The Sexual Rituals of the Sol Veneficas, the Sun Witches. (Incest, Femdom, Lesbian, Free Use, Dub-Con, and Bondage)

The Sol Veneficas are a group of witches that can trace their origins to the time of the Roman Republic. In the modern era, the Sol Veneficas exist in most Western Countries, yet have split into several different smaller sects.

The Sol Veneficas recognize most animals and primal elements to have spirits, and recognize the Sun as the most important spirit of all. The Sun creates all other life, and therefore deserves the most respect. The Sun is recognized as a masculine spirit, but believe that most men and those who identify strongly with masculinity cannot directly channel the Sun like they can. At best, they can be energy batteries for the witches during their communion with the Sun Spirit.

The Sol Veneficas very rarely allow in strangers, and usually do so through the marriages of their sons. If their sons marry or are in a relationship with a woman who the witches believe would be a good fit, she will be initiated.

Most witches are girls born into the sect. It’s worth noting sons who align more with femininity may also become witches, as are trans women. The spirit may have a gender different than the sex of the flesh. Witches go through many non-sexual rituals before their eighteenth birthday, to learn the ways of the sect, but usually go through a sexual initiation once they become of age.

Most sexual rituals remain the same across these different sects, which will be further analyzed below.

1.) Communing with the Sun Spirit

The Sol Veneficas insist that the Sun cannot speak like humans would, but instead shape the way a witch will feel emotions or thoughts. Communing with the Sun Spirit is done primarily when important decisions should be made, usually about the well being of the sect. It’s usually performed at noon, on a sunny day.

The Matriarch of the sect usually presides over these rituals. A man, or someone with a masculine spirit, is often used as a sexual battery. He is tied up in the nude, marked with a small symbol of the Sun, and then blindfolded. Another witch will then proceed to use him as she sees fit, for however long they both can last. The Matriarch will chant in Latin and observe the sexual act, channeling all of her own arousal into the witch fucking her man. When the witch decides it is over, she and the Matriarch release the male and discuss what they felt and saw in confidence. Together, they come to a decision ripe with full sexual energy and the warm comfort of their Sun Spirit.

2.) Initiation into the Sect

Initiation into the Sol Veneficas occurs very rarely. When it does, an outsider is allowed into the fold, and given lessons on the beliefs and rituals of the Sect. The woman is allowed to renounce her atheism or religious beliefs, through a cleansing ritual.

The woman will sit nude in a large circle of candles, either in a room with good access to a window, or a private spot outside. Five witches, including the Matriarch, will preside over the ritual. They’ll begin to recite the Sol Veneficas binding terms in the original Latin. The witches outside of the circle will begin to strip as they recite, and paint numerous symbols of the Sun and other spirits on their skin. When the terms are set, the new member must recite her own passage. Somehow, the candles go out when she is finished, and the witches advance on the newcomer. She is held down, usually without a fight, and painted with the same symbols.

When this is done, the new witch and her sisters relish in the free flowing feminine energy and arousal. Before most of the paint is even dry, they’ll be kissing and making love to one another as a final unofficial part of the ceremony. This doesn’t always happen, but has naturally become apart of the initiation.

3.) Coming of Age

When a young witch becomes of age at 18, it’s time for her to become a full member of the Sol Veneficas. She’ll first recite the coming of age lines in Latin, and spend a full day outside under the Sun nude, usually on a hot day. She is allowed to take shelter in shade, and food and water, but is usually tired and overwhelmed when she returns.

The naked girl comes home exhausted, and other witches take her to a secluded spot. She is painted with symbols, similarly to the initiation ceremony. When she is done, the other witches are not allowed to touch her. The Matriarch must take the tired girl into a new chamber, away from prying eyes. Here, a male member of her own family, sworn to secrecy, will make love to her. This male will have gone through a ritual on his own, with the Matriarch. He will emerge as the avatar of the Sun Spirit himself.The girls are usually virgins, being secluded by the Sect for most of their lives, and so the male will usually go very slowly. If she is hurt, or used rather brutally, the Matriarch will often intervene to double check that her ritual embuing the Sun Spirit into the man was successful. Still, it would have to be extremely cruel for this step, as it is accepted the Sun can be more harsh than it is ever merciful.

When the Ritual is complete, the male will be lead out, and the new witches sisters will arrive and escort her out. She’ll rest for a night, and the next day will be full of celebration and merriment.

(((This is the end of that spur of the moment story, I hope you enjoyed it! Let me know if there are any contradictions or holes within, I wrote this rather quickly.

And feel free to ask me any questions about the witches or anything else. If you really liked it, let me know, I may continue telling this somewhat dry descriptions or maybe even write a genuine story for each Ritual.)))
