Bo and Me, Chapter 6 — “Falling into Grace” (Part 1, fg, mast, panties, nosex)

**Chapter 6 —** ***Falling into Grace*** **(Part 1)**

I can’t tell where I’m at with Bo. When we see each other after school on Monday, things seem back to normal. We talk about school at lunch, then watch TV side by side on the couch, giggling and commenting on whatever Stephanie Tanner, SpongeBob and Tim Taylor are up to.

Around Bo’s bedtime, we go our separate ways. I want to snuggle with her so badly that it makes me ache inside, but at the same time I don’t want to force the issue. I feel as though she rebuked me last night, though at the same time I realize how silly and unfair that is. Even if Bo fibbed about being tired, she doesn’t owe me anything. She’s just my little sister, three years my junior at age eleven. Anyhow, Dad is right — sisters aren’t supposed to kiss each other like that.

At the same time, I’m saddened by the possibility that our kissing and cuddling might be over for good. Thinking about it gives me a lump in my throat. It felt so lovely, Bo lying next to me or nestled in my arms, the two of us sharing affection. With a heavy heart, I make a wish that my crush for her will pass eventually.

Temperatures are down again on Wednesday. The anticipation I’ve felt for our pool visit fades in the fog that’s swallowing up our town. If it starts to rain before Saturday, the pool might not even open on time.

That night I’m on my computer when Bo goes to her room to turn in for the evening. “Oh crap,” I hear her say when she opens the door.

I turn around in my chair to look at her. “What’s wrong?”

“I haven’t been in my room since I got home from school. I should have turned on the radiator right away,” she says. “It’s freezing cold in here.”

“Oh no,” I reply, feeling sympathetic.

She walks into her room and out of sight. A few seconds later, I can hear steam rushing through the radiator.

Bo comes back to the door. “Would it be okay if I maybe leave the door open tonight so my room warms up quicker?” she asks meekly.

“Oh, you mean let all the cold air from your room into mine?” I reply.

Very slowly, Bo starts to close the door, gazing at me sadly the entire time. I roll my eyes, but can’t keep myself from grinning. “Fine,” I say.

“Yaaay,” she says gleefully. “Thank you, Lisa!” She turns around and crawls into her bed.

I go back to browsing Gorillaz-Unofficial. It’s an exciting time to be a Gorillaz fan. Their second album *Demon Days* just came out a week ago, four years after the first album, the one that made me a fan, and everybody’s been talking about it. Me and my online friends from all across the world are discussing which track might be the next single and how many B-sides will be included.

But less than a minute passes before I hear Bo quietly call, “Liiisaaa?”


“Can you come and cuddle with me for a bit? It’s sooo cooold,” she says, using the saddest voice in her repertoire.

“Just let me finish typing up this post,” I tell her, trying to conceal my enthusiasm.

Actually, I’m not even writing anything. I clack away on my keyboard for a few seconds, announce, “Done,” then turn off my computer. My heart pounds as I make my way into Bo’s room which is softly illuminated by the light spilling in from my desk lamp.

Wordlessly, Bo holds up her blanket, inviting me underneath. She scoots over a little and I slip in with her. Right away, she embraces me.

“D-d-d-d-d,” she makes.

“Yeah, it *is* cold,” I admit.

“*V-v-v-v-v*,” she says, even more emphatically. I chuckle. “Warm me up!” she demands.

“Hmm,” I say. “What part of you is freezing the most?”

“My n-n-n-neck,” she explains.

I start to gently rub her neck, but then I have a better idea. “I’m gonna try something different,” I tell her.

I take a deep breath, leaning in until I’m almost touching Bo, then exhale against her neck. She shudders and says, “Oooooh.” It’s more of a moan, really, and right next to my ear. I can feel my pussy react almost instantly.

“Did that feel good?” I ask her.

“Yeeeah. Again,” she says.

I reposition myself a little. This time, I breathe on her lower neck, just below the chin. Even as I’m doing it, she tilts her head back to offer me better access, making a sweet “mmmm” sound. My insides are melting.

“Other side now,” Bo murmurs, turning on her back. I can see that her eyes are closed. She looks blissful.

I get a little more daring, placing my lips right on her skin this time. I exhale and she moans again. “Oooooh…” It sounds weak, almost helpless. I’m turned on beyond belief.

“That feels so good,” she says.

“Can you do it on me?” I ask. “I wanna know what it feels like. I’m cold, too.” That isn’t true, but I love the thought of Bo’s breath on my skin.

“Okay,” she says.

I close my eyes as Bo turns back onto her side to face me. I can feel her nuzzling up to me, then her warm breath on the side of my neck. I understand immediately. It feels sweet and yummy and hot and beautiful. I squirm a little under the blanket, rubbing my legs together. My pussy is throbbing.

“Did it help?” she asks.

“Yeah,” I say, “But I think I need some more.” I crane my neck like a cat.

Bo gets the message. She touches her soft lips to my skin and breathes out, right against my throat. It feels indescribable. I make a low involuntary humming sound.

