My son’s friend

I’ve been obsessed with my son’s new friend for about three months now. My son Jake is a shy introverted 18 year old. He was a real lonely kid in high school, but now he finally has a close fiend. His mood is happier and he has more confidence. His new friend Toby is the cutest, most charming guy you could ever meet. I have kept my crush on Toby secret from everyone. Everyone but my best friend Laura.

‘He looks so cute here!’ I exclaimed. I was at Laura’s place looking at his Facebook pictures. She added him as a friend, but I’m too scared to add him myself. So when I’m at her place, I sometimes ask to look at his pictures. OK, I always ask.

‘You’re too obsessed with him,’ Laura chuckled.

‘I know, I know,’ I responded.

Toby looks even cuter in the pictures. He’s a little short, maybe 5’6, but very fit and muscular. He has a really cute baby face and blonde hair.

‘You should just get it over with it, kiss him the next time he comes over,’ Laura teased. She knows that I take my marriage vows very seriously, I would never forgive myself for straying from my husband. Toby has to stay just a fantasy to me. It would crush Jake if I even flirted with his closest friend. Besides…

I click to the next picture. In it, Toby is kissing one of the prettiest Asian girls you will ever see. Even if I tried, how can I compete with that? Even his girlfriend is perfect.

Laura catches me staring a little too long at the picture, ‘don’t torture yourself Paula.’

‘You’re right,’ I acknowledge, feeling a little embarrassed. ‘She’s perfect.’

Laura giggles, ‘You were cuter at 18. You’re still the cutest mom I know.’

I’m 5’9. A tall slim brunette with pale skin. At 40, I have managed to stay in shape. I wear a C cup. A lot of men try to flirt with me. But I’m faithful, I would never flirt back.

‘Thanks,’ I replied, sighing. ‘I shouldn’t care, I’m a devoted wife to my husband.’ But I do care. ‘Email me this picture.’

‘What?’ Laura responds laughing.

‘I want this as a reminder, so I don’t do anything stupid,’ I say surprisingly quiet. I can barely get the words out.

Laura rolls her eyes. ‘OK Paula, just don’t go too crazy, OK?’


I completely trust Laura, I have known her since high school. She’s a brunette like me but has olive skin. She’s around 5’7, a little bit taller than Toby. She’s slim and has what looks like a D cup. She’s a married loyal wife, but she loves to flirt with different men. She has the most beautiful smile, and she’s always been able to charm her way out of trouble.

That night, I opened the email in my phone, while lying in bed. I stared at the picture of Toby kissing the cute Asian girl for several minutes. I closed my phone when my husband walked into the room. I made love to my hubby. The mattress squeaked a little, but it wasn’t loud enough for Jake to hear. I pretended my husband was Toby the whole time.

I waited all week for Jake to bring Toby over. I missed him so bad. Toby and Jake usually hung out every other day. Maybe Toby was spending more time with his girlfriend, and less with Jake. I didn’t want to ask Jake. I would wonder what Toby does when he’s with his girlfriend. It’s wrong to think about that, I thought soberly, I need to keep him off my mind.

I invited Laura over on a Friday morning. With my husband at work, we could just hangout. Get my mind off things. Jake is turning 19 soon. I could use her help planning his birthday.

When Laura was over, it didn’t take long for her to start teasing me about Toby.

‘He hasn’t been here all week,’ I said glumly.

‘He would be here more often if you flirted with him,’ Laura snickered.

‘Stop, I don’t want to think about him today,’ I shot back. ‘I’ve been thinking lately that I should be more of a good wife and mother, and not obsess over Toby anymore.’

‘Yeah, that’s a good idea,’ Laura replied. I think she’s getting bored about teasing me about him. She usually doesn’t stop teasing this easily. Maybe this Toby crush has gone long enough. I should let it go and focus on my family.

Maybe an hour later, around noon, Jake came home with Toby. My heart started to beat very fast when I heard his voice. I guess this crush will take awhile to get over.

Laura and I came by the doorway to greet them. ‘Hey cuties,’ Laura said in a girly voice, almost flirty.

‘Hey Laura,’ Jake said smiling. Jake always seemed to have a crush on Laura. I wish she would tone down the extra friendliness around him. But I trust her completely.

‘Hey Laura, hey Jake’s mom,’ Toby said.

‘Hey Toby,’ I replied sheepishly. I think I forgot to say hi to Jake.

‘I hear you’re turning 19 next Thursday, Jake,’ said Laura.

Jake answers something back. I was too focused on trying to act normal around Toby to hear it.

