Amy – Part 2 (Mf)

Amy chapter 2 – Europe

My first few days in the UK were quite mundane. My company had made some terrible recruitment choices but I managed get my head around the problem, make recommendations and delegate tasks by the Thursday. After working a few 16 hour days, I felt confident enough to leave the office at about 1pm and head back to the hotel to sleep. I figured the company owed me a few hours.

I got back to the hotel, put the do not disturb sign on the door and crashed. The clock radio was displaying 3:33 when my UK phone rang.

I awoke slightly disoriented and quite groggy. Even so I automatically reached out to answer it. My mind cleared somewhat as I brought it back to my face. I was expecting some menial issue at work. What I heard was anything but workaday.


“Uncle Stephen is that you?” It was Amy. I had almost put her out of my mind. Sure whenever I closed my eyes I saw her, but I had almost convinced myself that the whole incident was a luscious dream, a flight of fancy of an overly horny mind. Her very real voice at the end of a phone broke that fantasy. Moreover she sounded distressed.

“Yes Amy it’s me. Are you ok? You sound upset.”

“I’m in trouble.” She continued. Her voice was low as if she didn’t want to be heard.

“Do you need money?” I found myself asking. Just for a moment I wondered if I was being scammed, but it was a bad scam if it was one.

“No. I need to get out. I’m in Birmingham. Can you come and get me?” This was bad. I could hire a car, but Birmingham was X km away. It would take me at least two and a half hours to drive there.

“I thought your father lived in London” I was perplexed as to what the hell she was doing in another city.

“He does.” She clarified. “I’m not with him. He’s passed me along to one of his friends. This asshole took all my money and doles it out to me when I ‘perform’ for him. He makes me dance.”

“Shit” I said. “Give me the address.”

Amy told me where She was. I told her I would be there as soon as I could.
I went down to the lobby and found the concierge. I told her my niece was in trouble and that I needed to book another room for her. After flashing a credit card she pointed me to a car hire facility not far from the hotel. By 5pm I was heading out of London on the M40. Next stop. Birmingham.

The sun had set by the time that I arrived at the address. I pulled up to the kerb, put away the jelly snakes I had brought from Australia and took a deep breath. The house was a grey semi-detached number that reminded me of the type of dwellings you would find in Summer Hill in Sydney. I opened the gate, walked up to the door and rang the bell. I heard a large dog run to the door. A deep booming bark then issued forth.

“Alright alright calm down” a deep voice with an unmistakable brummie intonation.
The glass door opened. “And who might you be?” The question was distrustful, but not hostile.

“I’m Stephen Gryndler. Amy’s uncle. Rachel asked me to drop by to take her back to Dillon.” I lied. I remembered enough about the story that I hoped it’d be enough.

“Dillon never said anything to me about this.” He was annoyed with Dillon, not me.
“Fuckwit never could sort out if he was coming or going.” He bought it. “Amy! He screamed. “Get your cute little blonde ass out here, your uncle is here”

Amy stepped out from behind the door. I was shocked to see she was sporting a badly bruised eye and a cut on her nose. My expression changed immediately to concern.
Hers eyes brightened in sheer joy. She ran to me and threw her arms around me.

“Mum told me you were coming. I’m so happy to see you uncle Stephen!” Amy was a born liar. She played the part of niece well.

“Likewise honey.” I spoke nothing but truth. I looked closer at her bruised and beaten face.

“Oh she tripped on the stairs and banged her face up. Didn’t you you stupid twat.” He spat out that last line as an explanation.

“Yes Mr Trevor”. Amy was so submissive. It pained me to see her like this. I imagined Hayley for a second, barefoot and beaten up. I wanted to punch this guy so hard, but kept my composure.

“Well don’t just stand there, get your bags.” Amy shuffled off to grab what she needed. I suspected it wouldn’t take long.

“So you’re a friend of Rachel?” Trevor asked me. I Was hoping to avoid talking, if I slipped up I could be unmasked. “Did you ever fuck that slut?” His attitude to women was clear. They were a piece of meat. Nothing more. Something to satisfy an appetite. I decided to play along.