“Ohh,” she says. “I could feel that.”

“You were right, that does feel amazing,” I say.

“Yeah. I’m still cold, though,” she asserts.

“Ah yeah? Where?” I ask, looking at her.

“Hmm… my belly?”

It comes out like a question. I’m not sure if that’s because she’s making it up, or because she’s not sure if I’m okay with what she wants. Either way, she doesn’t have to ask me twice.

We shift positions again. I push the blanket to one side and kneel next to Bo’s feet. She’s lying on her back again, looking at me expectantly. I put my hands on the hem of her pyjama top and notice that they’re trembling. *I know this isn’t forbidden*, I think, *but the way it’s making me feel, it might as well be.*

I lift up Bo’s shirt a few inches, exposing her tummy. She wiggles a bit. “C-cold,” is all she says.

I inhale and start blowing air all across her belly. Right away Bo starts to purr again. She’s turning her head from side to side, going, “Mmmmm.” I finish up by kissing her belly-button, which makes her giggle.

“All better?” I ask, pulling her PJ top back down. Instead of a reply, she stretches out her arms, wordlessly asking for a hug.

I tuck the blanket around my shoulders like a cape, placing my legs on either side of Bo, and lie down on top of her. Wrapping my arms around the pillow beneath her, I lay my head down next to hers so we’re face to face.

Bo wraps both arms around my back. “You’re my favourite sister,” she says.

“And you’re mine.”

“I’m nice and warm now,” she says.

“Me too.”

Actually I’m not just warm — my whole body is hot, my face flushed. I’m on top of Bo, my boobs pressed against her chest and our bellies touching through our pyjamas. I start thinking about how close my pussy is to hers, wondering if Bo feels as crazy down there as I do right now. My panties are soaked, I’m sure.

Without conscious thought, I start moving my hips against her belly. “Mmm, that feels yummy,” Bo says, smiling.

My mind catches up with what I’m doing. *I’m dry-humping my sister*, I think, forcing myself to stop. Yummy or not, this is a step too far.

“You’re getting a little heavy, though,” Bo says.

Despite the pulsing heat between my legs, I’m grateful for the chance to withdraw gracefully. I lift my upper body a little, resting on my forearms.

“But thank you for cuddling with me,” Bo adds and kisses my forehead.

“I love you,” I say, meaning it both ways.

“Love you too.”

I kiss her cheek, still not sure how she feels about those unsisterly kisses on the mouth. *If she’s okay with me breathing on her skin and lying on top of her, I can do without those kisses for now*, I think. *This is just as good.*

I get up into a kneeling position, still straddling Bo, and stroke her hair. “You’re so pretty,” I tell her.

“Thanks,” she says, beaming and wiggling underneath me a little.

I finally get off her all the way and on my feet. Before leaving, I tuck my sister in and give her a kiss on the forehead.

“Night, big sis,” she says affectionately.

“Night, Bo.”

Back in my room, I close the door behind me and slump against it, eyes closed, struggling to catch my breath. I cup the crotch of my pyjamas and sure enough, I’m slick with need.

I undress, pick up my sodden panties and climb into bed. Turning the panties inside out, I slide the crotch through my pussy folds with one hand, soaking up even more wetness. With the other hand I start rubbing my clit. I can tell I’m already close to orgasm, so I have to go slow. It takes all my willpower not to whimper — but Bo can’t be asleep yet, so I need to be quiet.

Through the cotton, I push a finger inside my vagina. I can only get it in up to the first knuckle this way, but it still means that I’m fucking myself through my panties. My pussy’s making soft squelching sounds, and I’m praying that Bo isn’t able to pick them up from her room.

I ride the edge of orgasm until I know I can’t hold it back much longer. I tug my panties out of my pussy, take one look at the soaking wet crotch and stuff it in my mouth, greedily sucking on it like a pacifier as the taste of pussy fills me up. *I wonder what Bo’s pussy tastes like.* The thought makes me shiver violently.

I begin to fuck myself again, pushing my finger as far as it can go now that my panties aren’t blocking the way. And as soon as I start rubbing my clit with the other hand, I come.

I keep pumping my finger in and out of my vagina all the way through my orgasm, which only seems to prolong it. I’m fighting the urge to moan out loud, sucking my panties for all they’re worth. One last thrust, then I leave my finger inside my pussy, letting her squeeze and clench around it until she’s done. It feels so good.

Once I’ve mostly returned to Earth, I bring my hand to my face. It’s shining wet with pussy juice. I still have those damp panties hanging out of my mouth, so licking my fingers seems redundant. *Come on, naughty girl, you know what else you can do with that dirty paw.* Of course I do — I wipe my fingers up and down my cheek, using my face as a canvas. *There we go.*

Basking in the afterglow, I almost fall asleep, but return to the here and now with a start. Gathering up the remainder of my consciousness, I put my pyjamas back on and turn off the desk lamp.

As I lie back down, I realize I’m still holding my panties in my mouth. I take them out and slide them underneath the pillow, then cover myself with the blanket and pass out.



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