Creating my problems [MF]

I’m married, have been for fifteen years with a son and a daughter, now seven and five, respectively. Two kids is enough, believe me. I love them dearly, but there are times… well let’s leave it there. My husband is a good man. He’s a gentle lover, not overly demanding, tolerates my foibles, forgives me quickly when I hit bitch mode, makes me cum when we fuck every time. I love his dick in my mouth too, and more than once a month I will just suck him off for the sake of sucking his dick. He cums in my mouth whenever I want him to, without hesitation, without me asking him to. It’s never planned, I just get that mood and don’t want him to fuck me, but I want to suck him and no idea why, it just happens.

The only problem for me is that sometimes, it’s just not enough. I want more.

Over the last couple of years I have gone from being a satisfied wife and mother to something different. I don’t know what, but every now and again, I just get the craving for more cock. My husband accommodates me as best he can, but even he runs out of steam. For some reason, this became more and more an issue over time, ’til it became a serious problem. My problem is I want more, but my man is as straight as they come, or cum, is it? I couldn’t even broach the idea of experimenting with him.

Having sex with anyone else would be unthinkable for him and to watch me, or even know that I was, having sex with another guy would ruin our relationship. I go out with him and the kids, just to do the shopping and I can see other guys with their wives checking me out, checking out anything with tits actually. Young, old, anything in between, doesn’t matter to them. Their wives are completely oblivious or don’t care, and I know that my man doesn’t even consider window shopping. He doesn’t look, not even when he thinks I’m not looking. A straight arrow used to be the term, that’s what my dad told me about him after we let my parents know we were going to get married. Now look at it, I’m not bored with him, I love him dearly, but I am craving more cock. What the fuck is wrong with me?

I’ve tried to resist it. I’ve taken to my vibrators like I never have before. I can masturbate two or three times a day, and it’s not enough. I fuck my husband more often a week now than I have since we first got married. He doesn’t mind, but it’s starting to wear him out, I’m sure. I went to give him a blow job one night, for example, and it took like forever to get him erect, let alone cum. There are an increasing number of nights when he can’t get it up at all, poor dear.

I’m lucky, in one way, in that I haven’t had a full time job since before my first was born. There is more than enough money coming into the household without me needing to work, the advantage of him being a software engineer for a big company. He’s a very good software engineer by the way, so I am very lucky that he can do that and still have a life. Sure it gets crazy occasionally, but most of the time, it’s pretty much a 9 to 5 job for him. Now that both kids are in school, I have more time on my hands for vibrators and masturbation.

The house is spotless, the paths are shoveled this time of year, it’s how I get the majority of my exercise actually. I also go to the gym, when they’ve been open other wise it’s been maintaining core strength and a weekly masked dash. I’ve been lucky, most of the time, the school closures and other have been disruptive of my routines but I’ve been coping anyway. Now, schools are reopening and my kids are going. Hopefully, now the vaccines are here and with new, and better, leadership, this Covid drama and all the associated nonsense will be over soon. Not counting on it though.

In May last year, my thoughtful husband bought some mortar cement, a length of water pipe, drilled some holes though it, put in some bolts then mixed up 20 pounds of concrete, standing the pipe in it. When dried, he did the other end and this made me a weight I could lift. Really hard at first, but it got better and I got some biceps muscles now. Why did he do that? He went to a sports store and they were sold out of weights. Then he went to another store, they too had sold out. Panic buying, he was told. What? Weights are not toilet paper, why do people do that kind of shit? No pun intended, Covid doesn’t give you diarrhea, so why? Fucking morons.

Things are heading back to normal, so far. My craving for cock is still there so I’ve just been rubbing my pussy raw. I’ve looked at the older guy down the street, he just retired though you wouldn’t think it, except for the hair. He is fit and healthy, his wife’s not though, she had cancer some years back. I did look at him, but there are stories about him. Bit of a ladies man, apparently, seems he was having an affair with the woman who used to live across the road. Also, her daughter took a bit of a fancy to him as well, the lady next door to me told us once. But no, too close to home, too many neighbors peeking out from behind their blinds.

No I had to think outside the box. I was online looking at Reddit and I saw a post that talked about a glory hole. I thought they were fantasies, but no, they are real. I read on and found that men and women use them for completely anonymous sex. A guy puts his dick in a hole and there’s a mouth, a pussy or an asshole for it to go into. Well fuck me! Totally anonymous sex? I did a search online and found there was a number of places that had glory holes available. I found one on the other side of the city, about 45 minutes away from home. It was also nowhere near where my husband works either. Curiosity got the better of me, I had to find out more. It was in a sex shop, so I did a drive-by in Google Earth. Definitely not gaudy or lit up like a Xmas tree, a little low key but well signed, suggesting that was a deliberate decision made by the management of the business.

