Amy Pt 1.

Amy Chapter 1 – The trip

My problems all started with a issue at work. The company had expanded from Australia into the UK but was struggling with compliance with British law. My boss asked me to drop everything and get the hell over there to fix the problem.

My kids were devastated. Well one was. Naomi was eight. Sadly I would miss her 9th birthday. Hayley was thirteen and was way too cool to care what dad was up to. Naomi had inherited her mothers bronzed complexion. Hayley however was very blonde, slightly spoiled by her dad and was soon going to be the girl all the boys want to know. While I was preparing myself for the arrival of teenage boys sniffing around at our door, I cant say I was looking forward to it.

Hayley took her blonde complexion from me. I’d always appreciated my sandy blonde hair, when I grew it long in my teens and twenties it made the girls swoon. My skin colour was another thing altogether. I burn in seconds in the Australian sun. So does Hayley. But hey it got me laid a lot so I guess It was a cross I could bear. As for Hayley’s hair colour helping her with the boys, well the thought of it made me queasy.

My wife Gillian was less crushed. “Oh I’ll have a girls night out” she said when I told her.
“Bitch” I replied with a smile, “you could be at least a little sad I’ll be gone.”
Jill was 45 and the light of my life. We met at Uni in the 90’s. I was doing a BA while she was doing an accounting degree. She now made way more money than I did. Not that either of us cared about that. We complimented each other well. I worked in Human Resources by day, and took care of the family happiness by night. Jill was the sensible one. An accountant by day, it was her excellent management skills which helped us achive our measure of prosperity. I tended to defer to her where money was concerned, she deferred to me (somewhat) in matters regarding the girls and family. We were a hell of a team.

She was the same weight now after two kids and twenty years that she was in uni. She was a little pudgy in that cute way back then, but she matured into a knockout. She was about 5’10, with bronzed skin and long silky golden brown hair that I still lost myself in. Her C cup breasts had sagged only slightly after bearing me two children. Her sexy hips and ass are still entrancing. I think she’s better looking now than she was then. And now she had 25 years of sexual experience behind her. That woman’s sex drive was voracious and her desire for novelty pushed her need to innovate sexually to keep things interesting. God how I loved that woman.

I was living the Australian dream. 2 kids, beautiful wife and nice house in the suburbs. What possessed me to put all that in danger still amazes me.

Getting to London was a problem. The first problem was that the company wouldn’t pay for business class. The second problem was that I was needed in the office the day I left, which meant I had to catch the redeye flight out of Sydney. That’s where I put my foot down. If I’m on the redeye in economy, I need to break the journey up. So it was that i was booked with a twenty four hour layover in Kuala Lumpur. KL is a place I really had no wish to be. Its stinking hot all the time, but my real gripe with it is that it’s a soulless pretend utopia. For me it has no charm. But at least the rule of law is good. Neighbouring Thailand which was my other option has local flavour in spades, but breaks out into military coups every few year. Not ideal really. So I would fly out Thursday afternoon Sydney time and work Monday to Friday in London and fly home the Sunday night London time. That gave me two days in London which was nice to do a little sightseeing and shopping for the three girls.

I was tired and a little angry by the time I flagged down the taxi to take me to Kingsford Smith Airport. I checked in, selected a window seat and headed through customs.

As I emerged from the security zone I noticed a blonde girl ahead of me staring wide eyed at the ridiculously oversized duty free store. I stopped at the shop myself partly to get something for the girls at home and partly to watch this vision of lovelyness wander around the shop. I grabbed some chocolates for the girls and a sambucca for Jill which I had put away to pick up on my return flight.

All the time my mind followed this vision of loveliness a few metres away. Her hair was blonde like straw, like Hayley’s if I’m honest. It billowed down her back, like a sail in the breeze as she walked, but I was more drawn to the shape of her body, her lovely outline visible despite the very conservative blue pleated skirt she wore. The way her backside swung back and forth as she walked was mesmerising. She oozed sexuality as she moved gracefully, like a cat, through the terminal. Mmmmm. As I watched this luscious vision I felt a deep stirring inside me.