“Rachel? Once.” I whispered conspiratorially. “My wife doesn’t know and I want it to stay that way.”

“What a fucking slut that woman is.” Trevor was a nasty piece of work.. “I could smell Rachel’s twat across the room when she wanted cock.”

‘That’s got to be true’ I thought. Amy was just the same.

“I used to take her in the ass while Dillon smashed her pussy.” His lips twisted into a lear. “That bitch would end up covered in jizz. God I loved Australia. Not like this little bitch. She’s frigid as. Wouldn’t even suck my dick without encouragement.”

“I wouldn’t know” I lied. Knowing full well Amy was a lit fire cracker under the right circumstances.

“Ok I’m ready” came a meek little voice

“Oh Amy, Stephen here was just telling me how he fucked your mother.” The asshole couldn’t let her go without twisting the knife. Happily Amy knew it couldn’t be true. Amy looked at me quizzically, looked at Trevor and then shot a panicked look at the car. It was clear she wanted to go right now.

“Ok cya later” I said. I Shook hands with him , Amy and I turned and walked down the path to my car. We hopped in quickly. Wordlessly. Finally the car was moving. I looked across to see Amy with tears streaming down her face.

“Thank you” she mouthed as her distress took over, depriving her of the power of speech. Within minutes she was a shaking wreck. I pulled over in the car park of a Little Chef. I held her as she released all the emotions of the last week.

“I thought I could handle anything” she sniffed “but I was wrong” the poor girl had dealt with so much. “Mum thought dad was better, but he wasn’t. He’s still taking drugs and passing out. But he passed me around to his friends. Why would he do that? What’s wrong with me?”

“Oh honey, there’s nothing wrong with you. You’re perfect.” I meant it to.

“I look like shit” she had a point

“Ok I can’t argue with that.” I chuckled. So did she. “What happened really. Did he punch you?”

“Yes. It was my fault. I told him I didn’t want to suck his dick.”

“Oh baby! That’s not your fault. That’s sexual assault. I’ll take you to a Police Station right now.”

“No.” She was very certain. “Take me to London”

“Can do.”

Amy soon drifted off to sleep. She was exhausted.

I woke her as I parked in the Hotel carpark. The hotel concierge was discreet but concerned when I turned up with a bleary eyed teenage girl with a black eye. We took Amy to her room and got her settled in. It had been a long day and I was keen to get some rest so I headed up to my room and drifted off to sleep.

I awoke to a knock at the door. Daylight pooled outside my window. I threw on something to make me decent and opened the door. It was Amy.

“What time is it?” I asked bleary eyed

“Seven am” she said. She looked better. She had applied make up to her bruise. You could still see it, but it looked better. But that wasn’t what struck me. She was happy. That looked so much better.

“We need to talk” she said barging her way past me into the room.

“Trevor took all my money. Staying at the Radison isn’t cheap.” I’ve got my passport and plane ticket but I can’t pay for this.”

“It’s my treat” I replied. “I think you deserve a treat after everything that’s happened to you. By the way, what are you going to tell your mum? I’m sure she never expected this to happen.”

“Nothing. She’d tell me it’s my payment for my sins. I’m sure you’re aware of some of my sins.” She gave me a goofy look.

“Oh Amy. And I’m not looking for payment in sexual favours either.”

“Oh that’s a pity…” She said suddenly turning downcast.

My attention snapped back to her exaggeratedly saddened face. As I scanned her for a clue as to what she was thinking, her eyes smiled at me. Suddenly she couldn’t hold the facade any more and she broke up laughing.

We sat on the bed as I held her close and kissed her. We held a gentle pressure, then slowly I pushed my tongue into her mouth. She kissed back with passion. She moved to her knees to straddle me on the bed while she ground her body against mine. My cock was hard in moments.

I backed off. She looked disappointed.