‘Paula and I want to talk to you, Toby, about this Thursday,’ Laura said, seemingly trying to make her voice sound cutesy as she said it. ‘Jake, why don’t you watch some TV or something, we’ll join you soon.’

‘OK Laura,’ Jake replied, still smiling.

Oh God, I thought. What is she doing? I don’t need Toby’s help for Jake’s birthday. This will be so awkward. I want to get over him, and spend less time with him.

Laura lead us to me and my husband’s bedroom on the second floor for a private talk. The sound of the TV could be faintly heard, coming through the floor below. We all sat on my bed. Laura went over some trivial things with Toby for the birthday party, I kept mostly quiet.

‘Thank you so much for your help Toby,’ Laura said, in a way that was so cute that it was flirty this time. She kissed Toby on the cheek. I shot an angry look at Laura. My heart was beating fast, my hands were getting clammy. She’s taking this too far. Why is she doing this?

Laura looked at me and read my face perfectly. ‘Uh, Paula thanks you too.’

Toby looks at me and smiles. I sheepishly said ‘thank you Toby.’

‘Give him a hug,’ Laura said. ‘He’s helping you with Jake’s birthday.’

Don’t do this to me Laura, I thought, hoping she could somehow read my thoughts. Fine, I will hug him, and then go back to quitting this inappropriate crush.

I went and sat next to him at the foot of my bed and gave him a hug. It felt really good holding him in my arms. He hugged me back. Neither one of us motioned to break the hug. I kissed his cheek, ‘thanks Toby,’ I said almost whispering. God, I must be freaking Toby out. Why did I kiss his cheek? I feel guilty, immediately.

‘Hey Toby,’ Laura said. ‘Paula wants to talk to you about something. I’ll go watch TV with Jake. Leave you two alone for a bit.’

I sit there frozen, hugging Toby. Laura leaves the room with an evil grin on her face and closes the door. What the hell am I going to say to Toby? Why would she do this to me?

‘Yes, Jake’s mom?’ Toby says, breaking me from my thoughts. He smiles ‘what did you want to say?’

‘Uh,’ I said like an idiot. I need to say something. ‘Umm… thanks for being such a cool friend to Jake. He’s been a lot happier these past few months.’

‘Yeah, Jake is a cool guy. Thanks for being so warm and welcoming these past few months.’ Toby responded, sounding fully confident. I wonder if he notices how badly I’m sweating right now. He’s still hugging me.

‘I just…’ I struggle to think how to finish the sentence. ‘I just… love having you around. I feel like we’re friends sometimes.’

‘Me too, Jake’s mom,’ Toby replies. ‘I feel like we are family.’

That comment felt a little weird. ‘Toby, I see you as a close friend. You’re the kindest, cutest guy I know. I would do anything for you.’ I just realized that I was starting to squeeze him too tightly as I said this. He must think I’m a weirdo by now. I loosened my hold on him. ‘Uh… you’re a real nice person, you’re the perfect friend for Jake.’

Jake goes quiet for a bit. ‘I feel like we are close friends. You and Laura have been so nice to me.’ Something sounded off the way he said Laura. ‘You’re like a second mother to me. Laura is so kind and cute too.’

‘Yeah, I guess she is.’ I responded faintly. That’s a weird thing for him to say.

He all of a sudden looks at me very seriously. ‘Can you keep a secret?’

‘Yes, Toby please. You can tell me anything. I want to help you.’

Toby sighed. He didn’t say anything. He broke the hug and laid back on the bed. I laid down next to him and lay part of my body on him. We were now cuddling. My breasts lightly on his chest. My leg on his leg.

‘You can tell me anything Toby. I care about you.’ I said.

‘Jake’s mom…’

I giggled ‘call me Paula.’

‘Oh, sorry. Paula…,’ he said.

I push my breasts deeper into his chest. ‘Please tell me.’

‘Does Laura like me?’

‘Why do you say that?’ I asked, puzzled.

‘She’s been sending me these very flirty messages to me online,’ Toby said meekly. ‘She’s been sending them for over a month.’

That bitch, I thought.

‘She’s married,’ I said, trying to stay composed. ‘And you have a girlfriend.’

‘I know,’ he said, almost sadly.

‘And she’s so cute!’

‘She is… wait… how do you know what she looks like?’

‘Umm… Laura showed me on Facebook,’ I responded, a half-truth.

‘She did? So do you think she likes me? She’s really pretty. I think she wants me.’

I stay quiet. I don’t know how to respond or what to feel. This is as far as it should go. Here we are cuddling in bed. It’s better if he doesn’t have feelings for me. I’m a good wife and a good mother. I’ve taken this far enough.

