Bo and Me, Chapter 7 — Spilling the Secret (fgg, rom, nosex)

**Chapter 7 — Spilling the Secret**

I peek out from behind the shed. Not far away some kids are playing soccer, but they’re engrossed in their game. I walk out ahead of Bo who’s carrying the change in one hand, our cookies in the other. I feel lightheaded and my body is warm all over. If Bo’s face is any indication, we’re both still blushing.

“You can go to the spot without me,” I tell Bo. “I’ll catch up with you in a minute.”

“Where are you going?” she asks.

“By the poolside. I need to take a cold shower.”

“Oh yeah, that does sound really good. I’m going with you.”

We proceed past the soccer field to the hedge, which is really a tall thicket of shrubs some four meters wide with a few openings in it to get to the other side. “The smallest jungle in the world,” Bo says as we push our way through it, and I have to laugh.

We cross the lawn on the other side and descend down the stepped stone terrace, exchanging uncertain looks as we stop in front of one of the few cold-water showers by the poolside.

“You go first,” Bo says as she puts our stuff down on the stone step behind us.

Standing out of the way, I push the button that makes the cold water spray down. Slowly I extend first one leg into the stream, then the other, trying to get used to the temperature. Taking a deep breath, I finally move directly underneath the stream.

It hits me like a fist, the water so icy that I’m too paralyzed to scream. I turn around a few times, letting the stream rinse me all over, panting from the cold. After ten seconds or so I’m out, almost aching but feeling refreshed.

I jog in place, hugging myself as I wait for Bo to finish. A few seconds are enough for her as well. Once she emerges we grab our things and race back towards our spot, knowing the water will shut off automatically.

Mom waves at us when she sees us coming. “Hey, girls.”

“Hey, Mom!”

We set our stuff down, drying ourselves off with our towels. Dad lifts the straw hat off his face and grins at us. “Having fun?”

“Yeah!” I confirm.

“We got cookies,” Bo explains.

“How about having lunch first?” Mom asks.

“Sounds great!”


“I’m hungry too,” Dad chimes in.

We pass out the sandwiches Mom made. She’s decked them with lettuce, tomatoes and mozzarella. “Hits the spot,” I comment, still munching on my first one as I grab another. For some reason I feel like I haven’t eaten in years.

I glance sideways at Bo, only to see her glancing sideways back at me. We smile, then look away, but Dad must have noticed.

“You guys look like you’re up to no good,” he comments in between bites. “What’s the scheme?”

“It’s a secret,” Bo says, beaming.

I feel myself blush, thinking, *Why didn’t she just play it off instead? Or would that have made Dad suspicious? Whatever’s happening between us is barely just starting. I hope we’re not giving away too much already.*

Before we have a chance to continue the conversation, Mom says, “Bo, look who it is!” We all follow her gaze.

It’s Rebecca, leisurely strolling towards us past the beach volleyball field. When she sees us looking, she waves. I feel a pang of jealousy. She’s here for Bo, of course.

“Hey,” Rebecca says when she arrives at our spot.

She’s wearing a colourful bikini and sunglasses. People wearing sunglasses usually come off as silly to me, but I have to admit they make Rebecca look pretty cool, like she owns the pool. Normally she and Bo are a lot bouncier, especially when they run into each other by chance.

“Hey, Rebecca,” Mom says with a broad smile.

“Hey,” Bo says simply.

She’s still sitting next to me, holding the remainder of her sandwich, seeming less excited than usual to meet Rebecca. It makes me feel weirdly relieved. *That’s right, Rebecca*, I think. *She isn’t just gonna run off with you today.*

“I saw you earlier when you and Lisa were taking a shower by the pool,” Rebecca says. “We were just setting up our spot on the meadow by the terrace. We got annual tickets this year!”

“Oh cool! Us, too!” Bo exclaims, smiling now.

“Heck yeah!” Rebecca says, clapping her hands once and striking a pose. Then she catches herself, lowering her voice and leaning down a bit, resting both hands on her thighs. “Mom said she would take us out for ice cream,” she says slowly. “In-te-res-ted…?” She raises her eyebrows and flashes a toothy grin, giving up a bit of her cool at the prospect of a sugary treat.

“We have cookies…” Bo says, sounding a little unsure. She holds up the box to prove her point.

“Yeah, but come on, free ice cream?” Rebecca says conspiratorially. “Those cookies aren’t gonna run away.” Her grin widens.

