The Ride Home [MF]

I picked her up at her parent’s house, when she came out of her bedroom she looked incredible. She wore a black dress that hugged her slim figure, it buttoned in the front, which made it my favorite. Her blonde hair flowed down past her shoulders, letting her natural waves lay beautifully along her back. Walking her to my car feeling like a king. I could not wait to get her to my car and be alone with her. It was our habit to kiss at the passenger door after I had opened her. Where were we going? Well, my father, who was a pastor, was invited to preach a Friday night rally in the neighboring County.

As we kissed, I tasted her mouth. She was intoxicating her warmth and soft lips were like an illicit drug to me. She didn’t move, she allowed me to explore her, I ran my hands down her back feeling her firm body through her hair and dress, and I rested a hand on her perfect behind. Something felt missing, her dress hugged tighter to her body, there was a smoothness to the touch, I didn’t feel a barrier of pantyhose or panties. I could feel skin through her dress. She slowly pulled away, wrapping her arms around my neck, she placed her chin on my chest, looking up into my face like she had a deep but exciting secret. She whispered, “I’m wearing a thong, and my bra has no straps”.

Feeling my face flush with embarrassment, standing there bewildered. My mind exploded with hormones, my heart racing at the thought of her body barely covered. In a split second, a memory erupted in my mind of her kissing my forehead one night saying “I should buy a strapless bra that hooks in the front so my boyfriend can have better access”. She said it was cute that I had issues unclasping her bra from the back. Kissing my chin she fell into my passenger seat and like a queen adjusted her dress, adding “don’t get too saved tonight, because Baby has a surprise for you on the drive home”. Closing the door I was numb, my body burning. By the time I had walked around to the driver’s door. I felt myself become erect. Adjusting my suit pants trying to hide my erection with flimsy pants. As I back away from her home, she placed her hand on my thigh saying “Sweetie, you can’t go to church with a hard-on”.

The service was incredible. Dad, of course, had the entire sanctuary upfront around the alters. Bethany was the perfect girlfriend, staying close to my mother making sure Mom had what she needed due to her condition. She looked so beautiful and elegant sitting in the pew. I couldn’t focus on the service, sitting on the platform with Dad, all I could imagine was her perfect body, wearing nothing but a thong and bra. Looking like a magazine model. After the service, we all were invited to eat with the leadership at the local cafe. It was excruciating, like an eternity, she sat next to me so calm and engaged with every conversation thrown at her. Occasionally squeezing my knee. After she and I finished our chicken-fried steaks I finally excused us saying I needed to get Bethany home.

We had a 2hr drive to her place, and I knew of a church I could park at and it wouldn’t draw suspicion. After 45min of driving, and kissing at every stoplight and sign. I looked over and to my surprise, she had pulled herself out of her dress, her olive skin exposed, looking like a goddess in her strapless bra. She sat there grinning curled up in the seat, as my face burned red. I stuttered “You don’t have to do whatever you have planned tonight.”

She unclasped her bra from the front and threw it on my dash, her perky boobs and pointy nipples looking so succulent. I whispered “Jesus!”

She giggled “Baby, you prayed to him earlier, it’s my turn, find a special spot”

I had a friend who was a pastor and had a small church out in the middle of nowhere. Traveling evangelists stopped there often, therefore it wouldn’t be unusual to see a car parked behind the church during the night, and it was only 10 miles away.

As I drove, Bethany would bite my ear, my neck, kissing me deeply as I traveled at 70mph. Endeavoring to seriously stay focused on the road, however, the hormones pushing me to still explore her naked body, my hand would caress her back, feeling her spine and rib cage. When adjusting my arm I could explore her belly then finally I squeezed her breast. My head was buzzing with excitement causing my stomach to tighten and twitch. Very slowly Bethany reached down and with both hands unzipped my suit pants. Reaching in she grabbed my shaft and started to squeeze, her slender hands and fingers holding me in place physically and mentally. After parking behind the church, I slipped my hand between her thighs and found that special spot that made her whimper. She pulled my hand away saying in a commanding tone “No! You did me last weekend”. Leaning close to my face and gently kissing my cheek and pumping my penis she added “Last weekend, you had no clue what you did to me, do you?”

Dumbfounded, I thought back to how she guided my hand between her thighs feeling her radiating heat, her silk panties damp, she then placed my fingers on her crotch and told me “Don’t move from this spot, and do exactly what I say” Eagerly and cautiously following her instructions, having no clue what was about to happen. In a few minutes, her face changed, looking so amazing. What followed next was so hot, Bethany leaned into me then buried her face in my chest, screaming. She began to shake and I continued to rub her soaked panties, holding her tightly in my embrace.

Noticing that I had faded away, she slapped my chest, “this is your night, you helped me orgasm last weekend, I’m returning the favor.”

Stunned I gasped “we don’t have to do this, you don’t have to do anything!!” Taking my head gently, she leaned back on the adjusted seat pulling my head down to her breast saying “I know you like this, I want you to relax.” She lay there allowing me to suckle her as she kissed my forehead like a baby. With a free hand, she continued to squeeze and pump my cock. Her skin tasted amazing. Something took over me, I suckled her, and didn’t wait to stop, time could have frozen and I would have remained there forever. As I nursed, she whispered encouraging words. I had no clue what was coming next.

After a few moments, she touched my face then kissed my nose whispering “OK, it’s your turn, lay your seat back all the way, this is going to be fun”

Following her directions, I leaned my seat back, my heart racing my stomach nervous. Lost in the ecstasy of her spell and tenderness, though terrified of the action that was coming. Bethany was so elegant, when she knelt on my floorboard, watching her every move, taking in her pristine body, how her hair fell around her body. All I could do was breathe, I was frozen. My heart pounding in my chest, I just knew Bethany could hear it.

After becoming settled, she unbuckled my belt and pants button followed by pulling my suit pants down, then pulling my tie off, and shifting my shirt aside, she pulled my cock out of my boxers and methodically began to stroke using both hands to massage and stoke. I was no longer in this world, she was a Goddess that was blessing her devotee for his sincere love and discipleship. I groaned so loud, she grinned at me, saying “Enjoy it, Baby!”. With a mindless stare, I allowed my eyes to hold hers, I took in her skin, the goosebumps that covered her body, I even reached out and fondled her boobs. Suddenly I felt pressure and a wave of bliss and pleasure-filled my entire body, noticing my ejaculation was near she said: ” Look at my tits, now”. I did exactly as she ordered, I relaxed my cum was seconds away from exploding all in my car, I didn’t care, I was in heaven. Suddenly without warning, she clamped her lips over my cock the warm wetness of her mouth drew the cum out and I exploded, thrusting my hips and gasping, my dick pulsating in her mouth as she squealing with delight.

Laying there stunned at her reward, my dick still twitches in her mouth. Bethany pulled off, then with her hand, I watched as she wiped her mouth and swallowed. I was stunned, laughing hungrily she responded “Somebody likes sugar”, I replied, “What in the World just happened!!!” I was shaking. Bethany crawled in my lap like a baby, kissing my cheek and neck she responded “Did you enjoy that? Baby just gave you a handjob and half a blowjob” kissing me on the mouth, I could taste my cum, I didn’t care, she was a goddess and I prayed to her that night
