The Sharp Edge of the Veil – Chapter 4 [MF][Urban Fantasy]

This is not a stand-alone story. Please read previous chapters first. Links in comments


**Chapter 4 – Never Underestimate the Power of the Mall**

“I want that one. And that one.”

I looked at Rickard. I knew he had a thing for big booties but this? The two of them together wouldn’t get through his barn door.


He nodded and ran his calloused hand over his beard. We were sitting at the food court at Nova Lund.

“They are … perfect.”

The smile on my friend’s face told the whole story. And I didn’t even feel a tinge of jealousy. I don’t mind a girl with a bit of a backside but there are limits.


He nodded.

“All right then,” I sighed. “Here goes.”

This could get messy. I grabbed the small pouch of hair that I had collected off Rickard’s head, stood up and looked around. This kind of alchemy preferably used an industrial sized kitchen in close proximity to a lot of potential power. Enter the food court at the mall. It was an hour after the lunch rush and the two well-endowed girls that Rickard had picked out sat enjoying a cup of coffee. I walked past them. At least there were no rings on any fingers. They were cute enough under all of that lard. Dwarves are strange creatures. I shook my head to get rid of the image of Rickard under the both of them. At least dwarves could hold their breath for an exceptionally long time. I intentionally, accidentally stumbled against their table and excused myself profusely as I helped wipe up the coffee I had spilled, while at the same time getting one hair of each of the young ladies. I excused myself some more and left them. A good grasp of prestidigitation is a key skill for any aspiring mage.

I chose the baked potato place for preparing my concoction. I had been in there before and knew the layout of the kitchen. And they had a ridiculously big mixer which was my main target. That and I knew they didn’t employ guys. Enchantment magic is just that much simpler on the opposite sex and I was going to be doing quite a bit of it. I walked up to the counter and settled my weave on the pretty young student that stood behind the counter.

“Hi. I need to come inside.”

“Of course, sir,” she said with a smile and opened the counter for me.

I lay enchantments on each of the waitresses and chefs and got to work. The mall is a very good place to do magic. So much anger. So much greed. And not to speak of envy and jealousy.

And the young parents, especially the sleep deprived young mothers. Tapping into their unbridled anger and frustration is the perfect fuel for any high-power spell. I should be paid for this. All emotions just drain out of people, leaving them calm and complacent. The perfect consumers, spending their money without a thought.

Two of the chefs and two of the waitresses were assisting me. Well to be honest only one of the waitresses was really helping out with the potion. The other one was on her knees with my dick in her mouth. Blowjobs soothe me and I needed to be calm when doing a double whammy love potion. I was sweating profusely as I channeled a vast amount of magical energy into the vessel. The mixture was glowing in that dark, pulsating red that is the essence of love. It’s scary stuff, I tell you. I didn’t want to accidentally consume every soul within a kilometer, that had been known to happen when a mage got in too deep. I looked down at the sweet-faced, redheaded waitress that was happily sucking on my dick. I needed that post orgasm clarity, so I grabbed her head and facefucked her roughly until I emptied myself with a roar in her mouth. And just like that, everything became perfectly clear. I could see the lines of power crisscrossing the space around me and I wove them into the perfect pattern for channeling. I’m pretty good at this. And that’s not bragging. Your average spell flinger would have burnt their soul worse than a hungover short order chef ruins your breakfast eggs. Not me. No. I can handle my shit.

“You treat them right and they might stay longer,” I said stumbling up to Rickard, almost dropping the pitcher with the potion.

Rickard nodded. I knew that he knew. His late wife had been introduced to him by me in a similar manner. Love potions. I told you they were bad. I told you magic and alcohol mixes well, didn’t I? The same is not true for cars and alcohol. And dwarves drink like sponges in a desert which was not good for Leyla. I still felt sorry for the girl, she had been one of the good ones. And she had been good for Rickard. Maybe this would be the beginning of something better? But I doubted it.

“Last chance to back out.”

“No regrets,” Rickard said, holding his hand out.