Bo thinks for a few seconds. “Can Lisa come with us?”

“Oh,” Rebecca says, frowning slightly. She looks at me, then back at Bo. “I dunno, Bo. Mom just said she’d take you and me out.” At least she sounds reluctant to exclude me.

“It’s okay,” I hear myself say. “You girls go and have fun together. I wanna chill here for a little bit, anyway.”

“You sure?” Bo asks, sounding a little wistful.

“Yeah,” I say, trying to sound confident. “I’ll be fine.”

“Okay,” Bo says, setting the rest of her sandwich down. She gets up and stands in front of her friend.

“Hi, Bo,” Rebecca says, grinning.

“Hi, Rebecca.”

Rebecca slowly opens her arms wide; then she drops her act for good and snatches Bo into a manic hug, squealing. She starts bouncing up and down with her, their arms wrapped around each other. Bo jumps along, giggling, infected by Rebecca’s giddy mood.

*Why the heck are you so jealous?* I scold myself. *They’re just best friends. Be happy for your sister!*

Rebecca lets go of Bo and turns to the rest of us with a serious look.

“Ma’am, Sir, I’m going to abduct your daughter now. I will return her once her tummy is filled with icy goodness.”

Rebecca loves to talk fancy for shits and giggles. Mom decides to join in.

“Oh no,” she says, clutching a hand to her chest. “My poor girl. Won’t you have mercy on her?”

“Afraid not,” Rebecca says, shaking her head gravely. “Farewell.”

“Goodbye, Bo,” Dad says, closing his eyes and pretending to sob. “My youngest daughter…”

“The next time you see me, I’ll be three pounds heavier,” Bo says, making a sad-clown face.

“More like five,” Rebecca says dryly.

She faces Bo and takes her hand. They turn their backs to us and walk away with a somber tread. Seconds later, on an imperceptible cue, they both start running. Rebecca gives a raucous, triumphant laugh and Bo is whooping with glee.

After they’ve made some distance, Bo turns around to look at me. She shrugs even as she’s running as if to say, *I didn’t stand a chance.* I turn up my palms in response, giving her a wistful smile. *I know, nothing you could do.* Then they turn right, passing through the thicket and out of sight.

“What a tragedy,” I say, turning to Mom and Dad, dramatically pressing the back of one hand to my forehead.

“You’re just miffed ‘cause you’re missing out on ice cream,” Dad teases. I roll my eyes at him, grinning.

“Aww, don’t rub it in,” Mom says, furrowing her brow. “Lisa, if you wanna get some ice cream too, I’ll take you out later.”

“Thanks Mom, I’m fine,” I say, waving it aside.

“No, seriously. *You’re* our favourite daughter, really!” Dad says, still smirking.

“Stop it,” Mom says, swatting at him. Dad raises up his hands in defence, laughing.

“Should have been a comedian,” I say wryly, but can’t keep from laughing myself.

I grab the book from my backpack as a tickle fight evolves between Mom and Dad. A week or two ago I checked out *The Fellowship of the Ring* from the library, but I’ve barely started reading it since. I lie down on my tummy and open the book.

“Alright, alright, you win,” Dad says as Mom tickles him completely off the blanket. He gets up. “Gonna go for a swim.”

“More room for me!” Mom pronounces, splaying herself across the blanket as he leaves.

“Good job,” I mumble, my eyes on the page already.

The pool turns out to be a great setting for Tolkien’s tale. The surroundings look a lot like the way I picture the Shire. I only have to look up from the book to get a great view of its rolling grassy hills, just past the fence.

I look up from the book a lot, though, unable to focus. My mind keeps going back and forth. Bo, next to me behind the shed, holding my hand. Leaning into her, kissing her for the first time. Rebecca, arriving at our spot to take her away from me. Her stupid charm and funny antics. Imagined scenes of Bo whispering our secrets to Rebecca.

I read through a sentence for the fifth time, the meaning of the words only now clicking in my brain. But what was the context again? With a sigh, I return to the start of the paragraph.

I’m antsy, my lower legs moving up and down in the air. With the hand I’m not using to hold the book open, I’m plucking out blades of grass. Finally I have to get up.

“I thought you were gonna relax back here,” Mom says. “Boring book?”

“Nah, I’ve just got to pee,” I tell her.

“Alright. See you in a few.”

