her frustration and her pain, but it was beginning to weigh on me. I stepped outside for a quick smoke break and while I was standing there I saw a Nissan Ultima pull up. The car glistened and the lights were bright, which I had come to recognize as being a rental. I stubbed out my cigarette and strolled back inside in case someone needed to check in.

Two women stepped out of the car. Their heads were hidden under hoodies and they were both wearing sunglasses at night. I didn’t think anything of it at this point and just stood patiently waiting for them. “Could you help us bring in some luggage sweetie?” one of them asked. Her voice was sweet, but reminded me of the valley girls I had gone to high school with. “Of course, I will meet you outside” I said. They both turned to walk away and I could not help but notice that both of them had incredible bodies. You could see their tight asses gently hidden underneath the flowing fabric of designer sweat pants. I had never seen women so attractive in my life even with no make up or revealing clothes. I was going to have to do my best to keep my cool. I have always had a hard time talking to women, especially when they are extremely attractive.

I walked out to their car and they had about five suitcases between the two of them. I quickly loaded them onto the luggage cart and started to roll it toward the doors of the hotel. “Thank you so much” the other woman said. Her voice also sounded sweet, but more husky and calm. There was something inviting about the way she spoke to me and I instantly felt the warmth of her presence as she walked next to me. I rolled the cart toward the front counter. “Ok ladies, we just need to get you checked into your room now” I said as I fought back the urge to explode with embarrassment. “What name was your room booked under?” I asked. They looked at each other and laughed. I felt my face growing flush with shame. They surely must be laughing at how goofy I sounded. This wasn’t unusual for me since it had been happening my whole life, but it never stung any less. “You can find us under Cena, but you might not be able to see us” one of them said as the other giggled next to her. The weight of embarrassment lifted as I realized they were laughing at their own stupid joke. I just kept calm and laughed along with them. “Thats a good one! Alright I just need to see your credit card and we can get you checked in”. One of them pulled out a credit card and slid it across the table. The name on it read “Nicole Colace-Garcia” and I had a moment of recognition. I was standing across the table from the Bella Twins.

My wife had always watched lame reality TV and I hated every moment of it. The only show I could stand to watch with her was Total Bellas. I couldn’t stand how stupid the staged storylines were, but they were both so hot that it made up for it completely. No wonder I had felt I recognized them in some way. I had dealt with celebrities before so I knew not to freak out and make a scene. Both of them were just trying to settle in for the night and did not need to be bothered by another fan who thought they were hot. “Ok Nicole, you are going to be in room 413. Do you need any help bringing your luggage up to your room?” I asked. They exchanged knowing glances at each other and Nikki said “Yeah that would be really great. We have so much stuff with us that it has actually become a little bit of a joke between us. Sorry to keep laughing, but it has been a really long day!”. I smiled and instantly felt relief. They were so personable and kind that it really surprised me. “No problem let’s bring it up in the elevator then”. I rolled the luggage cart down the hallway to the elevator and we waited together for it to arrive. “So what brings you ladies to Omaha this late at night?” I asked knowing full well that this was a mistake, but I couldn’t help myself. “Well we are here for the WWE show tonight. We are actually both wrestlers” Brie said. “Oh very cool. I hope you enjoy your stay here. Omaha may seem kind of boring, but it can be really fun if you know the right spots to hit” I said. “Well both of us are definitely starved for some R and R at this point. Our schedule has been pretty brutal” Brie said and I noticed Nikki smiling next to her. “Yeah we are both looking for the right spots to hit” Nikki said laughing and Brie punched her jokingly on the arm. “Nicole be polite! This nice young man is trying to help us” she said and smiled in my direction. “Well it’s late and I can’t help myself. You walked into that one cutie” Nikki said as she rubbed my arm a little bit. I don’t think I ever got used to attractive women flirting with me and I instantly went bright red. Just then the elevator arrived and I pushed the cart onto it. Nikki stood so close to me that I could smell her perfume. It was subtle, but extremely sexy. A light scent of flowers permeated the air and I felt a little weak in the knees. She had removed her sunglasses to reveal her beautiful eyes. She stared at me a few times during the course of the ride and Brie remained stoic on the other side of the luggage cart. We all shuffled out of the elevator together and ambled toward their room.

It almost felt like a dream. Brie pulled out the key card I had given her and opened the door. I realized I had never actually been in the luxury rooms and it surprised me to see how big and beautiful the space was. There were fresh flowers in a vase a window that seemed to have a view of Omaha that I didn’t know existed. There were two large beds with gorgeous bed spreads. The bathroom was equipped with a walk up shower and a heated toilet seat. There was a small living area with a couch, chairs, and a small dining set up. I couldn’t help but be in awe of the space I as I unloaded the luggage. “This is a really beautiful space!” I said as I continued to break my own rule of staying cool with celebrities, but this was too bizarre not to mention. “Yes it is and we really appreciate your help bringing our stuff up here” Brie said “this is for you”. She handed me a small wad of $100 bills and I accepted it graciously. This was undeniably the biggest tip I had ever received. “Thank you so much!” Nikki said as she reached out to hug me. She pulled me close to her and I instantly felt entirely numb and aroused at the same time. I felt the soft curves of her breasts against me and smelled her again. Her skin was so soft as her face grazed against mine. “Nicole! What are you doing? You are making him so uncomfortable” Brie sniped at Nikki. She released her hug and just stood smiling. “I am sorry I am just a hugger and we really appreciate your help” Nikki said giggling. “She has had a few drinks” Brie said as she moved Nikki toward their room. “What was your name again?” Nikki asked. I realized I had never said it. “My name is Jake” I said with a shutter. “Thank you Jake!” Brie said and seemed to invite me to leave the room. “You’re welcome” I said as I walked from the room.

