Giving My Woman a Bath

So another work day happens but today, you are really busy in the office taking care of things dealing with this and that about. The energy you had when you woke up was not great and is all but being spent as you work through the day. You managed to earn a break and while you are sitting down with a warm tea and able to catch your breath you connect with me to tell me that you are getting worn out, coming tired and you still have a couple of hours left. I tell you to that you need to do your best to get though your workday and make your way home because I will be there to take care of the rest. This puts a smile on your face and gives you a small shot of energy to power though the rest of your day. Soon enough, quitting time comes and you leave work, get into your car and drive home.

You pull into your driveway like any other normal day and go from the car to your home, when you open and walk though the door there I am to greet you. I help you take off your jacket and you pull off your shoes while I take and hang your jacket up. Shoes off, I then approach you for a big warm bear-like hug and a equally warm kiss. The hug we keep going for quite a while and in my arms your start to slowly decompress and loosen your body and mind. I tell you that you are home now and no longer at work. I walk you towards the bedroom and when you get there I have laid out a bath robe, a toothbrush and toothpaste. The robe is one of those plush cozy robes you might find in a world class spa. I tell you get undressed and put this robe on, if you wanted to brush your teeth then go to a hallway bathroom to do this. When you are done, come into the master bathroom where I will be waiting for you.

You take yourself into another nearby hallway bathroom for you to get ready for your treatment. As you come from that bathroom, robed and cleaned teeth, you walk through the bedroom your walk to the master bath to see me running water in the soaker tub. The tub was already full of water I was just topping up and warming things up. I too am in a bath robe setting up things. The lights are turned out, a few tea candles are spotted around the room just enough to let us see everything in dim light. I take you by your hand and ask if you are feeling better, you wrap your hands around me for a very comforting hug that turns a relaxing smile of your face. As you look up at me. I then take you by the waist tie on your robe to untie and open it to show your body. I then untie my robe and take it off completely in front of you and let it fall to the floor. I take both hands to open the collar of your robe to pull off it off your shoulders enough to let gravity slip the robe off you and into a pile with the other robe on the floor. I take you by both hands and with chivalry I lead you into the tub. We get into the knee-deep water and we now stand in the tub within warmer than lukewarm water naked and looking at each other.

I treat this almost like a massage therapy session having me guide you though your movements and action. I take you and assist you down into the water to let you sit and let yourself be whetted shoulders down. You breathe a very relaxing breath as the water helps cleanse soothe your skin and helps put aside the day’s effort at work out of you. You quickly dunk your head under the water and come out with a look of refreshment on you. I smile at your playfulness. I then hold out my hands and you take them and help you to stand up again. I look into your eyes and as we move closer to each other and hold each other in a warm embrace I tell you you’ve had a long day, you are sweaty and unwashed and I need to bathe you.

I pickup a washcloth and a simple bar of white soap from the side. After they get wet I then lather the soap very well into the cloth and then start off with cleaning your chest and tits. My eyes barely move away from looking into your eyes as I slowly and broadly rub soap on you. Gentle enough yet I will be thorough to clean every part of this area. While one hand takes the cloth and cleans one side the other hands touches and massages the other side for the equal attention. I switch hands and work at soaping the other side while my hands glide effortlessly across the first breast from the sudsy coating on them. I feel your nipples getting erect having my hands take care of them.

I now start to wash your tummy and torso, waist and hips area again with the slow long movement of soap being applied. I look down and watch your trim tummy being tended to shiny brand new and I smile to my delight and then look up at you to be greeted with an equally warm look of approval. I take your arms and rest them on my shoulders. After soaping up the cloth again I move a little closer to you for our bodies to touch while I take one of your arms in my hand to wash it down. The soap spreads across your skin like a thick white paint as the cloth runs all down the entire length from shoulder to fingertips. Your arm gets raised while I wash the under arm. I then put your clean arm on my shoulder and then take the other arm for it’s due treatment. The soap lubricates you while you stand there watching me then closing your eyes moving towards me resting on my chest in a way that trusting me to keep the other arm extended to clean cover every part of it including, that under arm, to have it considered clean.

