Bo and Me, Chapter 6 — “Falling into Grace” (Part 2, fg, rom, nosex)

**Chapter 6 —** ***Falling into Grace*** **(Part 2)**

It’s still foggy the next morning, but gradually the clouds clear up — and just like that, fickle spring is back again. Bo doesn’t ask for any more cuddle time that night, and of course I’m too much of a wuss to ask for it myself, but at least I’m not scared anymore of losing my little sister’s affection. Sure, maybe we won’t go back to kissing, but our new game of breathing on each other’s skin is great, too.

On Friday, Mom announces over dinner that she and Dad have decided to get annual passes for the pool for all of us. Bo and I cheer, which makes Mom and Dad cheer, too. We’re all stoked.

The next morning after breakfast, Bo and I go up to our rooms to get ready for the pool. After she closes the door behind her I strip naked, then put on my white one-piece swimsuit with a T-shirt and shorts on top. I stash a pair of clean panties in my backpack, along with a book, headphones and my Discman, which is currently equipped with *One Hot Minute* by the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

By the time I’m done, Bo emerges from her room, also wearing a shirt, shorts and her backpack. I put my own backpack on, then we’re racing downstairs to the bathroom to pack two large towels. Dad is filling up his gym bag while Mom packs sandwiches, water bottles, two large blankets and sunscreen into a big picnic basket.

Bo and I sit down on the stairs to put on our sandals. I don my headphones and turn on the Discman, nodding and tapping my feet to the bass and guitar licks that open the album. Mom grabs a large straw hat from the coat rack. Dad puts on sunglasses and a bright grin. Through the music, I barely hear him say, “Let’s go.”

The drums kick in as the four of us march downstairs towards the front door in a giddy procession. We exit the house, lock up behind, put our stuff in the trunk of the car, buckle up and head for the pool.

The sky is covered in clouds but it’s warm outside. Last year’s experience has taught us that this is the best weather you can hope for at the pool. It’s nice enough to go swimming, yet most people stay home if the sky isn’t blue. Their loss, more room for us!

After ten minutes of driving, tension rises as we make our way up the hill where the pool is located. Once you reach the top you can see the entrance building in the distance. If they have a white flag raised, the pool is closed, giving you the chance to turn back early.

We make the last corner. The flag isn’t up. We all cheer, and Dad puts his foot to the gas pedal a little harder. Half a kilometer later we pull into the parking lot, which is only halfway full. We even get a spot that’s close to the entrance.

Grabbing our stuff from the trunk, we strut up to the entrance where we stand in line for a minute or so, then it’s Mom’s turn at the ticket window. I slide the headphones down around my neck to hear her say, “We’d like an annual pass for two adults and two children, please.” I see her slide a hundred-euro bill plus a few coins over the counter and gulp. I didn’t know the tickets cost that much! After doing a little head math, I’m pretty sure we’ll get our money’s worth, though.

The lady behind the counter gives Mom four tickets. Hers and Dad’s are orange, mine and Bo’s are light green. Mom hands us ours and we put them in our wallets.

“Please don’t lose them,” Mom says.

“Sure thing,” Bo and I exclaim at the same time, perhaps a little too casually. Mom gives a nervous chuckle.

We push through the turnstiles, then stop in our tracks to take in the view of the vast, sprawling pool. To the left of us is the kiosk, a little store with a food section. Lockers and showers are to our right. In front of us, a wide green meadow slopes its way down to the pool supervisors’ cabin, which houses more bathrooms and a big viewing deck on top, on the near side of two large pools.

The one on the left is a deeper pool for swimming laps, divided into six lanes by broad white underwater markings. On the far side its floor slopes down beneath two diving platforms.

Adjacent to it, separated by a gridded drainage on which you can walk, is the shallower non-swimmers’ pool, used mostly by kids and families for playing. A yellow, sixty-meter-long slide twists its way into the water on the far end.

The length of the non-swimmers’ pool is flanked by a narrow terrace leading up to a big lawn where some groups have already claimed their spots. It doesn’t matter to us; we have our own favourite spot elsewhere.

