CockSlut S2E3


The one thing, really the only thing, that disappointed me about my situation with my boss was that I still couldn’t completely fulfill my duties, by which I of course mean that I still wasn’t able to swallow all of his massive, glorious cock. I was getting closer, and he was being patient with me, but I knew he wanted it. Hell, I wanted it. I wanted that huge cock all the way in my mouth, down my throat, until his balls rested on my chin. Molly had been helping, trying to stretch my throat out. I had entirely overcome my gag reflex, and now it was just a matter of physically getting my body to accept him.

The boss and I had switched up the morning routine a little bit. Now, instead of reporting directly to his office first thing, I went to my new, tiny, private office just down the hall. There wasn’t much to it: desk and chair, bookshelf, filing cabinet. I did have a window, though, which was kind of a big deal. I hadn’t even asked for a space though. The boss offered it to me, saying that most other executive assistants also had offices close to their bosses.

At first I was afraid that Molly would take it badly, but either she didn’t care, or hid her feelings very well. Despite her prior warning, she had, once so far, given me head in there, crouched next to my desk, me in the chair, pants around my ankles. Almost immediately after I had gone and done the exact same thing for my boss.

This morning I went straight to my new office, shut the door, and hung my coat on the back. The cold weather was just starting to come in, and freezing rain was in the forecast for later in the day. The temperature was already in the mid-forties and threatening to drop. Setting the rest of my things down, I decided a cup of coffee was in order.

The company provided one of those single-brew coffee makers, albeit on a much bigger scale. It was plumbed into the water line, with its own dedicated filter and everything. The cabinets around it were stocked with every kind of flavor and roast of coffee, plus a selection of teas and other hot drinks like hot chocolate and cider. Coffee was good enough for me, though, and I found a pod of my so-far favorite brand and popped it in the maker. Just as coffee started pouring into my cup, Molly walked into the break room.

“Hey,” I said casually, turning toward her only for a second in acknowledgement.

“Hi,” she said back while searching for the Lady Grey tea she preferred. I couldn’t help but to notice how she was dressed: professionally to a fault, black slacks, black pumps with heels just shy of raising eyebrows, a loose-fitting blue blouse that billowed as she bent over but still revealed nothing. The pants hugged her butt nicely though, which was probably unavoidable. I caught her eyes on me as well.

“I think he’s ready for you,” Molly said without looking up. “His morning is surprisingly sparse so you’ll have some time.”

I nodded. “Sounds good. You think I’ve got time for coffee?”

Molly stood, having found her pod of tea. “Probably, if you just have one and don’t nurse it.”

I got it. I had maybe… five minutes. Not that he would come hunting for me if I didn’t show, just that he’d be rather displeased, and so far he and I had a decent working relationship, and I was trying very hard to keep things uncomplicated.

“OK, would you let him know I’ll be there in a few?”

Molly nodded as she started brewing her drink. “Yeah no problem. And, oh, tonight?”

“Hm? Oh, yeah sure.” I glanced around: no one within range. “My place?”

“Mine,” she corrected. “And I’ll have the bigger one.” I nodded. That had become a code of sorts after the night from the last episode. Molly was going to be in charge, was going to wear the strapon, and I was the one who was going to get used.

“Sounds good,” I confirmed, before heading back to my office. It was going to be a busy day.


“Thanks, I just wanted to get some coffee in me… before anything else…” I said with a sly grin, and locked the office door behind me.

“Sure, no problem,” the boss allowed as he began to undo his tie. Instructions were almost never needed now. He was a simple man of simple tastes. Once he found what he liked, he tended to stick with it. This meant that at a particular restaurant, he found his favorite dish, and ordered it any time he went there. It also meant that I knew what he expected of me: blowjob first, always, and usually sex after. The arrangement seemed to be that I should assume sex unless he specifically said no, so if he didn’t cum in my mouth, and instead stopped me, I just automatically got up and bent over the desk.

We stripped together at more or less the same pace, until I had only my underwear on. Today was a style just like I had worn for Molly the other night, the ones she apparently stole, except a deep purple. Just as I was hooking my thumbs into the string, the boss stopped me.

“Leave those on,” he instructed, which was an uncommon, but not unheard-of direction from him. I pulled my thumbs out and just stepped out of my pants, picking them up and tossing them and my shirt onto a couch. “Come here,” he said, and waved me over.

I moved behind his desk and stood. He was nude, sitting in his chair, looking very obviously at the bulge before him. “Have I told you that you look very good in these?” he asked, eyes tracing the contours of my cock, clearly outlined by the fabric.