‘Straight out of school I bet, God you’re old enough to be her father’ I thought to myself. I distracted myself calling Jill, told her I loved her and that I’d see her soon enough.

I headed to the Qantas lounge, grabbed some dinner and took a shower. I was far more relaxed in a polo shirt and a pair of jeans than the business suit I arrived in. Things just felt much better after a wash and with a full belly. I certainly smelt better after the application of some deodorant and some Calvin Klein aftershave. The five o’clock shadow was gone to. I felt fresh and ready for the flight ahead.

Soon enough we were informed to go to the gate, so I wandered in and took a seat. I was halfway though an Honor Harrington book, so I grabbed it out and immersed myself in a world of starships and powerful women.

“Can I sit there”? The question shook me out of my revelry as I looked into the most beautiful baby blue eyes I’ve ever seen.

“Oh of course” I fumbled, and she turned around and lowered her backside next to mine on the seat. It was the conservatively dressed blonde girl. She was wearing a high cut white blouse buttoned all the way to her neck. The swell of her hips was covered by a blue skirt. It was stylish yet conservative. Her pert ass shaped her skirt in a way which had me biting my lip in hunger. Her cute breasts were about a B cup. She smelt faintly of raspberries.

“I’m Amy.” She said affably and held out her hand.

“Gday Amy, I’m Stephen” I managed to sound friendly and casual. I took her hand.

“Can I tell you a secret?” She enquired in a conspiratorial tone.

“Ah sure” Was the best I could manage.

“I’m fucking terrified” she whispered

“But why?”

“MALAYSIAN AIRLINES FLIGHT MH140 IS PAGING AMY TURING” suddenly burst over the loudspeaker

“Shit……keep my seat warm will you” she chuckled and she ambled away towards the front desk.

‘Ok that was weird’ I thought to myself. The languid happy movements of the girl in the duty free store betrayed no sign of fear. Far from it.

In time she returned from the front desk.

“So what was that about?” I enquired “If you don’t mind me asking”

“No I don’t mind you asking. It’s just that I’m an unaccompanied minor”

“Oh” was the only word that formed in my mouth. But it begged a follow up question.
“Why are you headed to KL then?
I thought I saw a hint of something dark in her expression, just as quickly, it was gone.

“I’m not, I’m going through to London” she explained. “My Dad is there.”

“Nice I’m going to London was well, but I’ll take a day in KL, so I don’t arrive exhausted.

“I’m a bit nervous, so do you mind if we chat? I’m a nervous talker.” She was hesitant, but exuded a strength I was surprised and charmed by.

“So can I ask you what it is you’re afraid of?” That look was back. Just for a split second. She was definitely afraid of something. But why did she choose to tell me?

“It’s my Dad. I’ve never met him. He left us when I was a baby. Mum rekons I need to see him. “It will help you understand both me and yourself” she says”.

Daddy issues. It figured. Girls need their fathers around when they’re growing up. Back when I was a player at uni I used to ask a girl about her father. If she looked up to him, you probably weren’t gunna get laid that night. If she spat out her drink and launched into a tirade about that no good bastard, jackpot!

“I’ve heard stories about him” she continued. “My aunt (my mums sister) says that mum was a slut back then before she found God. Aunty Mary says Dillon (my dad) was a drug addled loser who came around chasing my mums ass. A hint of amusement crossed her face, My existence is proof he got it.”
She shuffled uncomfortably.

“You’ll find he’s quite different now.” I smiled at her. “Men become more sensible as they get older. I mean I was a bit of hound dog myself, but I matured into the sensible father figure you see before you.” I raised an eyebrow to show I was joking. About myself anyway.
Amy gave me an odd sideways glance. “Yes I’m looking…for a father figure…” Her voice trailed off into nothing.