“What do you need for the next few days Amy?” I changed the topic

“I thought I made my needs quite clear.” She explained. ‘I want to feel my knight in shining armour inside me. My handsome prince. My rescuer. I want to fuck you senseless.”

“That’s it!” It came to me. What this girl really needed. Dealing with assholes like Dillon and Trevor undermining her self belief would be devastating. I needed to make this girl feel special. “I’m going make you a princess.”

“Um ok” she was slightly stunned. “Do you know any fairytale castles?” I grinned in the affirmative.

“We’re in Europe my princess. The land of fairytale castles. I’ve got to go to work, but I’ll be back at one pm. Pack a travelling bag and a fairytale dress if you have one.

With that I ushered her out the door and got ready for work.

I called the car hire company and organised a nicer car. Then I called my favourite place in the world. Mont St Michel in France.

Mont St Michel is the fortified abbey in Brittany, France which inspired the White City of Minas Tirath in the Lord of the Rings trilogy by Tolkein. It is a monastery built on a tidal island linked to the mainland via a causeway. It’s shown in the Bayeaux Tapestry ordered by William the Conquerer to celebrate and explain his taking of England in 1066. You can stay on Mont St Michel in what was originally monks quarters. They have been refurbished, but you are still aware you are living inside history. Happily they had rooms. I booked two rooms for myself and my niece for Friday and Saturday night. The French have an understanding about infidelity. They wouldn’t ask too many questions if one of the beds wasn’t slept in.

Impossibly pleased with myself I headed to work.

Things were turning out well. My colleagues in the London office were now fully capable of gaining the compliance I was sent here to achieve. I called my boss at about 11 am to tell him we were all systems go. Delighted he told me to get the hell out if the office and enjoy myself. I thought to myself that screwing the shit out of a sixteen year old qualified. Not that I mentioned it.

It was about twelve thirty when I drove into the hotel carpark in a little Peugeot convertible. The weather was sunny and I was all set for an eight hour drive to Mont St Michel.

I found Amy dressed in cute little denim short shorts and a pink printed tee. I saw no sign of a bra under that shirt. The shirt bared her midriff and belly button which accentuated her youth. She looked every inch the teenager. It was jarring sometimes to remember how young she was. Anyway we stowed her gear and hit the open road.

Amy had never ridden in a convertible before, she was loving it. I was loving having this beauty next to me, the wind in her hair, her lovely body shivering every now and then from the sensations she was enjoying.

We talked when we could. No Trevor didn’t rape her, but she was sure that he would have, had I not arrived to save her. Her father was completely messed up now. Too many drugs for too long meant that he was too far gone. She told me that her mother was right. She had learnt about her mother and herself coming here. But it was nothing she enjoyed knowing. Yes she felt her mother was a slut. Her father was a loser. But Amy felt she didn’t have to be that way. She could rise up above her problems to transcend them. Thanks to her knight in shining armour.

We boarded the channel tunnel train to France and elected to stay in the car. I put the roof up for a bit of privacy. That’s when I decided I wanted to see those sweet little titties I had felt all the way back on the plane to Kuala Lumpur. People walked past the car occasionally to go to the toilet, but I felt confident enough to lean over and put my arm around her. She immediately settled into the crook of my arm and we held each other for a while. Feeling bolder I brought my other hand over and placed it on her bare tummy. She purred ascent as I rolled my hand around her navel. I brushed its surface and then buried my finger inside her belly button. Then I moved my hand down and slid my hands under her little jeans shorts. Pushing further I slid under the elastic of her panties. That’s when I felt a thick grove of bush. Amy was beside herself by this point, all parts of her brain switched off except for the bits dealing with sexual pleasure and desire.
I brought my hand back up and moved it under her tight little tee. I was correct, there was no bra. I simply grabbed her shirt and flipped it up. Under my gaze were the objects of my desire. Small, rounded and with surprisingly large aureolas. The left was at a slightly different angle to the right. She was perfect in her little imperfections. I told her as much. Then I bent down and kissed them first the right and then the left. Amy was lost. Her eyes focussed on the middle distance as she let herself go to pleasure. The rocking of the train just added to the moment. Time however was our enemy. I could feel the train starting to slow. Time was up. I disengaged my mouth from her breasts and placed her tee shirt back where it had been before. Amy was furious.

