The Pleasure of Business: An Erotic Novel, Chapter 41

Anna grins at Bruce as they climb into the car, his hand resting on her thigh. All she wants is to fuck him all day, but business calls, more meetings and phone calls are scheduled.

“I hope you are okay with what just happened, sir, ” she says, innocently..

“If I weren’t okay with it, I’d have stopped you,” he replies, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, planting a kiss on her forehead. She smiles and rests her head on his shoulder, content and happy.

As they arrive at the office, Anna is surprised to find Monique’s desk has been cleared away already, but it makes her happy. Clearly she’s not coming back for a while. As much fun as she was, Anna is ready to have Bruce’s full attention again. Anna takes her seat and starts to work, but notices Bruce standing outside of his office door watching her.

“What is it, sir?” Anna asks with a smile.

“I’m just watching you, Anna. I like watching you,” Bruce replies with a mischievous grin before turning and closing his office door.

Anna laughs to herself and sets to work, organizing the calendar, making copies, putting files away, when all of a sudden…


Anna jumps slightly at the sudden ring of the phone, but quickly composes herself to answer it.

“Thank you for calling the Danger Corporation, how can I assist you?”

“Put me through to Mr. Danger, please”. A heavy Italian accent says, “tell him it’s Victor Salvatore.”

Anna’s eyes widen and she takes a deep breath before responding,

“Yes, sir. One moment please”.

Anna quickly puts him on hold and knocks on Bruce’s office door before opening it, she has to tell him face to face,
“Sir, Victor Salvatore is on the phone, he wants to speak with you.”

Bruce doesn’t show any emotion, he just simply says,

“Thank you, Anna, put him through.”

Anna does so, and then waits. Over the next thirty minutes, she hears lengthy, muffled tirades of shouting, then… nothing.


Anna is about to open the door to check on Bruce, but as she stands, Bruce is there, standing before her. His face is red, his hair is a mess, he is sweating and panting, not to mention she sees fear in his eyes for the first time. Bruce never showed fear to anyone.

“Anna,” Bruce says quietly, between breaths, “Go home. Pack. Take anything you need, we are on the jet to Europe this afternoon. I’ll explain everything when we get there…”

“But Bruce–”

Bruce doesn’t say anything, but he instead walks to her, grabs her, and kisses her.

“Go. Now.”

Anna pauses, and tries to say something else, but Bruce says seriously, “Anna, go. I need you to trust me.”

Anna gulps then grabs her back and races back to the house. She is nervous, scared, concerned, and worried about what just happened. She remembered when Victor Salvatore sent two of his thugs to the office to discuss business, and she remembered when Bruce pulled her dress down to show them her breasts, but she didn’t think anything of it at the time. Now she was more worried than ever. What had Victor Salvatore done? What did he want?

The entire time she is packing these questions roll through her mind before she can do nothing but sit on the edge of the bed and cry. Her fear bubbling over into a flurry of emotions she can’t control. She checks her phone, and that just makes things worse. Bruce hasn’t said anything. No texts or phone calls, now she’s worried. Then, she hears the front door open, then close, then the deadbolt going into place.

“Anna?” She hears Bruce call, his voice raspy.

Bruce knows where to go and he quickly ascends the stairs and finds Anna on the bed with tears in her eyes. She quickly stands and flings herself into his arms.
“Bruce… What is going on? I’m afraid…”

“I think my office has been bugged,” Bruce says very seriously, his face sullen, “ Salvatore knows things he shouldn’t, and while he is not a smart man, he is a violent one.”

Anna opens her mouth to speak, but Bruce holds up a hand.

“He threatened to come after you , and I won’t allow that. Ever. I told you I would protect you and I am going to do just that.”

Bruce paused, and began to pace the room. Anna just sat, and watched him, wanting to speak but knew better.

“Salvatore knew I had threatened your ex husband to make him sign the divorce papers. Anna, he’s dead. Salvatore had him killed and is trying to frame me for it. He said that was just a warning.”

Anna gasps and her eyes widen, now filling with tears again while Bruce contines.

“I filled Wyatt in on what I could. He’ll be waiting for us at the airport with his private security. He’ll take us back to Paradise. We’ll be safe there. It may look like a nonstop party but that fucking place is more secure than fucking Fort Knox.”

Bruce walks back to Anna and wipes a tear from her cheek

“Wyatt is going to help me liquidate the company remotely. If I can’t have it, I’m not letting anyone else.”

He takes Anna’s face in his hands and kisses her forehead, then her lips. Her entire body is trembling, her fear is now emanating from her very core. She can’t believe it, her head is spinning and her ears are ringing.

“I’m so sorry Anna… I never wanted this to happen. I will never let anyone hurt you.”

“Bruce… Ja… James is… dead? How? No… no I don’t want to know.” Anna lets a sob escape her lips, as she buries her head into Bruce’s chest.
“What about the house? What about the dogs? I…”
Her words escape her, she has more questions than answers.

“You’d never forgive me if I didn’t bring the boys. The rest of the staff will be told they can seek other employment or Wyatt will find a place for them at Paradise. We’ll sell this life and start a new one. I’ve done it before. We don’t have to work if we don’t want to. We can invest. We can explore new ventures.”