From the turnstiles, you can only see the center third of the pool site. The two large pools and the lawn are framed by tall hedges on each side. The sloping meadow in front of us continues past the hedge on the left. Beyond the hedge on the right-hand side are a large playground in a wooded area, soccer and volleyball fields and a bocce court.

A smaller third pool adjoins the playground. It’s meant for children up to ten years old, but I went in there with Bo last year because the water is warmer than in the large pools, and the short but wide metal slide in the center of it is perfect for raucous games… at least until a supervisor sees you.

We make our way down the meadow and past the pools. A lot of people are swimming and playing already, their sounds drowned out by my personal soundtrack coming through the headphones, mysterious and passionate.

*I was riding, riding on my bike*

*Me with my friend, we’re so alike*

*Am I all alone?*

*She said, “All we have is this”*

*We just had to stop and share a kiss*

*Am I all alone?*

*Cover your eyes and click your heels*

*Can you believe how good it feels?*

*Am I all alone?*

As we walk up a small hill behind the large water slide on the far end of the pools, we’re delighted to find our usual spot unoccupied. Mom spreads out the two large blankets underneath “our” tree; one for her and Dad, one for Bo and me. We’re near one end of the tall hedge between the water slide and the sand court of the beach volleyball field.

I set down my backpack, turning off my Discman as Anthony Kiedis sings, *“I’m falling into grace with you.”* I take the headphones off, spread my towel on the blanket, take off my sandals and walk past our tree towards the tall metal fence surrounding the pool. There are large pastures outside the pool and a rocky slope down the hill ahead, offering a great view of the valley below. In another month or so, the shepherd will return with his flock of sheep, grazing their way around the poolside.

“Whatcha waiting for, Lisa?” Bo calls out behind me. I turn around to see her stripping down to the brightly coloured bikini she’s been wearing underneath her clothes. Grinning, I take off my shirt as I jog back to our spot, stripping out of my shorts once I get there.

Bo’s already running off. As I give chase, Mom is calling out behind us, “What about sunscreen?” but I pretend not to hear. It’s cloudy anyway, what does it matter?

I catch up to Bo halfway up the spiral stairs to the water slide where the line begins and wrap my arms around her from behind, making her laugh. We both shriek loudly in surprise when cold water drips down on us through the steps above. As we slowly make our way to the top, more people start to line up behind us.

When the person in front of us goes down the slide, Bo turns around to me and says, “Rebecca taught me a trick for going down the slide extra fast when we were at the indoor pool. Look.”

I stare wide-eyed as Bo cups her butt cheeks and spreads them, letting her bikini bottom slip into the crack, then sits down swiftly between the water jets at the top of the slide. The guy in front of her makes his way past the red marking that signals she’s good to go, and with one push Bo skids off, lying flat on her back and crossing both arms in front of her chest to pick up speed.

Quickly checking to see that no supervisor is paying attention, I copy Bo and spread my butt cheeks apart, my swimsuit bottom nestling into my crack. Whoever is behind me gives an appreciative whistle as I sling myself down the slide giving chase to Bo, ignoring the red marking way ahead of her.

She’s a few meters in front of me but I’m catching up fast, using a well-tried technique. Aside from my butt cheeks, only my shoulders and heels are making contact with the slide. Bo’s friend was definitely right, though; without the swimsuit material between my butt and the slide, I’m going faster than I imagined… plus being exposed like this makes me feel wild and crazy.

Halfway down the slide, I catch up to Bo in one of the bends. She hasn’t noticed me yet. My feet land on her shoulders and I give her a push. She squeals in surprise, skidding away from me even faster than before thanks to the boost I’ve given her.

The home stretch of the slide gradually slopes into a corner of the pool, the rising water slowing down the riders. There’s a rail to the left behind which people often stand to watch; to the right, you can swim off into the pool.

Bo sits up and adjusts her bikini bottom as she slides into the pool, slowly coming to a halt near the end of the slope. I do the same and slide right into her, putting my legs around her and hugging her from behind. She laughs.

“You’re not supposed to chase me,” she says.

“That’s right,” someone says to our left.

I look up to see a pool supervisor leaning on the rail, a mustachioed guy who looks about forty with a cowboy-style hat, eyeing us through a pair of sunglasses. I gulp and let go of Bo.