“Yeah,” I say, already trying to come up with excuses for my inevitable late return. *Why didn’t you just tell her you aren’t in the mood to read?* I ask myself.

I barely notice my surroundings as I wander aimlessly. My mind is racing. *And you’re not really aimless at all, are you? You’re gonna spy on Bo and Rebecca.*

An image of them making out suddenly flashes in my brain. Right away I get furious at myself – furious that my jealousy is making me come up with nonsense like that; furious for being angry at Rebecca, who hasn’t done anything wrong… and furious for feeling so emotional and wanting to cry. Right now I don’t feel like a big girl.

I walk along the beach volleyball field like the girls did earlier, but pass the opening in the thicket, continuing towards the supervisors’ cabin with my eyes fixed to the ground, my mind churning.

Suddenly I hear a rush of footsteps on the grass behind me. Looking over my shoulder, I see Bo and Rebecca running up to me. I turn to face them as they come to an abrupt stop, both of them panting.

“Hey!” Bo says, looking excited.


“I asked Karin if she’d buy you ice cream too, and she said yes!” Karin is Rebecca’s mom.

“Oh yeah?” I ask dumbly.

“Yeah,” Rebecca confirms, pointing a thumb at Bo. She looks amused. “I don’t know what’s up with her today, but she was all mopey until she asked Mom to take you with us. Think she might be in love with you or something.”

She’s obviously joking, just being her usual smart-ass self, but I still feel a shiver go down my spine.

“I just…” Bo stammers, looking from Rebecca to me, blushing but smiling. “I had lots of fun with you today, and I couldn’t stand the thought of you missing out on the yummies.”

“That’s so sweet of you,” I say, having to smile, too. “Literally.”

“Alright,” Rebecca says, arms folded and tapping her foot. “That’s cute and all, but enough with the lovey-dovey.” She pats her belly. “These tummies won’t magically gorge themselves.”

“Fair point,” I concede. “Onward to the ice cream, girls!”

“Yay!” Bo exclaims, jumping up and down. “Let’s go, then,” she says, taking one of my hands and one of Rebecca’s.

My own moping has evaporated, too. I feel like a part of their group for the first time. The three of us pass through the thicket in giddy single-file with Rebecca leading the way. Coming out on the lawn on the other side, I can already see Rebecca’s mom waving from their spot.

I’ve only met Karin a couple of times when she’s picked up her daughter from our place, a woman in her late thirties with dyed red hair. She’s wearing a bikini and sunglasses – like daughter, like mother. Her husband, whose name I don’t know, is at least ten years older than her with a full beard and long hair that’s already all white. He’s sitting in a folding chair, reading a newspaper and smoking a cigarillo. I don’t think smoking is allowed at the pool. At least he’s brought an ashtray.

Rebecca’s brother Nick is sitting cross-legged on a blanket. I’ve never met him but I know he’s thirteen, closer in age to me than to our sisters. He’s wearing earbuds and glasses, but he might as well be using a monocle instead since a shock of long hair completely covers one of his eyes. Like his dad, he’s wearing a T-shirt and swim trunks.

When we get to their spot, Karin gets up from her blanket and lifts up her sunglasses to reveal deep blue eyes. She has a lot of laughter lines and, like our mom and Rebecca, she’s a little on the chubby side. I walk up to her and stretch out the hand that isn’t already attached to Bo. “Hello there, Mrs. Boettcher,” I say, remembering her last name just in time.

She grins and shakes my hand. “Hey, Lisa. That’s very polite of you. By the end of our trip to the kiosk, you’ll be hugging me instead.”

“I’m sure I will,” I say, smiling.

“And let’s have no more ‘Mrs. Boettcher.’ I’m Karin.” She points a thumb at the male members of her family. “This is Rebecca’s brother Nick, and that’s my husband Willi.”

“Hey, guys.”

“Hi, Lisa,” they say in unison.

“Alright,” Karin says. “Let’s go get some ice cream, girls.” She puts her sunglasses back down on her nose.

We walk up the hill behind Karin still holding hands – including Nick, who’s taken hold of Rebecca’s free hand. The four of us are covering the breadth of the walkway. People passing us have to walk on the grass, which doesn’t seem to bother anyone. Most of them are barefoot or wearing sandals, anyway.

“Hey, Nick,” I say, looking over to him past our sisters. “Not *just* girls then, huh?”

“Hey, Lisa. I dunno, I’ve actually been feeling sort of girly recently.”

