A Knock at the Door [Spooning][Grinding][Choking][Impregnation][Creampie]

“Two large pepperoni, stuffed crust pizzas,” Derek spoke into the phone, “Awesome, about how long? Thirty minutes? Ok, that works. See ya then.”

Derek tapped the end call button and set the phone down on the coffee table. Picking his controller up, he reached up and slid his headset back over one ear. Craig could make out muffled sounds of gunfire and chatter between team mates through the speakers in the head set, and the click-clack of buttons as Derek jumped back into his Call of Duty match. None of the noise bother Craig as he stared down at his study guide, cramming for his advancement exam in a couple of days. After a deployment aboard a Nimitz Class aircraft carrier, the noise Derek was making was little more that white noise to Craig.

Craig’s berthing space on the carrier was two decks below catapults one and two. In addition to muffled jet engine noise, there was also the sound of the steam charging the line, as well as the sound of the shuttle racing across the flight deck. To top it all off, as the shuttle reached the end of the track of the catapult, there was a muffled *boom* that would shake the whole front end of the ship, including Craig’s rack. The carrier was his first ship, fresh out of A-School, and it was an adjustment for him at first. After a week or two, he adjusted to it and found that he slept better on the ship while she was underway than he did on shore.

Fast forward three and a half years, Craig had rotated to shore duty in Mayport, Florida. He was happy he picked these orders, putting him less than four hours away from his family and childhood home in Ocala. Craig had moved in with one of his co-workers in his shop who’d recently gone through a divorce. His’s roommate’s girlfriend was a sweetheart of a girl, but not Craig’s type. Derek was trying to save some money up, and offered Craig the opportunity to move in and use the extra bedroom, in exchange for half of the rent and utilities. For Craig, this was an absolute steal of a deal, and it got him out of the barracks.

“Hacking ass mother fucking bitches!” Derek yell with fervor, jumping from his seat and startling Craig.

Craig looked up from his study guide, “You good Bro?”

Derek shook his head and set his headset and controller down on the table, “This is ridiculous. Warzone’s cross platform shit is ruining this game. All these damn invisible and aimbot PC players are practically making the game unplayable.”

“Why do you think I stopped playing it?” Craig said with a knowing tone.

“It’s just frustrating. Warzone has so much potential as a game, but the Dev’s refuse to un-fuck the issues that are killing the game,” Derek ranted and threw his hands up in the air, “Fuck it, I am going to go play Pokemon on the Switch. Holler when the pizza gets here, money is on the counter next to the sink.

With that, Derek disappeared into his bedroom and closed the door. Craig focused back on his study guide and processed another two pages of material before there was a knock at the door. Glancing at the clock, he realized that it had only been a mere fifteen minutes since they had called and ordered pizza. *Holy shit that’s quick,* he thought to himself as he hopped up and grabbed the money off of the counter. Craig swung the door open, and the money dropped from his hands as his heart skipped a beat.

At the door stood a 5’1”, 115lbs, dark haired Burnette of Hispanic heritage, with soft brown eyes, pink lips that stretched across her face in a pleasant smile. A red crop top expressed her pair of large B-cup breasts, and a pair of white boy shorts hugged her narrow hips and complimented her supple buttocks. Small gold hoops with some kind of green stone hung from her ear, and a golden cross hung from a small braided golden necklace around her neck. She was definitely not the pizza delivery person, and Craig stood in the doorway, completely speechless.

“Hi Craig, been a while,” she said as her fingers nervously played with the cross on her necklace.

“Yes, it has been, Sofia,” Craig said as he eyed her up and down, “You look great. What are you doing here in Mayport though?”

A pained an nervous expression washed over her face, “Can I come in?”

Craig’s head snapped back, “Oh, shit. Yes, I apologize. Come on in.”

Sofia stepped in, looking around the apartment, “Wow, this is actually a really nice place.”

“My roommate was recently divorced and his wife left him the house,” Craig said as he paced off towards the kitchen, “Care for a drink?”

