The Time of Cherries (Part 2) [MFF] [BDSM]

Lauren, Purvee and I arrived at Bordeaux Saint-Jean station in the early afternoon. Lauren climbed in the front passenger seat of a white taxi while Purvee and I sat together in the back seat as we drove out of the city. We took narrow, winding roads through the French countryside to a tiny cottage that I had rented for five days.

After checking in, we received a brief tour from the property manager. There was a beautifully landscaped garden situated alongside a river, with rolling farmlands and vineyards in all directions. The cottage was tastefully decorated in a French countryside tan and white, with exposed stone walls. Fresh lemons and oranges were laid on a blue porcelain plate in the middle of the dining room table. There was a bedroom loft overlooking the living room with a sofa and fireplace, with exposed timber beams.

“You guys can have the bedroom,” I offered, “I’ll take the couch in the living room.”

“You’ve got to be kidding,” Lauren interjected, “you rented this whole place for yourself and then are going to sleep on the couch?” No way. You and Purvee can sleep together in the bedroom, I’ll take the couch.”

Purvee smiled, ran and threw her arms around me in a wide hug. “This place is incredible! Thank you so much.”

As we unpacked our bags, I kept thinking about Purvee, wondering if she had any hint of the sexual dynamics in our relationship. The three of us went to dinner, the only customers in the restaurant, sharing a couple of bottles of wine and laughter, walking back to the cottage along the quiet road on brisk night in the light of the full moon. After another bottle of wine by the fire, Purvee and I climbed the ladder to the loft and fell asleep while Lauren put on a pair of wire-rimmed glasses and stayed up late reading her book in her flannel pajamas.

I woke up in the morning when I felt a hand slide down the front of my boxer briefs, the first light of day peeking through the loft window. Purvee, laying to my left, was already wide awake. She gently fondled my cock, running her soft hand up the bottom of my shaft. I arched my back and slid my boxers off to accommodate her. As I kissed her, I felt my cock stiffen and she wrapped her hand around me and began stroking more quickly.

I slid my own fingertips down her belly, and she slightly opened her legs to give me access to her pussy. Her panties were already off, and the inside of her legs was already warm and wet. She quivered and inhaled sharply through her nose. We stopped our soft kissing and I held a single finger to my mouth to quiet her as I slid two fingers inside her. She curved both of her lips into her mouth and shut her eyes tightly.

“You know, I can hear you guys, right?” Lauren called from the sofa. “We’re basically in the same room.”

We both stopped and laughed. “Sorry,” I said, “we didn’t want to wake you up.”

“It’s cool,” Lauren said, “I’ve been awake for a while. Don’t worry about it. You guys can have fun, just act like I’m not here. It’s fine.”

Purvee and I looked into each other’s eyes. My cock was stiff and she had already soaked the bed. “I’m game if you are Jace.” I accepted her suggestion and pulled her body, naked except for a black bra, tight against mine. As we kissed, I lifted up her right leg as she laid on her back, turned on my left side and penetrated her. She moaned loudly, and the wooden headboard began banging against the stone wall above our heads.

She grabbed the white pillow with her right hand while she rubbed her clitoris with the two middle fingers of her left hand. “This turns you on, doesn’t it?” She whispered in my ear, “Knowing that Lauren is listening to us right now?” Rocking back and forth, all I could do to respond was moan and give her a quick nod.

“It turns me on too,” she said softly, her lips pressed against my left ear. “I need to get on top and fuck you now.”

I let go of her leg and rolled back onto my back, adjusting the pillow. I threw off the sheet, my dick was pointing directly up at the ceiling, glistening in the morning sunlight. Purvee threw her leg over my body, grabbed my cock with two hands, and guided me inside her with a loud moan. Once I was all the way in her, she grabbed my pectoral muscles with both hands and began rocking her back, making her ass slap loudly against my thighs.