“Oh.” I don’t know what to say to that.

“Yeah,” Rebecca says. “He’s turning into Nickerella.”

“Or Nicole,” Bo suggests.

“I like Nick,” he says, laughing, and that’s the end of that.

Unfortunately there’s no actual ice cream parlour at the pool, but the kiosk has a big tray full of different ice cream bars, which we browse excitedly. Bo and Rebecca get different flavoured Magnums, Nick and I opt for Cornettos. Karin, apparently, is content just to pay for it all.

Back outside, Karin and Nick decide to head back to their spot. “Thanks for the ice cream,” I tell Karin, giving her the promised hug. She’s one head taller than me and has to bend down a little. Her skin smells nice – like lotion.

“I hope I’ll see you again later,” she says as we part.


Bo, Rebecca and I conspire over a table by the edge of the patio, savouring our ice cream bars and enjoying the view of the poolside. Rebecca left her sunglasses back at their spot, and for the first time I notice that she has deep blue eyes just like her mom. They contrast nicely with the wild waves of brown hair floating madly around her head, and… *Uh-oh. Please God, don’t let me crush on another eleven-year-old.*

“So what have you girls been up to?” Rebecca asks nonchalantly.

“We jumped into the deep end of the pool a couple times,” Bo recounts. “We swam, we went down the slide, we bought cookies and we, uhh, just walked around.”

“What else?” Rebecca continues innocently, her gaze focused on her ice cream bar.

“Nothing. It’s a secret.” Bo realizes what she’s said and looks down at the table, suddenly blushing. I want to smack my forehead. *Keep cool*, I tell myself. *Maybe we can salvage this somehow.*

“Aha!” Rebecca exclaims, grinning. Bo doesn’t look up. “A secret? From *me*?” Rebecca scoffs. “Bo, how long do you think it’ll take me to get it out of you?”

Bo glances at me sheepishly. I shrug and look away, hoping to look unfazed.

“What, did you guys mug a guy or something?” Rebecca asks, furrowing her brow. She seems genuinely puzzled.

“Nothing like that,” Bo says, looking down again.

Rebecca gives both of us weighing glances. “Alright, I’ll let it rest,” she finally allows. “Wouldn’t wanna get off on the wrong foot with you, Lees.” She shines me a bright smile, then returns to her ice cream bar.

“Uhh, thanks,” I say, likewise returning to my Cornetto, feeling awkward. None of us speak for a while.

“Well, what’s the matter, girls?” Rebecca says eventually, all jolly again. “Don’t be looking so glum! It’s a wonderful day at the pool, we’re all having ice cream and none of us had to pay for it.”

I can’t help but snicker, hearing Bo chuckle at the same time. Suddenly, all three of us burst out laughing, and the tension magically unravels.

“Why, I think I could go for a couple rides down the old water slide,” Rebecca says jovially once we’ve all finished our ice cream bars, patting her belly. “Burn off some of these damned calories, say?”

“Only if you stop talking like a lord from an old English movie,” I respond, and that sets us off laughing again. I feel oddly relieved that I’ve managed to amuse Rebecca.

We get rid of our trash and stroll over towards the water slide. We’re hand in hand again but this time Rebecca is in the middle.

As we line up on the stairs, I remember Bo’s trick for better sliding efficiency and who she’s picked it up from, hoping I get to see Rebecca do it, too.

“You guys wanna do a chain?” Rebecca asks when the last person goes down the slide in front of her.

“Oof. We had bad luck with that earlier,” Bo tells her.

“Yeah. Supervisor threatened to kick us out when he caught us,” I explain.

“Oh, lame,” Rebecca says. When she sees the guy in front of us pass the red marking, she yells, “Well, here I go!”

I stare in fascination as she quickly nestles her bikini bottom in her butt crack and flings herself off the metal handrail. She howls as she zips down the slide.

“Told you,” Bo says, grinning. She must have caught me looking.

“So… you’re pretty awful at keeping secrets,” I suggest.

“Uh oh, I think it’s my turn!” Bo says as Rebecca passes the red marking, repeating the same ritual with her bikini bottom. I grin and shake my head, feeling giddy as I wait for my turn. Right before I take the plunge, I adjust my swimsuit the same way. Zooming down the slide, I’m amazed all over again by the thrilling gain of speed.