“A beer actually sounds really nice right now. Maybe something stronger if you have it,” Sofia called out as she sat on the couch

Craig sat on the couch next to Sofia, and sat down two glasses, two small bottles of Fireball, and two Angry Orchards. Sofia’s eye brow went up with curiosity as Craig pour one of each of the Fireball bottles into the glasses, and then filled the glass the rest of the way with the Angry Orchard. Handing her the class, Craig smiled at her and waited for her reaction. Raising the glass to her lips, Sofia eyed Craig suspiciously as she sipped the drink. Her eyes went wide as she three gulps of the drink before setting it back down on the table.

Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, she turned to Craig, “That was really fucking good. It tastes just like apple cider, only with an ever so slight hint of alcohol. What do you call that?”

Craig couldn’t help but chuckle, “Angry Balls.”

Sofia stared at Craig for a second, contemplating what he’d said before giggling, “Angry Orchard and Fireball, Angry Balls. That’s clever, I like it.”

“So, what brings you here? I seriously doubt you drove four hours to knock on my door and pull a ‘hey, I was in the neighborhood’ routine,” Craig said as he eyed her cautiously.

Sofia looked down in her lap, where she fidgeted with her fingers before answering, “Well I was…”

A knock at the door cut her off.

“Hold that thought, that’s the pizza,” Craig said, holding a finger up as he rose from the couch.

The smell of hot, steamy cheese, pepperoni and baked bread wafted through the house as Craig payed and tipped the delivery driver, pushing the door closed behind him with his foot.

“PIZZA!” Derek yelled out from his room right before his bedroom door swung open, “Oh shit, who are you?”

“She’s no one. Just some stray I picked up off the street,” Craig said as he handed Derek a plate, nodding for him to go back into his room.

Derek eyed Sofia, then Derek, “Alright Bro, holler if you need some help.”

The bedroom door softly closed behind him. Craig handed Sofia a plate of pizza and sat next to her on the couch, keeping a few inches of distance. Eyeing her as he took a bite of the pizza, Craig made an ‘out with it’ motion. Sofia placed the plate of pizza on the coffee table in front of her, lacing her fingers together as she placed them into her lap and sat back on the couch.

“Some… *stray*… you picked up off the street,” Sofia mouthed the words as if she’d just eaten something disgusting, her face and body language tensely displaying disbelief. “I guess I deserved that. Honestly, I probably deserve ten times worse than that.”

“I’d say your probably right Sofia,” Craig said as he set his pizza down on the plate. “So, I’ll ask you one last time. Why are you here?”

“I finished college last month, and moved back in with my parents,” Sofia began, brushing a stray strand of hair behind her ear, “I went shopping for some essentials the other day and while I was at the store I ran into your Mom. I asked how you were, and long story short, she gave me your number and address after I learned you were stationed here.”

She paused a few moments to take a drink before continuing.

“So, I packed some bags to last me a couple of days and drove here to see you,” she let out a long sigh, looking up from her lap at Craig as tears streamed down her cheeks, “And to beg for your forgiveness and to take me back.”

Craig coughed violently as he choked on his drink, “Take you back? Sofia, you destroyed me. You betrayed my trust and utterly broke me as a man and as a human being. I gave you my heart, my love, my trust, and everything else I had to give you.”

Sofia sobbed softly, “I know, I know! I am a horrible person, and I can never forgive myself for what I did.”

Craig stood up and turned towards Sofia, “You don’t understand. I forwarded all my messages to my phone to my boat email address. I was halfway across the world, dreaming of how wonderful coming home to you after deployment would be. Then one morning I wake up to check my email, and there are pictures from an unknown number of you getting railed by three different guys, one of them in each of your holes, your face, thighs, and breasts covered in cum, while another group of guys stands around you with their cocks out. Do you have any idea what that does to a guy, let alone a guy halfway around the world serving his country, to see his fiancé of two years getting gangbanged at some college party?”

Sofia covered her face with her hands and continued to sob.

“And then my mysterious benefactor follows those pictures up with you on the beach with some random dude as you’re blowing him! Do you know what that did to me?” Craig started to yell.

“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!” Sofia screamed into her hands.

“My command was so worried about me, THEY PUT ME ON SUICIDE WATCH!!” he yelled, “Look, I *never* stopped loving you, but I don’t know if I can ever trust you ever again. It took me months to get back to normal and move past what happened, and part of me never really got over it.”