After about ten minutes of this, I heard the hot water pipes hiss and the shower running. “It sounds like we don’t have an audience anymore,” I smiled. Purvee arched her back and threw her head back with her eyes closed, she was doing all the work, grinding her clitoris hard against my pelvic bone. She squealed as she had an orgasm, and I felt her pussy tighten, as I squeezed her thick ass.

I flipped her onto her back and pulled both of her legs over my shoulders. After a few minutes of hard pounding, I was getting sweaty, and I could feel the intensification of my arousal building. Her head was sandwiched between the two pillows, and I felt the sharpness of her fingernails digging into the skin of my firm ass. “Cum for me Jace, come on, baby.”

“Oh here it comes, I’m going to cum, where do you want it?” I pulled out of her and dropped her legs.

I heard a hair dryer blowing downstairs as Purvee got to her knees and grabbed her breasts, pressing them together. “Cum on my tits, cum all over me,” she begged. I stood up, jerking off, and hit the top of my head on the wooden beam on the ceiling.

“Ouch!” I yelled, and accidentally shot my cum all over her face and hair, she closed her right eye just in time. “Oh, sorry, Purvee. I hit my head.”

“I know,” she said laughing, “it’s okay, it’s not in my eyes. Can you help me?”

“Sure!” I jumped off the bed and climbed down the ladder naked, “Hold tight!”

She yelled back, “I’m not going anywhere!”

I ran, my semi-hard cock flapping against my legs, and stood in the door-frame of the single bathroom. Lauren was combing her blonde hair with her right hand, and handed me a lukewarm white washcloth with the other, grinning. “Here,” she said, “it has orange blossom water on it, it smells nice. It’s good for her skin, and won’t hurt her eyes.”

“Oh, okay,” I said awkwardly, taking it and hustling back up to the loft. Purvee was still in the same position, I went to her side and began wiping her eyelids, face, and neck. “There,” I told her, “I think you’re good. Again, I’m so sorry.”

Purvee kissed me. “Seriously, it’s okay Jace. It happens. It’s not like the first time I’ve had cum in my face. But aren’t you supposed to be like a sharpshooter in the military? You missed at like, point-blank range. I think you need some more target practice!” We both laughed together.

“Okay, see you guys at breakfast?” Lauren yelled from the front door.

“Yeah, we will see you in a few minutes,” I said, “I think we should get cleaned up.”

After breakfast, we rode bikes through the hills of southern France, visiting vineyards and tasting wine, enjoyed a picnic lunch, and we hiked around the ruins of a medieval fortress. After a dinner of grilled meats, goat cheese, and crusty bread, we rode back to the cottage with several bottles from the wineries we visited that day in my backpack. We sat out in the garden by the river and I poured three glasses of wine, until it started to get dark and too cold. We moved inside, and I started a fire as Purvee went to bed early, exhausted from the day’s activities.

Lauren changed into her flannel pajamas and we stayed up late into the night talking by the fireplace, sitting together on the sapphire blue sofa. “Lauren, I just wanted to say,” I started as the fire began to die out hours later, “I am really glad you decided to come with us on this part of the trip, I really had fun spending time with you. I know Purvee did too. I just don’t want you to feel like a third wheel. I want you to have a really good time.”

She grinned. “Are you kidding, I’m having a great time! You have been so generous with all this, it’s really the vacation of a lifetime. Don’t worry about me, it is totally cool. Is this about this morning?

“Well, that’s kind of the elephant in the room,” I said, getting up to wash the empty glasses in the sink, “I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”

“Look, I don’t think this tiny cottage is anywhere big enough for all the elephants in the room,” she joked, tossing her pillow onto the couch. “I will admit, I’m a little jealous of you two, but it’s only because I wish I was getting laid too.” That comment made me pause a few seconds before climbing the ladder, and ponder what she meant by it.

“Goodnight Jace, sweet dreams,” she said, pulling a blanket over her body and turning out the table lamp.

The next day, we took a taxi to a cooking school in the city. I had booked a half-day of traditional French cooking training, where you eat the meal you prepared for lunch. Although I had only booked for myself, the staff agreed to allow Lauren to join and help cook, even though there was space for only one more.