Down in the pool, we swim splashing towards the drainage and lean against it with our arms on the grid behind us, treading water with our legs. Now *I’m* in the middle, my arms around the younger girls’ shoulders. I can’t help but smile and feel cool, a part of their circle. We can see Rebecca’s spot from here. Karin waves at us, and we wave back.

“Lisa?” I hear Bo say quietly.

I turn to face her. “Hmm?”

She cranes her neck up. “I wanna tell her,” she whispers in my ear.

I consider it, turning my head to look at Rebecca. She’s smiling, her eyes blissfully closed. I’m already smitten with her charms, of course. And she’s Bo’s best friend.

I turn back to Bo, leaning down. “Should we show her instead?” I whisper.

Bo gasps. “Here?”

“No way. Back at the shed.”

Bo ponders it for a while. Then she nods.

“So,” Rebecca inquires. “What’s with all the whispering?”

“We’ve decided to show you,” Bo says.

“Ah yeah? Show me what?”

“Our secret, dummy.”

Rebecca’s delighted. “Superb!” she says.

“But you’ve gotta promise not to tell anyone,” Bo adds.

“As I’m sure *you* had to,” Rebecca says, chuckling.

“Eff you,” Bo says.

“Oh my, such language. C’mon, you know it’s safe with me.”

“Okay, then,” Bo says.

Rebecca glances my way. “What about you, Lisa? D’you trust me?”

“I’m afraid so,” I say, feeling a bit nervous as it hits me that I’m about to kiss Bo again – with an audience this time.

“Alright. Ready when you guys are…” Rebecca trails off, feigning patience.

“Okay,” Bo says. “You know the gardening shed out back by the playground?”


“We’ve gotta go there.”


“Let’s swim over to the supervisors’ cabin,” I suggest, not wanting to get held up by our families on the way.


We wave over at Karin as we first swim, then trudge through the non-swimmers’ pool as it gradually slopes upward, playfully splashing each other along the way.

We get out by the cabin. This time, Rebecca leads the way, bouncing up the stairs ahead of us. She’s actually whistling. Bo looks at me bashfully, taking my hand once again. *Butterflies, meet tummy*. My nipples feel stiff against my swimsuit.

The little kids’ playground area is deserted. The soccer kids have disappeared, too. Some boys are playing farther away in the wooded area on the other side of the shed.

When we get closer, Rebecca stops and looks at us with questioning eyes. “Behind the shed,” Bo says. Rebecca broods over it for a moment, then shrugs. We cross the corner into the backyard and stand there awkwardly for a moment. Bo and I exchange uncertain looks.

“So… I mean, I can pretty much guess what it is by now,” Rebecca says after a while.

“Feels weird when someone’s watching,” I say.

“Let’s sit in a circle,” Bo suggests.

It’s not much of a circle with just the three of us, but it works somehow, everyone sitting at equal angles. A rush of excitement comes over me, and I suspect it’s like that for all of us.

Taking a deep breath in an attempt to calm my thumping heart, I lean over to Bo and she to me and then we’re kissing again.

We gaze into each other’s eyes like the first time, our mouths slightly open, gently pressing our lips together. I’m melting inside my bathing suit. We start to fall into each other, but then Rebecca whispers, “Holy shit.”

We both turn to her. “Not what you were expecting after all?” I ask.

“No… it *was*. Still crazy to see it for real, though,” Rebecca says.

Bo lets go of my hand and tugs on my shoulder, pulling me back in. We go for another round. I can’t believe how crazy it still feels. We keep teasing each other as we kiss — nibbling, brushing, caressing.

“So, uhh, *that’s* different,” Rebecca remarks when we come up for air.

“Do you think it’s weird?” Bo asks.

“I dunno. Kinda? But also… kinda freakin’ cool?”

“Have you and Nick ever done anything?” I ask bluntly.

“Well, not really,” Rebecca says, thinking. “Not like that.”

“Then what?” Bo inquires.

Rebecca ponders it for a bit. “So one time I walked in on Nick when he was, um… you know. Masturbating.” She pauses, giving us a probing look before she continues. “And, um, I wanted to see what it was like. I asked him if I could watch. He was embarrassed at first, but then he said okay. I sat next to him on his bed, and… then, um, he did it.”

“Wow,” I say.

“What was it like?” Bo asks. “Did he have an orgasm?” I’m a little surprised she knows the word.

“Yeah,” Rebecca says. “He came into a tissue.”

“Eww,” Bo says, making a face.

“I dunno, I thought it was fascinating.”