I put the soap and cloth down to then take your hands and with loving assistance I guide you to sit down in the bath to wash off the soap. After a few seconds in warm water I help you back up to your feet and after another warm loving embrace I guide you to the side of the tub to where I can have you step up one leg at a time get their wash. The washcloth is at ready and I take a leg and prop it just out of water’s cover to start washing your thigh both top, outer and hamstring, the cloth cleans the inner thigh and when it reached the top of the thigh a little wider smile comes from me knowing I have to clean in and around that area, but I am focused on the leg. I walk you back a little to straighten the knee and with you propped against me I clean your knees and calf, ankle and foot from heel to toe. Gotta wash in between the toes so the cloth slides in every toe crevasse from small to large toe and then the bottom of the foot that gets a little applied pressure from a massage. That leg is spotless, I move around to lift that leg to bring up above water. The same wash specifications for the first leg is applied here perfectly, methodically, caringly.

Legs washed and you standing in the warm waters the cloth gets rinsed and soaped up again. I move behind you letting myself brush against you as move. I help you slightly lean over and let your arms and back relax for me to wash your back. I open up the cloth fully to let the full coverage of the cloth cover your back area on you as much as possible. The length of the back gets gently lathered and the effort feels like a massage of sorts that you let yourself go limp to enjoy this much more. Your lean forward sinks you a little deeper to find your bum touching my naked front. This puts you into a small dream state as a little hand pressure on the cloth rubs ontp your skin as the soap lubricates its move. Just for a tease, I wiggle my hips into your rear for fun and me forgetting that I am there to bathe you. But your back is now more than clean and I hold you by your torso to straighten you back up and in front of me for me to take the washcloth and shift down the back to your bum where one cheek at a time gets playfully fondled and rubbed with soap lather. Right cheek to the left cheek. When I concentrate on cleaning the in between top to the bottom you now stand upwards, lean back a little and arch your torso slightly forward to rest against me so that I can slow down my wash to extend that area’s treatment. I finish after a little while and then I will help you with you once again seat back down into the tub where you wiggle a little and sink into the water to warm yourself and rinse what was pasted with a washcloth.

We are almost finished cleaning. I give you the bar of soap and let you lather your hands so that you can wash your own face, ears, eyes, nose and mouth. You do so and splash water onto your face to rinse off. In the bath at this time you look up at me and I look down at you. There is one place that I have yet to wash and I think that you know this as well. When I help you stand from sitting in the water water, I then move you along the lip of the tub where I have you sit down as comfortable as you can make yourself. My eyes looking at you intently I have my hands move your legs apart opening yourself to my full view. The cloth gets soaped down a lot and with the cloth in my open palmed hand I start to wash your pussy deliberately slow. The first touch has you breathe deeply as I go teasingly from the top part to the bottom end. You look at me and brace your hand onto my shoulders pulling my head closer to yours, your legs will do their part to pin against the tub wall to stabilize you as your other hand moves on top of mine to help with my effort to clean you. Your hand over top my hand holding a washcloth bubbling with soap all move in unison while you rest in place in the moment.

After a while, I think I have washed your pussy enough because you are not letting my head move away from the hold your hand has on it, but you are restrained to not do anything but to let me wash still, you still have your other hand holding my wash hand. When I look at you I then let loose the washcloth to let is fall in the tub so that all that exists is my hands and fingers touching your warmed, cleaned skin. This new change gets you breathing a little deeper as the soap lubes my hands and fingers to play with you any which way they want. The intensity builds to the next level with my hand action and with you with more rapid breathing, ever slowly but well noticed, I start to my hands moving deeper and little faster into action. After several moments of this, I then feel the hand and arm of that holds my shoulders grab the back of my head tighter. With your breathing turning into deep quiet moaning the gaze in your eyes deepens and your torso stiffens. Long deep breaths come from you in a needed release, within the soap that remains on your skin and in my hands and fingers I feel a warm juice coming out from within you.

After a few moments to let your gain back your senses and calm breath you loosen the grip on my head. I then finally get to sit down in the soaker tub and experience the warmth of the water envelope me. My hands reach out to you to have you join me in the tub. As you sit down the water rises because now, two bodies rest within the warm water. You lean up against me and my arms wrap around you. In the ambient light we let ourselves enjoy a cuddle and the quiet pause while the warm water soothes our skin.