“Once or twice,” I replied.
His hand came up and pressed to my left hip. “I’m glad I suggested you get them.” Honestly, I kind of was too. They… I don’t know… made me feel sexy, and wanted. No… not “wanted”, “desirable”. Yeah that was it. Wearing them, I felt like a sexual being, or even a sex object. Most people don’t really care to be objectified in such a way, but others, I guess including me, seem to crave it and the attention. I liked being looked at, having my body admired. I liked when he showed me off or even shared me with other partners or clients. It was kind of thrilling. This, right now, with his hand on me in such a gentle way, with his eyes on my privates, was its own thrill.

“As much as I like them though,” he was saying, his other hand on the other hip now, “I do prefer them off.”

“Well um… why didn’t you just… have me take them off a minute ago?”

“Where’s the fun in that?” the boss asked as his fingers hooked under the strings and began to slowly tug. The underwear began to roll downward, revealing first my bare pelvis, then the base of my cock. He didn’t stop, revealing it inch by inch, until he passed the tip. From there he just slid them down my legs, and I stepped out. “You do have a very nice cock, CockSlut. It’s very attractive.” His eyes were glued to it.

“Thanks. I mean, it’s nothing compared to yours, but…”

“You sell yourself short. Mine is an anomaly, and often intimidating. You were scared of it at first, weren’t you?”

I had to nod. The first few times I’d seen his massive cock, especially up close, I was very much indeed in awe and pretty intimidated by its size. “But I mean… I got over that. It fits in my ass, and almost down my throat all the way.”

“Yes, but it took you time. Yours, on the other hand, is a far more manageable size. It’s not small, to be sure. Don’t ever think it’s small. And the shape is… very nice…” As he said this last part, his hand slid up my thigh, then gently wrapped around my shaft. My cock jerked a little at his touch.

“Oh… I um… that’s… new…” He said nothing, but instead began very slowly stroking up and down my soft length. It took very little time for it to harden. “Shouldn’t I be… you know… the one doing that for you?”

“Later,” he said, his hand now wrapped around my hard shaft, sliding from base to tip. “For now, I”m going to do something for you, and then you can return the favor. A simple exchange. OK?” I could only nod.

Suddenly, though not really quickly, he leaned forward, taking his hand from me, and softly licked the tip. I cleared my throat quietly, just before he took the head into his mouth and gently sucked. “Oh,” was about all I could say, the only noise that I was able to make at first. This was entirely unexpected, but obviously not unwelcome. He slid his mouth about halfway down, then pulled back. “I um… you don’t have to…”

“I know,” was all he said back, then again took my cock, this time sinking a little lower, then coming back up.

“In fact, you said early on that… well basically that this would never happen…”

“I know,” he again confirmed, then leaned forward again, taking my entire length, then sucking hard as his nose pressed against me. I moaned softly as his hands again went to my hips, holding me in place. He pulled back and off once more, and my dick felt cool in the office air. “I’ll stop if you want,” he said, “but I’d rather not.” I said nothing. Had this been anyone else, I would have put my hand on the back of his head as encouragement, or at least confirmation that I wanted him to continue. Even though he was going down on me, though, the boss was still very much in charge, and so I simply said nothing. A moment later he continued.

Again his lips touched the head of my cock, then slipped down and around my shaft as he gently sucked, until he reached the bottom. I felt a vibration, small but fast, as he started to hum and otherwise just make noises in his throat. His tongue pressed against the underside of the shaft, and a moment later, one of his hands slid around my waist and under, gently cupping my smooth balls.

By now I was looking, watching, seeing my dick disappear into his mouth. I was hard, so fucking hard. He was too, his massive cock standing up almost straight, pressing against his stomach every time he leaned toward me. I licked my lips thinking about how I was going to take it later, after he was done with mine.

As he moved up and down my shaft, he started making wet, sucking sounds, sounds I had also made in this office, many times. Would this blowjob end like so many of those had? With me cumming in his mouth? I could only wonder while he sucked up and down my shaft.

I felt it starting, and too soon. In a matter of seconds I was going to cum, and this whole thing would be over. I doubted that it would happen again, and already I was feeling slightly disappointed, at least until I couldn’t feel anything except my mind exploding.

With my cock buried in his mouth and throat as far as it could go, my balls tightened and I came. I know there were at least four or five large spurts of cum, each one immediately swallowed. I felt his throat flexing with each load. He held my hips though, both hands on them, steadying me, until I was done. When I had finished, he leaned back in his chair. He was still hard, rock-hard, and I knew it was my turn. I started to get to my knees, to return the favor, when he stopped me.

“No. Over there. On the couch.” I turned and looked at the empty couch, the one that didn’t have my clothes on it, then nodded and got back up. My cock bobbed along with me as I stepped across the office.

“How do you want me?” I asked as he was standing. His cock stood out from his pelvis, over ten inches from its base, and swayed as he approached.

