Her Forever Virgin Chapter 4: Sex Toys and Stacey

Author’s Note: If by some miracle you’re still reading this then just hold tight. This is the last bit of set up and after this it’s just one long string of sex chapters.

Yennessa knew where to find Amy, there was an area where customers could go through the scraps of old magical objects to repurpose them and Amy, being a skilled magic-smith, could be found there more frequently than any other regular of Knocker’s. Yennessa couldn’t help but to be a little jealous of Amy’s passion for work. She was always working on multiple projects at once and she never let a failure stifle her from moving to another new project. Amy noticed Yennessa approaching, see looked up, with a wave of her hand, “Hey, how’s it going?”
“Good. Have you already made an exchange?”
Amy’s eyes returned to the pile of scrap, examining other witch’s trash for her pieces of treasure, “Yeah I sold 100 of my cups, plus she ordered 100 of those mugs I was telling you about last time.“
“Nice. Hey by the way, I left your friend Margo in the sex department.”
“What?” Amy’s face lit up red, “Well can you get her out?”
“I have to go help other customers but I know you can get her out yourself.” Amy opened her mouth to retaliate but Yennessa was too quick with a counter, “You know the rules, all witches are responsible for any confidant that enters with them.” Amy frowned uncomfortably, “They’re just sex toys, they aren’t going to kill you. Chow!” And so Yennessa left to return to her duties.
Amy continued rummaging through the rubbish, placing objects that she believes might have potential into a bag. She hadn’t run out of store credit and she figured she could just use it next time. While the magic store had clerks to officiate deals Knocker’s itself is what made deals fair, which is operates on a barter system so whatever is fair tends to vary. Amy decided she would just get it over with and go pick up Margo.
Walking up to the giant lipstick kiss, her face reddened and she looked from side to side nervously. To her relief no one was looking at her because in reality nobody cared. Then came yet another embarrassment for Amy. She put her fingers together ready to snap them, concentrated for about 15 seconds and then finally snapped.

Margo figured that if Amy forgot about her and no one ever came to get her out, well then at least this was the best place to die. At the moment she was holding in her hand a magic dildo, reading the description on the back of the box made her loins wet, “The Invisible Man’s Visible Cock. Simply think about the kind of sex you would like to enjoy tonight, activate and your invisible lover comes to life. His height will be determined on how high you hold up the dildo when you activate him. This model also includes an optional magic finish feature for those girls who love a little man juice. Good for at least five sessions (may go up to seven.)”
A snap, right behind Margo’s head drove her to curse in surprise, “Shit!” Margo saw Amy behind her, “Did you have to do that right there.”
“No but it seemed like the funniest way to get your attention. Now come on let’s go.”
“Hold on, I want to look around a bit longer. I can’t believe you never told me about this place.”
Amy desperately searched for mind for a reason but she knew none of them would be good enough for Margo. Ultimately, she was aware that there was nothing wrong with being a part of Knocker’s but she simply couldn’t divorce herself from the shame. If Margo did have any magical powers it was her impeccable ability to convince people of what she wanted. She didn’t need to intimidate her friends to get her way, all she needed was to stand firmly on her ground and point out why there was nothing technically wrong with her idea. In a simultaneous bit of fortune and misfortunate someone would soon enter the room to give the girls a good reason to leave.
“What a surprise to find you here Braimy!” a chill ran down Amy’s spine, she knew that voice anywhere but the bigger give away is that there was only one person in the world immature enough to call her something as stupid as Braimy.
With an audible groan that was meant to be heard Amy responded, “Stacy.” She turned around to look at her rival. Stacy was dressed in fashionable summer clothing that was designed to show off her thin waist and hourglass curves. Her face was sharp, lips full and hair a wavy blonde. Amy was well aware that Stacy had gotten her modeling career by augmenting her physical appearance with magic.
“What are you doing here? Looking for a new boyfriend?”
Amy’s face turned bright red and then she turned to Margo remembering why she was here, “I’m just here to pick up Margo.”
“Seems about right. I can’t see a guy going for,” Stacey eyed Amy’s plain figure from top to bottom “whatever you’d call that.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Margo stepped into defend Amy, “Plus we could also ask you while you’re here.”
“Not my best insult, I’ll give you that.” Stacy placed her hands on her hips, “anyways if you really must know why am here.”
“We actually don’t,” said Margo.
Stacy continued as if Margo hadn’t added commentary, “I’ve got a date with a major league baseball player. I just thought it’d be fun to pick up something to help him with his batting average, if you know what I mean.”
Neither of the girls knew what she meant but with a glance at each other they voicelessly agreed it wasn’t worth asking.