Over the next few days I was thinking about it during the day, fucking and sucking at night, vibing and rubbing by day. Fuck it! I had to try! I got the nerve to ring this place and make some inquiries. A woman answered the phone, and was quite happy to talk to me, inviting me to come by and have a look at the place. I had to go. The next day, I prepared myself as best I could then after finding a nearby park, I walked to the store. I grew more nervous, more excited as I got closer. The store had it’s windows painted over, clear signage warning off non-adults, but it was all clean, not new clean, but well looked after.

I stopped, took a deep breath and pushed open the door. Coming into the store there was lingerie, sex toys, dolls, mannequins all sorts of things. I’d never been in a sex shop before, and it was- well it wasn’t what I was expecting. There were aisles of toys, much like a supermarket for sex. Well, really, that’s what it was. Come on, I admonished myself, Get a grip and grow up a bit. A young lady was arranging a shelf when I walked in and after a few moments, she stopped what she was doing and came over to me. “Hi,” she said with a friendliness I’m not sure I was expecting. “Can I help you?” I was so fucking nervous and it must have shown. “First time here?” She asked. I nodded. She smiled and said, “Welcome, I’m –,” she said, “And be assured, whatever you’re looking for, we’ll have in store and if we don’t we can get it for you.”

She spoke with that calm self assurance that one has when you know you’re an expert at something. This kid was only in her early twenties, so must have had a lot of experience with this stuff. I only bought my vibrator from Amazon a few years ago, not knowing what was really available. I looked around then finally stammered out what I wanted. She smiled and said, “Oh, you called yesterday?” I nodded. “Oh good, I wasn’t sure if you would come or not, I’m the manager of the store, so all of this comes through me.” What? Manager? A bit young? “Yes, it does surprise people when they find out what I am a manager of, but it keeps me busy and off the streets.” She smiled.

For the next fifteen minutes we talked and I found I was liking this girl, becoming more relaxed as we spoke. I found she was very clear in rules and expectations. All sorts of rules, and I thought this was getting awfully fucking complicated. Single woman gets in for free but as a couple we pay a small fee. One set of booths were based on maintaining complete anonymity. If I wanted to put on an exhibition, I could use the Glass Room and be with as many other people as were available, with any number of viewers, even online viewers.

She asked me if I was bi- or straight. Straight, I said, never considered a woman as a sexual partner. Well, she told me, if I ever wanted to try a woman, let her know and she would arrange something for me. I never thought I would, after all, I was only there for cock. Also, it would be unlikely I would ever use the Glass Room. I couldn’t swear to it, but I’m sure I saw a look of disappointment pass over her face. Oh well, them’s the breaks, I suppose. She gave me a form to fill out, telling me that everything was under lock and key, the internal security network has no external connection so can’t be hacked from outside. Otherwise everything was covered by cameras and normal security. She entered my details and produced a key code I could use to access the building at any time. The glory holes ran 24/7 and were only closed for deep cleaning, twice a day. Soft furnishings could be changed any time, but please try to clean up my own mess as best I can.

She led me to a side entrance where we went outside and around the building. There was a car park at the back, well lit at night, if I wanted to park there. We went to the other side of the building where there were three doors, each with a security device on them, not mechanical, electronic. The card she gave me opened the door for us to enter into a corridor that leads to the private booths. I can spend as much time as I like here, but would need to be entertaining myself. There were showers to the right, but only for two people at a time. I would have to bring my own toiletries, makeup and if asked, they can provide a towel, which can be stored in the lockers on the left.

She showed me a booth. Three solid walls had three holes in each of them. One was starting a little lower than waist height and went up for about a foot, maybe more. The other two had arm sleeves in them so hands can be put through to feel my tits, I thought. The waist hole could fit a hand through it too, so if I wanted to be fingered, that could happen. It was clean and tidy, with cushions and a chair on the wall behind the door. There was a narrow bench I could sit on, to suck a cock maybe, to bend over to rest on if I was being fucked. The floor was that sponge rubber matting you get in a gym, easy to clean I expect and easy on the knees, well I hope so anyway.

She then said, if I want, I can start right away, there is at least one guy waiting. I nodded, asking for a towel. She told me she would slip it onto the chair and left, closing the door behind her, I quickly got undressed. I was actually going to do this? Fuck, I wanted a cock real bad then!