“How old are you?” I enquired.

“Sixteen” she replied matter of factly.

She was three years older than Hayley. I was feeling quite confused about Amy. On the one hand I felt like I wanted to put my arms around this child, hold her and tell her that of course her daddy loves her, on the other hand I wanted to put my arms around her, hold her, tell her daddy loves her, then slip my hardon inside her. Did I mention my cock was hard. She seemed to have that effect on me. Whether just the raw femininity that she seemed to ooze, or the content of our conversation, i stiffened the moment she turned her attention on me. That was disturbing to me because she reminded me of Hayley so much.

“MALAYSIAN AIRLINES FLIGHT MH 140 IS NOW READY FOR BOARDING” blared the gate lounge loudspeaker.

We wandered over slowly to the cue chatting about London and the U.K. Amy had never been overseas before. In fact she had never even been on a plane before. Her father seemed to be eager to meet her and had sent her the fare. She was booked to head back to Sydney 2 days after me on a Tuesday.

We boarded and went to our separate seats. We were on a Boeing 777, which has 3-4-3 seating in economy. I grabbed my seat three quarters of the way back. Hers was an aisle seat right at the back near the toilets. That way the flight attendants could watch over their charge, an unaccompanied minor.

The flight was only two thirds full, so the middle seats all the way back were unoccupied. That was a small mercy. We taxied only for a short time and took off over Botany Bay. Sydney at night is one of the greatest views in aviation, but still my thoughts turned back to the poor girl behind me, terrified about what she might find when she met her father, but needing to know.

I sensed a disturbance to my right and looked up. It was Amy. She was asking the elderly lady next to me something….I didn’t catch what it was over the sound of the engines

“…Uncle.” Then Amy addressed me. “Uncle Stephen do you mind if I sit next to you so we can talk”

“Not at all Amy love” I hammed it up.

“I’ll swap with you dear” came the reply from the lady in the aisle. Soon enough Amy was one seat over and edging closer to me all the time, while the elderly lady she replaced was happy as a clam sat next to the bathroom.

“You don’t mind talking?” Amy asked self consciencely. “I’m sorry to burden you with my problems but I cant talk about this to anyone. I just need to talk it out. And you look like someone wise enough to understand. If I told my friends some of the things I’m thinking and feeling, things would go very badly for me.”

Normally I would have minded very much, but with the promise of a day in KL to rest I wasn’t terribly worried even if I didn’t get a single minutes sleep. Besides, she was so lovely, with so much fear, I didn’t know whether to hug her, tell her that life is going to get better, or roll her over and fuck her brains out. I know that would have made me feel better. Jill and the girls however, not so much.

So I settled for listening. Amy was an only child. She told me about her mother. It seems that her mother Rachel was abused as child by a family friend. Unsurprisingly mum had acted out sexually and been a real wild child as a teen and in her 20s. She was pathologically addicted to the act of sex. Apparently she fucked anything that moved. Some time after that she found God. The indiscriminate fucking continued. But now Rachel would feel terribly guilty about it. It was all too much for Dillon who couldn’t handle the God thing. Or not being the only supplicant partaking of communion with Rachel. He went back to the UK. Rachel had bounced from church to church, fucking the minister on one occasion if Aunt Mary was to be believed. Then she fell into the cult she is a member of now. This organisation kind of straddles the line between church and cult. They seemed to have tamed Rachel’s demons however . But came at a cost.

It was Amy who found her father again on Facebook. That was quite a trick, because the church didn’t allow it’s subjects to consume modern media let alone have a Facebook account. These guys have a policy of keeping children raised in the church out of university so there minds aren’t clouded by things like ‘rational thought’ or ‘logic’. This ‘church’ was a nasty place to grow up. I hoped she wanted to leave this church/cult but thought I’d broach the subject diplomatically.

“So what do you believe?” I asked her

“About what?”