Sofia snapped, jumping off the couch and slapping Craig across the face, “Stop it! I know what I did, and I know what I did to you. What you don’t know is I was miserable without you. I was on anxiety and depression medication because I was so broken because I couldn’t hold you, kiss you, hug you, or anything while you were away. When we were dating in high school, you told me you were joining the Navy and I was proud of you. I had every intention of being faithful and true to you while I was in college. Nothing made me happier than the thought of graduating, getting married and becoming a Navy wife, *your* wife. I had one moment of weakness when I went out with my friends. I got drunk and got gangbanged at a party because it had been soon long since I experienced the touch of a man, let alone the pleasure of a man. Yes, I dated for a guy for a couple weeks that I met at a party, and yes we had sex a few times, but I needed the company of a man for my own mental health. I admit, I made a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes. I’ll admit that I took you for granted, and I didn’t realize how great of a man you were to me until… you weren’t my man anymore. I know it was hard on you, but it was just as hard, if not harder on me. So, don’t you sit up on your high horse all high and righteous and put this all on me.”

Craig held the cheek Sofia slapped and glared at her, “I realize things weren’t easy for you. I had plenty of opportunity to cheat on you. On several occasions I received advancements from girls on the boat, but unlike you, I stayed true and faithful to you because I love you.”

Sofia dropped to her knees and started to sob uncontrollably, defeated, “What do I have to say or do to get you to forgive me and get your trust back again.”

“No, that’s now how this is going to work,” Craig growled as he knelt down in front of her, “Trust isn’t something that can be given or taken away. It’s something that is earned over time. And I can’t tell you what to do to earn that trust back, because I don’t truly know. It’s up to you to prove to me that you can be trusted.”

Sofia looked up at Craig, her heart beating fast as the faintest glimmer of hope and forgiveness filled across Craig’s face. For a moment she dared to hope there was a chance she could fix things between them.

With a quivering lip, she dared to ask, “Do you mean…”

Her question was cut short as Craig’s hands grasped her face and pressed his lips to hers. Her body was electrified as she wrapped her arms around her neck and held him as tight as she could. His tongue penetrated her mouth and she could taste his tongue on hers. She missed this. She missed the taste of him, his smell, his strong hands on her body. At 6’2”, 190lbs, he towered above her. She loved his brown hair, blue eyes, and every single freckle on his square face, and strong jawline. Years in the Navy had left his physique toned and muscular in order to keep up with strict physical requirements. She could feel those muscles and his toned physique now as his hands wrapped around her waist and held her to him tightly.

“Craig,” she said she looked up at him with love and hope in her eyes, “I’ll do what ever it takes. I’ll be the perfect woman you could ever want. If your hungry, I’ll feed you. If you’re thirsty, I’ll bring you a beer. If your sleepy, I’ll stroke your hair until you fall asleep. If your horny, you feel free to use my body how ever you want to make you feel better. I’ll clean and do laundry if that’s what you want. I’ll do what ever it takes to earn your trust back.”

“No,” Craig simply replied.

“No?” Sofia said as she froze and her heart stopped for a moment.

Craig lifted her up, laying her down on the couch as he nestle between her thighs on top of her. His thumbs traced down her cheeks, wiping away tears. Gently, he use a finger to brush a stray strand of tear soaked hair from her face.

“I don’t want some Stepford wife who does everything I ask,” he told her softly as he teased her hair with his fingers, “I want my Sofia. I want the girl who used to slap my ass while I was working on my truck. I want the girl who used to cover my eyes and say guess who every chance she got. I want the Sofia that used to do that little thing with her tongue when she went down on me. I’m not going to say we haven’t changed as people in the past couple years, and I know some things might be different between us. To me, it was the little things that mattered the most. That’s what I missed.”

Sofia sat up and removed her crop top. Beautiful B-cup breasts spilled from her shirt as dark nipples poked out from quarter sized areolas.

“Can I make a request too then?” she asked as she tossed her top onto the floor next to the couch.

“Of course,” Craig said as he admired her breasts for the first time in over a year.

“Can I have the Craig that would spoon me on the couch, while he held me and rested his hand on my throat? I really missed you holding my like that,” Sofia said shyly, fidgeting with her necklace again.

