The Optometrist visit that rocked my world!

Part 1: The first visit to the Optometrist

This story takes place in the mid to late 90s when I had just turned 18. I was a pretty shy and awkward teenager with little to no success with girls. My family had immigrated to Canada when I was 13 from a third-world country so having to learn the language and customs didn’t exactly help me with girls. I was decent enough looking and even had some girls flirt with me but my sheer awkwardness and lack of confidence shut that down pretty quick. I hadn’t even gotten a kiss from a girl by this time, never mind anything more.

I was starting to get headaches and had trouble seeing the blackboard from where I sat in class so I told my parents and they made an appointment with an optometrist to get my eyes checked out. It was one of those places inside of a mall. I went to the mall with my family who went shopping while I went to get my eyes checked. I had no idea what I was in for.

I walked into the small optometry office and spoke with the receptionist who brought me to the examination room to wait for the optometrist. I waited for maybe 10 minutes before in walked Dr. Robbins. She was attractive without being over the top stunning. She was probably in her 30s. I don’t know really. She was very pleasant and asked me the usual questions while sitting across from me. The room was pretty small so she was closer to me than normal. I could smell her perfume and it was just overwhelming but in a good way. I could tell she had a nice body even though it was hidden under her lab coat. She finished her questions and had me sit in another chair with the eye examination machine.

I sat down and not knowing what to do just waited. She said that it was warmer than normal in here as she took her lab coat off. She was wearing scrubs underneath. My eyes immediately went to her tits and I noticed that her cleavage was way more prominently on display than before. The scrub top was v necked and it showed a generous amount of her tits. Now I had obviously been around high school girls who wore slutty clothes but this was different. This was a grown-ass woman who was in a small enclosed space with me and was being so nice to me. I took the time to really study her body while she talked. I noticed that she loved to talk. She was about 5’5″ tall and must have weighed around 140-150 lbs. She was thicc as we call it now but had a flat stomach and looked like she worked out. Her tits must have been D cups because they looked substantial. Her legs were nice and toned and her ass was round and jiggly.

The scrubs pants were supposed to be loose I think but she filled them out nicely. She had pale white skin and her makeup looked good on her. The thing that drove me insane was her smell though. It must have been a combination of her perfume and shampoo and god knows what else. It was intoxicating and I was already nervous and sporting a half chub.

She finally stopped moving around the room and pulled a chair directly in front of mine and sat down facing me with the machine between us. Now, this is where things went from somewhat normal to just over-the-top sexual. She scooted closer till her knees were between my legs and put her eyes into her side of the machine. In this position, we were maybe 8 inches apart, face to face. I could almost feel her essence invade my space. I was immediately hard as a rock and groaned without thinking about it.

She asked me if I was okay and I mumbled something. I took my eyes away from the machine telling her I needed to itch and looked down at her still in position. I saw right down her top into the deep valley of cleavage held together by a red bra. My cock by now was just leaking precum liberally and I hoped I didn’t have a wet spot on my pants that was visible. I put my eyes back to the machine and went through the testing for another glorious 15 minutes or so.

It was the most erotic experience of my life to date. I was taking deep breaths and answering her questions as best as I could. I took a few more breaks for my eyes and like a pervert looked down her shirt. Once we were done, she asked me to meet her outside to check out the different types of glasses I would like to get. I was dismayed that our time was done but didn’t really have a choice. I stood up as she was leaving the room but she turned around to grab her lab coat and her eyes fell on my crotch where there was a noticeable tent there.

She looked at it and then up at my face and looked kind of shocked but not mad. I, of course, thought I was going to die. I started to stammer something when she smiled and said to take my time coming out and let my eyes adjust to the light. I stood there as the door closed behind her and did the only thing I could think of at the time. I grabbed some tissue papers from her desk and furiously jerked off till I blew a massive load and threw them into the garbage. I got myself straightened out and walked out feeling a lot better.

Dr. Robbins was waiting for me and showed me some frames that I may like. I really didn’t care about what frames I got but also wanted to stay close to her so I tried on way more than I normally would have. Finally, I decided to ask her which one she thought looked best on me. She picked one that she liked and I of course agreed and told her I liked them too. To be fair, they did look good. I was told to come back in a week to pick my glasses up. I didn’t know what to do or say so I waved and walked away and rejoined my family and went home.

I will post part 2 if there is interest.


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