“Yeah, fascinating. And effin’ gross.”

“Whatever,” Rebecca says, chuckling.

We sit silently for a while. The wind blows in the trees. Children yell in the distance. I find myself wondering if Bo or Rebecca have ever masturbated, but I’m not brave enough to ask.

“So when did you guys start doing this?” Rebecca asks eventually.

“Today,” I say.

“No way!” Rebecca exclaims. We all laugh.

“Well,” Bo continues, “we’ve been having sleepovers and stuff. Cuddling at night and kissing each other, y’know, just on our cheeks. But yeah, our first *real* kiss was right before you saw us shower, when you guys were setting up your spot.”

It’s Rebecca’s turn to say, “Wow.” She looks at us for a moment, clearly impressed. Then, more quietly than usual, she says, “I wanna see again.”

Bo and I turn back to each other, smiling. I gently place my hand on her shoulder and she does the same. Once more we lean into a kiss. I close my eyes and let go of the world around me. Our hands move up and down each other’s arms.

“Feels so good,” I say, my lips still on Bo’s.

“Yeah,” she sighs into me.

Time loses all meaning. We keep going and going, lips dancing on mouths and cheeks and noses as our kisses begin to wander. Eventually I touch my forehead to Bo’s and open my eyes. She’s gazing at me, too. We’re breathing heavily. My pussy is throbbing.

“Wow,” I hear Rebecca say again, reminding me of her existence.

I look over to her. “Yeah?” I say, still panting a little.

Rebecca looks aroused. Her mouth is open and her cheeks are flushed. “Yeah,” she affirms. “That was freaking *hot*.”

“Rebecca!” Bo says, caught by surprise.

“What, you don’t think so?” Rebecca says, chuckling.

“Well… yeah,” Bo says. “But I mean… I’m *into* her. You don’t even like girls that way… do you?!”

“Well, er… I don’t think so? But yeah, pretty sure that was freakin’ hot… Gotta keep it honest.”

“You wanna try?” I hear myself ask.

“Lisa!” Now Bo looks at *me* in shock.

“We gotta make sure she doesn’t spill our secret, right?” I suggest. “Think about it. Right now, she’s got the goods on us. We’ve got to make her complicit.”

Bo shakes her head at me in disbelief, grinning now. “Well, if you put it like *that*.”

“Besides, I’ll let you go first, since she’s *your* friend.”

“Do *I* get a say in this?” Rebecca asks, sounding amused but looking a little anxious.

“Nope,” I tell her. “If you stay here with us, you have to kiss. It’s the law. You wanna do the honours, Bo?”

“Okay,” she says and turns to Rebecca, hesitating. “Seriously, though… do you *want* to?”

Rebecca thinks about it. “Ah well… why not,” she says eventually with a sigh. “Might be a long time before two cute sisters offer to kiss me again. I’ll probably regret it for the rest of my days if I say no. Besides I’m pretty turned on right now, not gonna lie.”

I contemplate what “turned on” means to an eleven-year-old, and what Rebecca might already be up to in private. At her age I don’t think I even knew the phrase. Bo seems unfazed, though.

Then Bo and Rebecca slowly lean into each other. Rebecca still seems a little apprehensive. Just before their faces meet, she hesitates, and Bo gives her an encouraging smile. Rebecca takes a trembling breath, then closes her eyes. Bo looks over at me with her eyebrows raised in question. I nod. She leans in all the way, her own eyes drifting shut, and gently touches her mouth to Rebecca’s. I hear Rebecca whimper, but she doesn’t move away.

They stay like that for quite some time, barely moving, their lips lingering in the kiss. My face is getting hot and I’m not sure if it’s from arousal or jealousy. *You suggested this*, I have to tell myself. *Relax, enjoy the show*.

Before long, the girls pull apart, anyway. “Wow,” Rebecca says, not for the first time, her eyes wide open.

“I liked it, too,” Bo says, smiling.

My heart drops a little. *They’re best friends. They spend tons of time together. What if they like it so much they’ll keep doing it, without me? And getting them to kiss was my idea!*

“My turn,” I say before confusing emotions can get the better of me.

“Okay,” Rebecca says, turning to me. She’s smiling now, clearly over the anxiety of her first kiss. Instead it’s *my* turn to feel anxious.

*Shit*, I think. *Here I go kissing another girl… who’s* also *eleven*. Studying Rebecca, I realize once again how beautiful she is, her impish blue-eyed face framed by that unruly mess of hair.