“You mother fucking son of a bitch!” She was at full throttle. “You bastard. How could you take me that close and leave me high and dry!”

“Patience my love.” I tried to sooth her. “It’l be worth it.”

“Better fuckin’ be” she sulked. I took stock of the situation. Any moment the door would open and I would be expected to drive out of the carriage. I was on my way to the most romantic place I know of in a convertible in great weather. Oh And I had a teenage girl of sixteen angry next to me because I hadn’t made her orgasm yet. Things rarely got better than this.

Soon the doors opened and we were on our way again. I put the roof away to let Amy’s blonde locks create a stream of loveliness behind the car. We filled our hunger at a roadside diner and continued on towards Mont St Michel.

As the sun started to hang low on the horizon Amy started to get restless.

“You know I like this car” she said. For myself I’ve always loved the feel of a Peugeot. They’re a drivers car. The car gives you feedback all the time about the surface of the road, how much grip you have, what way the tyres are pointing compared to which way you’re going Etc. Much of this is achieved through the ride. Not soft and saggy like an American sports car, but pert and responsive. Like Amy’s budding breasts.

“What do you like about it” I enquired

” it’s so firm. I can feel every bump on the road. But what I really love is where I can feel it, through my ass. It’s gently massaging my pussy.” She writhed in the seat squeezing her legs together and opening them suggestively. “And” she continued “I love the feeling of being topless.” At that she pulled her tee shirt over her head. “Oh fuck yeah”. She lent back and just concentrated of the feeling of the breeze over her bare chest. Her right hand disappeared into her shorts as she masturbated topless on a freeway. This was very sexy, but could get me in trouble if we were spotted by the fuzz.

“Ah Amy” I spied a car belonging to the gendarmerie ahead. “France is pretty liberal, but that’s a Police car.” She quickly slipped her tee shirt back on. She retrieved her hand from her shorts and held it to my nose. Her amazing perfume filled my nose. My cock stretched out my jeans. She was driving me wild. I consoled myself with the knowledge that in a few hours I was going to be buried inside her with by balls slapping against her labia.

Some time Later we arrived at the Normandie Bridge at Honfleur. It’s a spectacular bridge over the mouth of the Seine. Amy was wide eyed in wonder taking in the sight.

“You like France?” I queried, knowing the answer

“It’s so beautiful and just so different to Australia.”

“There are two types of people. Those who love France the first time they see it, and those that don’t. Those who don’t can learn to enjoy it, but they’ll never really love it.” I was riffing on Pretty Woman, but figured she hadn’t seen it. It was released well before she was born.

“Wait until you try the local food and wine. It’ll drive you wild.” She was smitten by the most intoxicating country in the world.

As the sun set we drove on through the balmy July evening. Past Caen, past Bayeaux, until finally we arrived at the Mont. I parked the car on the causeway and we went inside. We walked to the gate which bought us onto the main road (if you can call it that.) inside the Mont. The cobblestone pathway winds its way up the hill, almost overhung by buildings which originally would have housed black smiths and stable hands. Now it houses restaurants and souvenir shops. Amy was slack jawed as she surveyed the scene.

“I never imagined that places like this existed outside of my dreams.” She was stunned

“Well Princess Amy.” I grinned. Enjoying the experience of sharing something special to me. Finding out was special to her too. “Welcome to your fairytale castle”.

I took her hand as we crossed through the gate and entered the sacred realm inside. Amy was silent as she took in the sights and sounds of the most beautiful castle in existence. We eventually found our hotel and checked in to separate rooms. Both room’s back walls were built into the castle’s fortified wall. Her room was larger so we decided to make it our base. Next door a restaurant with an open back deck traded. She had a window which could look down onto the restaurant deck to see diners enjoying their meals. Suddenly I felt peckish.

“Are you hungry baby?” I enquired.