The three of us put on aprons and stood behind a kitchen island while a handsome French-Moroccan chef with a well-manicured beard instructed us on everything from slicing techniques in French. I translated for Purvee and Lauren, but he quickly saw that I couldn’t keep up and do my assigned tasks at the same time, and spent a lot of time with Lauren, speaking in slightly accented English.

At one point, he stood behind her, holding her hands, and guided her to slice some shallots. Purvee nodded encouragingly at her, but Lauren just smiled and shook her head. We prepared a chicken stuffed with lobster with a cognac reduction sauce, foie gras and asparagus ravioli, and puits d’amour, a local meringue pastry. After eating what we had made, we took a group photo along with the three couples in our class, and they sent us each away with a wooden kitchen utensil gift set.

Back at the cottage later that afternoon, we sat in the garden drinking white wine, unanimously agreeing that after a large and heavy lunch we would eat a late dinner. I made the two women laugh with my impressions of the chef, earning a playful slap from Lauren. She took a swill of wine. “So…I noticed you guys haven’t had sex in over 24 hours. That must be really tough,” she joked sarcastically.

I looked down at a pretend watch on my wrist, “Oh, you’re right! We’re way behind schedule.” Purvee smiled and we gave each other a quick kiss, the first since that morning. “Do you mind if I ask you something though, Lauren? Last night you said that there wasn’t enough room for all the elephants in the room, what were you talking about?” My sexual encounter with her in Paris a few days earlier had been weighing on me, but she had asked for my silence with Purvee and I didn’t want to betray her confidence.

“Purvee,” Lauren turned to her friend, “Jace and I had sex in Paris while you were at the market.”

Purvee laughed, but Lauren waved her hand at me and I looked guiltily at Purvee. “You’re kidding. Seriously? Why did you keep it a secret?”

Lauren shrugged. “I don’t know. You guys are so cute together, I didn’t want to ruin anything that might develop between you two.”

“No, it’s totally fine,” Purvee turned to me, and squeezed my hand. “We’re just having fun. It’s quite a turn-on for me actually.”

“Yeah, I figured, I heard you guys yesterday,” Lauren admitted. She evidently had amazing hearing. “I’ll be honest and say it turned me on too. I can’t stop thinking about it.”

“Well, I have an elephant in the room too,” Purvee announced, “I’m a bit bi-curious. Do you remember when we changed together at the hostel our first day? I was totally checking out your ass in that thong you were wearing. I just didn’t feel that you were attracted to me, and with my body I was a little bit intimidated by this pretty, skinny blonde.”

“Aw, you are so beautiful Purvee,” Lauren said, “you know I have a bit of a girl crush on you. Your hair is so rich and full,” she ran her fingers through her own short, fine blond hair, “mine is so…I don’t know…meh. And you’re so stylish, look at you!” she motioned her hand across Purvee’s midsection, her black leather jacket over a tight purple sweater that tightly hugged her buxom chest.

“But,” she stammered, “but…I’m not bi. I mean, I find women beautiful, of course. I mean, when I was a student I made out with my share of girls at the bar. I don’t think I ever paid for a drink in four years of college! But…the idea of eating pussy? It’s just too foldy and flappy…it doesn’t interest me at all. She paused for a moment. “But I do like to be submissive in bed,” she confessed haltingly, “so…I’m kind of turned on by the idea of being forced to do it.” My memory flashed back to spanking her in Paris as there was a long pause in the conversation. “I think we need more wine!” She finally said, and suddenly hopped up to go inside and grab another bottle.

I turned to Purvee. “So, I have to ask…are you picking up the same vibe that I am?”

“What’s ‘let’s go’ in French?” She asked.

“Allons-y.” I replied.

“Then allons-y ménage à trois!” Purvee said excitedly and kissed me on the mouth. I was a little taken aback, but intrigued by the suggestion. “We’re on vacation, it’s France, you only live once, right? But…to be honest, I’m a little bit nervous, I’ve never done anything like this before, I’ve only watched it on porn.”