“Hands and knees,” he instructed, gesturing to the couch. I did as I was told. “No, facing the other way.” I had positioned myself so that he could kneel on a cushion in front of me, but instead he wanted me leaned over the armrest. I obliged.

At that angle, I discovered that my mouth met the head of his enormous dick almost perfectly, and as he walked up to me, I opened up, letting him slide right in. I welcomed him with a slow circling of my tongue, then gentle suction as he pushed deeper. He stopped just at the point where I could no longer take any more, leaving maybe an inch still not in me. He pulled back, slowly, and once out, I took a deep breath. Again he pushed in, as far as before, but this time he didn’t quite stop at the same spot. Without really trying to force anything, he was pushing a little more. I hummed around him, letting him know that I was OK, and enjoying it. Again he pulled back and out.

“So are you going to train me? Is that it?” I asked, affecting an innocent tone.

“That’s exactly it,” he confirmed, before pushing in once more. He did this several times, each one pushing more. At one point he told me to relax my throat, which I already had done, and then to tilt my head back a little more, which I did. As soon as I did, without warning, his cock slotted home, slipping the last inch into my throat. I hummed loudly, so fucking pleased with myself.

The boss, for his part, left himself in me for a while. My airway was cut off, and after several seconds, I started to pull back slightly. He caught the message and pulled out while I sucked in a deep breath. “We should make sure that wasn’t a fluke,” he suggested, and I nodded, opening up for him again. It wasn’t a fluke. I tilted my head back to where it had been, and his enormous cock slipped right in, to the hilt. We both groaned with satisfaction. “I’m afraid I’m not going to be fucking you today, it looks like, not when we’ve discovered this.” I nodded with him still down my throat. That was fine. We both were getting what we wanted.

I have to say, he was very kind, and understanding that deepthroating his cock was a new thing for me. He didn’t demand, just carefully pushed a little more each time. After a few minutes, he was able to slide in and out of me without issue. He couldn’t have face-fucked me, not yet, and he knew it, but this was good enough for now.

At one point, as he slid out of me, I brought my teeth down, very gently, letting them scrape top and bottom. He sucked in a breath, but didn’t complain or tell me not to. I let him back in, but then again drug my teeth along the shaft, and quickly licked the end.

Once I had gotten used to the feeling of him fully invading my throat, I started to notice other things, like how the tip of my nose pressed against his abdomen, or how his massive balls rested against my chin. I had done it. I had finally done it, and had sealed my position with him, and with the company. I shaved like he wanted, wore the underwear he wanted, and was able to take him, fully, in my ass or my mouth. I was suddenly riding a super-high.

I felt him twitch, in a way I was very familiar with. A torrent of cum was about to explode, and the only question was “where?”. As if answering, he thrust forward, then held his cock inside me. Almost immediately, I felt spurt after spurt of thick cum hitting my throat and sliding down. I groaned against him, I sucked the best I could, but mostly I just let him use me as his cum dumpster. I would do that for him. I would be the receptacle that accepted and disposed of his cum. Gladly.

He finished and pulled back. Again I took a deep breath. “Well, good job,” he said, approval clear in his voice. “All you had to do was put your head back a little?” he asked. I grinned and shrugged. “Well, at least you can do it now. Maybe you just needed some motivation.” Was that why he had sucked me off? To make me feel like I owed him, and to get me to try harder? That didn’t really fit the whole “no complications” aspect of all of this. “I’m sorry I didn’t fuck you though. That was just… too good. I’m done for a little while.” He was returning to his desk, leaning down for his clothes. “I’m not going to leave you hanging though,” he promised, touching the intercom.


You remember how I said that no sex happened in my office? That streak ended that day. I was dressed and back at my desk, when there was a soft tap on my door, and it opened. Molly was there, carrying a canvas bag.

“Oh, hey,” I said, actually not displeased to see her.

“Hey,” she greeted in reply before shutting the door behind her, and rather conspicuously locking it. “Big day, hm?”

“He told you, eh?” I asked, a big grin on my face.

“Yup, wouldn’t stop talking about it. Congratulations.” Molly was smiling, believably, but I thought I detected… something. “He also said he didn’t get to fuck you, that the blowjob was too good.”

“Mmm… yeah. Sucks, but, whatever. He gave me head before I went down on him.” I shrugged, as if I didn’t miss the fucking.

“Oh did he?” Molly asked with a raised eyebrow and clear surprise in her voice. “Well… that’s… he’s never… huh.”
Nothing was said for a few moments, until I gestured to her cargo. “What’s with the bag?”

Molly jumped, as if startled, then again grinned like the cat with the canary. “Oh. Yes. The boss felt bad for not fucking you, so… he sent me.” She reached into the bag and produced the massive dildo, plus its strappy harness and a bottle of lube.