“Chasing people is against the rules, and I’m sure you girls know that already since there’s a big sign by the top of the slide that says so. Can’t miss it. Now I know it’s the first day of the season and we’re all excited to be back, so I’ll give you a pass. But I catch you doing that again, you’re out.”

“Sorry about that,” I say meekly, thinking about the annual tickets we’ve only just bought.

“All right,” the supervisor says, holding my gaze for a long moment. Then he says, “I just realized you couldn’t see this because I’m wearing sunglasses, but I gave you a wink just now, so scoot off already.”

Bo and I laugh. “Okay. Thanks for the pass,” I say.

We use our feet to push ourselves off the edge of the pool into the deeper water as he leaves, looking like he has very important business to attend to. I take a deep breath, hold my nose and dive underwater backwards, completely submerged for the first time.

Weightless, I use all my limbs for changing position and doing somersaults, enjoying how the cool water envelopes me. I see Bo diving right next to me, also holding her nose, her hair clouding around her head as if she’s a mermaid. *She’s so beautiful*, I think.

We dive the width of the pool, only coming up for air when we’ve almost reached the drainage that separates it from the swimmers’ pool on the other side. We swim the last few meters, lift ourselves onto the grid that covers the drainage, and sit down next to each other with our legs dangling into the pool, water washing over the sides and streaming along the drain beneath our butts.

“What you wanna do now?” I ask Bo.

“Dive to the bottom of the swimmers’ pool,” she says.

“Let’s do it.”

We lift our legs from the water, stand up on the grid and walk over to the corner of the other pool. You’re not supposed to dive in from the drainage. As a matter of fact, you’re probably not meant to walk on it either since there’s a rail on the end that’s supposed to keep you out. But everybody does it, and the supervisors don’t say anything as long as you don’t bother the swimmers by doing wild jumps in their path.

We stop at the end of the drainage and face the swimmers’ pool, both of us gazing into the water-filled abyss below. We’re near the diving platforms where the water is four meters deep. I look around — no swimmers anywhere near us.

“On three?” I ask.

“On three.”

Bo and I take big breaths, hold our noses and look at each other. In tandem, we count to three, hop off the grid and dive into the deep, sinking quickly at first, then slowing down. The water makes its way around us with a deep droning sound that fades into silence as we reach equilibrium.

I haven’t quite reached the bottom. Looking next to me, I see Bo land on the floor. She uses her feet to push herself up, racing past me and back up towards the surface. With the floor out of my reach, I have to tread my way up without a boost. It takes me a few long seconds to get to the surface. Gratefully, I take a deep breath of air.

“I did it!” Bo says.

“Yeah, I saw. I just missed it.”

“Again, again!”

We get back up on the grid and dive in again. This time I reach the floor, too. We hop in a couple more times, getting better at it with each dive. The more velocity you have by the time you reach the floor, the more you can bend your knees for a powerful boost back up to the surface.

Coming up from our fifth dive or so, we spot Mom walking up to us. She’s wearing a red one-piece swimsuit that Dad keeps comparing to Pamela Anderson’s. Bo and I only have a vague idea of who that is, but even *we* call it Mom’s Pamela Anderson swimsuit. Mom’s a little chubby, but her ample bosom and graceful walk more than make up for it.

She stands by the edge of the pool. “Hey, girls. How’s the water?” She dips her toes skeptically.

“Great!” ”Perfect!” Bo and I reply at the same time.

Mom chuckles. “All right, then.”

She bends down and steadily lowers herself into the water. I admire her for being able to do that. I can only brace the initial cold by diving in quickly. Doing it gradually feels way more cruel to me.

“I’m gonna swim a few laps,” Mom tells us.

“Where’s Dad?” I ask her.

“‘Sunbathing’,” she says, using finger quotes. Bo and I giggle. Dad is probably taking a nap. He always dozes off at least once when we go to the pool.

“You wanna swim a lap with Mom?” I ask Bo.

“Sure,” she says.

“Okay, alright!” Mom says, smiling brightly.