“Just follow my lead,” I assured her. “But just know that you don’t have to do anything that doesn’t give you pleasure, ok? I want you to really enjoy this.”

She broadly grinned and flipped her long hair over her shoulder. “So what is your plan?”

“I don’t know,” I said, “I’m Indiana Jonesing this.”

“Oh,” Purvee clapped her hands quietly, “you have a whip!? You want to whip her?”

“No,” I laughed, “‘I mean that I’m ‘making this up as I go.’ It’s a line Indiana Jones said in the movie.”

“I’ve never seen the movie,” she said, “It may come as a revelation but Indian-American girls may not be that familiar with Indiana Jones. But I do know he has a whip.”

“In any case, you just gave me an idea.” I walked to the cottage and held the door open for Lauren, who was walking back out with another bottle that she had opened. “I’ll be right back,” I told her.

Lauren turned and looked at me over her shoulder. “Don’t be too long, Jace.”

I climbed up the stairs and grabbed by black leather Cole Haan duffel bag, unzipped it and withdrew the black complimentary eye mask from my Air France flight ten days earlier. As I zipped the bag back up, I examined the long shoulder strap, unhooked it, and then took the wooden spatula from the kitchen set I was given at the cooking class. I put the eye mask in the pocket of my brown leather motorcycle jacket, and tossed the spatula and the shoulder strap on the kitchen table before heading back outside to the garden.

I sat back down next to Purvee, taking the long-stemmed wine glass from the table. “Lauren was just saying how much she appreciated all you have done for us on this trip,” she said.

“Totally…this has been outrageously over-the-top,” Lauren said, “we’d be staying in that shady hostel right now if you hadn’t rescued us. I feel a little guilty that you’ve paid for everything, I want to find some way to make it up to you.”

“Well,” I reached into the inner pocket of my jacket and pulled out the eye mask, “Here’s how you can show your appreciation. Put this on.”

She put her glass down on the table and took the eye mask. “Okay,” she bit her lower lip as she slid it over her face. “Is there going to be another surprise?”

I got up and walked over to whisper in her ear. “Oh, most definitely. Are you fully committed to showing your appreciation to us?”

“Of course,” she said. “You won’t be disappointed.”

“I hope not,” I said, ““We’re in France, so I only want you to speak French from now on. Try to remember what you learned in those two years of high school. Ok?”

“Oui, monsieur.”

“Perfect. But if you can’t manage to do everything we ask you to do, just say the word ‘cherries,’ and we will stop. Do you understand?” She nodded.

“Good, now take off your clothes,” I commanded, and she started unlacing her Converse sneakers and taking off her socks. I took her shoes and threw them aside as she stood up and drew her green and yellow argyle sweater over her head.

Lauren slowly unbuttoned her shirt, allowing it to drop off her seat of the chair. She unzipped her jeans, sat back down, and slid them down her legs with her thumbs, then placed them over the wooden armrest. Seated, she was stripped to just her eye mask, a black lace choker necklace, her black bra, and a pair of frilly boyshort panties.

“Stand back up,” I said, as Purvee grinned mischievously, sipping her wine and raising her thin eyebrows in anticipation. Lauren stood in front of us as we sat, a chilly breeze blew, and she pressed her knees together and crossed her arms over her chest. “Oh no,” I said, “we want to see you. Hands at your sides, at the position of attention.” Fairly inexperienced at domination, I defaulted to a more quiet version of my drill sergeant from basic training. She reluctantly withdrew her hands from under her arms and tightened her fists, putting her hands at her sides. “Position of attention,” I repeated, standing up and slapping her backside, “stand up straight.”

“Oui, monsieur,” she said, putting her shoulders back. I moved behind her, unsnapped her bra and pulled it slowly down the front of her body, exposing her pert breasts and hard nipples.

“Isn’t she perfect?” I asked, and Purvee hummed her approval. I kissed her neck softly and began to rub her right nipple with the warm fingers of my right hand.