Bruce places his finger under her chin and lifts her face to his, wiping more tears away.

“You’re all I need. Everything else is just things. Things can be replaced.”

Anna gives a small smile, but there is still fear in her eyes. She can’t say anything else.

Anna helps Bruce grab their bags and a few other things as they head out the door, leaving this life behind. Bigger items can be shipped later, but right now, they have to get going. Bruce grips Anna’s hand and leads her to the car, where Merle and Gus are already waiting. As they climb in, each dog sets their heads in their lap. They are more calming than Anna ever imagined they would be.

“Bruce… What about my family? We have to protect them too…”

“We will. Once I have you safe Wyatt and I will make sure your family is protected. Wyatt’s resources are far reaching. He is much more than a horny old man who likes to fuck young women.”

The next few hours are a whirlwind, and before they know it, their jet has landed in Europe. Anna is still uneasy, and she is now exhausted. She and Bruce didn’t say a word to each other on the flight. Bruce just held her hand the entire way, reassuring her he wasn’t going anywhere.

As the door to the plane opens, Anna sees Wyatt on the runway dressed in a dark blue suit with a silver tie, his grey hair slicked back on his head. It has been some time since she has seen Wyatt with clothes on, but she doesn’t take time to dwell on that.

“Anna, you incredible treasure,” he says when he sees you. “Get your magnificent ass down here.”

Anna slowly approaches and let’s herself fall into his arms, beginning to cry again.

“Don’t you worry about a damn thing,” he whispers to her. “You’re safe now.”

Anna turns her head to see Bruce leading the dogs down the steps of the plane.

“Well, if it isn’t Al Capone and his hell hounds,” Wyatt chuckles.

“The king leaves the jungle? Gosh we must be important or something,” Bruce ribs back at him gruffly.

“It’s good to see you, young buck,” Wyatt says. “But it’s a lot nicer to see her.” He says with a wink,

“Jerome will get your bags,” he says. “Let’s get you two to the car.”

Bruce and Anna follow Wyatt to his limo and they all climb in, after letting Merle and Gus take care of their business after the long flight.

Anna sits near a window and can’t say a word. All she can do is cry, she is exhausted, both mentally and physically.

“There, there. Let’s turn off the waterworks. We are going to take care of everything,” Wyatt says, resting a large hand on her thigh.

“Wyatt, thank you for everything… I can’t think of how to repay you.”

Wyatt only nods and moves out of the way, allowing Gus to take his seat, resting his head on her lap.

“I’m sorry I’m not fully myself Wyatt… I’m still processing everything.”

“No need to apologize, Anna, we will have plenty of time for things later,” Wyatt says with a wink.

Wyatt opens a hidden door and pulls out a bottle of wine. He pops the cork with his bare hands and pours a glass.

“Here,” he says, taking your hand and wrapping it around the glass. “I think you could use this.”

Anna nods and sips the wine, looking between the two men she has shared so much of her physical self with, she feels alone, even though they are both so close.

The three of them sit in silence as they ride to Paradise. Anna drinks the entire bottle of wine nearly on her own, and all it does is make her sleepy. She doesn’t remember when they arrived to Paradise, but she does remember Wyatt carrying her into the suite she and Bruce have and laying her on the bed, planting a small kiss on her forehead before leaving.

Hours later, Anna is awoken to someone rubbing her feet. She stirs and sees Bruce sitting there, naked and smiling down at her with great care in his eyes.

“Bruce.. I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to fall asleep…”

“Don’t apologize, Anna,” Bruce says. “It’s my fault your whole life got blown up less than 24 hours ago.”

Bruce climbs into bed next to her, kissing her cheek as he wraps his arms around her.

“And in a few hours Wyatt and I will start dismantling the company, and in two weeks it will be like it never existed.” He kisses her lips again, tucking her hair behind her ears.

“Do you think you can find ways to occupy yourself while we take care of business?”

Anna snuggles closer and kisses his lips back gently, “I mean, I think so. Even if it’s just walking the grounds with the boys for a while, but I feel like I’m going to need some other kind of attention at some point…” She smiles at him, her eyes twinkling with a teasing air.

Bruce kisses her forehead. “You’ll have the pick of any man you want anywhere. Hundreds of Carolinas just waiting for you.”

Anna smiles, and notices his cock beginning to stir and harden.

“Plenty of any kind of attention you want, Miss Aubergine,” Bruce whispers in her ear before kissing her neck gently.

“I think I want attention from you right now, sir…” She whispers before placing herself between his legs and sucking on his tip gently. She is still in her clothes from the day before, having not had a chance to remove them.

“Anna… God…” Bruce groans before lifting his head from the pillow, “You should really take your fucking clothes off…”

Anna pulls her lips from his member and stands next to the bed. She peels her clothes away from her body slowly, teasing him with her form, before leaping onto the bed and kissing him deeply. Bruce wraps his arms around her and rolls himself on top of her.

They kiss passionately, their tongues fighting for dominance in their mouths. Anna’s back arches slightly as he kisses her neck, making her nails rake down his back.