I walked back to the elevator and felt like I was on cloud nine. This was so crazy I could hardly believe that it was true. As I arrived at the front desk and took my normal place there I saw that there was another couple standing waiting to check in. “Sorry about the wait folks. I was just helping another customer move their luggage. What name was your check in under?” I asked. I could see once more that these were wrestlers. I did not place them and I didn’t care to at this point. The rest of the interaction went by like a blur.

A few more hours passed and I started to think about how I was going to tell my wife about how I had met the Bella Twins tonight. I knew for sure she would be jealous. I heard the phone ringing and noticed that it was coming from room 413. Once again the feeling of dissociation that I had felt before shot through me again. I picked up the phone and heard Nikki on the other end of it. “Hey Jake, this is Nicole in room 413. I know its very late, but would you be able to bring up some towels to our room. It seems that there are none here” she asked. “I am so sorry Nicole! I will bring those up as quickly as possible” I exclaimed with notable anxiety in my voice. I grabbed a large amount of towel and quickly deposited them in our towel warmer. I rushed to the elevator with the towels in my arms. As I stood in the elevator the nerves of interacting with Nikki again began to fill me. I could feel my throat getting choked up and I hoped I wouldn’t have to do much talking. I walked to their door as quickly as possible. I knocked on the door and stood to await my fate.

Nikki opened the door and I could see that she was wearing just a bra and panties. This seemed almost unbelievable once again, but this felt like I was in a movie or something. They were gorgeous red lace and she even had stockings and a garter on. I could see that she had applied some make up and her face looked more gorgeous than I could remember. She stood in the doorway and struck an incredibly sexy pose. Her tight abs and perky breasts greeted me and could not be ignored. I stood dumbfounded at what I was seeing. “Hi Jake, sorry to ring you so late but I really need to take a shower. Thank you so much for coming up so quickly” she said completely ignoring the elephant in the room. I could see that Brie was laying in her bed fast asleep and seemed to be completely naked under her covers. I just continued to stand there and did not speak a word. “Whats the matter Jake? You seem tense” she said as she moved toward me to grab the towels. “Do you want to come in for a minute. I am feeling pretty lonely here now that Brie is asleep. We spend some much time together and she is so uptight that it gets annoying. Plus she is lame and always wants to go to bed early” she said flirtatiously. Was this real? I just walked in toward her. My knees buckled with every step and I shook slightly.

I walked in past Brie in bed. The lights were down low and there were empty bottles of booze on the table. Nikki came in behind me and brushed up against my arm again. I couldn’t believe it before, but she had been flirting with me the whole time. “Why don’t you make yourself comfortable? Do you want a drink? I have lots of vodka to share” she said as she poured herself a shot. “Come on Jake have one with me!” she said as she poured a second shot. She handed it to me and I took it quickly from her hands. As she stood in front of me in her lingerie I just went to a place of complete bliss. A very drunk and horny Nikki Bella was standing in front of me handing me a drink. “Cheers to the weekend Jake! Well maybe not for you but it’s the weekend for me” she said as she pounded her shot. I drank mine as quickly as possible and stood to pour myself another one. The sting of the booze was imperceptible with the amount of adrenaline I was experiencing. I poured myself another shot and downed it immediately. “I see you like to drink too!” she said as she moved toward me again “I knew there was a reason I liked you”. I froze in place. Slowly the warmth of the alcohol moved through me and I felt a little more at ease. She stood next to me as close as she could while still being comfortable for both of us.

“Do you want to see something Jake?” she said in a way that made her sound even more sexy. I nodded my head yes and sat back down in the recliner that I had previously occupied. She slid closer to me and began to gyrate her hips. Slowly she worked her way onto my lap and slid up against me. My cock immediately went rock hard and I took deep breathes to prevent myself from hyperventilating. She proceeded to slowly dance for me and moved her body so sexy that I had to fight not to cum every time she touched me. “I’ve been taking some pole dancing lessons and I just wanted a chance to show someone my skills” she said as she moved toward me. Suddenly she climbed onto me and spread her legs. I could feel the heat coming from her pussy as she leaned toward me. She moved her face to my ear and whispered “Do you like what you see?”. Her seductive tone was almost too much to handle. She began to breath gently on my neck and I could feel myself growing even harder than before. “Your cock feels so good against my pussy Jake. I bet you’re huge aren’t you?” she said as she leaned into me even more. She just sat there on me for a little while. Her breath against my neck felt incredible and I shook strongly. She was clearly very drunk and it didn’t feel right to continue, but I couldn’t help myself. My previously frozen hands found their way around her back and I pulled her closer to me. “Oh Jake hold me” she said as she slowly began to kiss my neck. Within moments she began to grind her hips against my cock. I could feel the wetness from her pussy slowly starting to work through my pants. Precum filled my pants as I was almost numb with pleasure and surprise. Her soft lips found their way against mine and we began to passionately kiss. Her tongue rubbed against mine and she kept motioning deeper down my throat with it. It was some of the best kissing I had ever experienced. She began to just gently moan as she worked her pussy against my cock even harder. I knew she had to be loving it because every movement was stronger than the last. The alcohol began to take effect and I felt like I was floating above myself. The euphoria of this moment was too great to understand. I felt her take my hands and guide them toward her breasts. I grasped each of them in my hands. The feeling of the silicone in my hands sent me into another shockwave of pleasure. I groped her violently and she moaned even harder. “Thats right Jake squeeze my fucking titties!” she said as she began to rock even harder. “I am going to fucking cum!” she moaned. I grabbed her ass and began to spank her. “Yes! Fuck spank me fucking harder” she squealed. She moaned even louder and I began to get worried that we were going to wake Brie. “Fuck! That felt so fucking good.” she said

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/m4agm7/a_new_sensation_with_the_bella_twins_wwe

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