I saw a hand poke through the lower opening and beckon me to come closer. I did, taking his wrist and holding it up, pushing my pussy onto his fingers. He got the idea quickly and fingered me, as I pumped my now soaking pussy on his hand. One of the sleeves moved and a hand appeared out the end of it, so I moved my tits closer to him. He squeezed my tit, pinching the nipple. A little hard, but my muff became even more moist if that was possible, I switched tits and he did the same to the other. I felt his fingers withdraw and I stepped back to see a hard cock appear. Enough foreplay then. I sat on the bench seat and leaned forward taking the condom covered dick into my mouth. It was easy sucking this one, it was small, below average, which is probably why he comes to a glory hole, he gets to shoot a load without fun being made of him I suppose.

I was sucking some stranger’s dick. I didn’t care either. I felt my nose touching his pubis while I pulled and twisted his balls my mouth sucking his dick. If he’s anything like my husband, he’ll love it, if he’s not, well tough, he’s getting his balls twisted. He certainly didn’t object, he started pumping my mouth, as best the wall allowed him to. I stopped sucking and stood, turned around and backed up to his cock. I felt it between the cheeks of my ass, but that wasn’t where I wanted it.

I spread my legs and reached under me, feeling for his tool. Got it! Aim it, wipe it up and down, feel it catch on my vaginal hole, rock back… mmm. Well, there is a wall between us, a thin wall true, but a wall none the less. He wasn’t getting that deep, okay, short dick and wall, so give him a break. I could still feel the knob inside me, then deeper, and back out a bit, in again as I rocked backward and forward. He tried but the wall was stopping him. Then I felt a little surge and a heard a loud moan, fuck it! He was shooting his seed. Oh dear, not much of a fuck for me, but still, I got to suck a dick have it inside me, even if I didn’t cum. It was certainly exciting actually. I was being used by this stranger and using him in turn. This poor bastard likely didn’t have much of a sex life and at least I was able to remedy that for a few minutes, so there was some mutual benefit.

He pulled out and I heard a whispered, “Thank you!” There was a light from a door opening and closing, I knew he was gone. Well, that was unexpected, but then if I was guy, would I want to hang around, do nothing and not talk to the slut on the other side of the wall? Probably not. Looking over at the end of the room, there was a box of baby wipes, some lubes, on the stand next to the chair by the door. I used them to wipe myself and as I did that, I thought that I had come here to avoid playing with myself. Here I was, one tiny dick and I was thinking about playing with myself again.

I sat for a moment or two, thinking this was a bit of a bust. It was okay, but not measuring up to the images I had of it in my head. Guess it’s true, the reality doesn’t live up to the fantasy. I reached for my panties, intending to dress and go when I heard a door open, then close. It wasn’t the same wall, someone else. There was some sounds of undressing, I heard a sneaker drop, then another. Some loose change jingled in a pocket, so I stopped reaching. I hope this guy is a bit bigger, I thought.

A hand reached through the wall and beckoned me. It was a very dark hand. I couldn’t get to the wall quickly enough. The cubicle I was in is not very big so it only took me a step then another to step over the cross bench. I got close to the wall and felt his fingers on my snatch. He didn’t hesitate, he started fingering me, stroking my clit, massaging my vagina. This was certainly better. This guy knew what he was doing, for sure. I pumped my pelvis onto his hand, feeling a lot more delight than I had before.

A large hand came through an arm sleeve and I positioned my tits where he could play with them. He had larger hands, calloused hands but that didn’t matter. He was far more tender than the first guy. He caressed a nipple then stroked the my breast. The roughness of his hand was actually a turn on, my nipples were really hard, I was wet by this stage. Like before, his hand withdrew and I stepped back, but this time, I reached into the hole and felt some flesh, muscular flesh, a thigh. He moved and this soft thing swung into my hand. If it was hard and cold, I would have screamed but it was warm and soft. I curled my fingers around it and felt it begin to grow.

I gently tugged him through the wall, and gasped at the size of it. It wasn’t fully hard yet but it was already six inches long. I caressed it, making sure I ran my hand over the glans, making it even harder. There was no condom on it, but right then, I didn’t care. I sat on the seat then leaned forward, taking his cock into my mouth, bareback. I know, dumb right, but I got lucky in one sense, he was clean, I got lucky in a second sense, he was still growing as I had him in my mouth. I was also lucky that I managed to lift up a bit and he didn’t strangle me with that tool. I just sucked him, in and out, regardless of any consequence. Fuck, it was this huge black snake I was swallowing. I felt up for his balls and they too were bigger than any I had ever seen before. I played with them, I licked them, I took them into my mouth, while I rubbed his dick. I kissed those huge jewels of dark flesh, it was fucking brilliant, just what I came here for. I rubbed and sucked and kissed every square inch of that bit of hardware, what a big bit it was too.