“Oh… I mean… that’s really not necessary. Besides, I thought you said we wouldn’t do that kind of thing here at work.”

Molly nodded as she set her things on my desk. “No, you’re right, but… boss’ orders. What’s a girl gonna do?” she asked with mock innocence.

“Maybe we should wait until tonight or…”

“Nope. I mean, we can do this again tonight, but we’re doing it now either way,” she insisted as she slipped a hand under her skirt. A moment later it came back out, pulling her panties along. “Guess I don’t technically have to take those off but… yeah.”

I was still sitting behind my desk, but stood. Her eyes trailed down my body. “It looks like you’re interested, anyway.” I looked down to see the bulge forming in my pants. “Go on, take them off.”

I gave up, and gave in. “I love it when you talk dirty to me,” I snarked, before undoing my belt. My pants, and soon after my underwear, were on the floor, pooled around my feet. Molly was stepping into the harness, pulling it up into place. She had to lift her skirt to get it out of the way of the massive cock now sticking out from in front of her.

“You still remember how to take one of these?” she asked as she applied lube.

“It hasn’t been that long,” I replied before leaning over the desk.

“Just checking,” she said, before snapping the lid closed and setting the bottle back on my desk. She stepped around my desk, and I didn’t even have to look to tell she was wearing heels. I could hear them. Plus, as she moved behind me, she was taller than normal, and I wondered if she wore them just so that she could properly line up with me. Except how would she know that we were going to fuck today when she was getting dressed this morning? How could she have…

Thoughts of “how” disappeared as Molly pressed the head of her rubber dick against my ass. She had lubed it well, and I could feel its wet slipperiness as it moved between my cheeks. I sighed, then leaned forward a little more, trying to give easier access. Molly took it as a hint that I was ready (I mean, I was) and pushed forward.

The head slipped into me with no problem. I really didn’t need to wear the plugs anymore, just every once in a while. By now, I was being fucked in the ass, with massive cocks, often enough that I just didn’t need them.

She slid all the way in, until the fake balls touched mine. I groaned. It felt good. “How do you want it, CockSlut?” she whispered. “Fast or slow? Gentle, or hard?” She knew the answers, and I said as much. “Oh, I know, but I so love hearing you say it.”

I gritted my teeth, but then whispered back. “Fast. Hard.” She didn’t respond, at least not with words. Instead her hips pulled back quickly, then slammed against me, her cock impaling me. I groaned again, more loudly than I wanted, and Molly slapped my ass.

“Hush, you don’t want anyone to hear, do you?” I shook my head. “That’s all you need, is to be the office slut. You don’t think you’d get passed around this place?” I probably would, although, the thought wasn’t exactly unpleasant. She spanked me again. “Just keep your voice down.” I nodded, and she continued.

Molly started again, pulling back, then ramming into me. I gritted my teeth, but let no sound escape. She did it again, then again, and I had to hold on to the edge of the desk. Fuck… she was fucking me hard, but not even fast yet. Each thrust was its own thing, not connected to another. Fast was coming, though, and quickly. After maybe a dozen separate thrusts, Molly started to really fuck my ass, hard, fast, without mercy. My balls bounced off of hers, and my hardened cock flopping back and forth between my spread legs.

I started to feel my ass, and my balls, tightening. I was going to cum, soon, and hard. “Oh… fuck… Molly I’m…” I didn’t get the last part out though. A moan started low in my chest and bubbled up, just as my cock shot a thick wad of cum onto the floor. Another and another shot from me, but Molly didn’t stop, not until I was completely done. The thrusts slowed rather than stopping instantly, until she held still, buried deep in my ass.

“Better?” she asked smartly.

“Mmf… yeah…” I managed.

“Ok, then I’m going to pull out. I’ll be careful.” The loss of the cock in my ass was noticeable, and not entirely pleasant, and I considered going back to using the plugs, remembering how fun they were.

Molly stepped around the desk as I still lay across it, her own rubber dick bobbing as she did. I had to admit, it looked almost as good on her as the real one did on the boss. Almost. “You look good with a cock,” I said for some unknown reason. Molly just chuckled.

“Uh huh. Well you don’t look so bad taking one, so… there,” she replied and I grinned, before slowly pushing myself up. As I pulled my underwear and pants up, Molly slipped the dildo and harness into a plastic bag, then back into the canvas one. With that done, she slipped back into her panties.

“Tonight?” she confirmed as she reached for the door.

“Tonight,” I agreed, eyeing the canvas bag, and wondering just what she got out of fucking me like that.

“Don’t bother wearing underwear,” she instructed, before opening the door, making it impossible for me to respond. Molly gave me one quick wink, then stepped out, shutting the door behind her.


Editor/Story Consultant/Overall Badass: A. Burns