“She’s so hot,” Purvee said, putting the wine glass down, she stood up and mirrored me, massaging Lauren’s other nipple while her other hand traced up her friend’s soft pale skin and curled her hair back behind her ear. “I can’t believe she’s hiding this sexy body underneath argyle sweaters.” Purvee continued her hand down and gripped her ass. “Oh my god, feel this ass, it’s so firm.”

I reached my left hand down and grasped her right cheek, squeezing tightly, my fingers interlaced with Purvee’s. Lauren’s mouth opened and she gasped. “You know,” I said to Purvee, “her pussy is totally shaved. Would you like to see it?”

“Mmmm, yes,” Purvee licked her lips, “let’s see your pretty pussy.” Lauren didn’t move. I realized she was waiting for my direction, but I could tell that Purvee was getting aroused by her experiment with domination.

I slapped Lauren’s ass hard with my hand. “Did you hear her? What do you say?”

“Oui, Madame,” the blonde bent at her waist and pulled down her panties, kicking them off her foot.

I took Purvee’s hand and together we rubbed between Lauren’s legs as she shivered slightly in the sharp air. “Feel how smooth her pussy is?”

“You are so fucking hot right now,” Purvee replied, kissing me hard on the lips while our fingers intertwined while softly rubbing Lauren’s pussy lips. She pulled back suddenly. “Ok, we need to go inside, I need someone to fuck me, like right now.”

I put my hand in the small of Lauren’s back to guide her through the garden back inside while still wearing her eye mask, holding the door open for her and Purvee. Shutting the door behind me, Purvee dropped her jacket on the floor and started stripping off her clothes, while I picked up the strap from the table and clipped the silver metal hook around her choker necklace. Using it as a leash, I led Lauren to the living room, where Purvee was standing in a white bra and panties. I handed her the makeshift leash and kissed her.

“Have fun with her, I’m going to start a fire,” I said, then grabbed Lauren’s chin with three fingers. “You are going to do everything she says, right?”

“Oui, monsieur.”

I turned on the iPod speakers I had brought on the trip and left them in the cottage while I went outside to gather some firewood and Lauren’s clothes, and bring in the barely-sipped wine. When I came back inside, Lauren was dancing naked to Beyoncé’s “Naughty Girl” while her Indian friend held her leash with one hand and ran the other up and down her body. I handed Purvee her glass of Médoc, and she took a swig before blowing me a kiss. I smiled and went to the fireplace.

By the time I got a decent flame burning and turned around, Purvee was naked and Lauren was on her hands and knees on the rug, sucking on one of her large, round tits. While Purvee appeared to be enjoying it, she was clearly not in the throws of passion. I slapped Lauren’s bare ass hard with my open palm. “What do you want her to do?” I asked Purvee.

“Mmmmm,” Purvee moaned, “I want you to eat my pussy.”

“Oui, madame.”

Lauren placed her face several inches from Purvee’s triangle-shaped public hair and haltingly flicked her tongue a couple times over her labia. I slapped her ass again, and she began licking more enthusiastically. Purvee pulled the leash tight and Lauren was pressed into her crotch. I held her blonde head down and saw the back of Purvee’s bare foot rubbing against Lauren’s shaved pussy.

I realized at that instant, even while holding a pretty naked blonde girl while she gave oral sex to a voluptuous Indian beauty, I was not even slightly hard. Lesbian sex had always been one of my preferred fantasies. Yet, I began to wonder if for the first time – and possibly only time in my life – I was about to have a threesome with two incredible women, and I became worried I was not going to be able to perform sexually myself. At that moment, the whole thing seemed surreal, and I felt like the director of a movie more than an actor in a leading role.

I immediately ripped off all my clothes and offered my limp cock to Purvee, who eagerly started sucking while Lauren’s tongue slid deep inside her. In her talented mouth, I grew hard quickly, and I felt a weight lift off my shoulders. After a few minutes, Purvee was consumed by pleasure and took her mouth off me, but continued to stroke me while holding Lauren’s leash tight. “Okay, enough, I need your cock inside me now,” she said, handing me Lauren’s leash. I held her hand to help Purvee get off the chair, and told Lauren to stand. Purvee and I walked hand-in-hand to the sofa with Lauren in tow behind us.

