A Drinking Game [F] [rape]

The red solo cup made a sharp crackling sound as Chloe crushed it in her hands. She took the balled-up mess of plastic and tossed it through the air. It sailed with a perfect arc and swished into the trash can.

“Yes!”, she exclaimed. Everything was going her way. She had just turned 18, had taken first place at the high school swim meet earlier, and was now at one the biggest parties of the year. She still had her hot pink swim uniform on under her clothing.

Chloe normally didn’t drink much, but tonight was a special occasion. She was a little bit of a celebrity. Maybe it was just her inflated imagination, but it seemed like everyone at the party knew her name.

With her finished drink successfully disposed of, she found a nearby empty couch and sat down heavily.

She was normally very coordinated and light on her feet, but she was exhausted from the long day and the small amount of alcohol in her system was wearing her down.

She laid her head back and focused on her breathing, willing the room to stop spinning. She’d only had a few drinks, but her small body didn’t even break 130 pounds, even when her long blonde hair was soaked from the pool.

The long day was catching up to her and she caught herself nodding off as she rested. She forced herself to wake up and looked around at the mess from the party.

The night was winding down, it looked like most of the kids had already left. Only the brothers that lived there and a few other seniors were still hanging around into the late hours of the night.

She decided she’d had enough for one night and was ready to head home. As she approached the front door, a hand reached out to stop her.

Adam, the older of the two brothers, blocked her way.

He spoke up, “Hey Chloe, you’re not leaving already are you? The party is just getting started, now that all the losers have gone home”.

“Yeah,” Chloe replied, “It’s late and finals are starting soon. I think I’m going to head home and try to study a little before bed.”

Adam shook his head and said, “No way. It’s too early. Come on, we just set up this awesome drinking game. You should join us!”

Chloe hesitated and paused in the doorway. Adam WAS one of the most popular guys at her school. He was already 19 and had a car and everything.

He continued, “Come on, just one game with us and then you can go.”

Chloe sighed internally, but finally broke down and nodded her agreement.

“Excellent!”, he exclaimed. “Follow me!”

He led her into the massive kitchen area, where several other students had gathered around a set of red solo cups. She recognized all of them as seniors. Adam and his brother were there, as were two other girls.

They were sitting in a circle on the floor with five cups between them. She was the fifth person, and the fifth cup was for her.

Adam took her by the shoulder and guided her to an empty spot in the circle. She sat down and looked over the cups. All five were filled with clear liquid.

“Okay”, Adam said, “Here’s the rules. Four of these cups are filled with water. One is filled with vodka. We mixed them up, so nobody knows which is which. On the count of three, you pick your drink up and drink! Simple!”

Chloe sighed. More alcohol. Just what she didn’t need. She hoped the cup in front of her was water. She could drink, and then go home.

” One”, Adam began counting down. “Two… Three!”

All five of them picked up the cups in front of them and drank deeply, chugging down the fluid in unison.

Chloe was immediately relieved. Her drink had a slightly odd taste but certainly wasn’t vodka. She finished the cup off and sat it down in front of her.

“Wow, looks like I’m the lucky winner!”, Adam said. “I totally got the vodka in my cup.”

The two girls sighed in unison. Adam’s brother reached over and punched him in the arm.

“What a party”, Adam said, “Thanks for playing guys. Let’s get you on out of here.”

Chloe nodded and tried to stand up. To her surprise, she was overwhelmed by a wave of dizziness. She teetered for a moment, before Adam stood up to catch her and steady her.

“Whoa”, Adam said, “Take it easy there. Maybe you should rest on the couch for a few minutes before you leave?”

Chloe nodded. She suddenly wasn’t feeling so good. She didn’t think she’d had too much to drink, but her head was spinning. She resisted the urge to vomit and allowed herself to be led back to the couch.

Adam took her hand and she leaned heavily on him as he matched her steps and ensured she made it to the couch safely.

She crashed down into the cushions almost bonelessly, laying her head down on the armrest.

She found it hard to think straight. Had it really been water in her drink? Now that she thought about it, she hadn’t seen them pour the drinks, and they hadn’t been switched when she got there. She wondered if her drink had been spiked with something else.

Her suspicions didn’t hold for long as she focused all her energy on staying awake. Try as she might, she found her eyelids drooping, then closing. Then she couldn’t feel anything at all.

Chloe felt hands on her body and jerked back awake. She didn’t know how long she had been out for and her head was still swimming.

She shivered and realized she was only wearing her pink swimsuit. The rest of her clothes were missing. She didn’t know who was touching her and she couldn’t force her eyes to open. Her head lolled back, and she was out again.