I put the pitcher of glowing potion in his hand. Then everything went fuzzy.


The next thing I know I’m looking up at a very beige ceiling. I was in a cell. That’s never a good thing. But at least there weren’t any chains on the walls, so it was probably just your average police cell. I stood up on wobbly legs and looked out the tiny, barred window. Yep. I was in the holding cells west of Lund Central Station. Great. It wasn’t my first post potion blackout, and I was grateful I was still in the country. I shivered at the thought of the time when I had woken up in an igloo in northern Finland surrounded by angry Sapmi who had accused me, probably quite rightly, of corrupting their daughters. That had not been a good week. There was a knock on the door and then it promptly opened.

“Well, well, well. Mr. Gyllenborst. You’ve pissed off quite a few people”, said the three grey-haired policemen who entered.

They were tapping their fingers on a paper attached to a black clipboard. The sound seemed louder than a gong-gong. I had no time for this nonsense. I closed one eye to make the three men into a single man and started weaving an enchantment targeting the policeman. I was partially successful. My projectile vomit hit the guy right in the chest. The enchantment on the other hand, failed miserably. In hindsight I should have remembered not to do magic that close to almost burning my spirit out. I do remember some angry shouting from the three gray-haired policemen and a while later someone came in to clean the mess up. Thank God for the Swedish legal system, they always have to be nice even to the biggest pricks, like me. I decided to lay down for a while and collect my thoughts. There were none, and I drifted off into unconsciousness once more.

“Wake up buddy.”

I opened one eye, ready to blast whoever disturbed my sleep. A truck-sized police officer stood in the doorway. I rubbed my eyes and sat up.

“You’re free to go. Charges have been dropped.”

I blinked my eyes open and looked at the man. He looked somehow familiar, but nausea in combination with too much sleep had dulled my senses. I got the plastic bag with my stuff and left the police station. The sun was shining as I walked down the stone stairs of the building. I fumbled up my sunglasses to fend of the evil thing in the sky.

“Master Gyllenborst.”

I froze. That voice again. Down by the curb stood Lund’s most annoying man.

“Mister Bohman,” I grumbled, trying to add up one and one and getting forty-five.

Whenever I ended up in the holding cells, I was usually the one to get me out of there. I hadn’t done anything this time to get released.

“You got me off?”

The fat man smiled smugly.

“You owe me buddy,” the wannabe dabbler in the dark arts said with his annoying smile.

If it wasn’t for the fact that we were right outside the actual police station I would have fit his head up his asshole. Without tearing it off first.

“I’m not joining your little boys club.”

He raised his hands in defense. I let out a sigh. Was I too hard on the guy? No. He was a man-sized turd and deserved nothing more.

“Can I give you a ride?”

I looked around. The taxi stand was less than a hundred meters away, but it was always such a hassle getting an old enough car to get me more than two kilometers before the electronics in the car inevitably failed. I looked at Johan Bohman’s car. It was a very modern German luxury car.

“Absolutely,” I said cheerfully. “Out to Nova? I think I left my car there.”

Bohman hesitated for a second. I smiled broadly. He hesitantly returned the smile and nodded.

“Of course,” he said, and a driver got out and opened the door for first me then Bohman.

“Nice car,” I said as I got in.

It was the first time in a long while that I had sat in a modern car. This one couldn’t have been more than a year old and the leather seats were very nice. I almost felt bad about destroying it. Almost.

It is not all mages that have issues with modern technology. Quite the opposite actually. Some of the most powerful mages are the ones who can work together with technology, most notably computers to pull off some amazing feats. Which has led to most Cybermages being highly paid brats that think they rule the world. Which is not far from the truth. Most mages don’t care about technology either way. It doesn’t work with them, but neither does it work against them. Then there are the ones like me, the spirit mages, the enchanters. For us … well let’s just say that I wouldn’t get on a plane that was made after 1960. Unless it is one of the retrofitted ones with fire and air elementals installed in the jet engines.

“Nice day, isn’t it?”