“About God, Life the Universe and everything”

“It’s bullshit”

“What’s bullshit?”

“Well my church is. They treat us like mushrooms. They keep us in the dark and feed us on bullshit”

“Amen sister” I chuckled and breathing a sigh of relief. This girl could be something in life, not the drone of a fat, old man smoking cigars and counting his money, corrupting whatever he could.

“Please don’t make fun of me”. she looked crestfallen.

“No. I wasn’t. Not at all. In fact The fact you can see you’re being conned tells me just how intelligent you are.” A warmth flooded back into her face. Right then and there I decided I never wanted to see that face disappointed in me again.

Amy continued, “You know my church tells me I’m not allowed to watch TV, hell I’m not even allowed to own a TV. The net’s banned and popular music is considered to be ‘worldly’ and therefore not allowed. We’re taught at our own church schools, only as much as they legally have to, then refuse me the opportunity the to go to university. I get the feeling they’re hiding something. Oh and if I disobey the rules I must repent or be excommunicated.”

“Why do you stay?” I asked. Completely forgetting I was talking to a minor.

“One word, Mum. I’ll leave when I can stand on my own two feet, but when I do, mum will have to disown me to stay in the church.”

“Fuck…that’s perverse” was my only reply.

“Yep. And don’t tell me God fullfills all her needs” She continued. “I hear my mum in bed at night. She’s got a vibrator she thinks no-one knows about. I hear it buzzing at all times of the night and she moans like a banshee.

Suddenly I was aware my cock was extremely uncomfortable sitting the way I was, so I repositioned myself. My squirming movement and the fact of my hands rubbing my groin for a split second didn’t go unnoticed, but she continued….

“I rub myself late at night. They tell me it’s a sin,but I want to feel what it’s like to be pleasured by a man. I want to know how to make a man cum by using only my mouth and by God I want to know what it’s like to have a man buried deep inside me.”

If my cock was any harder now it could split rocks. I was dying for relief.

“Are there guys that you trust. I mean you’re young and gorgeous. I’m sure most of the guys at school would love to get their hands on you.”

“I’m sixteen Stephen. Do you know any sixteen year old boys. They’re assholes. Remember, if it becomes public I’m sleeping around my mum will have to make a choice. God or me. And I’m afraid she won’t choose me!”

“Fuck me.” I said in explanation of the different feelings going around my head. I moved in to hug this pretty young thing. I felt empathy, pity and shame over Amy. She reminded me of Hayley.. Oh Hayley. God was that precum forming on my cock….Amy smiled a sassy evil little smile.

“That was the general idea…” Amy’s hand slid down toward my crotch. She found me like a flagpole.

“No”. I finally managed

Her beautiful face contorted in anger, shame, fear and hurt, but most of all frustration.
“No. It’s a terrible idea. Those flight attendants are going to be looking out for you. They know when passengers are shagging. And they know you’re underage. If we play up on this plane there is a good chance we’ll be discovered and of course your mum will then have to decide between you and God.” I didn’t even bother to mention my wife, my marriage, my kids. Or that I didn’t know what the age of consent was in Malaysia and I might be charged with child sex offenses.

Amy’s shoulders deflated. I could see she was defeated. Mixed feelings returned. I hated to see her defeated, but I was relieved to be keeping my marriage. On the other hand I was so horny now I contemplated going to the bathroom and jerking myself over and over until I spurt juice.

“Just hold me then uncle Steve”

“Can do”

Amy drifted off to sleep leaning on my shoulder. The flight attendant came around to check on her charge. She smiled at me as I held the girl. I told her I was Amy’s uncle. Happily the attendant was buying what I was selling and brought a blanket for the “little one” as she called her. She placed it over both of us and finally in the darkened plane I drifted off to sleep.

I awoke from a bump. The plane was quiet and dark. We still had 4 hours to KL. the Flight Attendants were way back in the kitchen chatting quietly. Then I felt it again. That bump wasn’t the plane after all. It was Amy.