“On one condition,” he replied, a smirk creeping across his face.

“Anything,” she said as she reached for his hand.

“Can we spoon naked? Like we used to when your parents weren’t home?” Craig said as he watched Sofia’s eyebrows fly up in surprise, “I can’t say why, but the skin to skin contact with you, the way you would wiggle back and snuggle up to me, I loved it.”

“Really?” she asked, standing up, “Here I thought that was just a sign you wanted to get laid.”

“I mean, I am a guy. Having a beautiful, sexy woman snuggled up so close and tight to you, not getting hard is impossible. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the sex, but holding you naked against me after we finished, growing soft inside of you was just magical for me. It’s weird I know,” Craig said as he turned red in the face and looked away.

“No, no! That’s not weird at all. It’s actually kind of romantic. I always thought the post-sex cuddles were for my benefit, I didn’t realize it did something for you. I’d love to,” Sofia said sweetly as she pushed her boy shorts to her ankles.

Craig’s breath caught in his chest. All throughout the time they dated in high school, even into college when they were still engaged, Sofia had kept some pubic hair. Now, he stared at her clean shaved mound, and couldn’t take his eyes away.

“I might have gotten a wax job done before driving up. I hope you like it,” she said nervously, as she pressed his hand against the bare skin above her mound.

“I love it,” Craig told her as he looked up at her, “Fuck, I forgot how beautiful you were with your clothes off. Part of me can’t blame those guys in the gangbang for being so desperate to fuck you. I bet you felt a lot better the next day.”

Sofia knelt between his legs and tugged his shorts down, “God no. I felt horrible. I mean, aside from the crippling guilt, I was more sore than I’d ever been. My throat was raw, my pussy felt like it got put in a damn blender, and my ass was so sore it hurt to even cough. Hand’s down worst sexual experience of my life.”

“How many guys?” Craig asked.

“You really want to know?” she asked, worried he wouldn’t like the answer.

“I am a little bit curious,” he said as she laid next to him and wiggled her body against his.

Craig pulled the blanket down from the back of the couch and covered both of them. His hand reached between her breasts, and she felt his fingers resting gently around her neck as his arm pushed her against his chest. She could feel his stomach and chest rise and fall against her back. She could feel his semi-hard cock growing between her ass cheeks. The warm and firmness of his hips and legs pressed into hers, and she tangled her feet with his, wrapping her feet around his ankles.

“I sucked off six guys, five fucked my pussy, three fucked my ass, and I jerked off another seven. Or so I am told. I really only have slivers of memories of that night. I was completely shit faced. And before you ask, the cum on my face and tits were only from the guys I jerked off. The rest finished inside of me,” she told him and smiled, feeling his cock growing harder between her ass cheeks as she told him.

“Holy shit, I never knew you were such a closet cum slut,” he teased.

“I’m not. I hated it. I could taste cum in the back of my throat for days, my stomach hurt all of the next day. I spent the rest of the damned week trying to get cum out of my pussy and ass,” Sofia said disgustedly, “Don’t get me wrong. I loved the feeling of you pumping a load of cum into me. That feels great. Having five guy’s loads in my pussy and another three loads of cum in my ass felt great too, but it was totally not worth the after effects for the next couple of days.”

Sofia closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip as she felt the heat from Craig’s hard cock radiating between her ass cheeks. Her kitty was aching and growing wetter by the second with anticipation. She felt a drip of warm wetness on her ass cheek as Craig’s cock dripped pre-cum on her. Carefully, she leaned up, reaching back and grabbed Craig’s cock, placing it between her thighs and against her mound. That didn’t help at all. Craig was roughly seven inches in length, but two inches in girth. As soon as she wiggled her hips back into his, she felt her pink curtains part, and the firmness and heat of his cock pressed against her clit. She tried to ignore it and just enjoy the moment, but even the slightest twitch of his cock sent surges of electricity through her. Finally, she couldn’t resist any longer. Reaching between her thighs, she used her finger tips to press his cock against her clit a little tighter. She moaned softly as she grinded her clit against the top of his cock.

“I’m sorry babe, I didn’t want to ruin the moment, but your dick pushing on my clit is driving me crazy,” Sofia moaned softly.