I pulled my sunglasses down on my nose and looked at Bohman as the car started up and drove off.

“Small talk? Really?”

Bohman sighed and turned towards me. There was something in his eyes that I probably should have picked up on, but I blame my epic magical hangover.

“I was just being nice Jakob.”

I blinked. I didn’t think the turd had ever addressed me by my first name only before.

“I need you to join the Ordo Astartes. It is very important.”

I blinked some more. Just as I was about to open my mouth the car stereo started screeching. I put my hands over my ears. It was over in a couple of seconds and with a fizzling sound the thing died. I shuddered and slowly removed my hands from my ears. This is why I had Siri as a radio. Even though her repertoire was limited, it was much to prefer over the alternative. Then the car ground to a halt and some very creative cursing was heard from the driver’s seat.

“On second thought. I think I’ll walk,” I said, opening the door.

Something grabbed my sleeve and I stared down at Bohman’s pudgy fingers. He was lucky that I wasn’t currently in a state where I could wield the unworldly powers.

“Jakob. Please.”

I met his eyes and he immediately let go of my arm.

“No. For the last time. I will not. Cannot. Join your order. Get that through your thick skull, will you?”

I was surprised to see sadness in Bohman’s eyes. It was almost as if he pitied me. Why on earth would he do that? I got out of the car and walked westwards.


“I want you. Now.”

I had barely opened the door before my landlady’s voice reached me. The old ghost stood at the other end of the receiving hall wearing … absolutely nothing. I raised an eyebrow. I was as worn out as the devil’s cocksleeve and I wanted nothing more than to lie down in bed and possibly die.

“The noises are making me … excited,” she said prancing towards me.

“Noises?” I said, raising an eyebrow.

Christina nodded.

“Up from miss Sophia’s bedroom. She’s been having quite a bit of fun. I can tell you that. Now, take me. Right here. Right now.”

As usual, I obliged the old ghost, even though my body protested loudly. Christina was, after all, the reason I had a castle to live in. And when she was in this mood, she let me do almost everything I wanted to her.

“Do you want to put it up my rear?” she said, smiling over her shoulder.

I did. Ah. The feeling of having my cock enter a tight butthole. There’s nothing quite like it. It even made the fatigue bearable.

“They’ve been going at it like jackrabbits all day, and I must say I have touched myself quite a bit,” Christina continued as I ravaged her as best I could in my sorry state. “Now, fill me up, good sir.”

Again, I obliged and filled the lady’s rear with my seed, as a gentleman does when he is asked to.

She had me twice more that evening, possibly thrice, but by then I was far too tired to do anything but cast a simple rigor spell on my waning member. Christina was satisfied though, and I quickly fell asleep once she was done with me.

I woke up two days later it turned out. As I said, making potions can really beat the shit out of you. I didn’t see the mystery man that Sophia had had up in her room, but Sophia herself was in an excellent mood so I thanked whoever he was and went about my day. After lunch I took the car out and headed over to Rickard’s place to pick up the tracer. I wasn’t sure it was a good idea, but I had run out of good ideas and now I only had the terrible ones left.

It was another wonderful summer day in Skåne as I drove southwest towards Fjelie. Siri had found a couple of new tunes and I must say she was getting better by the day. It would be a pity when I had to send her back to the Nether, she had been a real catch and as long as I kept her stomach filled with fluffy white rabbits, she was as happy as a fiddle.

As I got out of my car I could hear laughing from inside Rickard’s barn. I walked up to the door and knocked. From inside came the exhilarated giggling of at least one woman.

“I’m coming to get you!” rumbled Rickard’s cheery voice.

I sighed and pulled the door open and cleared my throat. I have seen naked dwarves before, and I suppose I will again. But what I had not previously laid eyes on was a dwarf, naked except for thigh-high stockings, chasing two equally nude big, indeed very big, women around with an electric flyswatter. I closed the barn door behind me and watched them for a moment. Every time Rickard managed to hit one of the girls with the swatter it zapped, and the girl in question shrieked, followed by uncontrollable laughter from all three of them. I sighed some more and cleared my throat a little louder. Still no reaction. The barn smelled sweet of newly brewed mead and I saw a large demijohn sitting in a corner that was definitely the source of the scent.