Amy clearly had inherited her mothers sexual needs. The minx was awake and her hand moved under the blanket to my chest. She proceeded to stroke my chest lightly outside my shirt. She explored my body like i was the first man she had ever held. I probably was. Then her hand drifted lower. She pulled my shirt front out of my jeans and her hand drifted back under my shirt. My cock reached for the sky, growing so hard it hurt. My body ached for relief. The hand continued to circle. It found my belly button. A finger swirled around the outside, gently dipping inside as if Amy was keen to penetrate me. She found my nipples. She rolled them between her thumb and forefinger. They stiffened immediately. As I took in the situation though half closed eyes I could see Amy’s underwear around her knees. They were cute little white bikini panties with some pattern I couldn’t make out. It looked floral. The front appeared to be darkened by moisture. I then noticed that her other hand was gently moving between her legs. She slowly ground her pelvis against her hand. I couldnt see but was sure it was slipping in and out of her teenage vagina. That’s when it hit me. The smell of pussy. This girl was so hot I could smell her. God I hoped everyone else was asleep.

I realised I’d used the very tactic that was being used on me on women in the past. In a darkened theatre or living room I’d run my arm over their belly, up to their breasts, roll their nipples in between my fingers and generally fondle them. Timing was everything. I would work them up into an aroused state before drifting my hand downwards to their pussy. Soon their legs would part and I would be given permission to slip my fingers slowly inside them. Find the love button. Slowly at first, then quickening the pace until during a particularly loud action sequence the subject cries out in pleasure. After that a handjob or better yet a blowjob was pretty much guaranteed in a theatre, or a quick trip to the bedroom if we were alone.

As I predicted my amorous ‘suitor’s’ hand moved down, unbuckled my belt and opened my fly. My legs parted. Amy reached in and pulled my boxers back. I felt her inhale as her hand touched the object of her passion. I lightly moaned. She kissed me. “I thought you were awake” she whispered. I said nothing, did nothing as her hand explored my maleness. She ran her fingers over the tip, lightly feeling my foreskin. Then she gently ran her hand down to my balls, cupping them gently. She took in their size and shape then moved her hand back up to the shaft. As she explored my shaft I put one hand on hers and guided her in a pumping motion. Oh God that was it. What I needed. As I looked around to make sure we weren’t spotted the woman across the aisle locked eyes with me. She looked about 35. Her skin was a beautiful chocolate brown colour. She wore a bright yellow sari. Her sensuous brown eyes were wide open in shock as they tracked down to my groin where Amy’s handjob was making the blanket dance. Then her expression changed as her eyes took in the spectacle of this 16 year old writhing away in ecstasy, teasing her little clitorus and sinking at least two fingers in and out of her love canal. I saw lust in this strangers eyes as she smiled at me and gently blew me a kiss.

I undid Amy’s blouse to halfway down. Just enough to slip my hand inside. I pushed her bra up to gain access to her girlish little titties. Was this what Hayley would feel like? I brushed her nipples as a I kneaded and massaged her pert, sensitive breasts. I could feel those firm buds grow hard like little bullets. Her breath came in short, sharp bursts as I rolled her sensitive nipples between my fingers. Her face flushed. She responded with a flurry of little kisses on my face. We stared into each other’s eyes.

“Oh fuck I’m close……..” I whispered. Amy took me to the brink. I looked straight into her eyes as she pumped my cock. I fell deeply in love right then and there. Looking into this child’s eyes while she vigorously fucked me with her hand. I then looked back at the watcher in the next row. She was intently watching Amy’s arm piston up and down moving the blanket, transfixed as her hands were inside her sari, tracing little circles over her breasts. That did it. I choked back a cry of ecstasy as I came. Wave after wave of roiling pleasure. Cum spurted out of my thankful cock. One, two, three times my cock pulsed and squirted. Again and again. I felt like I lost consciousness for a second, so intense was the pleasure.

