Submission 1101: Part 2 [BDSM, Spanking]

Submission 1101: Part Two

Link to part one:

Jamie felt like she was in a dream.  She was conscious of being naked and sitting on a cold hard desk chair.  She remembered getting naked, the large wet stain on her panties that told everyone how much she was secretly loving every second of this, but she could barely remember how she got back in her seat.  Her mind had too many things running through it at the moment. The fear she felt when she saw Bridgett and Hollie being spanked with the paddle. The shock of how quickly their bottoms turned bright red, then dark purple.  Then she was conscious of the cum dripping down her inner thigh and landing on the blue plastic chair.  She really wanted to check her pussy to see how wet she truly was, but she was currently unable to move because of the thought of that large thick paddle making contact with her own cold bottom.  At least it wasn’t pointed at her, yet.  Surely Mr. Baker wouldn’t spank her on her first day? Surely there would be grace given for a new student.  She couldn’t think about that for too long because of the events unfolding in front of her eyes with Sophia and Cassandra. 

Mr. Baker was waving the Board of Education and pointing at each of the two girls.  Sophia, who was still naked from earlier, was actively clenching her bottom.  Jamie could see her bottom pulsing through the hole in the back of the chair.  Cassandra, who was the only woman in the room not yet completely naked, was a little bit calmer it seemed.  All of that changed as Mr. Baker started to speak. “Cassandra, did you and Sophia bet that Hollie would be late again today?” His voice was stern, but also very inquisitive. 

Cassandra rocked back and forth in her chair. “Yes, sir. It was my idea to make the bet, but Sophia liked the idea, she even raised the bet 5 whole swats!” At this point Jamie knew that Cassandra would throw any one of them under the bus if it meant it might literally save her own ass.

Mr. Baker had different plans.  As Cassandra was making excuses his demeanor got more and more serious. Finally he could not stay silent anymore.  “I’m sorry Cassandra, but did I ask you if Sophia wanted to bet? I asked you if you made a bet with Sophia. I will deal with Sophia right after I deal with you. The only thing you should be concerned about is your own punishment.  I’m going to give you 5 swats with this paddle because you just tried to throw Sophia under the bus.  I told you when you started class that my students are friends. That you need to help each other and be there for each other because this is a very intense class.  And here you are trying to undermine that in my classroom.  First, you intentionally bet on Hollie being late to class because you think her tardiness is funny. Well we will see how funny you think her tardiness is.” He turned to Hollie. “Hollie, today Cassandra is going to receive your spanking for being tardy to class.  She is going to get all 10 swats that you deserve. Maybe after this Cassandra will think twice before betting against another one of her friends.” Hollie felt relieved, and Cassandra’s mood had already changed. She was visibly more melancholy.  She was now staring down at her twitching shoe.  Mr. Baker went on. “After that, Cassandra, I’m going to give you the 10 swats you ended up betting on Hollie even though you won and another 5 swats for not being honest with me and owning up for your mistakes.  How many swats is that total, young lady?”

Cassandra could barely get the words “thirty, sir,” out of her mouth without her voice cracking.  Mr. Baker was stern. “Get up and stand at the front of the classroom.  Hollie. I want you to come and sit in the front desk right in front of Cassandra. You are going to watch this.” Both girls slowly got up and moved to their assigned positions.  Cassandra didn’t have to be told what to do. She stood up straight at the front of the class and presented herself. Mr Baker moved his chair in front of her and placed his hands on Cassandra’s shirt. Jamie almost gasped out loud when Mr. Baker ripped Cassandra’s white t-shirt open. Buttons flew all over the room. Cassandra did not flinch. “Drop the shirt,” said Mr. Baker. Cassandra dropped her hands and let the shirt fall to the floor. Mr. Baker picked up the shirt and threw it in the trash. He then picked up the scissors on his desk and cut Cassandra’s white bra right down the center. “Throw it away,” Mr. Baker insisted. Cassandra removed her severed bra and tossed it carelessly in the trash.  Mr. Baker then lowered her skirt to her ankles followed very closely by her panties.  “Spread your legs and bend over. Do not remove your hands. Look right at Hollie.”

Cassandra did as she was told. It must have taken a great deal of balance to keep from tipping over without holding on to something with her hands.  Cassandra kept her position and stared right at Hollie.  Thirty strokes with a large wooden paddle takes what seems like a lifetime to give, especially as you are looking at the face of the woman receiving those swats.  Her face was red by swat six, tears started by swat ten, she lost her breath at eighteen, by twenty one she was in tears, and the loud screams started at twenty five.  Jamie could not see Cassandra’s bottom but she didn’t have to see it.  Jamie knew it was deep purple, but did not expect the darker black splotches that caught her eye as Cassandra slowly moved back to her seat. She did not sit down. Mr. Baker spoke up, “You sit your ass down right now Cassandra!” Cassandra slowly obeyed and sat on the hard, cold seat. Jamie could see the agony all over her face. She was still crying uncontrollably and her masquer-a was running down her face. 

Mr. Baker turned in his chair and moved back behind his desk.  What he said next sent shivers down Jamies spine, directly into the core of her pussy.  “Jamie,” said Mr. Baker. It’s time for you to get the first real spanking in your life.” At first Jamie was frozen solid, but after what seemed like an eternity she found the strength to stand up and walk to the front of the room for the spanking she has been searching for her whole life.