She pushes herself off the edge and starts swimming. Bo and I follow suit, but we’re no match for Mom. She swims ahead, leaving us behind. I know it’s about getting in shape for her so I’m not offended. Bo and I leisurely swim next to each other.

We’re barely three quarters along the way when Mom passes us in the other direction. “Have fun, girls,” she says in between strokes.


When we finish our own lap, Bo leans back against the side of the pool, hooking her arms over the edge behind her. Facing my sister, I put my hands on her elbows and my feet around to encircle her.

She looks at me, smiling. “You’re all around me.”

“Yeah,” I say, pulling myself closer, bridging the gap of water between us and hugging Bo to the edge.

Our faces are almost touching. I kiss Bo’s cheek right next to her nose. She giggles and gives me a tender kiss in the same spot, then says, “I need to pee.”

Realising I need to go, too, I free her and we climb out of the pool. We’re right by the supervisors’ cabin, which also houses restrooms. Dripping, we scurry through the cool air into the girls’ restroom, taking stalls next to each other.

Before I strip my one-piece down to my knees like I always do, something occurs to me. I pull the crotch of the swimsuit to the side instead and hold it in place. A little nervously I start peeing, but the swimsuit stays put with my hand safely out of the way of the stream. It feels strangely naughty, peeing while my body’s still clothed in my swimsuit, just my pussy exposed.

I hear Bo flush beside me. As she passes my stall, she says, “Gonna wait for you outside, Lees.”

I wipe my slit, dropping the paper into the toilet. After being so close to Bo in the water, even the sight of my bare pussy is enough to turn me on. Still holding the crotch of my suit to the side with one hand, I begin to rub my clit with the other. Spurred on by the lewd sight, the sensations feel delicious.

I consider rubbing myself until I come, knowing it wouldn’t take me long. It feels like desecration, though. Orgasms are meant for cozy beds, not public restroom stalls. Still, I continue to masturbate until I’m close to coming before I wistfully nestle my swimsuit back into place, giving my crotch a few reassuring pats.

I flush, leave the stall and wash my hands. Back outside I see Bo doing knee bends and waving her arms around to warm up, still dripping a little. She stops when I catch up to her, getting on her tiptoes and stretching her arms up instead. I seize the opportunity to tickle her armpits.

“Hey!” she yells, swatting me away. Then she grabs my hand, takes me in tow and starts walking up the stairs behind the supervisors’ cabin that lead to the viewing deck on one side and the small kiddies’ pool on the other. Holding Bo’s hand makes me nervous and excited at the same time.

“What are you in the mood for?” Bo asks me.

*Making out with you*, I think. “Oh, you’ll never guess,” I say instead, chuckling.

“Hmmm,” she makes. “Warming up in the kiddies’ pool?”


“Going down the slide again?”




“Doing something naughty with me?”

My brain does a double-take. *Did she really just say that? Is she trying to set me up?* I have to make an effort not to stammer.

“No,” I say, giving Bo an incredulous look that isn’t hard to fake.

“Oh,” she says. “You wanna go and grab candy from the kiosk?” Like nothing happened.

“Now *that* sounds like a plan,” I say, hoping I don’t sound as dazed as I feel.

“We better go back to our spot then and see if we can bother Dad for some money,” Bo says.


We reach the end of the stairs, pass the kiddies’ pool and walk around the hedge to our left, past the soccer and volleyball fields on the other side back towards our spot. We don’t talk but we keep holding hands, and occasionally Bo starts skipping beside me for a few steps, making our arms swing.

I keep glancing at her — a giddy, bouncing eleven-year-old who has no idea how much she’s toying with my mind and body. She’s wearing the same bikini as last year. It was flat against her chest last summer, but this year her breasts are just starting to bud, visible as small mounds underneath her top. *If it was a trick question, why is she still holding my hand?*

We get to our spot to find Dad lying on the blanket with both arms across his chest, the brim of Mom’s straw hat draped over his face. I wonder if it was him or Mom who put it there.

“Hey Dad, you awake?” Bo says softly. No reply. “Crap,” she pouts.

“Hold on,” I say. “I think I might still have a few coins in my backpack.”