Margo dislikes Stacy as much as Amy did if not more only because of her vindictive nature. She knew that she was only ever the victim of Stacy‘s wrath due to her proximity to her best friend. Based on what Margo knew about Stacy she often thought of her as Amy’s opposite. Amy was extremely intelligent yet weak in magical prowess. From what Margo understood her best friend had to work harder her entire life to make up for her lack of raw magical power, whatever the hell that was, meanwhile Stacy was gifted with overwhelming magical potential which only made her lazier as a witch.
Anytime the two witches met it was like Stacy drag them back to high school with her stupid attempts to goat Amy for no reason other than just to do it. Amy is incredibly smart, not just with magic but with most academia, but when it came to the war of words, she was a total idiot. Margo always has to step in to save her.
“Well, Amy also happens to have a date tonight.”
“Do you?” asked Stacey suspiciously.
“I do?” Amy was baffled for a moment and catching on tried to recover with her next word, “Yes.”
Stacy raised a brow. Margo could see the question mark from Amy’s ‘I do’ hanging off the side of her mouth like a strand of spaghetti. Stacey asked, “Okay then Amy, what’s his name?”
“Cyrus,” Blurted out Margo. She knew blissfully ignorant Amy wasn’t even going to come up with a fake name and it was true enough.

Stacey drew her gaze from Amy to Margo, “You mean your prom date,” she snickered and returned focus to Amy, “Wow! Are you so desperate that you have to order off your best friend’s ex list?”
For as immature and stupid as it was Stacey knew just the right buttons to press to destroy Amy psychologically. It didn’t matter that they were almost 30 or that the only other person in the room besides her rival was her best friend in the world. Amy’s face was a bright red, she wished she didn’t have to exist in that moment, she just wanted to skip it.
“Hey for your infor…” Margo was cut off by Amy pulling her wrist.
“Margo, let’s just go.”
Margo spoke through gritted teeth, “Fine.”
Amy held on to Margo’s hand, the higher woman following without resistance. And then they reached the wall.
“Ta-ta Amy, see you around,” taunted Stacy. She did it only to remind Amy that she was watching her leave. Amy waited several humiliating seconds to snap her hand so they could leave. As soon as the tips of her fingers click together the two girls sped walked out of there and straight to the exit passing through solid matter along the way. Amy removed the phasing spell as they approach the door home.
They exited through what is usually their living room closet. Amy took out her feelings on a knocker that was held to the door by a suction cup by ruthlessly tearing it off and throwing it hard into the basket where they kept it along with their dog supplies. Even their excitable little shih-tzu, Terry, scampering up wasn’t enough to change her attitude. It wasn’t until Amy fell back into the couch with a groan that Margo felt comfortable enough to speak.
“Look Amy I’m…”
Amy silenced Margo by raising a hand in her direction, “Margo it’s not your fault Stacey can’t grow up. She just makes me so…” Amy shook Her hands, frustrated that there wasn’t a single word in the English language to describe how Stacy made her feel, “you know.”
“I know,” said Margo nodding to validate her friend.
“It was nice of you to try to help but, couldn’t you have picked a better name than your ex.”

