The Wedding Proposal

This post is a fantasy that contains: insertion, embarrassment, stealth orgasm. Everyone depicted is over 18 years old.

A man in his jeans and t-shirt got down on one knee at the restaurant. As he looked into his date’s eyes, he said to her, “Buffy Vageena, will you marry me?”

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, clear plastic container. Inside it was an engagement ring with the smallest diamond she had ever seen. The container was like one of those small plastic bubbles that kids pay 25 cents for to get a random toy on the way out of a grocery store. Not that she expected much of a ring, or even a ring at all. They had only known each other for a week. She knew that he didn’t have much money; he was in his second year of college and she was ten years older than him. Her family has had money since, quite possibly, the invention of money itself. But since meeting Phillip Wern, she had never been happier and his bank account balance didn’t matter.

After some gasps and smiles from the onlookers at different tables she gave a slight squeal and said, “Yes, yes!” As she leaned forward to give him a hug, she realized that her chair leg was on top of a part of her dress. She failed at keeping her balance and fell forward on top of him with a scream of laughter. Phillip landed on his back and she landed with her legs straddling his crotch. The onlookers snickered and one person three tables over spit out his water from laughter.

Phillip joined along with the laughter for a moment as he looked at his new soon to be wife on top of him, her white, flowery dress covered his body so anyone could only see was from his armpits up and his knees down. His hand felt odd but he wasn’t sure why.

He stopped laughing and said almost in a whisper, “Hey Buffy, where is the ring?”

“I think it’s in your hand.”

His hand felt warm and wet. He thought carefully about his next question and then asked, “Aaaand…where is my hand?”

She bit her lip and leaned over to whisper in his ear, “It’s in my vagina.” After a moment, she continued, “I think there is something that you need to know about that part of me…” She looked as embarrassed as she did sexually excited. She wiggled her waist on top of the man she loved and in an effort to dislodge his fist and wrist from inside of her.

A waiter and waitress came over to her and each took an arm. They offered to help her up. She tried to say it was okay and that she could do it herself but they insisted. They each grabbed an arm and pulled up on her. They were able to move her up a little bit but she plopped back down on Phillips fist. She gave a little giggle. They tried again and the same result. Again and the same result.

Buffy was starting to moan as they bounced her up and down trying to help her stand. “Are you okay, miss?” one of them asked her. Some of the restaurant patrons had crowded around them and offered to help.

Buffy nodded. “I’m really sorry,” she said as she looked up apologetically at the two. “I have a leg cramp and it’s hard to move. Having a little trouble breathing.” The group of patrons took a few steps back so he could have some air. Buffy looked back down and said, “Phillip, maybe you can help me get off.” Her breathing was becoming shorter and more rapid as she squirmed around on Phillip’s wrist.

Although he wasn’t 100% sure, he assumed (correctly) that she meant to help her get off the floor. Unfortunately, that meant he had two choices. Choice one was to keep his hand in the form of a fist. This way he could keep a hold on the ring case but getting it out was going to be hard. Trip two was to release the case making removal of his hand easy but a possible trip to the emergency room. No matter what happened Phillip was grateful for one thing: he was grateful that Buffy wore that dress because it remained in place and kept them both covered.

Phillip decided on keeping the fist. It might be a little more embarrassing now but it was probably nothing compared to a visit to the emergency room. “Maybe if we do it at the same time,” Phillip said to the wait staff. The waiter and waitress nodded. “One…two…three!” They both lifted her up as Phillip tried to pull his fist out of Buffy. Buffy groaned louder than she had previously and was sweating. She licked her lips and was trying her best to maintain control. No luck as they set her back down. “One…two…three!” Again they lifted her up but she only moved up a few inches. Phillip struggled to keep his body under her dress so no one could see what was really going on.

Another loud groan came from Buffy. “You poor thing,” the waitress said. “That leg cramp must be really bad.”

“It is,” Buffy panted. “I really need to get this taken care of.” She could feel her wetness running out of her and coating Phillip’s wrist and arm.

“Three!” the waiter said. This time, Phillip released the ring case and he could feel his wrist start to come out of her vagina as the two pulled up on her. Even though he could feel the ring case slip out of his grasp from inside of her, he knew that the ring was going to be a problem that would have to be solved outside of the restaurant.