“Having fun?” I almost shouted.

All three froze and stared at me. Then the girls hid behind Rickard and Rickard’s face split in a wide grin.

“Jakob! My friend!” he bellowed walking towards me.

If I haven’t told you before, dwarves are basically tripods, and Rickard was no exception. Even though I do not prefer male company myself, I couldn’t help but watch as his massive member swung like the pendulum of a grandfather clock. Come to think of it, that was probably where the name of the clock came from. Dwarves are excellent clockmakers. And all look like grandfathers from about the age of twenty.

“All’s going well I see,” I said, grasping Rickard’s hand and doing my best not to wince as he crushed it in his.

The dwarf nodded, a satisfied grin on his face.

“I think they really like me,” he whispered far too loudly, making the girls behind him giggle. “Come. Join us.”

He made his way to the other side of the barn, one arm around each of the big girls. I had to admit, they had nice figures. Rickard had made a kind of den in one corner of the barn where mattresses and pillows had been haphazardly thrown out and covered with blankets that would make a hippie envious. The dwarf lay down like a pasha on a big purple beanie bag and the girls lay down next to him.

“Jakob. This is Ingrid and Pernilla.”

I smiled at the girls. The one Rickard had called Ingrid had thick, curly red hair that did indeed match the carpet whereas Pernilla was a brunette with no carpet at all. The girls were looking admiringly up at Rickard and it reminded me that they were under my spell. I should have probably felt bad about that but feeling bad about doing bad things was something that I had gotten past long, long ago.

“Do you want some mead? Or a blowjob? Pernilla gives great blowjobs.”

The brunette blushed fiercely but I could almost sense her willingness to please. I shouldn’t have been surprised, the urge to give blowjobs was my doing. I consider it my private touch. And I have never heard anyone complain, women nor men. I sighed. I have never in all my years said no to a blowjob and I wasn’t about to start now.

Five minutes later I had a horn full of mead and a mouth on my dick. We drank and talked and got our cocks sucked. I’ve had worse days. After I donated my seed in Pernilla’s mouth she went back to cuddling up next to Rickard. They all looked genuinely happy. Love potions always work best when there was some kind of connection between the subjects beforehand and the girls clearly liked Rickard, so now they idolized him. The mead went down all too quickly and went straight to my head. I reminded myself to clear it before I got in the car.

“So, my end of the bargain is done?” I asked a couple of hours, and a few horns of mead, later.

“Of course. I almost forgot,” Rickard said and got up.

He rummaged around a bit in the back. I had always wondered how he managed to store everything in there. He seemed to have everything from pocket watches to steam engines in his storage.

“Here ya go buddy,” Rickard said and slapped the package into my hand.

The device was deceivingly small, and light, given how much destruction it could cause. If I got caught using this, there would be hell to pay. Possibly quite literally.

“You okay buddy?”

I looked down at Rickard and nodded. He studied me for a moment, then he shrugged.

“How did it go with the police?”

I raised an eyebrow.

“What do you mean?”

Rickard laughed.

“I mean that when I left you, you were running around naked on the tables in the middle of the food-court shouting at the police.”

I nodded slowly. I wasn’t entirely surprised, but I had no recollection of the events at all.

“What happened?” I said, knowing that I probably didn’t want to know the answer to that question.

Rickard looked up at me with a confused look on his face.

“At the mall, I mean. After I handed you the potion.”

Rickard raised one eyebrow. Then he laughed his hearty laugh but when he saw my facial expression he stopped.

“You honestly don’t remember, do you?”

I shook my head.

“Well buddy. I can tell you that you probably shouldn’t go back to the mall in a while. At least not while wearing that … face. You pissed off a lot of people. You−”

I raised my hand. Sometimes it is better not to know.


This was the fourth chapter of The Sharp Edge of the Veil

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  1. Chapter 1


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