Midnight Musings [dark]

*please be kind… first attempt at writing*

Sifting through paper after paper for the past few hours has begun to take its toll. My hands feverishly lace through my lengthy auburn locks as I coax myself to pursue my endeavors; despite my discomfort. The space between my legs becomes hot as my frustration grows with the task at hand. I push my glasses back to their rightful place atop the bridge of my nose and return to my work with a heavy sigh. *Ten more pages.* I shift my weight from side to side in my office chair, the words are becoming difficult to distinguish. The grandfather clock boldly announces the first hour of the new day. Startled, I kick my chair so that I whirl around in a circle; a childlike joy consumes me as my hair fans out from the motion, momentarily weightless.

I stand abruptly, leaving the last few pages for a fresh mind, and pull on my running shoes. Too late of an hour to rouse my sleeping dog to accompany me, I quietly let myself out the back door. The brisk winter air stings my tired eyes. I come alive in the stillness of the night, my heart lurches in my chest. My feet yearn to fly and I can no-longer constrain them. I begin to run my familiar path, the moon and stars are my companions. My breathing comes quickly at first but evens out as my pace regulates.

My mind wanders as do my feet. I’ve not had a lover in years. Admittedly, this is my own choice due to the demands of my career, but I do miss the lingering… knowing touches shared between two souls. Feeling as if the whole world is asleep while we lie awake watching the sun creep over the horizon, naked bodies pressed together in post-coital bliss.

My eyebrows draw together creating a furrow and my mind returns from the clouds as my pierced nipples become painfully erect due to the crisp winter air. The space between my legs pulses in response.

My legs draw out into long strides as I intensify my gait in an attempt to forgo my longing. Looking across the pond causes my eyes further discomfort due to the wind. I veer away from the water in favor of the protection of the dense trees. A small path through the woods connects to a old dirt road which leads to the local sportsman’s club. The canopy bolts out the moonlight and shrouds the path in darkness. My eyes rejoice and slowly adjust.

My seclusion prompts me to unabashedly sing a few lines of a favorite song:

*Didn’t want no one to hold you
What does that mean?
And you said
Ain’t nothin’ gonna to break my stride
Nobody gonna slow me down, oh no
I got to keep on movin’
Ain’t nothin’ gonna break my stride
I’m running and I won’t touch ground
Oh no, I got to keep on movin’*

I smiled to myself as I finished the verse and transitioned to a untamed sprint.

Suddenly my foot caught on an upturned root and my body lurched forward. I fell hard onto the compact dirt and the wind rushed out of my lungs. I lay gasping for a moment before I began to push myself up.

It was then that a heavy boot kicked between my shoulder blades and laid me out like a pancake. Panicked, I attempted to roll to the side to visualize my assailant. Big mistake. The large form sent a kick straight into my gut, causing me to cough and lose the little air I had left in a squeak of horror.

The large man cockily knelt down next to me and let out a deep and hearty chuckle before stating, “Seems I’ve broken your stride, little lady”.

Unable to speak, I spat in his face.

He slapped me across the face. Hard. It seemed as if the stars within the night sky had suddenly doubled. My stomach began to sink and nausea crept up to my lips, I held it at bay.

He growled in my ear, “What’s a pretty little thing like you doing out in the woods at this hour?”.

I inhaled, gathering the courage to meet his eyes, and spoke, “trying to have some peace of mind, until you ruined that, that is”.

His weathered face cracked into a wide grin. “Why darlin’ you won’t be finding any of that tonight, I’ll make sure of it!”

Sensing a closing window of opportunity, I leveraged the proximity of his face and drove the edge of my palm upwards into the underside of his nose. The assailant howled in pain and clutched at his face. I rolled a few feet out of reach and struggled to my feet.

He shrieked: “you’re going to pay dearly for that, you little cunt!”

I turned towards the direction of home and exploded forwards. The sound of my footsteps were masked by the pounding of blood in my ears.

As I tore through the woods, my body began to scream in protest. My assailant got on my heels. I pressed onwards. The clearing was only a few more minutes away. Almost there- his large, thick hand wrapped tightly around my lagging wrist and sharply drew my backwards into his chest. I drew my head forward and then brought it backwards with as much force as I could muster.