Buffy was almost beside herself as they set her back down onto Phillips’ wrist. Phillip could feel his fingers accidentally push the case further inside her as she went back down. She looked down at him and pleaded, “Please…I’m almost there…”

“Don’t worry, miss,” the waiter said. “We’ll get you taken care of lickity-split.” He looked over to the kitchen and yelled, “Hey Bob.” A large landmass came from out of the kitchen. “Get behind her and help us get her up, will ya?”

Bob took up a position over Phillip and behind Buffy. He put his hands underneath her armpits. With the waiter on one arm and the waitress on the other, they all looked at each other and said in unison, “One….two…three!” Phillip pulled down again. Buffy’s vagina gushed down his entire forearm. Everyone was so close but not quite there. They sat her back down. “Three!” They jerked her back up and Phillip pulled down as hard as he could. Buffy screamed almost like she was in labor. Phillip’s fingers were so close to her exit that he could feel the around near the palm of his hand.

“Don’t stop!” Buffy screamed. “Don’t stop don’t stop don’t stop!” With that, Buff’s eyes rolled to the back of her head as she orgasmed. Phillip’s hand was released from her body with an audible “Pop!” as her cum flooded Phillip. The sudden release of pressure caused Bob to lift Buffy on to her feet as the waiter and waitress fell to the side. Bob and Buffy were able to stand and keep their balance for about half a second as Bob fell back into a chair and she fell on his lap. As she landed on him, her arms flailed over the table and almost knocked it over. While the table was safe, what was on the table was not as everything spilled all over the floor.

Most of the crowd had dispersed once Buffy and Bob fell on the chair. Some of them just wanted to see the ridiculous woman on the floor, some of them didn’t want to get messy from all the food on the floor. Bob lifted Buffy off of his lap for a moment just so he could get up and go back to the kitchen. Buffy sat back on the chair as Phillip was finally able to at least sit up. Phillip briefly thought about what they were going to say to the doctor as to how a wedding ring case was lodged inside of her.

The waitress looked at him and how he was covered in liquid. “Are you okay, sir?” she asked as she tried to towel him off

He looked at the waitress and said, “I’m fine. A pitcher of water must have fallen on me,” he said with a chuckle. She looked around on the floor and everything that Buffy knocked over. The waitress stood up and walked over by the kitchen. She came over a moment later with a couple of towels. She handed one to Phillip and the other to Buffy. As Phillip did his best to wipe Buffy’s fluids from his clothes, Buffy wiped the sweat from her brow.

As Buffy wiped her face, she felt small grains being wiped from the towel and onto her skin. She took the towel from her face and closely inspected it. She looked at the waitress and said, “Excuse me, miss. Could I have a clean towel?”

The waitress’s eyes went wide as she said, “Oh my Goodness I am so sorry, that must be one of the towels used to clean the tables.”

“Don’t feel bad,” Buffy said with a laugh. “After all you did I should be the one apologizing to you all.” She looked at the black specs on the towel. “What is that?” she thought to herself. “Is that pepper?”

Buffy barely had time to register the fact that it was pepper as some of the invisible particles traveled into her nose. With a loud and high pitched a-choo!, Buffy let out the most adorable sneeze that anyone in the restaurant had ever heard. Everyone except Phillip, that is. The only thing he had time to register was a small poof of air lifting up her dress slightly and the ring case exiting Buffy’s vagina to rocket-like velocity. The ring case hit him square in the nose. He let out an audible groan as he fell from his sitting position to back to flat on his back. His head hit the floor with a thud and the ring case landed by his head.

Stars filled Phillips’ vision as the waiter and Buffy stood over him. “Oh my God,” are you okay?” Buffy said with about 10 percent concern and 90 percent humor.

Phillip heard where it had land and patted the floor near the sound. His hand found the ring case, gripped it and he said, “Found it,” as he held it up triumphantly. Buffy helped him to his feet. He handed the case to Buffy and reached into his back pocket for his wallet. It was soaked as well from Buffy’s cum.

The waitress came over and said, “Don’t worry about this one, sir.” she said with a smile. “You two have been through enough for today.” Phillip thanked them but still put down the cost of the meal in the form of a tip.

As Phillip and Buffy walked to the parking lot to his car, Buffy said, “Soooooo….about my chasm of a vagina…”

Phillip interrupted her. “Tell me on the way to the courthouse. I think they should have just enough time to perform a ceremony. I am never letting you go,” he said with a smile.


Hope you liked reading this fantasy as much as I enjoyed writing it. As always, DMs/chats always open from comments, complaints, suggestions, and requests.

Edit: grammar
