A college professor’s first time being a hotwife – with a student being her bull! [Hotwife][Cuckold][Age gap][Older woman younger man]

**(This is my first time posting erotica here! Any and all comments and feedback will be deeply appreciated :) )**


As I step out of the changing room, I adjust my one-piece swimsuit one last time. Being a Professor living on a University college campus meant I always had to be aware of my public image. Coming to the University swimming pool, during the common hour, was life on hard mode. I could've chosen to come during one of the Women's only hours at the pool, if I really wanted to keep my image blemish free. But for what I was about to do, I couldn't.

I had heard he comes to the pools daily. More accurately, I had _overheard_ him talking about it to a few of his friends. Professors shouldn't be eavesdropping on their students' private conversations, but I figured anything discussed openly in a classroom can't be that private. At least, that's the excuse I was using right now to skirt through this moral grey area. Speaking of which, the boundaries that should exist between students and professors' interactions were about to be stretched thin.

The first few minutes of my hour are spent swimming lazy laps across the pool. Not because I was out of breath – I was quite proud of myself for maintaining my figure well into my thirties. Anytime a potential student mistook me for a senior at the university itself, I'd politely correct them but internally revel in the knowledge that I look just as young as the majority of their peers.

After a while, I notice him walking in from the men's changing room. Drew Hunter. I had known him, of course. He was a rather quiet student in my Intro to English Literature class, but a smart one, nonetheless. It came as no surprise when I later learnt he was on the University football team – he certainly had the build for it. I know, it's unethical for college Professors to eye their students _that_ way. But I checked his records, and he's twenty-one. So moral questions aside, legally I'm in the clear. As long as the University doesn't come to know.

Drew makes a few laps of his own in the water, and for a while I simply watch from a distance. I've been swimming for a long time, but he was a delight to behold. The way his long muscly arms cut through the water…his lithe, slender body wading effortlessly through the lanes…and in the occasional brief moments when he'd step out, the way his bulge looked uncomfortably stifled in his swimming shorts…it was doing things to me no student should ever do to a professor, let alone a married one at that.

About a half hour later, I muster the courage to go and speak to him. He was resting at the edge when I happen to swim along closer to him, and when I see him I feign surprise. He responds politely, keeping up his silent charm, but I could at least see a flicker of what could only be excitement at seeing me…like this. I would never admit it to him, but that was indeed the intended effect.

Some small talk later, I know I need to ask the question I have been dying to ask since Thomas and I had discussed this a few weeks ago. I hesitate, for obvious reasons. It's not every day that you proposition something this scandalous to a student of yours. But for better or worse, I need to try.

"So Drew, I was um…wondering if you…how do I say this…" Not here. There were too many people around. He's looking at me curiously, obviously unaware of my inner turmoil.

"Listen, would you mind stopping by my office after class tomorrow?" I say in a stroke of last-minute genius, although I wonder why I didn't come up with this idea in the first place.

There's a slight look of apprehension in his face, but he shrugs and agrees. I couldn't be more relieved!

"Perfect. I should get going now, see you tomorrow!"


The next day felt like it went forever. During class, I tried my best to avoid Drew's gaze, a difficult task considering his handsome face seemed to magnetically attract my eyes. I hadn't told Thomas anything yet. Why count your chickens before they're hatched? But if everything goes alright today, I'd be giving him some good news tonight.

Eventually, the class was over, and I briefly dared to look at Drew. What followed was a blink-and-you-miss-it conversation of just nods and gestures, but with that I confirmed whether he was coming to see me or not. A confused Drew responded positively, and I took solace in the knowledge that I'd be putting all his doubts to rest in just a few more minutes.

A knock at the door. A flutter in my chest. I had barely taken seat at my quaint little office, and he was already here.

"It's open, please come in."

Sure enough, Drew steps in.

"Please close the door behind you."

He does so, and I offer him a seat opposite my table. Once he sits down, I take a deep breath and let out a stream of consciousness of what I had called him here for.

"So um…yesterday, there was something I wanted to ask you at the pool but there were too many people around and…if word ever gets out that I did something like this, I could get in some very serious trouble. Are you following me?" I look at him nervously.

"Ms. Jackson, I…don't know what you're talking about." He answers. As expected.

I nod. Of course, I hadn't explained myself at all.

"Before I tell you anything, I need you to promise me that this conversation won't leave the four walls of this office…please…can you do that?"

Another skeptical look, but for some blessed reason he nods in agreement.

"Okay, I promise. What is it?"

The moment of truth. Last chance before I can back up, change my mind, or call it off completely. I was going forward anyway.

"Do you know what cuckolding is?"

I can see the myriad emotions dancing on his face. Utter confusion. Excitement. Skepticism again. And finally, _curiosity_.

"Yes…?" he offers, urging me to keep talking.

"My husband and I…we have been discussing ways to spice up our se…marital life for some time now. And we have decided we want to bring in another man into our bedroom…As a bull for our relationship…" I leave the unsaid question hanging in the air _'Would you like to be our bull?'_

I can see the gears turning in his head as he comprehends everything I had just said. Finally, he scoffs, and eyes me with skepticism.

"Is this some kind of joke?" Disbelief. I'm not surprised.

I simply shake my head. Hopefully my grave expression is doing all the talking without words.

"You are…actually serious about this?" he asks.

I nod.

"And you've called me here because…" I can see he fully understands why he is here, but he wants to hear it from my mouth.

"Because I want you to…be that man…" funnily enough, I needed to hear it from my own mouth too.

For a long time, he's just silent. What thoughts crossed his mind during this brief eternity, I'll never know. But the million thoughts plaguing my mind ranged from fear of being fired to the shame of becoming the entire class's laughingstock if word ever gets out. I didn't know what would be worse.

"Okay." His singular word disrupts my train of thought.

"Okay. I'll do it." He made it sound like he was nonchalant, but the smile on his face was a first.

"I…thank you. There are still some things I need to discuss with my husband but…this is exciting!" my nervousness is giving way to giddiness.

"Not gonna lie, Ms. Jackson but students-"

"Please, Drew. You're making me feel old! Just call me Julia." I say. Did I just flirt with him!?

"Ms. Jack…Julia…students in your class have often talked about how lucky your husband must be…you know…" he said, and rapidly shoots a glance at my bust and back at my eyes.

"Well…I'm flattered" I said, caught a little off guard.

"Yes, they do!"

"Haha…and what about you?"

He smirks. I can feel butterflies in my stomach already.

"Let's just say, your offer is a dream come true!" he answered cheesily, but it makes me chuckle.


(This one was heavy on buildup, but I wanted to set things up well. Next part will be more sexually explicit. Thank you for your patience :) Once again, any comments or feedback, either under the post or in PMs, will be DEEPLY appreciated!)

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/m0h3ps/a_college_professors_first_time_being_a_hotwife


  1. Great start. Enough build up and it ended on that cliffhanger of what’s next. Looking forward to reading all about.

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