Wet Dreams University 114 The Licking Dream Master (FF MF MFF MFM BDSM Anal Bondage Solo Toys)

“Is this the place for Umm..” Dian check just to make sure she got it right.  “..In the Bedroom with Jax?”  “Yeh” said a deep voice “this is it” Dave checked out that hottie who just came through the door.  “It seems there is only standing room butt baby have I got a seat for you” leaning back so his rock hard cock could be seen a lot better.  Gripping it by the base as it’s head swelled up, “Cum on baby have a seat.”
“Jeff, Jeff your naughty time has cum” Angie said.  Sticking her head into the hoard of people.  Closing the door, placing her back to the glass, “My fuck there is only standing room out there.  I guess a free fuck was a little much” grinning as she walked back to her position behind Clarissa.  Whispering in her ear as Angie walked by, “You should see the look on your face, priceless.” 
“Hi ladies this is Jeff cuming all over your screen.   Nice office nothing butt a fuck mat!  I could get used to that especially with a hottie like you” not even waiting for the first question as his tongue found it’s mark.  “Oh Jeff.. this, this isn’t a.. Ohh fuckkk” Clarissa hips wanted to buck as he pressed his mouth into her ass.  Hooking his tongue as it glided down over Clarissa pussy.  Catching a glimpse of what Clarissa had on her screen, “Oh yeh bounce those titties” his tongue torpedoing into her asshole.  “Jeff.. Oh my.. my.. Mmm fuckkk” Clarissa raking the floor as his tongue made her cunt explode.  Stroking himself as the scene played on.  “Oh fuck man I definitely could get used to this” angling his head so his tongue lashed out at Clarissa’s unsupecting clit.  “Squirter, Mmm now I know the reason why the boss hired you” pulling her back to her knees.  Spreading dat ass, “Yes, yes, yes I want you to cum.. hard” once again spiraling his tongue deep in Clarissa’s asshole.  Jumping from asshole to pussy in a instant.  A hard lick starting just above her clit, pressing over, through Clarissa’s limit then burying itself back in her wet slit.  The bucking started long before his final plunge.  Her hips didn’t care about what he said just for that tongue which he was very good with.  Clarissa’s lungs couldn’t even get in a full breath as her stomach spasmed causing her to moan.  “Ooooh yesss.. I, I.. OooohOooohOooohOoooh..” Clarissa had finally drug her nails back to her side.  “Ohh.. Ooo Ooooh.. OooohOooohOooohOoooh” was her last moan as the next orgasm stole the last bit of air from her lungs.  Clarissa’s pussy as wet as it was still had to cum.  Arching her back, dragging her triple S’s over the sex mat.  “Ooo.. Ooo.. Ooooh.. … …. ….. OooOoooOoooo” letting loose a flood of cum that rivaled the best porn squirting star, Gem.  The screen went blank as Clarissa’s orgasm took a pause to recoil.  “Hey what ever happened to.., Uhh didn’t see you standing there there is enough lick for you too” Jeff said so close to spewing his load.  “Thank you, you freak now get out!”  The red faced Angie said it all.  “Okay, I will be expecting a second interporn let’s say tomorrow” slipping through the door before a Sexxee to go cup dumped it’s liquid all over the door.  “I can lick you better, so why do you stand for that.. ok lay for that” Angie was getting a major turn on simply by the way Clarissa was positioned.  “I could, Ah, like finish you off my Slut” licking her lips, her hand already on the way to giving herself a orgasm.  The computer screen flashed on the same as Angie.  Watching as Gem was being tongued in the same position as Clarissa.  The only difference Angie had Clarissa’s twins to fondle.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/lx8vdc/wet_dreams_university_114_the_licking_dream