“Starving.” She exaggerated.

“Let’s get changed and have a shower. Why don’t you meet me in my room when you’re ready.”

Amy grabbed her bag and disappeared into the bathroom. I noted that she had left the door slightly ajar and as I passed I caught a glimpse of her beautiful naked body. She was standing at the sink. Her pert ass fired my desire, but though I lingered for a few seconds, I finally walked away and went to my room. Showering felt good. Washing my slightly engorged cock I found it stiffened and lengthened quickly. I was so tempted to grab a hold of it and fuck my hand until I came, but disciplining myself went back to cleaning off 8 hours of travellers sweat. I took time to shave and making sure I smelt good. I wore a business suit with a deep maroon tie, black pants and a blue collared shirt. I wanted her to feel this was perfect.

I stepped out of the bathroom to a sight that caused me a deep intake of breath. Amy was waiting for me wearing a Royal blue nylon evening dress with wattle embroidery. The dress had two straps over her shoulders which tied behind her neck. In was backless, but covered all the most important places. Her shapely hips filled the dress perfectly, the swell of her breasts just enough to fill it without spilling over. She was the very essence of Australian womanhood. The yellow wattle matched her glorious hair which framed her luscious face. Her high heels accentuated her shapely legs.

“You are the very image of beauty.” I told her. “An antipodean goddess with feet of clay and a heart of gold.”

She took a moment to process what I said.

“Thanks…I think.” She chuckled. “And you Sir Stephen, you look good to me. like the man who redeemed me. Buying me out of slavery and into freedom”. She had picked up the Old Testament reference I had made from the book of Daniel and threw me back others, an Arthurian reference to a knight in shining armour, appropriate given the setting, but she also referenced Exodus, where God redeems Israel out of Egypt and foreshadows Jesus redeeming all humanity. Verbally sparring with this girl was fun. She knew her bible, that was for sure.

We strolled hand in hand next door to the restaurant. We ate and drank well, but I kept us to one bottle of Calvados. It’s a spectacular apple brandy from Normandy. I quietly policed both her and my alcohol intake. I wanted her both awake and alert when the time came.

“It’s special here. I had no idea such places existed” Amy was amazed and fascinated by this place.

“It certainly is.” I agreed. But I wanted to explain how special it was to me so I took her by the hand. “You know back in Australia how Aboriginal people have to fight to protect sacred sites?”

“Only what I read in the newspapers. I have to hide the papers, the church doesn’t approve, but sometimes they talk about land rights. It’s hard when you’re not allowed to consume media.”

“Well two thousand one hundred years ago our ancestors the Celts had a spiritual system similar to that. How similar, we don’t know, because the Romans destroyed everything they could about the Celtic religion. It wasn’t a written culture. But from what we can deduce it was a spiritual system based on nature and the natural world. Trees like the Oak, the Ash, the Yew and the Hazelwood were sacred. They were a gift of the Earth mother. The goddess of fertility. A grove of such trees would be considered a sacred sight.”

“Ok I follow so far”. Amy encouraged me to go on.

“Water was also sacred. A spring of pure water that flowed out of the ground was not only useful, but it was considered a great gift of Mother Earth. A truly sacred site.” Amy looked up. I could see her brain turning over the ideas looking for an insight. She needed more.

“The greatest centre of Celtic learning in the world was an island back in Britain. The island we today call Anglesea. Islands were very sacred to the Celts. Anglesea most of all. The best and brightest children from all over the Celtic world travelled to Anglesea to study. The Celtic people were very socially advanced. Women could lead kingdoms and fight in armies, names like Boadicea and Cartamandua still echo down to us. But the most powerful of all were the priests and priestesses. The Druids and Dryads.”

“You mean like in Dungeons and Dragons!” she was excited to get the connection. I put aside for a moment just where and how she played D&D in her oppressive cult like church.

“Exactly. Garry Geigax knew his history when he wrote that game. The priests policed the empire as judges, healers and priests. It is said one day that two armies at war were arrayed at dawn, ready for a slaughter. A dryad walked between the two armies and called out ‘there will be no battle here today’. The two kings were forced to obey and withdraw.”