I almost went too far, I gagged a couple of times, but that didn’t stop me getting as much of that huge prick in my mouth as I could. If he’d turned around and bent over, I would have sucked his ass too, just for bringing me that tool.

I had to have it inside me, so again, I quickly turned around and presented my pussy to him. I had to get him in and in he went, a long fucking way. Even with that thin wall between us, no-one has ever gotten that deep inside me before, I felt him hitting the cervix about every third or fourth stroke. It wasn’t painful at all, it was fucking delicious. I moved backwards and forwards on his cock, pumping my ass on the wall. In it would come, sliding deep inside my vaginal canal, then out, almost to the point where the edge of the glans the rim of the knob would fall out, then in again, over and over. It felt unbelievable!

I could hear his moans and grunts and sighs between the thumps of his body on the wall. Our combined thrusting was getting more and more rapid, his breathing more ragged. I remembered at that point he didn’t have a condom on! I was letting him fuck me with no condom! How could I have been so fucking stupid? I didn’t want him cumming in me, and I don’t know what made me do it, but I pulled off him. I quickly turned, hearing his cry of disappointment but I got his cock in my mouth again. I sucked as hard as I could, I played with his balls and stroked the bottom of his dick until he came all over me. I wanted it! I wanted to release the inner slut in me! I caught the first gush of cum in my mouth, then made sure the next hit me in the face. It was glorious! I had the heat of his cum all over me! I aimed his third shot on my tits and I got it! By that time I had swallowed the first shot so just went back to sucking his dick and playing with his balls, getting the last of his cum right out of it.

When I thought I had enough, I lifted off him, kissing the end of his knob, saying “Yuummmm!” It was shrinking, but that was okay, I knew I had the best of it. I was covered in his cum. I could feel if dribbling down, off my face, in my hair, bubbling over my tits. It tasted pretty good too, salty, like all cum, but it had an indefinable quality about it that few men in my experience do. My husband has it, so does this guy. I loved that big snake in my mouth, in my pussy, in the palm of my hands, I really wish I could have it again, and maybe I will, if I come back here. I hastily cleaned up and fallen dribbles and wiped the worst off me.

I went to the bathroom clean up a bit, going home covered in another man’s cum is not going to do my marriage any good. I checked the time and realized I had better get going soon. Washing quickly, I got dressed and went back to the cubicle to see if I left anything behind. I opened the door to see someone else in there, a naked blonde woman sucking a guy’s dick.She jumped and looked at me. I stopped, shocked, I mouthed an apology and backed out quickly. She was actually quite good looking, nice tits. The glimpse of her with a dick in her mouth was really sexy and my nipples hardened. Wow! What was that all about?

I left through the private entrance, going around to the front of the building, entering the adult store. The girl I spoke to was still there and she asked me, quietly, how it went. Fucking brilliant, I replied, but I am going to have to be careful, not come too often. “That’s alright, that works for many people. Today is normally a day where things can be a bit more busy than other days, for a week day. Otherwise it’s nights or weekends, especially Saturday nights.” I murmured okay I’ll bear that in mind, knowing that nights and weekends were definitely out.

On the drive home, I went over everything I did today. The image of the cubicle I was in, the big dick, how it tasted, how I loved it shooting all over me, the naked woman with a mouthful of cock. That was all pretty fucking amazing.

I got to give my man a head job that night and it was tasty. It brought home to me the taste of the guy this afternoon. I couldn’t get over just how alike they were, not in size, in taste. I slept for a bit then woke understanding something. First, I hadn’t cum all day. I had two guys fuck me and didn’t cum. I didn’t masturbate either. I sucked three dicks, and didn’t demand they make me cum. It didn’t bother me at all. For some reason though, when I got back to sleep, I dreamed of being in that cubicle, not with the guy with the big dick, but with the woman who had a cock in her mouth. She was eating me. I woke with a bit of a fright, but my nipples were hard and my pussy swollen. Where the fuck did that come from? I had trouble getting back to sleep and when I did, all I could dream of was her tits. How soft are they? What do her nipples feel like? What would she taste like?

I went to this glory hole to indulge my inner slut, to satisfy her hunger for cock. Instead, have I opened other doors? Found something excitingly different? Has my inner slut has woken something inside me I didn’t know was there? Have I stepped into a different world and created a another set of problems for myself? I think I’m just going to have to find out.