“Is it now?,” Craig said curiously, “So, what if I did…*this?*”

Craig’s grabbed a handful of her hair, and pulled her head back, exposing her neck. His hand left her throat and squeezed her breast roughly, while he pinched her nipple between his thumb and index finger. She felt his mouth kissing and sucking on her neck and she was suddenly electrified with pleasure across her body. Her toes curled and her free hand gripped onto his hand that was playing with her breasts.

“Fuuuuck Baby,” she moaned quickly, speaking between breaths as she felt her climax growing between her legs, “Where did you learn to do that?”

Craig stopped teasing her neck long enough to whisper in her ear, “A gentleman never kisses and tells.”

His mouth moved back to her neck and worked it with renewed fervor. She felt a burning in her pussy and she knew it was only a matter of moments before she would achieve orgasm. Her back arched, muscles tense and taunt. With a quick thrust of his hips, Craig’s cock split her labias apart and slipped inside of her. At that moment, Sofia body was engulfed with flames and electricity and for several moments she forgot where she was as her body came to life with ecstacy and euphoria. Her legs shook as her orgasm rippled through her. Despite her best efforts, her hand over her mouth did nothing to muffle the moans she could no longer control.

“Feel better?” Craig asked, slowly slipping his cock in and out of her as she came down from her orgasm.

Breathless, Sofia nodded her head yes, and reached back for him, pulling his head towards hers. He leaned into her kiss, passionately embracing her as he filled her pussy with his cock and her mouth with his tongue, just like she enjoyed in the past.

“Damn did I miss your cock. I want you deep, deep as you can get inside of me Craig. I may have had five guys inside of my pussy in one night, but none of them could fuck me as deep or as good as you. Too long has my pussy gone without your cock inside of it,” Sofia begged as she pulled against his hips and pushing him deeper into her.

Craig rolled her onto her stomach, prone bone position. In the past, she’d loved prone bone position because his cock would thrust into her, hitting her G-spot, and then tickle her cervix at the end of the thrust. She felt her walls stretch around his girth as he slipped back inside of her. She gasped as his cock pushed into her G-spot and stopped at her cervix, the sensation and tingling making her toes curl again. His hand slipped beneath her and she felt his hand around her throat again, pressing against her sides of her neck, but not her windpipe. She felt the warmth and weight of his body on hers as she got into a comfortable position and started to speed up his thrusts. Her insides tingled with excitement as his cock worked her up towards another climax.

“You’re fucking my pussy so good, Craig! I missed this so much!” she moaned as she grabbed his wrist pushing into the couch next to her head.

Suddenly, Sofia’s eyes went wide as she felt Craig’s cock grow harder and swell inside of her, “Don’t cum in…”

Craig grunted, grabbing her hips tightly, using his weight and strength to plant himself as deep into Sofia as he could get inside of her. Sofia felt the tip of his cock push against her cervix as a feeling of hot, wet fluid filled her. With every twitch of his cock, the hot wet fluid grew larger inside of her. It was too late, all she could do was let him finish. Most guys she’d been with would twitch for a few seconds, and that was it. Craig was holding onto her hips like his life depended on it, his leg shaking as his cock continued to twitch and fill her with more of his seed, much longer than she expected. With every twitch, the warmer and wetter her pussy became.

Finally, with a sweaty, exhausted sigh, he collapsed on top of her. Strong arms gripped her body and rolled them to their sides, his cock firmly planted inside of her. For a few minutes, they laid there catching their breath, chests rising and falling from the exertion. Craig grew soft inside of her, and she could feel the heat of his seed inside of her as it worked its way out of her, coating her walls as it went along its path. As his cock grew soft and slipped out of her, she could feel as his seed spilled from her onto her thigh.

“How long has it been since you got laid last?” she asked, “That was a lot more cum that I am used to from you. Kind of impressive.”

Craig thought for a moment, counting on his fingers silently, “Oh, ballpark of four months?”

“Oh? Who was the luck girl?” Sofia asked curiously.

“Derek’s girlfriend’s little sister came to visit. He and his girlfriend went out on a date, and the sister and I ended up in my bed together, well past when they returned home from their date,” Craig said.

“Oh. So uh, probably a little late at this point, but I tried to say something before you came,” she said guiltily.