“Sounds like the Jedi policing the old republic” More pop culture I didn’t expect her to know. She was right though. I’d never thought of it like that. My appreciation for George Lucas rose somewhat.

“Exactly like that.” I said. “The Celtic civilisation lasted a thousand years, living softly on the land. It expanded all over Europe and and Britain. Inevitably though another civilisation rose. At first they traded with the Celts, but soon they brought death through steel.”

“The Romans” she caught on fast

“Yes. Now the Romans were terrified of the Druids. A Roman woman who wasn’t barefoot and pregnant was a bad wife in their eyes. Powerful women terrified them.”

“Like the Taliban” no doubt about it, she had a mind like a steel trap.

“Mallala Yousuf would have reduced the Romans to pants wetting blubbering wrecks.” She chuckled at the image. “So they exterminated all evidence of the Druids they could. But there was one aspect they couldn’t get rid of.”

“What was it?” I had her now. Her lust for knowledge was piqued.

“Sacred sites. Even after the Druids were destroyed, the people continued to worship the Earth mother at the old places. She looked at me quizzically. Not quite grasping what I was saying. I continued “so the Romans repurposed the old sacred sites. They cut down the sacred groves and built temples to their gods using the very sacred trees as building materials. Soon the old gods were gone and a new God became fashionable. Once again the old temples were repurposed and rebuilt and now the Son of God was worshipped. But the sites remained.”

“Are you telling me this is how we got from a culture like the Aboriginals have to western culture?” She was entranced by thoughts of the ages. Here among these sacred stones.

“Yes but more than that. If water is sacred. How sacred is a grove of trees surrounded by water?” Realisation dawned on her face. Then her head tilted upwards as she took in the magnificence of the Abbey Church at least one hundred metres above the crashing waves.

“Islands are Sacred! This is a sacred site!” Wonder exploded over her face.

“The most sacred in all France. Many people come through these gates, most gaze in wonder at its beauty. Some marvel at its history, but few grasp its spiritual significance. I’m so glad to share it with you. My princess.”

We continued our meal, making plans to tour the abbey tomorrow and then head to Bayeaux to see the tapestry. Time passed quickly and soon it was time to pay the bill and head back to her room.

Amy headed to the bathroom to clean up. I sat on the only chair waiting for this vision of beauty to be ready.

Eventually she emerged. She was surprisingly shy after her behaviour earlier in the day.

“Uncle Stephen. I have a request of you.” She was leading to something.

“What is it baby?” If I could grant it, I would grant it.

“Would it be alright if I called you Daddy?”

“Of course baby. I’d be honoured for you to call me Daddy.”

A heavy weight seemed to lift from her shoulders as she came to me. I stood and we held each other for a time.

“Oh Daddy. I love you. When I’m with you I’m not afraid anymore.” I loved her too. I had loved her ever since we held each other and climaxed together on that plane a week ago.

“I love you too Amy. I don’t want you to be afraid anymore”

“I wish this night could go on forever…” I nodded my agreement and she kissed me. Gentle at first, but becoming more passionate the longer it lasted. I raised my hands never leaving the contours of her bare back as I moved to the back of her neck. I undid the bow holding her shoulder straps together. The fabric sagged and fell forwards towards me. Her perfect little breasts came under my gaze. I brushed her right breast. She lightly shuddered. The nipple lengthened and hardened under my touch. Amy separated her body from me for a short time, my hand stayed exactly where it was. She shimmied out of the fabric, leaving her only in the same bikini briefs she wore that night on the plane. Amy moved her hands to my tie. She sensuously pulled the thin end back through the knot and removed it. My tie fluttered to the floor. She then started on my shirt buttons. She undid the collar button and started undoing the lower ones. I undid my cuffs and started on the buttons at the bottom. My shirt landed on the floor on top of her dress.

“Finally” she said with conviction. “I’ve been wanting to get your shirt off since I met you.”