Long minutes passed with her unaware. Suddenly she gagged as her air supply was interrupted. Something was in her mouth, hot and hard, yet tender. It gently pumped between her lips and across her tongue.

Chloe gasped and coughed. The thrusting stopped for just a moment, then resumed, ignoring her weak gasps. She still couldn’t open her eyes. She tried to move her head away, but a hand was holding her in place.

She lay there limp as her mouth was penetrated. The next thing she realized, something got and thick was pouring into her mouth. It tasted warm and salty. She couldn’t move her head away and began to reflexively swallow. She weakly swallowed down every drop, barely aware of what she was doing.

Finally, there was no more. Her mouth was clear and despite her efforts she found herself falling back asleep. She realized her lips and face were wet and sticky, as she lost consciousness again.

The next thing she became aware of was waves of unusual pleasure radiating through her body. She realized she was moaning and wasn’t certain how long she had been doing it for.

Her crotch was hot and wet, burning with heat. With her eyes still closed, she reached down to her groin and felt hair and someone’s head. She realized distantly that she was being eaten out. Someone had stripped off her swimwear bottoms and was hungrily licking her innocent slit.

Chloe felt a moment of panic. She was a good girl and had only ever let one other person do this to her. She tried to rally her willpower and sit up, but her body only trembled.

As the pleasure mounted, she began to uncontrollably twist and writhe, moaning between lips that were nearly numb.

Then came a shock of pain and pleasure as she felt something forced between her labia, pushing up into her virgin body. For just a moment her eyes opened, but she couldn’t bring them to focus. She fell back against the couch and laid still as she was penetrated. She struggled, but there was only more darkness.

When Chloe awoke next, she realized that she was climaxing. She rarely masturbated but had done so enough to know what it felt like.

Her legs were up in the air, being held in a strong grip. Something was inside her, pumping in and out of her body. She sat up and grabbed at the hands holding her legs, but she was swatted away. The pumping continued.

She could feel the girth inside her, spreading her no-longer-virgin sex apart. It made her burn with desire and heat. She resisted the feeling running through her, but her body rebelled, ignoring her.

She realized she was moaning again, louder this time. Out of control, her vagina began to orgasm. It clamped down around the intruding member as if desperately milking it for semen. Her entire body shook as she came. She felt something hot and wet running down her thigh to her small young buttocks.

She could hear talking but couldn’t make out any of the words. She lay there helplessly as her body quivered.

Finally spent, she tried to sit up again. Her eyes opened just in time to see a solo cup being pressed against her lips. The fluid poured into her mouth and she had no choice but to drink or drown. She coughed and drank until there was no more fluid.

She failed and tried to stand but the darkness and the spinning were overtaking her again. The last thing she felt were hands roughly rolling her over. Then only nothingness.

Sharp pain woke her up, though she was only very distantly aware of it. Her asshole burned in sharp pain. Her body was bouncing rhythmically, and she realized to her horror that she was being fucked.

A large, hard cock was buried deep up her ass. She lay there limp as she was fucked. It burned terribly but she couldn’t even move. She felt tears begin to run down her cheeks as her anal virginity was torn away from her.

She had no idea how long the fucking continued, or if it was even all the same cock that was inside her. For all she knew they had all already taken turns on her holes while she was out cold.

Eventually she felt a pulsing throb in her ass and her insides were coated with a load of semen. Or was this the second load she had taken, or third? She had no memory and no idea.

The second dose began to overtake her, and she faded back into unconsciousness. The last thing she felt before passing out was the familiar rhythm of her asshole being fucked.

She slept through the remainder of the night. She remembered nothing else and had no idea what had been done to her or how she had been used.

She was still wearing her pink swimsuit, but it was almost ragged, pulled far aside so her holes were exposed to anyone who looked. Likewise, her top was pulled up and her petite tits were on full display.

As she awoke, her entire body hurt. She felt well used. Every hole on her body was caked with spent fluid. It coated her lips and face, running down between her breasts.

Her vagina ached and felt like it was still gaping. Her pussy and asshole were both soaking wet. She couldn’t tell what the fluid was or who it was from.

Chloe stood up and straightened her swimsuit. She found her clothes in a pile nearby and struggled to pull them on. Just as she finished dressing, she heard someone walk into the room behind her.

A deep male voice spoke up, “Heard you had a rough night last night.”

She turned to look behind her and saw Adam’s father, who was in his mid-thirties.

He laughed with a wide smile and winked at her.

“You need a ride home, sweet thing?”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/lrupb6/a_drinking_game_f_rape


  1. This was kind of hard to read I hope the character liked it because it’s kind of fucked up

  2. Read this story, loved it then realized I loved your other story about Chloe! ❤️

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