“Fuck… I just want to fuck all of my troubles away, sir…” She moans as Bruce continues to lick and kiss her skin, moving from her neck to her collarbone.

“Will you fuck my troubles away?” Anna cups Bruce’s face and then pulls him in for a kiss, hungry and desperate for a distraction.

Bruce returns the kiss before he places his tip against her waiting lips, wet and throbbing for him to push inside of her.

“Let me see what I can do for you, Anna.” Bruce whispers, inches from her face before slowly pushing his cock inside of her.

They both moan simultaneously as Anna’s pussy grips every inch of him, daring him to go deeper.

“God you feel good,” Bruce moans into her ear. “Let me make you feel good, Anna…”

Bruce begins to roll his hips, moving in and out of her. Slowly. Intently. Passionately. Anna is his, and he wants her to feel it.

“You feel good too, Bruce…” Anna moans and lets herself go. She allows herself to be lost in the intensity and passion of the moment. She feels every inch of him thrusting in and out of her. Each thrust elicits a moan, breathless and true, her eyes staying in his, keeping their connection in sight and in pleasure filled thrusts.

After a few moments, Anna rolls herself on top of him and she slowly bounces her hips up and down, the intensity growing as her lips kiss his neck. It is her turn to show him that he is hers, that her passion and gratitude for him is more important than she can ever put into words. She kisses his lips again, their bodies becoming damp with the sweat of their passion.

“Fuck… Bruce…” She moans out as her arms pull her to him again, his kiss becoming more intense.

Bruce feels the stress of the last 24 hours melt away from their bodies as they give themselves over to pure pleasure and passion. He takes her hands in his and he grips them tightly as he starts to push himself up into her. He wants to see her body move up and down, he wants her face to be a perfect portrait of beautiful delight and pleasure. Her pussy tightening and releasing with each stroke.

Bruce kisses one of her hands before taking the other and gently rubbing her clit in rhythm with their slow, passionate fucking.

“Anna…” He moans, his voice cracked with pleading desire. “Oh… Anna…”

They’ve had passionate sex before, but nothing like this. Their connection is now fully realized. They are dependent on each other, they can never be apart again.

Anna grips his hand and meets his eyes the more intense his thrusts get. Her entire body is tingling, and she gasps as his pressure increases on her clit.
“Bruce… Fuck…”

Her breath is heavy and intense, her thighs beginning to shake. Her hips are moving up and down slowly, keeping the intense passionate rhythm in motion. She is starting to get to the edge of release. Bruce grips her thigh, normally he would fuck her harder to make her cum fast, but not now. He wants her release to keep building. Slow. Methodical. Their bodies becoming one passionate animal.

He pulls her to him again, and as one moan leaves her throat, it enters his. They kiss again and again, her nipples hard and sensitive as Anna moves her body back and forth on his chest to stimulate them against his skin. All the while they keep their slow, deep rhythm, Bruce fucking her slowly.

In. Out. In. Out.

Anna’s pussy is squeezing and releasing him perfectly, their lips and tongues dancing against each other.

“Don’t stop,” He moans. “Oh God Anna, don’t stop.”

Anna continues to bounce and fuck him slowly, her clit grazing his pelvis, each pass a strum of intensity making her body shake. She pulls her lips from his and places one hand on his cheek, resting her forehead against his.

“Bruce… I’m going… I’m going to cum…”

“Cum for me Anna,” Bruse says softly, holding her gaze. He’s not demanding her release, he is simply encouraging it. “Release your stress onto my body…”

He somehow grows even harder inside of her as he speaks. Anna increases her speed and intensity. He stops his thrusting and stays still, allowing her to use him as she wishes to get the most intensity and pleasure from him.

Her breathing gets faster, small moans leave her mouth again and again. Her body shakes. Anna is right on the edge of something big.

And so is he.

“Anna… ANNA…” He moans loudly, unable to manage any other sound other than her name.

His eyes start to water as his body shakes, her peak growing nearer and nearer.

Anna’s mouth opens but nothing comes out, she tenses and shakes. Her breath caught in her body as pure euphoria washes over her. Her pussy clenches around his hard shaft, when finally she lets out a loud moan, mixed with a scream of pleasure


That pushes Bruce over the edge, and he moans loudly and gasps as he releases his cum inside of her. Her body riding out her orgasm only intensifies his. He just keeps cumming, which sends her into another wave of pleasure. His cock is so sensitive inside of her, but he doesn’t care. He can’t stop. Never before as the other experiences something so intense and pleasurable. It is a first for the as a pair.

Anna’s body collapses on top of him and they just lay there in the moment, unable to speak or move.

Bruce runs his fingers through her hair before croaking out, “Well, we’ve never done that before…”
Anna lifts her head and meets his eyes with a smile.

“I think we just proved we have an intense connection.”
She leans in and kisses his lips softly before rolling off of him and snuggling close to him. Her limbs feel heavy and she can’t move much at all.

“I guess that’s one way to start a new life right?”

“Yes, Anna I believe you’re right.” He says, planting a kiss on the top of her head.