‘She’s married Toby, faithfully married, but thank you for telling me. This will be our secret. I will always care about you.’ I kiss him on the cheek one more time. It felt good and guilt free this time. I’m doing the right thing.

‘Thanks, Paula. You’re a good woman.’ He kisses my forehead. I melt inside.

‘Oh Toby, you are perfect.’ I start kissing and licking his cheek.

‘Paula?’ Toby says, sounding very surprised.

‘Oh… sorry…’ God what have I done? I got carried away.

‘It’s OK,’ he pulled me in tighter. I kissed him on the cheek again.

‘You’re… girlfriend… is… so lucky,’ I said kissing his cheek between words. What am I doing? I’m acting like an idiot.

‘Jake’s mom… Paula…’ he says flustered, seemingly not knowing how to end the sentence. He turned his face to look me in the eyes.

‘I’m sorry,’ I say to Toby, feeling very guilty. ‘I got carried away.’

‘I’m not mad, Paula,’ he answered, leaning his forehead into mine.

‘I care about you, Toby,’ I whispered. ‘Please never leave my life.’

Toby kissed me on the lips. We started kissing each other repeatedly. Each kiss deeper and longer. He pushed his tongue into my mouth. We started to French.

The door swung open. We pulled our mouths away from each other. I really fucked up, I think to myself, almost out loud. Laura walks in. She see us embracing each other on my bed. Toby’s face goes red, as does mine. She giggles.

‘I’ll leave you two alone a little longer. Don’t worry, I’ll keep Jake busy.’ Laura exits and closes the door. Her steps down the stairs are so faint I can barely hear them. I can hear her faintly giggle. Maybe, we should stop, I think to myself. This is more than enough.

Toby pulls me in again and kisses me. He puts his hands up my shirt. I feel his hands squeeze my breasts.

‘Toby, Toby, Toby,’ I plead desperately. ‘We need to stop, we’ve gone too far.’

‘You’re so hot, Paula,’ Toby whispers. He pulls my shirt up and my bra down, he cups my bare breasts with his hands.

‘OK, let’s full around a little bit, but we have to go back down before Jake gets suspicious.’ I say quickly.

Toby takes his shirt off. I completely remove my shirt and bra. Toby lies on top of me. His chest pushes into my breasts. His crotch pressed into mine. He kisses me deeply. Our tongues playing together. He starts thrusting his crotch into mine. It feels really good. He pulls back and starts to take my pants off.

‘Maybe we shouldn’t do this,’ I said, thinking of my husband. ‘Laura might catch us again.’

‘Let’s do this quickly before she does,’ Toby whispers. ‘Then tell her how amazing I am. I want to fuck her next.’

This really bothered me to hear. I don’t want him to sleep with Laura. He starts kissing me again, and I gave in. I want him so bad. We both strip down completely naked. He pushes me down and pins me on my back. He puts his cock into me and starts thrusting. His cock feels so good. It feels huge. The bed springs start creaking to our rhythm.

‘Wait,’ I whisper. ‘The bed springs are too loud.’

‘I can’t hear anything, Paula.’

I hear the toilet flush downstairs. I let out a moan. If Jake’s in the bathroom, we can get away with a little noise. But we need to be quiet the moment Jake leaves the bathroom.

Toby starts thrusting harder, the bed was creaking louder. Then, I started hearing loud stomping up the stairs. Laura must be coming, stomping loudly to let us know. I can’t let her see us like this. I started to get up, if I can get to the door and hold it closed, I can stop her coming in. We’ll send her away, get dressed and come downstairs.

I push Toby off of me and I try to leave the bed. But he grabs me and pins me on my back, with my head at the end of the bed and my feet near the pillows. ‘Let me finish!’ he says. He sits on my belly and he came. First it hit my face and then he let the rest out on my breasts.

‘Stop Toby! Get to the door!’ I begged. But it was too late. The door opened.

‘Mom!’ Jake screamed. He see me with Toby on top of me, covered in his cum, completely frozen. Laura runs in.

‘Oh God!’ she exclaimed. Jake runs out of the room.

‘I thought you were keeping him busy!’ I screamed at Laura.

‘I was in the bathroom,’ she responded, almost in a whisper.

‘How could you let Jake come up here!?’ I yelled.

‘I didn’t think you were having sex!’ Laura yelled back. Laura suddenly, almost magically, started to calm down. ‘Look Paula we’ll figure this out. Toby get dressed, I’ll drive you home. Paula… Paula I’ll phone you later.’ Toby got dressed and sheepishly followed Laura to her car, they drove off.

I sat alone on my bed, Toby’s cum still on me, with no idea what to do.



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