“Lay down on your back,” I ordered, and Lauren crawled onto the couch on all fours, led by her collar and then rolled over. I unhooked the collar and, one knee on the couch and another foot on the floor, took position behind her head. Purvee climbed onto the sofa on all fours on top of her, presenting her puffy cunt lips to me to enter her from behind, straddled over Lauren’s open mouth. I pulled Lauren’s eye mask back, and said, “open your eyes and lick her pussy.”

“Oui, monsieur,” she complied, and I watched Lauren for a few minutes before grunting loudly as I entered Purvee. I rocked back and forth hard against Purvee and we quickly got into rhythm with one another. The sexual intensity was electrifying, as I could feel Lauren’s warm, firm tongue tickling Purvee’s clit and caressing the base of my cock at the same time. The blonde reached her arms up over her head and around my thighs for stability. Purvee let out a loud, high-pitched shriek that I had learned to recognize as her orgasm, which quickly brought me to my own climax.

I pulled out of Purvee and pushed my dick down with two fingers into Lauren’s waiting mouth and came hard with a guttural moan. She squeezed my legs with surprising strength, holding me inside her and swallowed everything I had to offer. Exhausted, I fell beside her to sit on the couch. Purvee crawled cat-like over her to the other side of the sofa, sitting on the other end, and Lauren sat up in the middle between us.

“Oh my god, oh my god,” Purvee beamed, “that was fucking insane. You guys, that was so hot.”

“Merci, madame,” Lauren said, smiling naughtily.

“Oh, Jace, I don’t think she’s done,” Purvee said, running her hand down Lauren’s leg. “I think she wants more.”

“Why don’t you take her upstairs and wear her out,” I suggested.

“With pleasure, come with me you kinky little slut.”

“Oui, madame,” Lauren said obediently, and I watched as Purvee slapped her ass hard as she went up the ladder behind her.

I sat and listened to Purvee’s commands, wails of pleasure, the sounds of spanking and breathing for a few minutes while I drank wine by the fire and recovered. I thought about how lucky I was, and what a coincidence it was that I ran into them at the Rodin Museum after the café in Paris. After I heard Purvee cum a second time, I felt myself start to stiffen. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a large bottle of Evian water and the wooden spatula in one hand before ascending the ladder.

When I reached the loft, I saw Lauren on all fours on the bed, eyes closed and moaning, with Purvee aggressively licking her friend’s pussy from behind. Putting the bottle on the nightstand, I offered my cock to Lauren and she enveloped it, taking me so deep she had to occasionally break to cough. Purvee and I stared into each other’s eyes, her earring-studded nose grinding into Lauren’s asshole while she licked ferociously.

I knew how much Lauren liked being spanked, so I began hitting her bottom with the spatula. After a while, her buttocks were turning a dark shade of pink, and her moans were getting deeper. Sensing an approaching orgasm, Purvee rose to her knees and began fingering Lauren, first slowly, and then faster and faster. The moans became louder and louder, until Lauren abruptly pulled back.

“Ugh, Sherise!” she said. At least that’s what I thought she said. Purvee and I kept going, and she kept yelling, “Sherise, Sherise! Ugh, fucking stop, stop, please!”

We all stopped suddenly. “What is it, is everything okay? Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I think so. The fingernails,” she said holding up Purvee’s hand with turquoise blue nails, wet with Lauren’s juices, “these hurt, and not in a good way. Not so hard.”

Purvee apologized profusely. “I didn’t know, honestly, you were so into the painful stuff, I just got carried away.”

“Let’s take a break for drinks,” I proposed, pouring water and handing them to the two gorgeous women. After we all drank water, I refilled the glasses with wine and we all collapsed onto the bed together. We said silently drinking for a few minutes when Purvee broke the silence.