“What’s that?” Craig asked, brushed her hair out of her face again.

“I’m not on the pill,” she said softly, as she felt more of his seed escape from between her thighs.

“Haha, very funny. You’ve been on the pill since we met in high school,” Craig said with mocking laughter, “You’re borderline religious about about taking your pill every day.”

“I haven’t taken the pill since I graduated three months ago,” Sofia said as she rolled onto her back and look into Craig’s eyes, “And what’s worse, if I’m doing the numbers right in my head, I’m also ovulating.”

Sofia watched his face for a moment as he absorbed what she’d just told him.

“Good,” he said with a smile, “That’s actually wonderful news.”

Sofia looked at him with confusion etched onto her face, “How is this good?”

“Think about it. If you weren’t serious about trying to make this work, you wouldn’t have driven four hours to see me and beg for me to forgive you and take you back, right?” Craig said as he softly rubbed her belly, just above her pubic area.

“That’s right,” she said, not sure where he was going with this.

“You said you would do anything to earn my trust back and show that you are one hundred percent committed to us as a couple again, right?” he continued.

“Of course. Anything. Anything at all. Like I said earlier, my body is yours to do with as you please,” Sofia agreed as a smile started to form across her face.

Craig placed his hand on her cheek and looked Sofia lovingly in the eyes, “I honestly can’t think of a better way for you to prove that to me than to surrender your body to becoming a mother to our child.”

“A baby?” Sofia said, surprised, “I cheat on you, break your heart, and don’t hear from you for a year. I finally see you again, get you to take me back and forgive me for my mistakes, and you want to put a baby in me?”

“Sofia, I never stopped loving you. I wanted us to have a baby together as soon as I got back from deployment. Nothing would make me happier than for us to start a family together,” Craig said and pointed down at her belly, “That and you have a pussy full of about four weeks of stored up cum inside of you, so it’s kind too late to turn back now.”

Sofia’s heart raced as so many emotions and thoughts raced through her. It only took her moments to decide. She looked up at him and beamed with happiness.

“Look, I know it sounds crazy, and sudden, but the timing couldn’t be more perfect,” Craig said as he started to waive his hands around and go off on a tangent, “You graduated college, I have another two and a half years on shore duty, our parents are close so it wouldn’t be terribly out of the way for them to visit after the baby is born, the baby would be covered with my medical benefits. I mean, everything just falls into place so well its hard to say that fate didn’t have this planned all along.”

Sofia reached up and pressed her finger to his lips, “Yes. One…Thousand… times yes. The thought of carrying our baby and becoming a mother fills me with more joy than I know how to express. In fact, if I don’t get pregnant from tonight, I need you to promise me we’ll try every night until I do get a pregnant. There’s just one catch.”

“What’s that?” Craig asked as he held her hand against his face.

“You know how traditional my grandparents are, especially my abuela,” Sofia said with a trace of fear in her voice, “My abuela would disown me if I got pregnant out of wedlock.”

“About that,” Craig said as he kissed the back of her hand softly, “I still have the ring.”

“Seriously?” Sofia said as she shot up, a gush of cum escaping her and spilling onto her inner thigh.

Craig nodded and smiled, “Part of me always hoped that one day we would find each other again, and refused to let me get rid of that ring. It’s still yours if you want it.”

“Craig, are you asking me to marry you again?” Sofia said with wide eyes.

“Sofie, there was never a time I didn’t want you to marry me. Sure, we had a bit of a rough patch, but I now know that was of our own doing and I think it made us stronger as a couple, and as individuals. It gave us an opportunity to grow and figure out who we were without one another, yet here we are, together again,” Craig sighed deeply, “So yeah, I guess I am asking you to marry you again.”

*Thank you for reading my story. I know most people will read these stories and enjoy them, but we content creators love to interact and get to know our audience. Did you love it? Did you hate it? Do you want a part 2? What did you like? What did you hate? Let us know! Too many people read these stories, hit the upvote or downvote button and just move onto the next one, or they just simply move onto the next story that catches their attention. Personally, I enjoy hearing from my audience and adjusting my writing style to suggestions or comments I receive. Thank you and have a wonderful day!*

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/m26wce/a_knock_at_the_door

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