“And what about my pants?” I teased opening my belt buckle.

“Well I got inside them the night we met!” She grinned

“So you did” I said as remembered sitting on a quiet dark plane being masturbated to orgasm by a blonde sixteen year old vixen. I slipped my trousers down, leaving me wearing only my boxer shorts. I pushed Amy back onto the bed. From that angle I could see Her white panties were starting to show a damp patch.

I bent Over her and kissed her pert pliant tits. First one then the other. She sighed as her conscious mind slipped away. I ran my tongue over her nipples. They became taut immediately. I gently nipped at her left nipple. Her eyes grew wide and she took in a deep breath. Then I slowly moved my mouth from her breasts to her stomach. Replacing my mouth with my hands, I teased her nipples between my thumb and forefinger all the time running my tongue down her body.

“Princess Amy. I bring you an offering in this sacred place to worship your most holy of holys.” I was getting into the role now. Amy was in ecstasy and only murmured her assent.

With that I grabbed the elastic of her panties and slid them down her legs. Her golden thicket of blonde hair came into view. As a member of a cult, pubic trimming just wasn’t on her radar. I buried my face in her pubic hair revelling in the untamed natural feeling of worshiping at the alter of this nubile maiden.

“Mmhh” was as close to a word as this beauty could manage. I hadn’t even got to the main event. The skin under her pubes proved super sensitive and I just had to brush it with my tongue or hand to make Amy raise her hips towards my face.

With that I bent lower and found her fragrant vagina. She was in full musk, her scent heavy with sexuality. It only served to heighten my arousal. With great enthusiasm I dove in. I used my tongue to find and outline her labia. Amy trembled. I searched her sacred grove until I found it. The little bean that was to be the object of my worship at the moment. I licked and stroked her clitorus with my tongue. Amy started moaning like a mad thing.

“Argh, argh, argh.” she chorused loudly. I was sure everyone in the hotel could hear. Not that I cared. I was so enraptured in providing my offering to this personification of the fertility goddess.

I continued my attention to her clit, but occasionally wrapped my tongue in a phallic shape and drove it deep into her inner sanctum. Every time I did this her head would lift from the bed. I felt the time had come, so I intensified my attention to her clit. My tongue swirled around in, over it and engulfed it with my warmth and protection. Amy’s breathing intensified faster and faster. She moaned from deep within her, bring the pitch and volume higher and higher as she approached orgasm. Finally she squealed a high pitch wail which could wake the old gods from their slumber.

“Ohhhaaarghoooooarrrgh!” Amy climaxed hard. She seemed to be cumming over and over. Her body went still, released, spasmed and released again. She was panting, obviously out of breath. Her face was red with exertion and she was covered in sweat.

As I watched her eyes I saw Amy return from the land of the high tide.

“Fuck…” She was gasping for breath. “That’s the first time anyone other than me has made me cum. Is it always like that?”

“For you darling I hope it is.”

“Look at you daddy. You’re still dressed. We can’t have that.” My erection was tenting my boxers out so far. Amy grabbed the waistband and pulled them out and down. My cock bounced as she lowered my boxers. Amy smiled at the sight of my oscillating manhood. “You know I’ve dreamt about this cock ever since I saw you checking me out in the Duty Free store back in Sydney”

“You saw that?” I was surprised to say the least.

“That’s why I chose you to be my daddy. I knew you wanted me. I wanted you too” with that she pushed me onto my back and enveloped the head of my cock with her lips.

“Oohh”. It was my turn to lose all rational thought as the pleasure exploded in my brain like a bomb transported straight from the head of my cock. Amy gently touched my balls with her fingers and explored them. Her hand moved to my shaft as she gently slid her hand up and down.