She draws a little closer. “Gotta make me complicit, huh?” she teases with a soft voice, back to her wisecracking self. *She knows*, I think.

“That’s right,” I say, trying to sound more confident than I feel.

I close my eyes as we lean in. *I’m not going to lose myself in Rebecca like I did with my sister*, I resolve. *Because I’m in* love *with Bo*. The thought makes me shiver.

Then Rebecca’s mouth is on mine, and suddenly I feel warm all over. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve kissed a girl today, but it isn’t losing any of its electricity. *Why does it feel so amazing just to touch your lips to someone else’s?* I wonder.

The kiss lingers, just as it did between Rebecca and Bo. I feel Rebecca’s breath on my face. Our noses are touching. I can smell her skin, the scent different from Bo’s, but beautiful all the same.

As if on cue, we pull away from each other. I look at Rebecca to see her looking back at me, and without meaning to, I lose myself in her eyes anyway. I didn’t stand a chance.

Bo clears her throat. With a guilty feeling in my stomach I turn to look at my sister. Her face is flushed and I can’t help but think that watching me kiss her best friend was a turn-on for her, too.

“Welp, I think you guys have ensured my silence,” Rebecca says. “I’m just as guilty as you are, now. But I think you two should get the last word, anyway.”

That makes me smile… and I actually have to look away, feeling shy all of a sudden. My brain and body are a scrambled mess of feelings. How did all of this come about, anyway?

Bo touches my shoulder like she did earlier and I look up to see her smiling sweetly at me, my beautiful little sister. I feel so much love for her that it makes me ache inside. Out of nowhere tears well up in my eyes, and suddenly I find myself crying.

Bo’s smile changes to a look of concern. “What’s wrong, Lisa?”

“I don’t kn-know,” I say, wiping off tears with the back of my hand even as new ones spill out. “I don’t know. Too many emotions, I guess.” I look down again, embarrassed. “I don’t even remember the last time I cried.” I begin to laugh, even as tears keep streaming down my face.

I feel Rebecca touching my other shoulder, and look up again. She gives me an encouraging smile. “Hey, no shame in that,” she says. “I remember the last time *I* cried, and that was just the other day when I had a fit because Mom kept nagging me to clean up my room.”

I laugh again, the tears finally subsiding. I keep wiping at my face, sniffing but feeling happy. I look at my beautiful little sister again. “I love you, Bo. So much.”

“I love you too, Lisa,” she says, sounding a little teary herself.

Before I can start sobbing again, I lean in swiftly, wrap my hand around Bo’s head and kiss her emphatically. She makes a surprised sound, then wraps an arm around my side and kisses me back. No light-hearted teasing like earlier – this is urgent and passionate.

I keep planting heavy kisses on her mouth and she responds in kind. I’m hungry for Bo, wanting her to feel all of my love. I find myself kissing up the side of her face again which makes her erupt in cute little giggles. I give her one more firm kiss on the lips, letting it linger. Feeling myself melt into my sister, I shudder intensely.

Feeling mischievous, I stick out my tongue when it’s over and lick Bo broadly across the face. She bursts out laughing and breaks away from me, wiping her face with one hand and holding up the other to fend off more of the same. I start lapping at her hand instead, which makes her laugh even more. *“Eeewww!* Stop it!”

“You guys are weird,” Rebecca remarks, shaking her head.

“Says the girl who just made out with two sisters… and liked it,” I tease.

“Fair enough,” she concedes. “We should probably get going before the ‘rents get suspicious, though.”

“I think I need another shower,” Bo says.

Rebecca and I agree that a shower is in order, so we leave our private little playground. Instead of using the showers by the poolside, we head towards the lockers by the entrance to avoid parental inquisition on the way, what with our flushed faces and disheveled hair. Besides, the locker room showers have hot water so this time we won’t freeze our butts off.

We’re too full of adrenaline to hold hands as we walk, bouncing around like crazy instead, poking each other in the ribs, unable to stop laughing. A couple of kids pass us at a distance but we don’t care if they’re staring.

The shower area is empty. Rebecca gets to a stall first and walks in, holding the door open. We all give each other uncertain glances. “We’re just cooling off, right? No nakidity?” Rebecca verifies. Bo and I shrug and join her. The stall clearly isn’t meant to accommodate three people, but it would feel weird for us to split up.