At that moment Margo realized she still had to tell Amy about her date. She was trying to think of what to say when Amy began talking again, “Plus,” Amy’s mood turned with a giggle, “I know Stacey wouldn’t know but after what you told me about Cyrus he doesn’t exactly sound like a bragging point.”
Well at least now Margo had an opening to bring it up in conversation though not a great one. Margo chose her next words carefully, “So you’d never go out with a guy with a little dick?” Margo grinned, making a pinching gesture to represent a small penis.
“I mean it’s not a deal breaker, especially if he’s willing to do other stuff like you said it’s just…” Amy seemed at a loss for words before she started laughing uncontrollably again, “There’s a reason I’m only hearing this for the first time today.”
“But you would date a guy like him?”
“Yeah,” she shrugged, “I guess. It’s not that big a deal.”
“Great,” said Margo with an uncharacteristic shake in her voice, it was time to rip the band aid off, “because I set you up on a date with him tonight.”
Amy stared at Margo smiling, waiting for another attempt at humor that would never come. The silence hung until it became apparent there was no joke. “Jesus Margo! Of all the stupid things you’ve done since we were kids this is the first time; I think you ever crossed the line. Besides, I thought you were already going out with him tonight.”
“I told him I had something else to do tonight and that you would take my place instead.”
“So I’m a substitute. That really makes me feel special.”
“I just told him it was a casual date,” Margo continued talking though she got up and started walking to the fridge, “It’s not like I’m actually trying to hook you two up remember. All you have to do is test the waters and see if you can get him to wear the cage.” Margo opened the fridge door and reached for the loan bottle of beer that’s stood dead center on the shelf and began walking back to the couch. “Besides,” Margo shot Amy a sly look, despite Amy’s offense this was going perfectly for her, “Who else are you going to ask? Were you planning on posting a craigslist ad?” Amy had gone from being unable to take her eyes off Margo out of spite to now being unable to look at her from sheer embarrassment. Margo continued her assault, “Or maybe you could go to our old high school, they bring in a fresh crop of virgins every year. Or maybe even…”
“Stop! I get it.” These words were a relief to Margo who didn’t actually have anything planned after the word ‘even.’
“Plus,” Amy stopped Margo with a glare but she retorted, “Just hear me out, I promise this one’s important,” Amy crossed her arms but remained silent, “You’re going to have to have some kind of relationship with whoever has to wear that thing and even if you could get around that, which let’s face it you’re too nice not to, you’d still have to make that person a confidant. It’s not going to be enough to find a virgin, you’re also going to need to trust them with the secret.”

Much as Amy was loath to admit it, Margo was right, well except for one thing and at least she had that much to grab on to, “I consider Cyrus a friend but I don’t know that I trust him that much.”
“You trust me don’t you?”
“That tends to depend on the situation, especially right now,” Amy put acid in that last word, “but generally speaking yes.”
“Cy is a rule follower, and as long as you tell him what will happen if he says anything he should be good. Dude gets nervous just from j-walking. Also, don’t you want to have more friends know besides just me. Your mom had four.”
“I’ll think about it,” Amy wasn’t going to say it out loud but Margo made a good case for why she should at least try. Worst case, and most likely, she freaks out, bails, trades the damn thing for a year’s worth of magical goods and pretends like she never even tried in the first place. It had also never occurred to her that she never made another confidant aside from Margo and that was due entirely to their parents being friends rather than Amy choosing her. Still, she wasn’t certain about Cyrus, which reminded her, “So why does this have to be a date? No offense but it still feels shitty being your sub?”
“If only that were the case.”
Amy rolled her eyes, “You know what I mean.”
“He didn’t jump at the chance when I told him,” Margo took a deep swig of beer to numb the memories of her earlier back-and-forth, “It took some convincing.”
“I feel so special right now,” at this point Amy could practically feel herself drooling sarcasm.
“OK that was shitty wording on my part,” Margo took another swig and then belched, “I think he still has baggage from his crush on you in high school.”
Amy burst out in laughter, “What the hell are you talking about? You’re the one he had a crush on, he was your prom date remember?”
“He had a thing for you since day one. He probably never would have started talking to me if we weren’t so close.”
“Okay but then why did he ask you to prom?”
“I asked him, remember? I thought he was cute but, mostly I was worried that your mom would guilt me into taking your weird cousin Ernie.”
“Wait! So, I could have gone to prom with someone other than Ernie and you took him from me.”
“First of all, you didn’t seem interested in Cy or even lift your head up from a book long enough to notice he liked you. Everyone we hung out with knew, it was so obvious.”
“Seriously?” Amy didn’t want to believe it but she knew when Margo was lying and this wasn’t lying.
“Secondly, as I recall, Ernie’s the one that left you alone to go dance with someone else.”
“Yeah well, they got married so, you know.”
The conversation came to a halt for a second before Margo broke the silence, “So you’re going on the date?”
“Margo,” Amy pinched the bridge of her nose, “If this goes terribly wrong in any way from this point forward, I’m never going to stop bitching about it.”

Dear perverts, allow me to take the moment from perspective hopping to tell you about the rumor of Knocker’s name. Above the entrance to Knocker’s is a 16th century portrait of the founder, the respected witch Madam April Grey. The question is where does the name Knocker’s originate from. Some say it refers to the knockers required to enter the store, but then why would there be an apostrophe S at the end? Others argue that it’s named after a lover whom came up with the idea for the knockers. But then who is this mysterious Knocker lover? Finally, some say it’s named for her plentiful chest which many believe was augmented with magic. But one thing is certain had the ban on men as confidants not been lifted in 1909 this final rumor never would have come to be.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/lq2uhr/her_forever_virgin_chapter_4_sex_toys_and_stacey