“You should be thanking Trevor.” Amy explained. “He taught me to suck his cock.” With that she took a glob of saliva and used it as a lubricant between her hand and my shaft. Soon she wrapped her mouth back around the head, looking for the very bottom of the helmet and intensifying her movement when she found it. I just relaxed on my back staring at nothing, feeling so much love and pleasure from this princess. She continued for seconds or hours, I’m not sure as time seemed to hang in this perfect moment. Soon enough though I was coming close, so I touched her urgently, bidding her to stop. I gently rolled her onto her back and spread her legs. Looking into her eyes I wanted to see ascent. I got it. Amy nodded as I placed the uncovered, uncircumcised head of my cock at her entrance. Then she bit her bottom lip.

“Do it.” She whispered. “Make me a woman. Make me your woman!” With that I pushed slowly into her inner sanctum. Pleasure raced though my body as I thrust firmly into Amy. Amy’s pussy gripped my cock tightly. I felt it tension, then loosen as it took in the dimensions of my cock and slowly opened to accommodate my offering. In seconds I was buried up to my balls. Amy was beside herself. Her head tilted as far back as it would go and rolled from side to side.

“Fuck, ahhhh.” Amy screamed again.

“Are you ok my love? I queried, wanting her to have the best experience she could.

“It hurts daddy. Go slow. But please don’t stop.” With that I withdrew so that only the head was still inside her. I thrust again. “Fuck! Ohhh fuck” I broke out in a grin. There was nothing better than this.

“Do you want it again Amy?” I was teasing her now. Revelling in the power to please her.


“Yes what baby girl”

“Fuck me Daddy! Yes fuck me now!” I replied by thrusting into her tight little virgin pussy. “Ahhhh” was her only response. I withdrew and thrust again and again. Slowly increasing the speed and timing of my thrusts. I could feel the contours of the inside of her tight little love canal. She felt spicy, in a way my wife Gillian just isn’t. I concentrated on the pleasure I was feeling up and down my dick, oblivious to anything else. I fancied I could just feel the nubbin of her clitorus grazing the top of my cock.

“Ahh Ahhh Ahhh Ahhh” Amy’s vocalisations matched the rhythm of our coupling, building faster and faster as I quickened my pace. I reached down and held her breasts again, first one then the other, watching them bounce every time I thrust inside her. I flicked her nipples with my thumb. That seemed to help.

Once again as I pounded away at this goddess made flesh, time seemed to stand still. Our mutual pleasure grew and grew as I fucked her. I felt I was getting close. I could feel a familiar pressure building inside me. However it was Amy who arrived at her destination before me.

“Ohhhhhhhh Fuck, fuck FUCK!” Amy screamed as she overtopped the dam wall and flooded with pleasure. I felt her whole pussy flutter, then it shivered in a wave from top to bottom, and back bottom to top. Amy’s pussy actually massaged the length of my cock, tip to hilt, and then the from my balls back to the tip. It was too much to hold back.

“I’m cumming Amy!” I rather unnecessarily informed her. Then I came. Hard. I felt like I was orgasming from the tips of my toes to the top of my head, but the power and virility from my whole body centred on my cock and exploded out of me.

“Oh GOD!” Cum spurted out of uncircumcised cock into Amy’s waiting cunt. Her body and mind had both desired and needed my cum. Her womb gobbled it up greedily while her pussy massaged my cock attempting to induce another spurt. My cock twitched, drawing deep from the reserves of cum created by a week of fantasising about this moment. It spurt again into Amy’s thankful pussy, which was still shuddering attempting to coax a third load of cum out of my cock. A third weaker spurt ensued, the pleasure of this final spasm was so intense it felt as if all my life had lead up to this point. I collapsed,shattered on the bed, still buried inside Amy’s amazing love canal.

We were both panting, sweating and deeply soaking in our bliss. Slowly I withdrew from Amy. A look of loss passed over her face. As I looked back to her pussy it was still twitching, tightening to forming an O shape and relaxing. I placed my finger on it and her ravenous Pussy gladly snatched my finger, squeezed it and returned it to me.

“Wow” we both spoke the same word as if our coupling had connected us telepathically. “I love you Daddy” she whispered.

“I love you too baby girl” I kissed her gently, held her naked form in my arms and we slowly drifted off together to sleep.