As soon as I close the door behind me, Rebecca pushes the button. I’m standing right in the way of the stream. Rebecca must have turned the temperature dial because the water that hits me is ice-cold. I scream in surprise, which makes the other girls scream, too. I try to make my way out of the stream, inadvertently pushing Bo underneath it. Her screaming intensifies. She pulls on Rebecca and manages to switch places with her, making her squeal like a stuck pig.

Someone knocks on the door of our stall, right as the water stops spraying. “Everything alright in there?!” a woman asks, sounding equal parts annoyed and concerned.

We break out into giggles. “Y- yes,” I manage. “We accidentally turned on the water too cold.” *So much for not freezing our butts off*, I think.

“Oookay,” the woman says. We hear her walk off. After a few seconds, I timidly open the door to check if she’s still nearby. I can’t see her, so I get out with Bo and Rebecca following suit.

Shivering, we make our way back towards the Boettchers’ spot, jumping up and down as we’re walking to get warm. Nick is gone. Karin waves as we get closer. She and Willi are sitting on a blanket playing a board game I’ve never seen before. The square wooden board is pretty big. Rebecca’s parents are taking turns placing black and white stones onto a grid of thinly drawn black lines. It looks beautiful and intriguing to me.

“Where’s Nick?” Rebecca asks.

“Swimming,” Karin replies.

“What’s that you’re playing?” I ask.

“It’s called go,” Willi explains. “It’s an Asian board game. You try to surround your opponent’s stones and make territory for yourself.”

“I’m pretty horrible at it,” Karin says, smiling sadly. “He’s trying to teach me.”

“You’re picking up on it fast,” Willi says. He places another stone on the board, holding it between his index and middle finger.

“Looks really cool,” I say. “I think I’m gonna check back on our parents real quick. Haven’t seen them in a while – you never know what those guys are up to.”

Karin laughs. “Oh, I can probably guess.”

I turn to Bo and Rebecca. “Be right back,” I tell them.

They look at each other. “We’re coming with you,” Rebecca says.

“Alright,” I say, smiling.

We walk through the thicket and back to our spot. Dad is sitting behind Mom with his legs around her, massaging her shoulders.

“Hey, guys,” I say.

“Hey there,” Mom says. “Judging by your company, I suppose you ended up getting some ice cream, too.”

“Yeah,” I say, laughing. “Karin took us out. We three have been hanging out together since.”

“And you left us alone to die of boredom over here?” Dad asks, pretending to be upset.

“We should move our spot and make it one big group,” Bo suggests.

“Yeah, that’s a nice idea!” I second.

“But this backrub…” Mom says, pouting.

“… can continue over there,” Dad says.

“Alright, I’m sold,” Mom says and promptly gets up.

We wrap up our blankets, collect our stuff and move to the lawn on the other side of the thicket in a caravan. Our dads introduce themselves to each other, not having met before.

After we’ve set up our extension to the Boettchers’ spot, Dad sits down on a third side of the square go board. Apparently he’s heard of the game before and is curious about how it works. As Willi begins to explain it to him, Karin gratefully vacates her spot and starts chatting with Mom instead, who doesn’t seem to mind the suspension of her massage.

Before long, Nick joins us, sitting in a circle with Bo, Rebecca and me. We four get wrapped up in our own conversation. I keep glancing curiously at Nick, thinking about what he did in front of his sister and contemplating what he said about feeling girly. I feel like I can see it in the way he plays with his hair, or hear it in the soft way he speaks.

The hours pass as the eight of us go swimming and sliding, playing ball in the water, having fun together. Willi coaches us as I try to play a round of go with Dad, while the others play Uno. By the end of the day, we feel like one big family.

After taking showers (at a reasonable temperature this time, and with shampoo to get rid of the chlorine) and changing back into our street clothes, we all leave the pool together around six. My family has been here for eight hours. We’re worn out, and I’m looking forward to spending some time at home with Bo, just the two of us.

Outside the entrance we exchange hugs and goodbyes. Rebecca holds on to me for a little longer than I expected. My insides tingle as I remember the kiss we shared earlier.

“Great getting to know you,” she says when we part, favouring me with a knowing but gracious smile.

“Same here.”

On the ride home, Bo and I hold hands. Everybody’s quieted down. Having this much fun is exhausting. Tired, I close my eyes, enjoying Bo’s touch. I feel like I’m glowing inside.



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