I check the front pocket. Beaming, I produce around two euros’ worth of change from it, holding out my hand to show Bo. In a swift move, she grabs the coins from my hand and takes off running. I have to stop myself from yelling at her, not wanting to wake up Dad. Of course, I race after her.

Thanks to her surprise tactic, Bo has a pretty good lead on me, but we both know I’m gonna catch her eventually. She keeps glancing behind her to look at me, all the while grinning like a maniac.

“I’m bigger and faster than you,” I yell tauntingly once we’re a good distance away from Dad.

“Nope,” she exclaims, despite her diminishing lead.

I catch up to her by the soccer field, grabbing her arm mid-run. “Eeeep!” she shrieks loudly, whirling around to face me as we come to a stop.

I don’t let go of her arm. “You stole my money,” I tell her. “You’re a bad girl.”

“Am not,” she says meekly, cheeks flushed with excitement. She looks like she’s trying not to grin.

“What am I gonna do with my prey now that I’ve caught her?” I muse. Bo tilts her face down, looking at me bashfully. “I know,” I continue. “I’m gonna carry you to my feeding place, and that’s where I’m gonna eat you. And you can carry my money for me in the meantime.”

In a swift move, I turn her to her side by the shoulder, bending down to pick her off the ground, gathering her in my arms. She yelps in protest but slings an arm around my shoulder for support. I calmly make my way past the soccer field and the playground where a bunch of children are playing. Some of them look at us.

“Let me down,” Bo mutters. “I’m not a little girl. Those kids are laughing at me.”

“Too bad,” I scold. “Enjoy your last moments alive, little thief, because you’re about to get eaten.” In a quieter voice, I say, “Besides, you liked it when I did it at home.”

She doesn’t respond to that, and I can tell from the flushed look on her face that her protest was fake, anyway. She enjoys being shown off. My insides feel gooey.

By the time we get to the kiosk, Bo has gotten really heavy and I look forward to putting her down. I stop walking and look at her, tilting my head to the side.

“Gotta make sure you taste good before I eat you,” I tell her before I push my tongue out and give her a broad lick across the face.

“*Eeewww!*” she says, immediately wiping her face with the back of her hand.

“That’s what *I* thought,” I say. “Gross. Not gonna eat you after all. You can go, I guess.” Gently, I set her down. “You wanna go get candy while I sit down over here?” I ask, pointing my thumb at one of the chairs on the patio.

“Okay,” she says, beaming. “What kind do you want?”

“Surprise me,” I tell her, taking a seat.

Bo bounds inside, giving me some time to relax both my mind and my neck. I rub it as I gaze across the pool. There are people sprinkled about in every section but it’s still far from crowded. In spite of how warm it is, the sky is still grey. *People are daft to be missing out on this*, I think.

Bo comes out of the store with a box of cookies. “Awesome!” I say.

“Yeah,” she agrees, grinning from ear to ear.

“Should we go back to our spot?” I ask.

“Okay.” She hands me the change — refusing to relinquish the cookies, though. She holds the box in front of her with both hands like a sacred relic.

As we walk back towards the playground, I gather up all the courage I can muster and quietly ask Bo what’s been on my mind the whole time. “What did you mean when you asked me earlier if I wanted to do something naughty with you?”

“I dunno,” Bo says, looking at the ground. “I thought that maybe you wanted to kiss me or something.” She pauses; then, so quietly I can barely make it out, she continues, “On the mouth.”

I contemplate for a moment. “And what if I did?” I ask.

“I’d probably let you,” she says.

My heart bounces up and down in my chest. I feel dizzy. “Even though you know it’s naughty,” I say, more of a statement than a question. Bo doesn’t reply, which is answer enough.

I put my hand on her arm. She takes the cookies in her other hand so we can hold hands as we walk. It feels like we’ve made a deal. My breath is trembling.

Instead of making a left around the hedge, I continue straight towards the wooded area of the playground, taking Bo with me. By the edge of the trees there is a storage shed, probably for gardening tools and stuff like that. The tall metal fence confining the pool is just past the shed, effectively creating a small backyard, concealed by the trees on one side.

We turn the corner, walk a few steps out of sight and sit down next to each other, leaning against the stony shed still holding hands. We put our cookies and change on the ground next to us.