Amy stiffened straight after me. Moaning quietly into my ear.
“Fuck Fuck Fuck!” she whispered. Then she relaxed. Holding a woman while she orgasms has always been a deeply spiritual experience for me. I realised I cared deeply for this girl-woman. Oblivious to everything but the pleasure she was still experiencing Amy’s mouth gently formed a smile of pure satisfaction. Little aftershocks continued to cause her to twitch slightly in my arms. I couldn’t imagine a sight any more devine.

I looked back to our voyeur. Stunned I watched her bring her hands down to her sari, hitch it up and slip her fingers inside herself. I touched Amy and directed her gaze across the aisle where the thirty something woman in a yellow sari finger fucked herself to orgasm. I noticed a bead of perspiration appear on her forehead. Her fingers worked their magic until her body went rigid and she drew in a deep, deep breath. She then relaxed. It felt as if we three had been transported to another plane of existence where there was only the three of us. It was almost spiritual as we sat in mutual silence in our respective afterglows, enjoying the moment of illicit sex among hundreds of sleeping people.

I drifted back to sleep. The next thing I knew the lights were coming back on, so I rearranged my clothes and placed the blanket (which took the lions share of cum) on the floor folded. (God I hope they launder them between flights) and poked Amy. Amy smiled at me the smile of a woman in love.

“Good morning.” She beamed “I had a wonderful dream last night.”

“Did you?” I remarked dryly. My throat was dry. I sorely needed a drink. The lady across the aisle stirred. She smiled serenely to herself and then looked across at Amy and I. She smiled again. This time at us. Then she stood up,and sat down in the third aisle seat that Amy was supposed to be occupying.

“Good morning” she addressed us. I just thought I might introduce myself to the handsome couple I noticed last night. I am Laksmi. My husband and I would love to entertain you both at our home in Selangor. She handed me a card.

Amy spoke up.

“I’m Amy Turing. And this is my uncle Stephen.” At this Laksmi raised an eyebrow towards me.

“Uncle is it? More like kissing cousins if i don’t miss my guess.”

“Indeed”. I passed along my business card. Figuring it wouldn’t do any harm. Laksmi struck me as the discreet type.

“Oh Australian I see. So are you staying in Malaysia or transiting to points beyond?”

“We’re off to London” said Amy beaming, still riding her post coital high.

“Indeed, well do look us up if you’re ever in Malaysia.”

“I certainly will”. Politeness demanded the positive response but my stomach churned at the thought of explaining to Jill I was invited to a swingers party in Malaysia with a 16 year old virgin.

With that Laksmi blew Amy a kiss and gracefully moved to retake her own seat.

“Unless I’m very much mistaken she’s way more into you than me” I elbowed Amy.

“You think?” The girl was wide eyed in astonishment.

“I know. It wasn’t the thought of me inside her that got her off last night, it was the thought of your fingers deep inside her.”

“But isn’t she a Muslim?” The girl was wide eyed at the implication that a woman could find her attractive.

“Hindu I imagine. But humans are humans. And that human thinks you’re hot.”

With that breakfast was served and we prepared for landing. I took Amy to the gate where her flight MH1 was heading for London. As we said our goodbyes I gave her my UK number, just in case she ran into trouble. With that I got through customs in record time and headed for my hotel. As I sat in the courtesy bus I had the feeling that I might just see Amy again.


1 comment

  1. “New card.” I try to act casual about it but I’m smiling proudly. “What do you think?”

    “Whoa,” McDermott says, lifting it up, fingering the card, genuinely impressed. “Very nice. Take a look.” He hands it to Van Patten.

    “Picked them up from the printer’s yesterday,” I mention.

    “Cool coloring,” Van Patten says, studying the card closely.

    “That’s bone,” I point out. “And the lettering is something called Silian Rail.”


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