“So, I’m not going to lie, I thought to myself, ‘who the fuck is Sherise?’”

“I thought the same thing,” I said.

Lauren slapped my leg hard. “Cherries, in French! I was trying to stay in character and be your guys little French maid slut or whatever.”

“Oh!” I chuckled, “cerises.”

“Literally, that’s what I said!”

We sat on the bed for a while naked, laughing and talking about what we had experienced together. After a while, Lauren turned to me and asked, “so, what events you have planned for us this afternoon?”

“It’s not afternoon anymore, chéri. We’ve been playing for over two hours. We were supposed to go on a winery tour, but we missed it over an hour ago.”

“Totally worth it, this was way better,” Purvee said, having another drink. “I learned a lot about myself. I’m not bi-curious anymore. That ship has sailed.” We laughed, then it was quiet except for the crackling of the embers in the fire for a few seconds.

“Well, what about you?” I asked Lauren. She giggled.

“I don’t know,” she had an impish look on her face, “I think I need to try it again to find out for sure.”

“Oh really?” Purvee asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah,” Lauren said, and her right hand started stroking my dick, “I love this.” She kissed me and moaned. Then she turned her head and kissed Purvee, sliding her finger down to her clitoris. “But this is kind of nice, too, in a different kind of way. This one is soft and wet,” she observed then kissed me, “but this one is hard and dry.” She went back and forth, kissing us both and rubbing us both at the same time, and the two of us leaned in to suck on her nipples. “But, uh…umh…I like them both. They both turn me on…so…much.”

I rolled over on top of Lauren while they kissed, and I slid into her and started thrusting. Purvee began by rubbing her clit with two fingers while kissing her, but soon she slid one of her fingers into Lauren with me. Lauren arched her back and belted out a primal scream of pleasure. Soon the three of us were kissing together, and I could feel Purvee’s finger massaging Lauren’s g-spot with my cock, making a “come to me” motion with her knuckle. Lauren screamed with ecstasy. I pulled out of her just in time and Purvee stroked me as I creamed all over Lauren’s belly button and lower abdomen.

We all collapsed back into our respective parts of the bed, all three of us breathing heavily from exhaustion.

“Yeah nope, definitely, it’s been decided. I’m totally straight.” Lauren finally announced, and we all laughed. “So,” she rolled over and looked at me, “do I still have to sleep on the couch?”

“No, of course not, if it’s okay with Purvee you can sleep here.”

After dinner that night we fell asleep together, the three of us cuddling, and the next two nights in the cottage concluded with passionate threesomes amidst the warm glow of fire and wine.

Leaving Bordeaux, the three of us took the Metro across Paris together to La Gare du Nord station, although both Purvee and Lauren had more time to spend in France, my vacation was coming to an end. My flight was leaving from Charles de Gaulle Airport that afternoon. While we waited for my train, we sat in a coffee shop in the station.

“Let’s stay in touch,” Purvee scribbled her full name and email address on the back of a receipt as I paid the bill. “Do you have Facebook?”

“What’s Facebook?” I asked. Again, it was 2005.

Purvee and Lauren accompanied me to the platform as the train arrived. As I prepared to board, Purvee put a piece of paper in the pocket of my leather jacket. “Call me if you are ever in Chicago.” She gave me a hug, and then kissed me on the lips.

I turned to Lauren and embraced her. “I had the time of my life,” she whispered into my ear. “I will never forget this.”

“I will always remember this vacation,” I said to Lauren before she kissed me grabbed my jacket and pulled me to her, kidding me harder than Purvee.

I stepped onto the train, put my bags on the shelf above my seat and looked out the window at the two women with whom I had spent the last week. Lauren waved goodbye, and Purvee blew me a kiss.

The SCNF conductor turned to me in his black and red uniform, grinning from ear to ear. He had seen it all.

“Vive La France,” he said.

“Ah, La France…” I said as the train pulled away and I waved farewell forever to Lauren and Purvee. I would never see either of them again, but Purvee became my first friend on Facebook.