I gather my thoughts, summoning up more courage. “Well,” I say, “you read my mind. I really do want to kiss you. Do you know what that means, though? If we kiss that way?”

Bo looks at me timidly. “I think I know,” she says.

“Tell me.”

“It means we’re bad. Kissing is something that boys and girls do, not two sisters.”

“Yeah,” I say, “that’s how most people think of it. And that’s what they told us in congregation. But I think they’re wrong.” Bo looks at me skeptically, so I elaborate. “I read up on it, you know. Sometimes two girls can fall in love. Boys can, too.”

“*Are* you in love with me?” Bo asks.

All of the blood from my body seems to rush into my head. I’m so scared to tell her, but decide to go through with it.

“I think I am,” I say.

Bo nods thoughtfully. “I’ve heard about that before. Two boys who love each other are gay, and two girls are lesbians. I know they told us that God doesn’t like that, but it doesn’t make sense to me. I know some girls in my class who say they’ve kissed. I don’t understand why it’s supposed to be bad.”

“Me neither.”

“But it’s not just that we’re two girls; we’re sisters, too. That’s incest,” she continues.

“I know,” I say, a little surprised that Bo is familiar with these words and concepts. “Do you know why people think incest is wrong?” I ask her.


“If a boy and a girl from the same family have sex, their kids are often born with disabilities.”

“Really?” she says, looking a little freaked out.

“Yeah. Something about their genes being too similar or something. But we’re two girls. We can’t get each other pregnant to begin with, let alone from kissing,” I explain. In the back of my mind, I’m already starting to wonder if things between us might progress to more than just kissing.

“So us being lesbians is really a blessing in disguise, then,” Bo says, straight-faced.

I burst out laughing. Bo giggles nervously.

“I guess so!” I say, then catch my breath and stop in mid-thought as I realise what my sister just said. “Wait. So you think you’re a lesbian, too?”

“Oh, I don’t know,” she says. “I’ve never thought about it like that. I just know that I like sleeping next to you, and cuddling with you, and kissing you, and all *those* sorts of things.” She pauses. “Are *you* a lesbian?”

“Yeah,” I confirm, not feeling as scared anymore. The conversation seems to be going pretty well — we’re still holding hands. “I figured it out last year,” I tell Bo. “I got a crush on this girl that takes the same train as me in the mornings. Then I realized that I’ve always had crushes on girls, I just didn’t notice.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever really had a crush on anyone,” Bo says; then she knits her brows, looking at the ground in thought. “Or at least I don’t think so.”

Another pause. She looks back up at me, looking a little contrite. “I do think I have a crush on *you*, though.”

My insides melt. “Will you kiss me, then?” I ask.

“Yeah.” Bo gives me a bashful smile, but she’s still thinking. “Have you ever kissed anyone before?”

“Just you.”

Her smile brightens, lighting up her entire face. “I’m gonna be your first real kiss, then! And you’re gonna be *my* first real kiss!”

“Yeah,” I say, beaming back at Bo.

“Okay,” she says, “Enough talking, then. Kiss me already.”

My stomach does a somersault inside my belly. Now that things are coming to a head, I feel a bit dizzy.

“Just one more thing,” I say. Bo just looks at me, so I continue. “It needs to be a secret. Mom and Dad can never know.”

“Duh!” she says. “I’m not stupid, y’know.” She smirks at me, and my dizziness gives way to something wilder. “Kiss me, you dork,” she adds, grinning.

*Head over heels*, I think.

I lean in and kiss my sister. I let my lips linger on hers, basking in the moment of our first “real” kiss; trying to capture the feeling, to make a memory that will last forever. It’s sweet and warm and spring-like, and despite all our talk about it being naughty and for lovers only, it’s somehow sisterly, too. We look into each other’s eyes throughout.

“I’m falling into grace with you,” I murmur as we break the kiss.

Bo tilts her head, confused. “What?”

“Oh, it’s a lyric in a song that I was listening to earlier.”

“I like the sound of that,” she says after thinking about it. “We’re not falling *from* grace, we’re falling *into* grace.”