My eyes saw a burst of white as pain seared into the crown of my skull. Darkness enveloped my consciousness and my body sagged.

Nobody wins with a headbutt.

My mind stirred. There was intense pressure on both of my wrists for I was bound between two trees. My legs had been forced apart and tied in a similar fashion. Absolutely helpless. I mustn’t have been unconscious for very long as the night was still quite dark. I listened for movement as my body quaked.

A few moments later I heard heavy footsteps headed in my direction. I did my best to play dead but he must have noticed my trembling form. Fuck.

“Hey girly, thought you’d best me, huh? Guess I’ll have to show you what happens to the spirited ones…”

I heard a sharp click as he approached me from behind. I could smell him. A mix of pine, fire and gin. The heat started just above my left ankle and continued up my leg, stopping just below my ass cheek. I bit my lip. The cold air stung my broken and exposed skin. Blood dripping hot down my leg. He paused. “Can you feel that, bitch?”

“Feel what?” I retorted sharply.

He growled at my dismissal and ripped my yoga pants further to expose my rear and nether regions.


I gasped as my flesh sung out in pain from a sharp blow to my vulva from the flat side of his large hunting knife.

“Felt that one, didn’t ya!”

*smack* He hit my vulnerable flesh again, harder. I cried out in pain. Surely he must have bruised me on the first strike. He used the knife to cut away my black lace thong. He hit me again- I didn’t think it could sting any worse but boy was I wrong!

Tears welled in my eyes but I dared not make a sound. This evil fuck appeared to thrive off of it.

“This is only going to get worse, the night is young; and so are you, my dear. Young and dumb!”

My legs shook as he dragged his knife down my other leg, cutting away the soft fabric and leaving a wet hot trail of blood down the back of my leg, just as he had done with the first.

“You’re going to look like a pinup with these lovely scars down the back of your legs, permanent stockings for a pretty whore like you. In fact, you should thank me for what I’ve done!”

My lips pressed tightly together. I wouldn’t dare give him the satisfaction!

“I can’t hear you?!” He exclaimed. “Thank me!”

*smack* my exposed crotch erupted into fire. I couldn’t help the screech that escaped my lips this time.

He chuckled and remarked, “close enough to a thank you, I suppose. Let’s see if that little pussy is liking all of this attention.”

My eyes grew wide as I realized his intent. “Don’t you dare touch me”, I stammered.

He could barely get the words out between laughs, “or what, you’ll scream? You’ll run? Good luck with any of that. You’re much further into the woods than you think and bound tighter than a hardcover.”

His large index finger traced up the inside of my left thigh and came in contact with my searing hot labia. His lips parted slightly as he pushed his finger to become enveloped by my folds. He smiled and withdrew his finger.

His other hand encapsulated the lower portion of my face and squeezed until my jaws were forced ajar. He thrust the finger which had been between my legs into my unwilling mouth. Shame filled me as I was greeted by the taste of my own arousal.

Alas, I met his eyes with an air of defiance. I wouldn’t satisfy his sick perversions.

“Looks like I’ve captured a pain slut who is rather aroused by her current state of helplessness, what a delight!” He declared, clapping his large, meaty hands together.

My body continued to tremble, whether that be due to the temperature, fear or pain, I am unsure. Likely all three. My mind was quickly drawn back to the scene before my eyes when I felt the cool pointed tip of the blade run over my swollen and aching vulva.

“It would be a shame if I cut you here too soon, I hate having blood on my cock. Does a bitch like you get her period or should I fix that, too?” He inquired.

I raised my chin and glared at him, “well wouldn’t you like to know”.

His eyes darkened and he struck me across the face. The stars multiplied in the sky for the second time that night. “Yes, I would like to know, that’s why I asked. That smart mouth of yours is only going to make this harder for you and all the more pleasurable for me!” He vociferated.

Well well well… it’s late and I should stop writing smut and return to my *actual* duties. If this is well-received I might be so inclined to post the rest of the scenario I have brewing in this horny and deprived mind of mine ;)

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/lvxb8k/midnight_musings_dark