“Yeah,” I say and lean in again, already hungry for more. This time, I softly cup Bo’s face in both hands as I press my lips to hers.

I don’t know who starts it, but a moment later we’re gently nibbling on each other’s lips, not just letting them linger in place. Our slightly opened mouths make soft, sweet sounds that mix in with the birds chirping around us. My heart feels close to exploding.

Without really breaking the kiss, in one of the short moments when our lips aren’t touching, I whisper, “I love you.”

“I love you, too,” Bo says, so quietly her voice breaks at the end. She cups my face, too, her lips already seeking mine again. She’s enjoying this just as much as I am.

We run our hands through each other’s hair. I don’t know what I love more, feeling Bo’s soft hair flowing through my fingers, or her doing the same to me, gently massaging my scalp. All the while, we’re drowning in each other’s eyes. *Drowning in the sea of love*, I think, remembering a lyric from a much older song. I always thought people closed their eyes when they kiss, but I can’t get enough of looking into her, *falling* into her.

On impulse, I start kissing away from her lips, nuzzling my way up her cheek. Bo sighs blissfully. I’m crazy in love with her. Adorning her temple and forehead with more kisses, I travel down to her other cheek.

“I, love, you, so, much,” I say in between kisses. Bo just giggles, sounding happy as can be.

Before I return to her lips, I stop, touching my forehead to hers, letting my soul flow into her eyes again. Both of us are breathing fast and shallow.

“I think Mom and Dad are gonna miss us,” I say after a while.

“And *I* think it isn’t Mom and Dad you’re scared of,” Bo says matter-of-factly.

I look at her incredulously. This girl knows me better than I know myself. How is she just eleven?

“One more round,” I say.

“Okay,” she agrees, absentmindedly licking her lips.

It’s different this time. Both of us lean in, slow and with intent. Our lips barely brush together, but somehow that makes it feel *more* electric. Bo catches on to it, too.

Pursing our lips, we slowly move towards each other again. Stopping just before our mouths touch, we go in for the kiss at the last second, hardly making contact. It feels absolutely crazy this way; it’s as if the physical connection between us is replaced by a strong, immaterial pull that tugs at our hearts, filling them with desire and need. *Can you believe how good it feels?* Another song lyric.

We keep this new kissing game going for a while, teasing ourselves and each other. Sometimes, one of us moves in for the final contact and the other one pulls away, smiling playfully, making us start all over again, stoking the heat that’s building between us. Occasionally we rub the tips of our noses together, giving each other Eskimo kisses in between the real ones.

I don’t know when Bo moved her hand, but now it’s resting flatly on my thigh, her pinky just a few centimeters away from where my swimsuit covers my pussy. My loins are throbbing with lust. I change up the rhythm again, pulling Bo’s head in closer, kissing her vigorously. She responds in kind. Our kisses get wild and fast. I feel her squeeze my thigh.

It ends just as suddenly as it began. We touch our foreheads together again, the two of us breathing heavily.

“Wow,” Bo says.

“Yeah,” I agree. Catching my breath, I add, “Full disclosure: I don’t think I can take any more right now. I feel like I’m gonna melt into a puddle, or explode or something.”

“That’d be unfortunate. I don’t wanna kiss a puddle,” Bo says. “Sounds gross.”


“Full disclosure from my end, too,” she says. “I think I’m gonna want to do this again later.”

“Works for me,” I tell her.

“One more?”

“One more.”

This time, I close my eyes as I move in. Shutting out the visual world intensifies all the other sensations. I hear the breeze going through the trees above us, birds chirping in them. I smell Bo, her face in front of me, fresh and young and beautiful. I can even *taste* her breath as she draws closer. Then her lips are on mine and we’re holding each other tightly, clumsily using our bodies in this physical universe to express a feeling that goes far beyond it.

I open my eyes as our lips finally part.

“You got another nice line from a song for me?” Bo asks.

“Yeah,” I tell her after a moment’s reflection. “Get a load of this.”

This time, I sing it to her instead of just reciting it.

*Three pounds of love inside my skull… a million more lives, it’s never dull. Just a few times spun, spun around the sun… a couple more or less and then we’re done.*



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